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package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.EnumeratedAttribute;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Resource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileNameMapper;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.tools.bzip2.CBZip2InputStream;
import org.apache.tools.tar.TarEntry;
import org.apache.tools.tar.TarInputStream;

Untar a file.

PatternSets are used to select files to extract from the archive. If no patternset is used, all files are extracted.

FileSets may be used to select archived files to perform unarchival upon.

File permissions will not be restored on extracted files.

The untar task recognizes the long pathname entries used by GNU tar.

Since:Ant 1.1
/** * Untar a file. * <p>PatternSets are used to select files to extract * <I>from</I> the archive. If no patternset is used, all files are extracted. * </p> * <p>FileSets may be used to select archived files * to perform unarchival upon. * </p> * <p>File permissions will not be restored on extracted files.</p> * <p>The untar task recognizes the long pathname entries used by GNU tar.<p> * * @since Ant 1.1 * * @ant.task category="packaging" */
public class Untar extends Expand {
compression method
/** * compression method */
private UntarCompressionMethod compression = new UntarCompressionMethod(); public Untar() { super(null); }
Set decompression algorithm to use; default=none. Allowable values are
  • none - no compression
  • gzip - Gzip compression
  • bzip2 - Bzip2 compression
  • xz - XZ compression, requires XZ for Java
  • method – compression method
/** * Set decompression algorithm to use; default=none. * * Allowable values are * <ul> * <li>none - no compression * <li>gzip - Gzip compression * <li>bzip2 - Bzip2 compression * <li>xz - XZ compression, requires XZ for Java * </ul> * * @param method compression method */
public void setCompression(UntarCompressionMethod method) { compression = method; }
No unicode extra fields in tar.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * No unicode extra fields in tar. * * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
@Override public void setScanForUnicodeExtraFields(boolean b) { throw new BuildException( "The " + getTaskName() + " task doesn't support the encoding attribute", getLocation()); }
See Also:
  • {@inheritDoc}
/** * @see Expand#expandFile(FileUtils, File, File) * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void expandFile(FileUtils fileUtils, File srcF, File dir) { if (!srcF.exists()) { throw new BuildException("Unable to untar " + srcF + " as the file does not exist", getLocation()); } try (InputStream fis = Files.newInputStream(srcF.toPath())) { expandStream(srcF.getPath(), fis, dir); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException("Error while expanding " + srcF.getPath() + "\n" + ioe.toString(), ioe, getLocation()); } }
This method is to be overridden by extending unarchival tasks.
  • srcR – the source resource
  • dir – the destination directory
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * This method is to be overridden by extending unarchival tasks. * * @param srcR the source resource * @param dir the destination directory * @since Ant 1.7 */
@Override protected void expandResource(Resource srcR, File dir) { if (!srcR.isExists()) { throw new BuildException("Unable to untar " + srcR.getName() + " as the it does not exist", getLocation()); } try (InputStream i = srcR.getInputStream()) { expandStream(srcR.getName(), i, dir); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException("Error while expanding " + srcR.getName(), ioe, getLocation()); } }
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * @since Ant 1.7 */
private void expandStream(String name, InputStream stream, File dir) throws IOException { try (TarInputStream tis = new TarInputStream( compression.decompress(name, new BufferedInputStream(stream)), getEncoding())) { log("Expanding: " + name + " into " + dir, Project.MSG_INFO); boolean empty = true; FileNameMapper mapper = getMapper(); TarEntry te; while ((te = tis.getNextEntry()) != null) { empty = false; extractFile(FileUtils.getFileUtils(), null, dir, tis, te.getName(), te.getModTime(), te.isDirectory(), mapper); } if (empty && getFailOnEmptyArchive()) { throw new BuildException("archive '%s' is empty", name); } log("expand complete", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } }
Valid Modes for Compression attribute to Untar Task
/** * Valid Modes for Compression attribute to Untar Task * */
public static final class UntarCompressionMethod extends EnumeratedAttribute { // permissible values for compression attribute
No compression
/** * No compression */
private static final String NONE = "none";
GZIP compression
/** * GZIP compression */
private static final String GZIP = "gzip";
BZIP2 compression
/** * BZIP2 compression */
private static final String BZIP2 = "bzip2";
XZ compression
/** * XZ compression * @since 1.10.1 */
private static final String XZ = "xz";
/** * Constructor */
public UntarCompressionMethod() { super(); setValue(NONE); }
Get valid enumeration values
Returns:valid values
/** * Get valid enumeration values * * @return valid values */
@Override public String[] getValues() { return new String[] {NONE, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ}; }
This method wraps the input stream with the corresponding decompression method @param name provides location information for BuildException @param istream input stream @return input stream with on-the-fly decompression @exception IOException thrown by GZIPInputStream constructor @exception BuildException thrown if bzip stream does not start with expected magic values
/** * This method wraps the input stream with the * corresponding decompression method * * @param name provides location information for BuildException * @param istream input stream * @return input stream with on-the-fly decompression * @exception IOException thrown by GZIPInputStream constructor * @exception BuildException thrown if bzip stream does not * start with expected magic values */
public InputStream decompress(final String name, final InputStream istream) throws IOException, BuildException { final String v = getValue(); if (GZIP.equals(v)) { return new GZIPInputStream(istream); } if (XZ.equals(v)) { return newXZInputStream(istream); } if (BZIP2.equals(v)) { final char[] magic = new char[] { 'B', 'Z' }; for (char c : magic) { if (istream.read() != c) { throw new BuildException("Invalid bz2 file." + name); } } return new CBZip2InputStream(istream); } return istream; } private static InputStream newXZInputStream(InputStream istream) throws BuildException { try { Class<? extends InputStream> clazz = Class.forName("org.tukaani.xz.XZInputStream") .asSubclass(InputStream.class); Constructor<? extends InputStream> c = clazz.getConstructor(InputStream.class); return c.newInstance(istream); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new BuildException("xz decompression requires the XZ for Java library", ex); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new BuildException("failed to create XZInputStream", ex); } } } }