 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.DefaultLogger;
import org.apache.tools.ant.MagicNames;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Main;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectComponent;
import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Target;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.PropertySet;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.VectorSet;

Build a sub-project.
 <target name="foo" depends="init">
   <ant antfile="build.xml" target="bar" >
     <property name="property1" value="aaaaa" />
     <property name="foo" value="baz" />
 <target name="bar" depends="init">
   <echo message="prop is ${property1} ${foo}" />
Since:Ant 1.1
/** * Build a sub-project. * * <pre> * &lt;target name=&quot;foo&quot; depends=&quot;init&quot;&gt; * &lt;ant antfile=&quot;build.xml&quot; target=&quot;bar&quot; &gt; * &lt;property name=&quot;property1&quot; value=&quot;aaaaa&quot; /&gt; * &lt;property name=&quot;foo&quot; value=&quot;baz&quot; /&gt; * &lt;/ant&gt; * &lt;/target&gt; * * &lt;target name=&quot;bar&quot; depends=&quot;init&quot;&gt; * &lt;echo message=&quot;prop is ${property1} ${foo}&quot; /&gt; * &lt;/target&gt; * </pre> * * * @since Ant 1.1 * * @ant.task category="control" */
public class Ant extends Task { private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS = FileUtils.getFileUtils();
the basedir where is executed the build file
/** the basedir where is executed the build file */
private File dir = null;
the build.xml file (can be absolute) in this case dir will be ignored
/** * the build.xml file (can be absolute) in this case dir will be * ignored */
private String antFile = null;
the output
/** the output */
private String output = null;
should we inherit properties from the parent ?
/** should we inherit properties from the parent ? */
private boolean inheritAll = true;
should we inherit references from the parent ?
/** should we inherit references from the parent ? */
private boolean inheritRefs = false;
the properties to pass to the new project
/** the properties to pass to the new project */
private List<Property> properties = new Vector<>();
the references to pass to the new project
/** the references to pass to the new project */
private List<Reference> references = new Vector<>();
the temporary project created to run the build file
/** the temporary project created to run the build file */
private Project newProject;
The stream to which output is to be written.
/** The stream to which output is to be written. */
private PrintStream out = null;
the sets of properties to pass to the new project
/** the sets of properties to pass to the new project */
private List<PropertySet> propertySets = new Vector<>();
the targets to call on the new project
/** the targets to call on the new project */
private List<String> targets = new Vector<>();
whether the target attribute was specified
/** whether the target attribute was specified **/
private boolean targetAttributeSet = false;
Whether the basedir of the new project should be the same one as it would be when running the build file directly - independent of dir and/or inheritAll settings.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Whether the basedir of the new project should be the same one * as it would be when running the build file directly - * independent of dir and/or inheritAll settings. * * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
private boolean useNativeBasedir = false;
simple constructor
/** * simple constructor */
public Ant() { //default }
create a task bound to its creator
  • owner – owning task
/** * create a task bound to its creator * @param owner owning task */
public Ant(Task owner) { bindToOwner(owner); }
Whether the basedir of the new project should be the same one as it would be when running the build file directly - independent of dir and/or inheritAll settings.
  • b – boolean
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Whether the basedir of the new project should be the same one * as it would be when running the build file directly - * independent of dir and/or inheritAll settings. * * @param b boolean * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setUseNativeBasedir(boolean b) { useNativeBasedir = b; }
If true, pass all properties to the new Ant project. Defaults to true.
  • value – if true pass all properties to the new Ant project.
/** * If true, pass all properties to the new Ant project. * Defaults to true. * @param value if true pass all properties to the new Ant project. */
public void setInheritAll(boolean value) { inheritAll = value; }
If true, pass all references to the new Ant project. Defaults to false.
  • value – if true, pass all references to the new Ant project
/** * If true, pass all references to the new Ant project. * Defaults to false. * @param value if true, pass all references to the new Ant project */
public void setInheritRefs(boolean value) { inheritRefs = value; }
Creates a Project instance for the project to call.
/** * Creates a Project instance for the project to call. */
@Override public void init() { newProject = getProject().createSubProject(); newProject.setJavaVersionProperty(); }
Called in execute or createProperty (via getNewProject()) if newProject is null.

This can happen if the same instance of this task is run twice as newProject is set to null at the end of execute (to save memory and help the GC).

calls init() again

/** * Called in execute or createProperty (via getNewProject()) * if newProject is null. * * <p>This can happen if the same instance of this task is run * twice as newProject is set to null at the end of execute (to * save memory and help the GC).</p> * <p>calls init() again</p> * */
private void reinit() { init(); }
Attaches the build listeners of the current project to the new project, configures a possible logfile, transfers task and data-type definitions, transfers properties (either all or just the ones specified as user properties to the current project, depending on inheritall), transfers the input handler.
/** * Attaches the build listeners of the current project to the new * project, configures a possible logfile, transfers task and * data-type definitions, transfers properties (either all or just * the ones specified as user properties to the current project, * depending on inheritall), transfers the input handler. */
private void initializeProject() { newProject.setInputHandler(getProject().getInputHandler()); getProject().getBuildListeners().forEach(bl -> newProject.addBuildListener(bl)); if (output != null) { File outfile; if (dir != null) { outfile = FILE_UTILS.resolveFile(dir, output); } else { outfile = getProject().resolveFile(output); } try { out = new PrintStream(Files.newOutputStream(outfile.toPath())); DefaultLogger logger = new DefaultLogger(); logger.setMessageOutputLevel(Project.MSG_INFO); logger.setOutputPrintStream(out); logger.setErrorPrintStream(out); newProject.addBuildListener(logger); } catch (IOException ex) { log("Ant: Can't set output to " + output); } } // set user-defined properties if (useNativeBasedir) { addAlmostAll(getProject().getUserProperties(), PropertyType.USER); } else { getProject().copyUserProperties(newProject); } if (!inheritAll) { // set Ant's built-in properties separately, // because they are not being inherited. newProject.initProperties(); } else { // set all properties from calling project addAlmostAll(getProject().getProperties(), PropertyType.PLAIN); } for (PropertySet ps : propertySets) { addAlmostAll(ps.getProperties(), PropertyType.PLAIN); } }
Handles output. Send it the the new project if is present, otherwise call the super class.
  • outputToHandle – The string output to output.
See Also:
Since:Ant 1.5
/** * Handles output. * Send it the the new project if is present, otherwise * call the super class. * @param outputToHandle The string output to output. * @see Task#handleOutput(String) * @since Ant 1.5 */
@Override public void handleOutput(String outputToHandle) { if (newProject != null) { newProject.demuxOutput(outputToHandle, false); } else { super.handleOutput(outputToHandle); } }
Handles input. Delegate to the created project, if present, otherwise call the super class.
  • buffer – the buffer into which data is to be read.
  • offset – the offset into the buffer at which data is stored.
  • length – the amount of data to read.
See Also:
Returns:the number of bytes read.
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Handles input. * Delegate to the created project, if present, otherwise * call the super class. * @param buffer the buffer into which data is to be read. * @param offset the offset into the buffer at which data is stored. * @param length the amount of data to read. * * @return the number of bytes read. * * @exception IOException if the data cannot be read. * @see Task#handleInput(byte[], int, int) * @since Ant 1.6 */
@Override public int handleInput(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (newProject != null) { return newProject.demuxInput(buffer, offset, length); } return super.handleInput(buffer, offset, length); }
Handles output. Send it the the new project if is present, otherwise call the super class.
  • toFlush – The string to output.
See Also:
Since:Ant 1.5.2
/** * Handles output. * Send it the the new project if is present, otherwise * call the super class. * @param toFlush The string to output. * @see Task#handleFlush(String) * @since Ant 1.5.2 */
@Override public void handleFlush(String toFlush) { if (newProject != null) { newProject.demuxFlush(toFlush, false); } else { super.handleFlush(toFlush); } }
Handle error output. Send it the the new project if is present, otherwise call the super class.
  • errorOutputToHandle – The string to output.
See Also:
Since:Ant 1.5
/** * Handle error output. * Send it the the new project if is present, otherwise * call the super class. * @param errorOutputToHandle The string to output. * * @see Task#handleErrorOutput(String) * @since Ant 1.5 */
@Override public void handleErrorOutput(String errorOutputToHandle) { if (newProject != null) { newProject.demuxOutput(errorOutputToHandle, true); } else { super.handleErrorOutput(errorOutputToHandle); } }
Handle error output. Send it the the new project if is present, otherwise call the super class.
  • errorOutputToFlush – The string to output.
See Also:
Since:Ant 1.5.2
/** * Handle error output. * Send it the the new project if is present, otherwise * call the super class. * @param errorOutputToFlush The string to output. * @see Task#handleErrorFlush(String) * @since Ant 1.5.2 */
@Override public void handleErrorFlush(String errorOutputToFlush) { if (newProject != null) { newProject.demuxFlush(errorOutputToFlush, true); } else { super.handleErrorFlush(errorOutputToFlush); } }
Do the execution.
  • BuildException – if a target tries to call itself; probably also if a BuildException is thrown by the new project.
/** * Do the execution. * @throws BuildException if a target tries to call itself; * probably also if a BuildException is thrown by the new project. */
@Override public void execute() throws BuildException { File savedDir = dir; String savedAntFile = antFile; Vector<String> locals = new VectorSet<>(targets); try { getNewProject(); if (dir == null && inheritAll) { dir = getProject().getBaseDir(); } initializeProject(); if (dir != null) { if (!useNativeBasedir) { newProject.setBaseDir(dir); if (savedDir != null) { // has been set explicitly newProject.setInheritedProperty(MagicNames.PROJECT_BASEDIR, dir.getAbsolutePath()); } } } else { dir = getProject().getBaseDir(); } overrideProperties(); if (antFile == null) { antFile = getDefaultBuildFile(); } File file = FILE_UTILS.resolveFile(dir, antFile); antFile = file.getAbsolutePath(); log("calling target(s) " + (locals.isEmpty() ? "[default]" : locals.toString()) + " in build file " + antFile, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); newProject.setUserProperty(MagicNames.ANT_FILE, antFile); String thisAntFile = getProject().getProperty(MagicNames.ANT_FILE); // Are we trying to call the target in which we are defined (or // the build file if this is a top level task)? if (thisAntFile != null && file.equals(getProject().resolveFile(thisAntFile)) && getOwningTarget() != null && getOwningTarget().getName().isEmpty()) { if ("antcall".equals(getTaskName())) { throw new BuildException( "antcall must not be used at the top level."); } throw new BuildException( "%s task at the top level must not invoke its own build file.", getTaskName()); } try { ProjectHelper.configureProject(newProject, file); } catch (BuildException ex) { throw ProjectHelper.addLocationToBuildException( ex, getLocation()); } if (locals.isEmpty()) { String defaultTarget = newProject.getDefaultTarget(); if (defaultTarget != null) { locals.add(defaultTarget); } } if (newProject.getProperty(MagicNames.ANT_FILE) .equals(getProject().getProperty(MagicNames.ANT_FILE)) && getOwningTarget() != null) { String owningTargetName = getOwningTarget().getName(); if (locals.contains(owningTargetName)) { throw new BuildException( "%s task calling its own parent target.", getTaskName()); } final Map<String, Target> targetsMap = getProject().getTargets(); if (locals.stream().map(targetsMap::get) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .anyMatch(other -> other.dependsOn(owningTargetName))) { throw new BuildException( "%s task calling a target that depends on its parent target '%s'.", getTaskName(), owningTargetName); } } addReferences(); if (!locals.isEmpty() && !(locals.size() == 1 && locals.get(0) != null && locals.get(0).isEmpty())) { BuildException be = null; try { log("Entering " + antFile + "...", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); newProject.fireSubBuildStarted(); newProject.executeTargets(locals); } catch (BuildException ex) { be = ProjectHelper .addLocationToBuildException(ex, getLocation()); throw be; } finally { log("Exiting " + antFile + ".", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); newProject.fireSubBuildFinished(be); } } } finally { // help the gc newProject = null; for (Property p : properties) { p.setProject(null); } if (output != null && out != null) { FileUtils.close(out); } dir = savedDir; antFile = savedAntFile; } }
Get the default build file name to use when launching the task.

This function may be overridden by providers of custom ProjectHelper so they can easily implement their sublauncher.

Returns:the name of the default file
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Get the default build file name to use when launching the task. * <p> * This function may be overridden by providers of custom ProjectHelper so they can easily * implement their sublauncher. * * @return the name of the default file * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
protected String getDefaultBuildFile() { return Main.DEFAULT_BUILD_FILENAME; }
Override the properties in the new project with the one explicitly defined as nested elements here.
  • BuildException – under unknown circumstances.
/** * Override the properties in the new project with the one * explicitly defined as nested elements here. * @throws BuildException under unknown circumstances. */
private void overrideProperties() throws BuildException { // remove duplicate properties - last property wins // Needed for backward compatibility Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = properties.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Property p = properties.get(i); if (p.getName() != null && !p.getName().isEmpty()) { if (set.contains(p.getName())) { properties.remove(i); } else { set.add(p.getName()); } } } properties.stream().peek(p -> p.setProject(newProject)) .forEach(Property::execute); if (useNativeBasedir) { addAlmostAll(getProject().getInheritedProperties(), PropertyType.INHERITED); } else { getProject().copyInheritedProperties(newProject); } }
Add the references explicitly defined as nested elements to the new project. Also copy over all references that don't override existing references in the new project if inheritrefs has been requested.
  • BuildException – if a reference does not have a refid.
/** * Add the references explicitly defined as nested elements to the * new project. Also copy over all references that don't override * existing references in the new project if inheritrefs has been * requested. * @throws BuildException if a reference does not have a refid. */
private void addReferences() throws BuildException { Map<String, Object> thisReferences = new HashMap<>(getProject().getReferences()); for (Reference ref : references) { String refid = ref.getRefId(); if (refid == null) { throw new BuildException( "the refid attribute is required for reference elements"); } if (!thisReferences.containsKey(refid)) { log("Parent project doesn't contain any reference '" + refid + "'", Project.MSG_WARN); continue; } thisReferences.remove(refid); String toRefid = ref.getToRefid(); if (toRefid == null) { toRefid = refid; } copyReference(refid, toRefid); } // Now add all references that are not defined in the // subproject, if inheritRefs is true if (inheritRefs) { Map<String, Object> newReferences = newProject.getReferences(); for (String key : thisReferences.keySet()) { if (newReferences.containsKey(key)) { continue; } copyReference(key, key); newProject.inheritIDReferences(getProject()); } } }
Try to clone and reconfigure the object referenced by oldkey in the parent project and add it to the new project with the key newkey.

If we cannot clone it, copy the referenced object itself and keep our fingers crossed.

  • oldKey – the reference id in the current project.
  • newKey – the reference id in the new project.
/** * Try to clone and reconfigure the object referenced by oldkey in * the parent project and add it to the new project with the key newkey. * * <p>If we cannot clone it, copy the referenced object itself and * keep our fingers crossed.</p> * @param oldKey the reference id in the current project. * @param newKey the reference id in the new project. */
private void copyReference(String oldKey, String newKey) { Object orig = getProject().getReference(oldKey); if (orig == null) { log("No object referenced by " + oldKey + ". Can't copy to " + newKey, Project.MSG_WARN); return; } Class<?> c = orig.getClass(); Object copy = orig; try { Method cloneM = c.getMethod("clone"); if (cloneM != null) { copy = cloneM.invoke(orig); log("Adding clone of reference " + oldKey, Project.MSG_DEBUG); } } catch (Exception e) { // not Clonable } if (copy instanceof ProjectComponent) { ((ProjectComponent) copy).setProject(newProject); } else { try { Method setProjectM = c.getMethod("setProject", Project.class); if (setProjectM != null) { setProjectM.invoke(copy, newProject); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // ignore this if the class being referenced does not have // a set project method. } catch (Exception e2) { throw new BuildException( "Error setting new project instance for " + "reference with id " + oldKey, e2, getLocation()); } } newProject.addReference(newKey, copy); }
Copies all properties from the given table to the new project - omitting those that have already been set in the new project as well as properties named basedir or ant.file.
  • props – properties Hashtable to copy to the new project.
  • type – the type of property to set (a plain Ant property, a user property or an inherited property).
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Copies all properties from the given table to the new project - * omitting those that have already been set in the new project as * well as properties named basedir or ant.file. * @param props properties <code>Hashtable</code> to copy to the * new project. * @param type the type of property to set (a plain Ant property, a * user property or an inherited property). * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
private void addAlmostAll(Map<?, ?> props, PropertyType type) { props.forEach((k, v) -> { String key = k.toString(); if (MagicNames.PROJECT_BASEDIR.equals(key) || MagicNames.ANT_FILE.equals(key)) { // basedir and ant.file get special treatment in execute() return; } String value = v.toString(); switch (type) { case PLAIN: // don't re-set user properties, avoid the warning message if (newProject.getProperty(key) == null) { // no user property newProject.setNewProperty(key, value); } break; case USER: newProject.setUserProperty(key, value); break; case INHERITED: newProject.setInheritedProperty(key, value); break; } }); }
The directory to use as a base directory for the new Ant project. Defaults to the current project's basedir, unless inheritall has been set to false, in which case it doesn't have a default value. This will override the basedir setting of the called project.
  • dir – new directory as File.
/** * The directory to use as a base directory for the new Ant project. * Defaults to the current project's basedir, unless inheritall * has been set to false, in which case it doesn't have a default * value. This will override the basedir setting of the called project. * @param dir new directory as <code>File</code>. */
public void setDir(File dir) { this.dir = dir; }
The build file to use. Defaults to "build.xml". This file is expected to be a filename relative to the dir attribute given.
  • antFile – the String build file name.
/** * The build file to use. Defaults to "build.xml". This file is expected * to be a filename relative to the dir attribute given. * @param antFile the <code>String</code> build file name. */
public void setAntfile(String antFile) { // @note: it is a string and not a file to handle relative/absolute // otherwise a relative file will be resolved based on the current // basedir. this.antFile = antFile; }
The target of the new Ant project to execute. Defaults to the new project's default target.
  • targetToAdd – the name of the target to invoke.
/** * The target of the new Ant project to execute. * Defaults to the new project's default target. * @param targetToAdd the name of the target to invoke. */
public void setTarget(String targetToAdd) { if (targetToAdd.isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException("target attribute must not be empty"); } targets.add(targetToAdd); targetAttributeSet = true; }
Set the filename to write the output to. This is relative to the value of the dir attribute if it has been set or to the base directory of the current project otherwise.
  • outputFile – the name of the file to which the output should go.
/** * Set the filename to write the output to. This is relative to the value * of the dir attribute if it has been set or to the base directory of the * current project otherwise. * @param outputFile the name of the file to which the output should go. */
public void setOutput(String outputFile) { this.output = outputFile; }
Property to pass to the new project. The property is passed as a 'user property'.
Returns:the created Property object.
/** * Property to pass to the new project. * The property is passed as a 'user property'. * @return the created <code>Property</code> object. */
public Property createProperty() { Property p = new Property(true, getProject()); p.setProject(getNewProject()); p.setTaskName("property"); properties.add(p); return p; }
Add a Reference element identifying a data type to carry over to the new project.
  • ref – Reference to add.
/** * Add a Reference element identifying a data type to carry * over to the new project. * @param ref <code>Reference</code> to add. */
public void addReference(Reference ref) { references.add(ref); }
Add a target to this Ant invocation.
  • t – the TargetElement to add.
Since:Ant 1.6.3
/** * Add a target to this Ant invocation. * @param t the <code>TargetElement</code> to add. * @since Ant 1.6.3 */
public void addConfiguredTarget(TargetElement t) { if (targetAttributeSet) { throw new BuildException( "nested target is incompatible with the target attribute"); } String name = t.getName(); if (name.isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException("target name must not be empty"); } targets.add(name); }
Add a set of properties to pass to the new project.
  • ps – PropertySet to add.
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Add a set of properties to pass to the new project. * * @param ps <code>PropertySet</code> to add. * @since Ant 1.6 */
public void addPropertyset(PropertySet ps) { propertySets.add(ps); }
Get the (sub)-Project instance currently in use.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Get the (sub)-Project instance currently in use. * @return Project * @since Ant 1.7 */
protected Project getNewProject() { if (newProject == null) { reinit(); } return newProject; }
Helper class that implements the nested <reference> element of <ant> and <antcall>.
/** * Helper class that implements the nested &lt;reference&gt; * element of &lt;ant&gt; and &lt;antcall&gt;. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static class Reference extends org.apache.tools.ant.types.Reference { private String targetid = null;
Set the id that this reference to be stored under in the new project.
  • targetid – the id under which this reference will be passed to the new project.
/** * Set the id that this reference to be stored under in the * new project. * * @param targetid the id under which this reference will be passed to * the new project. */
public void setToRefid(String targetid) { this.targetid = targetid; }
Get the id under which this reference will be stored in the new project.
Returns:the id of the reference in the new project.
/** * Get the id under which this reference will be stored in the new * project. * * @return the id of the reference in the new project. */
public String getToRefid() { return targetid; } }
Helper class that implements the nested <target> element of <ant> and <antcall>.
Since:Ant 1.6.3
/** * Helper class that implements the nested &lt;target&gt; * element of &lt;ant&gt; and &lt;antcall&gt;. * @since Ant 1.6.3 */
public static class TargetElement { private String name;
Default constructor.
/** * Default constructor. */
public TargetElement() { //default }
Set the name of this TargetElement.
  • name – the String target name.
/** * Set the name of this TargetElement. * @param name the <code>String</code> target name. */
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
Get the name of this TargetElement.
/** * Get the name of this TargetElement. * @return <code>String</code>. */
public String getName() { return name; } } private enum PropertyType { PLAIN, INHERITED, USER } }