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package org.apache.tools.ant.filters;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectComponent;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.RegularExpression;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Substitution;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.LineTokenizer;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.Tokenizer;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.regexp.Regexp;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.regexp.RegexpUtil;

This splits up input into tokens and passes the tokens to a sequence of filters.
See Also:
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * This splits up input into tokens and passes * the tokens to a sequence of filters. * * @since Ant 1.6 * @see BaseFilterReader * @see ChainableReader * @see org.apache.tools.ant.DynamicConfigurator */
public class TokenFilter extends BaseFilterReader implements ChainableReader {
string filters implement this interface
/** * string filters implement this interface */
public interface Filter {
filter and/of modify a string
  • string – the string to filter
Returns:the modified string or null if the string did not pass the filter
/** * filter and/of modify a string * * @param string the string to filter * @return the modified string or null if the * string did not pass the filter */
String filter(String string); }
string filters
/** string filters */
private Vector<Filter> filters = new Vector<>();
the tokenizer to use on the input stream
/** the tokenizer to use on the input stream */
private Tokenizer tokenizer = null;
the output token termination
/** the output token termination */
private String delimOutput = null;
the current string token from the input stream
/** the current string token from the input stream */
private String line = null;
the position in the current string token
/** the position in the current string token */
private int linePos = 0;
Constructor for "dummy" instances.
See Also:
  • BaseFilterReader.BaseFilterReader()
/** * Constructor for "dummy" instances. * * @see BaseFilterReader#BaseFilterReader() */
public TokenFilter() { super(); }
Creates a new filtered reader.
  • in – A Reader object providing the underlying stream. Must not be null.
/** * Creates a new filtered reader. * * @param in A Reader object providing the underlying stream. * Must not be <code>null</code>. */
public TokenFilter(final Reader in) { super(in); }
Returns the next character in the filtered stream, only including lines from the original stream which match all of the specified regular expressions.
  • IOException – if the underlying stream throws an IOException during reading
Returns:the next character in the resulting stream, or -1 if the end of the resulting stream has been reached
/** * Returns the next character in the filtered stream, only including * lines from the original stream which match all of the specified * regular expressions. * * @return the next character in the resulting stream, or -1 * if the end of the resulting stream has been reached * * @exception IOException if the underlying stream throws an IOException * during reading */
public int read() throws IOException { if (tokenizer == null) { tokenizer = new LineTokenizer(); } while (line == null || line.isEmpty()) { line = tokenizer.getToken(in); if (line == null) { return -1; } for (Filter filter : filters) { line = filter.filter(line); if (line == null) { break; } } linePos = 0; if (line != null && !tokenizer.getPostToken().isEmpty()) { if (delimOutput != null) { line += delimOutput; } else { line += tokenizer.getPostToken(); } } } int ch = line.charAt(linePos); linePos++; if (linePos == line.length()) { line = null; } return ch; }
Creates a new TokenFilter using the passed in Reader for instantiation.
  • reader – A Reader object providing the underlying stream.
Returns:a new filter based on this configuration
/** * Creates a new TokenFilter using the passed in * Reader for instantiation. * * @param reader A Reader object providing the underlying stream. * * @return a new filter based on this configuration */
public final Reader chain(final Reader reader) { TokenFilter newFilter = new TokenFilter(reader); newFilter.filters = filters; newFilter.tokenizer = tokenizer; newFilter.delimOutput = delimOutput; newFilter.setProject(getProject()); return newFilter; }
set the output delimiter.
  • delimOutput – replaces the delim string returned by the tokenizer, if present.
/** * set the output delimiter. * @param delimOutput replaces the delim string returned by the * tokenizer, if present. */
public void setDelimOutput(String delimOutput) { this.delimOutput = resolveBackSlash(delimOutput); } // ----------------------------------------- // Predefined tokenizers // -----------------------------------------
add a line tokenizer - this is the default.
  • tokenizer – the line tokenizer
/** * add a line tokenizer - this is the default. * @param tokenizer the line tokenizer */
public void addLineTokenizer(LineTokenizer tokenizer) { add(tokenizer); }
add a string tokenizer
  • tokenizer – the string tokenizer
/** * add a string tokenizer * @param tokenizer the string tokenizer */
public void addStringTokenizer(StringTokenizer tokenizer) { add(tokenizer); }
add a file tokenizer
  • tokenizer – the file tokenizer
/** * add a file tokenizer * @param tokenizer the file tokenizer */
public void addFileTokenizer(FileTokenizer tokenizer) { add(tokenizer); }
add an arbitrary tokenizer
  • tokenizer – the tokenizer to all, only one allowed
/** * add an arbitrary tokenizer * @param tokenizer the tokenizer to all, only one allowed */
public void add(Tokenizer tokenizer) { if (this.tokenizer != null) { throw new BuildException("Only one tokenizer allowed"); } this.tokenizer = tokenizer; } // ----------------------------------------- // Predefined filters // -----------------------------------------
replace string filter
  • filter – the replace string filter
/** * replace string filter * @param filter the replace string filter */
public void addReplaceString(ReplaceString filter) { filters.addElement(filter); }
contains string filter
  • filter – the contains string filter
/** * contains string filter * @param filter the contains string filter */
public void addContainsString(ContainsString filter) { filters.addElement(filter); }
replace regex filter
  • filter – the replace regex filter
/** * replace regex filter * @param filter the replace regex filter */
public void addReplaceRegex(ReplaceRegex filter) { filters.addElement(filter); }
contains regex filter
  • filter – the contains regex filter
/** * contains regex filter * @param filter the contains regex filter */
public void addContainsRegex(ContainsRegex filter) { filters.addElement(filter); }
trim filter
  • filter – the trim filter
/** * trim filter * @param filter the trim filter */
public void addTrim(Trim filter) { filters.addElement(filter); }
ignore blank filter
  • filter – the ignore blank filter
/** * ignore blank filter * @param filter the ignore blank filter */
public void addIgnoreBlank(IgnoreBlank filter) { filters.addElement(filter); }
delete chars
  • filter – the delete characters filter
/** * delete chars * @param filter the delete characters filter */
public void addDeleteCharacters(DeleteCharacters filter) { filters.addElement(filter); }
Add an arbitrary filter
  • filter – the filter to add
/** * Add an arbitrary filter * @param filter the filter to add */
public void add(Filter filter) { filters.addElement(filter); } // -------------------------------------------- // // Tokenizer Classes (impls moved to oata.util) // // --------------------------------------------
class to read the complete input into a string
/** * class to read the complete input into a string */
public static class FileTokenizer extends org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileTokenizer { }
class to tokenize the input as areas separated by white space, or by a specified list of delim characters. Behaves like java.util.StringTokenizer. if the stream starts with delim characters, the first token will be an empty string (unless the treat delims as tokens flag is set).
/** * class to tokenize the input as areas separated * by white space, or by a specified list of * delim characters. Behaves like java.util.StringTokenizer. * if the stream starts with delim characters, the first * token will be an empty string (unless the treat delims * as tokens flag is set). */
public static class StringTokenizer extends org.apache.tools.ant.util.StringTokenizer { } // -------------------------------------------- // // Filter classes // // --------------------------------------------
Abstract class that converts derived filter classes into ChainableReaderFilter's
/** * Abstract class that converts derived filter classes into * ChainableReaderFilter's */
public abstract static class ChainableReaderFilter extends ProjectComponent implements ChainableReader, Filter { private boolean byLine = true;
set whether to use filetokenizer or line tokenizer
  • byLine – if true use a linetokenizer (default) otherwise use a filetokenizer
/** * set whether to use filetokenizer or line tokenizer * @param byLine if true use a linetokenizer (default) otherwise * use a filetokenizer */
public void setByLine(boolean byLine) { this.byLine = byLine; }
Chain a tokenfilter reader to a reader,
  • reader – the input reader object
Returns:the chained reader object
/** * Chain a tokenfilter reader to a reader, * * @param reader the input reader object * @return the chained reader object */
public Reader chain(Reader reader) { TokenFilter tokenFilter = new TokenFilter(reader); if (!byLine) { tokenFilter.add(new FileTokenizer()); } tokenFilter.add(this); return tokenFilter; } }
Simple replace string filter.
/** * Simple replace string filter. */
public static class ReplaceString extends ChainableReaderFilter { private String from; private String to;
the from attribute
  • from – the string to replace
/** * the from attribute * * @param from the string to replace */
public void setFrom(String from) { this.from = from; }
the to attribute
  • to – the string to replace 'from' with
/** * the to attribute * * @param to the string to replace 'from' with */
public void setTo(String to) { this.to = to; }
Filter a string 'line' replacing from with to (Copy&Paste from the Replace task)
  • line – the string to be filtered
Returns:the filtered line
/** * Filter a string 'line' replacing from with to * (Copy&amp;Paste from the Replace task) * @param line the string to be filtered * @return the filtered line */
public String filter(String line) { if (from == null) { throw new BuildException("Missing from in stringreplace"); } StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); int start = 0; int found = line.indexOf(from); while (found >= 0) { // write everything up to the from if (found > start) { ret.append(line, start, found); } // write the replacement to if (to != null) { ret.append(to); } // search again start = found + from.length(); found = line.indexOf(from, start); } // write the remaining characters if (line.length() > start) { ret.append(line, start, line.length()); } return ret.toString(); } }
Simple filter to filter lines contains strings
/** * Simple filter to filter lines contains strings */
public static class ContainsString extends ProjectComponent implements Filter { private String contains;
the contains attribute
  • contains – the string that the token should contain
/** * the contains attribute * @param contains the string that the token should contain */
public void setContains(String contains) { this.contains = contains; }
Filter strings that contain the contains attribute
  • string – the string to be filtered
Returns:null if the string does not contain "contains", string otherwise
/** * Filter strings that contain the contains attribute * * @param string the string to be filtered * @return null if the string does not contain "contains", * string otherwise */
public String filter(String string) { if (contains == null) { throw new BuildException("Missing contains in containsstring"); } if (string.contains(contains)) { return string; } return null; } }
filter to replace regex.
/** * filter to replace regex. */
public static class ReplaceRegex extends ChainableReaderFilter { private String from; private String to; private RegularExpression regularExpression; private Substitution substitution; private boolean initialized = false; private String flags = ""; private int options; private Regexp regexp;
the from attribute
  • from – the regex string
/** * the from attribute * @param from the regex string */
public void setPattern(String from) { this.from = from; }
the to attribute
  • to – the replacement string
/** * the to attribute * @param to the replacement string */
public void setReplace(String to) { this.to = to; }
  • flags – the regex flags
/** * @param flags the regex flags */
public void setFlags(String flags) { this.flags = flags; } private void initialize() { if (initialized) { return; } options = convertRegexOptions(flags); if (from == null) { throw new BuildException("Missing pattern in replaceregex"); } regularExpression = new RegularExpression(); regularExpression.setPattern(from); regexp = regularExpression.getRegexp(getProject()); if (to == null) { to = ""; } substitution = new Substitution(); substitution.setExpression(to); }
  • line – the string to modify
Returns:the modified string
/** * @param line the string to modify * @return the modified string */
public String filter(String line) { initialize(); if (!regexp.matches(line, options)) { return line; } return regexp.substitute( line, substitution.getExpression(getProject()), options); } }
filter to filter tokens matching regular expressions.
/** * filter to filter tokens matching regular expressions. */
public static class ContainsRegex extends ChainableReaderFilter { private String from; private String to; private RegularExpression regularExpression; private Substitution substitution; private boolean initialized = false; private String flags = ""; private int options; private Regexp regexp;
  • from – the regex pattern
/** * @param from the regex pattern */
public void setPattern(String from) { this.from = from; }
  • to – the replacement string
/** * @param to the replacement string */
public void setReplace(String to) { this.to = to; }
  • flags – the regex flags
/** * @param flags the regex flags */
public void setFlags(String flags) { this.flags = flags; } private void initialize() { if (initialized) { return; } options = convertRegexOptions(flags); if (from == null) { throw new BuildException("Missing from in containsregex"); } regularExpression = new RegularExpression(); regularExpression.setPattern(from); regexp = regularExpression.getRegexp(getProject()); if (to == null) { return; } substitution = new Substitution(); substitution.setExpression(to); }
apply regex and substitution on a string
  • string – the string to apply filter on
Returns:the filtered string
/** * apply regex and substitution on a string * @param string the string to apply filter on * @return the filtered string */
public String filter(String string) { initialize(); if (!regexp.matches(string, options)) { return null; } if (substitution == null) { return string; } return regexp.substitute( string, substitution.getExpression(getProject()), options); } }
Filter to trim white space
/** Filter to trim white space */
public static class Trim extends ChainableReaderFilter {
  • line – the string to be trimmed
Returns:the trimmed string
/** * @param line the string to be trimmed * @return the trimmed string */
public String filter(String line) { return line.trim(); } }
Filter remove empty tokens
/** Filter remove empty tokens */
public static class IgnoreBlank extends ChainableReaderFilter {
  • line – the line to modify
Returns:the trimmed line
/** * @param line the line to modify * @return the trimmed line */
public String filter(String line) { if (line.trim().isEmpty()) { return null; } return line; } }
Filter to delete characters
/** * Filter to delete characters */
public static class DeleteCharacters extends ProjectComponent implements Filter, ChainableReader { // Attributes
the list of characters to remove from the input
/** the list of characters to remove from the input */
private String deleteChars = "";
Set the list of characters to delete
  • deleteChars – the list of characters
/** * Set the list of characters to delete * @param deleteChars the list of characters */
public void setChars(String deleteChars) { this.deleteChars = resolveBackSlash(deleteChars); }
remove characters from a string
  • string – the string to remove the characters from
Returns:the converted string
/** * remove characters from a string * @param string the string to remove the characters from * @return the converted string */
public String filter(String string) { StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(string.length()); for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); ++i) { char ch = string.charAt(i); if (!(isDeleteCharacter(ch))) { output.append(ch); } } return output.toString(); }
factory method to provide a reader that removes the characters from a reader as part of a filter chain
  • reader – the reader object
Returns:the chained reader object
/** * factory method to provide a reader that removes * the characters from a reader as part of a filter * chain * @param reader the reader object * @return the chained reader object */
public Reader chain(Reader reader) { return new BaseFilterReader(reader) {
Returns:the next non delete character
/** * @return the next non delete character */
public int read() throws IOException { while (true) { int c = in.read(); if (c == -1) { return c; } if (!(isDeleteCharacter((char) c))) { return c; } } } }; }
check if the character c is to be deleted
  • c – char to test
Returns:true if the supplied char is in the list to be stripped.
/** * check if the character c is to be deleted * * @param c char to test * @return true if the supplied char is in the list to be stripped. */
private boolean isDeleteCharacter(char c) { for (int d = 0; d < deleteChars.length(); ++d) { if (deleteChars.charAt(d) == c) { return true; } } return false; } } // -------------------------------------------------------- // static utility methods - could be placed somewhere else // --------------------------------------------------------
xml does not do "c" like interpretation of strings. i.e. \n\r\t etc. this method processes \n, \r, \t, \f, \\ also subs \s with " \n\r\t\f" a trailing '\' will be ignored
  • input – raw string with possible embedded '\'s
Returns:converted string
/** * xml does not do "c" like interpretation of strings. * i.e. \n\r\t etc. * this method processes \n, \r, \t, \f, \\ * also subs \s with " \n\r\t\f" * a trailing '\' will be ignored * * @param input raw string with possible embedded '\'s * @return converted string */
public static String resolveBackSlash(String input) { return StringUtils.resolveBackSlash(input); }
convert regex option flag characters to regex options
  • g - Regexp.REPLACE_ALL
  • m - Regexp.MATCH_MULTILINE
  • flags – the string containing the flags
Returns:the Regexp option bits
/** * convert regex option flag characters to regex options * <ul> * <li>g - Regexp.REPLACE_ALL</li> * <li>i - Regexp.MATCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE</li> * <li>m - Regexp.MATCH_MULTILINE</li> * <li>s - Regexp.MATCH_SINGLELINE</li> * </ul> * @param flags the string containing the flags * @return the Regexp option bits */
public static int convertRegexOptions(String flags) { return RegexpUtil.asOptions(flags); } }