 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

Set implementation with closed hashing (open addressing).
/** {@link Set} implementation with closed hashing (open addressing). */
public class Array2DHashSet<T> implements Set<T> { public static final int INITAL_CAPACITY = 16; // must be power of 2 public static final int INITAL_BUCKET_CAPACITY = 8; public static final double LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75; protected final AbstractEqualityComparator<? super T> comparator; protected T[][] buckets;
How many elements in set
/** How many elements in set */
protected int n = 0; protected int threshold = (int)Math.floor(INITAL_CAPACITY * LOAD_FACTOR); // when to expand protected int currentPrime = 1; // jump by 4 primes each expand or whatever protected int initialBucketCapacity = INITAL_BUCKET_CAPACITY; public Array2DHashSet() { this(null, INITAL_CAPACITY, INITAL_BUCKET_CAPACITY); } public Array2DHashSet(AbstractEqualityComparator<? super T> comparator) { this(comparator, INITAL_CAPACITY, INITAL_BUCKET_CAPACITY); } public Array2DHashSet(AbstractEqualityComparator<? super T> comparator, int initialCapacity, int initialBucketCapacity) { if (comparator == null) { comparator = ObjectEqualityComparator.INSTANCE; } this.comparator = comparator; this.buckets = createBuckets(initialCapacity); this.initialBucketCapacity = initialBucketCapacity; }
Add o to set if not there; return existing value if already there. This method performs the same operation as add aside from the return value.
/** * Add {@code o} to set if not there; return existing value if already * there. This method performs the same operation as {@link #add} aside from * the return value. */
public final T getOrAdd(T o) { if ( n > threshold ) expand(); return getOrAddImpl(o); } protected T getOrAddImpl(T o) { int b = getBucket(o); T[] bucket = buckets[b]; // NEW BUCKET if ( bucket==null ) { bucket = createBucket(initialBucketCapacity); bucket[0] = o; buckets[b] = bucket; n++; return o; } // LOOK FOR IT IN BUCKET for (int i=0; i<bucket.length; i++) { T existing = bucket[i]; if ( existing==null ) { // empty slot; not there, add. bucket[i] = o; n++; return o; } if ( comparator.equals(existing, o) ) return existing; // found existing, quit } // FULL BUCKET, expand and add to end int oldLength = bucket.length; bucket = Arrays.copyOf(bucket, bucket.length * 2); buckets[b] = bucket; bucket[oldLength] = o; // add to end n++; return o; } public T get(T o) { if ( o==null ) return o; int b = getBucket(o); T[] bucket = buckets[b]; if ( bucket==null ) return null; // no bucket for (T e : bucket) { if ( e==null ) return null; // empty slot; not there if ( comparator.equals(e, o) ) return e; } return null; } protected final int getBucket(T o) { int hash = comparator.hashCode(o); int b = hash & (buckets.length-1); // assumes len is power of 2 return b; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = MurmurHash.initialize(); for (T[] bucket : buckets) { if ( bucket==null ) continue; for (T o : bucket) { if ( o==null ) break; hash = MurmurHash.update(hash, comparator.hashCode(o)); } } hash = MurmurHash.finish(hash, size()); return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if ( !(o instanceof Array2DHashSet) ) return false; Array2DHashSet<?> other = (Array2DHashSet<?>)o; if ( other.size() != size() ) return false; boolean same = this.containsAll(other); return same; } protected void expand() { T[][] old = buckets; currentPrime += 4; int newCapacity = buckets.length * 2; T[][] newTable = createBuckets(newCapacity); int[] newBucketLengths = new int[newTable.length]; buckets = newTable; threshold = (int)(newCapacity * LOAD_FACTOR); // System.out.println("new size="+newCapacity+", thres="+threshold); // rehash all existing entries int oldSize = size(); for (T[] bucket : old) { if ( bucket==null ) { continue; } for (T o : bucket) { if ( o==null ) { break; } int b = getBucket(o); int bucketLength = newBucketLengths[b]; T[] newBucket; if (bucketLength == 0) { // new bucket newBucket = createBucket(initialBucketCapacity); newTable[b] = newBucket; } else { newBucket = newTable[b]; if (bucketLength == newBucket.length) { // expand newBucket = Arrays.copyOf(newBucket, newBucket.length * 2); newTable[b] = newBucket; } } newBucket[bucketLength] = o; newBucketLengths[b]++; } } assert n == oldSize; } @Override public final boolean add(T t) { T existing = getOrAdd(t); return existing==t; } @Override public final int size() { return n; } @Override public final boolean isEmpty() { return n==0; } @Override public final boolean contains(Object o) { return containsFast(asElementType(o)); } public boolean containsFast(T obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } return get(obj) != null; } @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return new SetIterator(toArray()); } @Override public T[] toArray() { T[] a = createBucket(size()); int i = 0; for (T[] bucket : buckets) { if ( bucket==null ) { continue; } for (T o : bucket) { if ( o==null ) { break; } a[i++] = o; } } return a; } @Override public <U> U[] toArray(U[] a) { if (a.length < size()) { a = Arrays.copyOf(a, size()); } int i = 0; for (T[] bucket : buckets) { if ( bucket==null ) { continue; } for (T o : bucket) { if ( o==null ) { break; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // array store will check this U targetElement = (U)o; a[i++] = targetElement; } } return a; } @Override public final boolean remove(Object o) { return removeFast(asElementType(o)); } public boolean removeFast(T obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } int b = getBucket(obj); T[] bucket = buckets[b]; if ( bucket==null ) { // no bucket return false; } for (int i=0; i<bucket.length; i++) { T e = bucket[i]; if ( e==null ) { // empty slot; not there return false; } if ( comparator.equals(e, obj) ) { // found it // shift all elements to the right down one System.arraycopy(bucket, i+1, bucket, i, bucket.length-i-1); bucket[bucket.length - 1] = null; n--; return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> collection) { if ( collection instanceof Array2DHashSet ) { Array2DHashSet<?> s = (Array2DHashSet<?>)collection; for (Object[] bucket : s.buckets) { if ( bucket==null ) continue; for (Object o : bucket) { if ( o==null ) break; if ( !this.containsFast(asElementType(o)) ) return false; } } } else { for (Object o : collection) { if ( !this.containsFast(asElementType(o)) ) return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> c) { boolean changed = false; for (T o : c) { T existing = getOrAdd(o); if ( existing!=o ) changed=true; } return changed; } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { int newsize = 0; for (T[] bucket : buckets) { if (bucket == null) { continue; } int i; int j; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < bucket.length; i++) { if (bucket[i] == null) { break; } if (!c.contains(bucket[i])) { // removed continue; } // keep if (i != j) { bucket[j] = bucket[i]; } j++; newsize++; } newsize += j; while (j < i) { bucket[j] = null; j++; } } boolean changed = newsize != n; n = newsize; return changed; } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { boolean changed = false; for (Object o : c) { changed |= removeFast(asElementType(o)); } return changed; } @Override public void clear() { buckets = createBuckets(INITAL_CAPACITY); n = 0; threshold = (int)Math.floor(INITAL_CAPACITY * LOAD_FACTOR); } @Override public String toString() { if ( size()==0 ) return "{}"; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append('{'); boolean first = true; for (T[] bucket : buckets) { if ( bucket==null ) continue; for (T o : bucket) { if ( o==null ) break; if ( first ) first=false; else buf.append(", "); buf.append(o.toString()); } } buf.append('}'); return buf.toString(); } public String toTableString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (T[] bucket : buckets) { if ( bucket==null ) { buf.append("null\n"); continue; } buf.append('['); boolean first = true; for (T o : bucket) { if ( first ) first=false; else buf.append(" "); if ( o==null ) buf.append("_"); else buf.append(o.toString()); } buf.append("]\n"); } return buf.toString(); }
Return o as an instance of the element type T. If o is non-null but known to not be an instance of T, this method returns null. The base implementation does not perform any type checks; override this method to provide strong type checks for the contains and remove methods to ensure the arguments to the EqualityComparator for the set always have the expected types.
  • o – the object to try and cast to the element type of the set
Returns:o if it could be an instance of T, otherwise null.
/** * Return {@code o} as an instance of the element type {@code T}. If * {@code o} is non-null but known to not be an instance of {@code T}, this * method returns {@code null}. The base implementation does not perform any * type checks; override this method to provide strong type checks for the * {@link #contains} and {@link #remove} methods to ensure the arguments to * the {@link EqualityComparator} for the set always have the expected * types. * * @param o the object to try and cast to the element type of the set * @return {@code o} if it could be an instance of {@code T}, otherwise * {@code null}. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected T asElementType(Object o) { return (T)o; }
Return an array of T[] with length capacity.
  • capacity – the length of the array to return
Returns:the newly constructed array
/** * Return an array of {@code T[]} with length {@code capacity}. * * @param capacity the length of the array to return * @return the newly constructed array */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected T[][] createBuckets(int capacity) { return (T[][])new Object[capacity][]; }
Return an array of T with length capacity.
  • capacity – the length of the array to return
Returns:the newly constructed array
/** * Return an array of {@code T} with length {@code capacity}. * * @param capacity the length of the array to return * @return the newly constructed array */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected T[] createBucket(int capacity) { return (T[])new Object[capacity]; } protected class SetIterator implements Iterator<T> { final T[] data; int nextIndex = 0; boolean removed = true; public SetIterator(T[] data) { this.data = data; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return nextIndex < data.length; } @Override public T next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } removed = false; return data[nextIndex++]; } @Override public void remove() { if (removed) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } Array2DHashSet.this.remove(data[nextIndex - 1]); removed = true; } } }