 * Cobertura - http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Piotr Tabor
 * Note: This file is dual licensed under the GPL and the Apache
 * Source License (so that it can be used from both the main
 * Cobertura classes and the ant tasks).
 * Cobertura is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * Cobertura is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Cobertura; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
 * USA

package net.sourceforge.cobertura.instrument.pass3;

import net.sourceforge.cobertura.instrument.TouchPointListener;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.instrument.tp.ClassMap;

import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Map;

Inject code provided by codeProvider into the instrumented method's body. Injects code that is responsible for incrementing counters. Mapping of places into counters is provided by classMap.
/** * Inject code provided by {@link #codeProvider} into the instrumented method's body. Injects code that * is responsible for incrementing counters. Mapping of places into counters is provided by {@link #classMap}. * * @author piotr.tabor@gmail.com */
public class InjectCodeTouchPointListener implements TouchPointListener { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(InjectCodeTouchPointListener.class);
Component that is resposible for generation of the snipets
/** * Component that is resposible for generation of the snipets */
private final CodeProvider codeProvider;
Source of mapping from place (eventId) into counterId that is incremented if the place is touched
/** * Source of mapping from place (eventId) into counterId that is incremented if the place is touched */
private final ClassMap classMap; private int lastJumpIdVariableIndex; public InjectCodeTouchPointListener(ClassMap classMap, CodeProvider codeProvider) { this.classMap = classMap; this.codeProvider = codeProvider; }
Before jump we will store into 'internal variable' the counterId of a 'true' branch of the JUMP
/** * Before jump we will store into 'internal variable' the counterId of a 'true' branch of the JUMP */
public void beforeJump(int eventId, Label label, int currentLine, MethodVisitor nextMethodVisitor) { Integer jumpTrueCounterId = classMap.getCounterIdForJumpTrue(eventId); if (jumpTrueCounterId != null) { codeProvider.generateCodeThatSetsJumpCounterIdVariable( nextMethodVisitor, jumpTrueCounterId, lastJumpIdVariableIndex); } }
After jump we will increment counterId for the 'false' branch of the JUMP. Then we set internal variable to ZERO to avoid fake interpretation (another one incrementation)
/** * After jump we will increment counterId for the 'false' branch of the JUMP. * Then we set internal variable to ZERO to avoid fake interpretation (another one incrementation) */
public void afterJump(int eventId, Label label, int currentLine, MethodVisitor nextMethodVisitor) { logger.debug("After jump:" + currentLine + "(" + eventId + ") to :" + label); Integer jumpFalseCounterId = classMap.getCounterIdForJumpFalse(eventId); if (jumpFalseCounterId != null) { codeProvider.generateCodeThatIncrementsCoberturaCounter( nextMethodVisitor, jumpFalseCounterId, classMap .getClassName()); codeProvider.generateCodeThatZeroJumpCounterIdVariable( nextMethodVisitor, lastJumpIdVariableIndex); } }
Before switch we set the internal variable to a special counterId connected with the switch. This counterId is not connected with any branch of the switch.
/** * Before switch we set the internal variable to a special counterId connected with the switch. This counterId is not * connected with any branch of the switch. */
public void beforeSwitch(int eventId, Label def, Label[] labels, int currentLine, MethodVisitor mv, String conditionType) { Integer switchCounterId = classMap.getCounterIdForSwitch(eventId); if (switchCounterId != null) { codeProvider.generateCodeThatSetsJumpCounterIdVariable(mv, switchCounterId, lastJumpIdVariableIndex); } }

If the label is JUMP destination, we will increment the counter stored inside the 'internal variable'. This way we are incrementing the 'true' branch of the condition.

If the label is SWITCH destination, we check all switch instructions that have targets in the label we generate code that checks if the 'internal variable' is equal to id of considered switch and if so increments counterId connected to the switch.

/** * <p>If the label is JUMP destination, we will increment the counter stored inside the 'internal variable'. This way we are * incrementing the 'true' branch of the condition. </p> * <p/> * <p>If the label is SWITCH destination, we check all switch instructions that have targets in the label we generate * code that checks if the 'internal variable' is equal to id of considered switch and if so increments counterId connected to the switch. */
public void afterLabel(int eventId, Label label, int currentLine, MethodVisitor mv) { logger.debug("Looking for jumps going to event(" + eventId + "):" + label + " "); if (classMap.isJumpDestinationLabel(eventId)) { codeProvider .generateCodeThatIncrementsCoberturaCounterFromInternalVariable( mv, lastJumpIdVariableIndex, classMap .getClassName()); } Map<Integer, Integer> branchTouchPoints = classMap .getBranchLabelDescriptorsForLabelEvent(eventId); if (branchTouchPoints != null) { /*map of counterId of a switch into counterId of the branch of the switch*/ for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : branchTouchPoints .entrySet()) { codeProvider .generateCodeThatIncrementsCoberturaCounterIfVariableEqualsAndCleanVariable( mv, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), lastJumpIdVariableIndex, classMap .getClassName()); } } if (classMap.isJumpDestinationLabel(eventId)) { codeProvider.generateCodeThatZeroJumpCounterIdVariable(mv, lastJumpIdVariableIndex); } }
After every 'linenumber' instruction we increments counter connected with the line number.
/** * After every 'linenumber' instruction we increments counter connected with the line number. */
public void afterLineNumber(int eventId, Label label, int currentLine, MethodVisitor nextMethodVisitor, String methodName, String methodSignature) { Integer lineCounterId = classMap.getCounterIdForLineEventId(eventId); if (lineCounterId != null) { codeProvider.generateCodeThatIncrementsCoberturaCounter( nextMethodVisitor, lineCounterId, classMap.getClassName()); } }
At the start of every method we initiates the 'internal variable' with zero.
/** * At the start of every method we initiates the 'internal variable' with zero. */
public void afterMethodStart(MethodVisitor nextMethodVisitor) { codeProvider.generateCodeThatZeroJumpCounterIdVariable( nextMethodVisitor, lastJumpIdVariableIndex); } // ------------------- ignored events ------------------------------- public void beforeLabel(int eventId, Label label, int currentLine, MethodVisitor mv) { } public void ignoreLine(int eventId, int currentLine) { } // ------------------- getters and setters --------------------------
Index of 'internal variable'. Should be detected by calculateFirstStackVariable.calculateFirstStackVariable(int, String).
/** * Index of 'internal variable'. Should be detected by {@link ShiftVariableMethodAdapter#calculateFirstStackVariable(int, String)}. */
public void setLastJumpIdVariableIndex(int lastJumpIdVariableIndex) { this.lastJumpIdVariableIndex = lastJumpIdVariableIndex; } }