package net.sourceforge.cobertura.dsl;

import net.sourceforge.cobertura.check.CoverageThreshold;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.coveragedata.CoverageDataFileHandler;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.instrument.CoberturaFile;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.util.FileFinder;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.util.RegexUtil;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;

import java.util.*;

 * Cobertura -
 * Cobertura is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * Cobertura is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Cobertura; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
 * USA

Arguments builder - provides a DSL to build cobertura Arguments
/** * Arguments builder - provides a DSL to build cobertura Arguments */
public class ArgumentsBuilder { // Visible for testing static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; static final double DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 0.; static final boolean DEFAULT_CALCULATE_METHOD_COMPLEXITY = false; static final boolean DEFAULT_FAIL_ON_ERROR = false; static final boolean DEFAULT_IGNORE_TRIVIAL = false; static final boolean DEFAULT_THREADSAFE_RIGOROUS = false; private Arguments arguments; private String baseDirectory; private File dataFile; private File destinationDirectory; private File commandsFile; private List<CodeSource> sources; private Collection ignoreRegexes; private Collection<Pattern> ignoreBranchesRegexes; private Collection<Pattern> classPatternIncludeClassesRegexes; private Collection<Pattern> classPatternExcludeClassesRegexes; private boolean calculateMethodComplexity; private boolean failOnError; private boolean ignoreTrivial; private boolean threadsafeRigorous; private String encoding; private Set<CoverageThreshold> minimumCoverageThresholds; private double classLineThreshold; private double classBranchThreshold; private double packageLineThreshold; private double packageBranchThreshold; private double totalLineThreshold; private double totalBranchThreshold; private Set<CoberturaFile> filesToInstrument; private Set<File> filesToMerge; private Set<String> ignoreMethodAnnotations; private Set<String> ignoreClassAnnotations; public ArgumentsBuilder() { initVariables(); } public ArgumentsBuilder setBaseDirectory(String baseDir) { baseDirectory = baseDir; return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setDataFile(String dataFile) { this.dataFile = new File(dataFile); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setDestinationDirectory(String destinationDir) { this.destinationDirectory = new File(destinationDir); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setCommandsFile(String commandsFile) { this.commandsFile = new File(commandsFile); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addIgnoreRegex(String regex) { RegexUtil.addRegex(ignoreRegexes, regex);; return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addIgnoreBranchRegex(String regex) { RegexUtil.addRegex(ignoreBranchesRegexes, regex); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addIgnoreMethodAnnotation( String ignoreMethodAnnotation) { ignoreMethodAnnotations.add(ignoreMethodAnnotation); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addIgnoreClassAnnotation( String ignoreClassAnnotation) { ignoreClassAnnotations.add(ignoreClassAnnotation); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addExcludeClassesRegex(String regex) { RegexUtil.addRegex(classPatternExcludeClassesRegexes, regex); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addIncludeClassesRegex(String regex) { RegexUtil.addRegex(classPatternIncludeClassesRegexes, regex); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder calculateMethodComplexity(boolean calculateMethodComplexity) { this.calculateMethodComplexity = calculateMethodComplexity; return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder failOnError(boolean failOnError) { this.failOnError = failOnError; return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder ignoreTrivial(boolean ignoreTrivial) { this.ignoreTrivial = ignoreTrivial; return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder threadsafeRigorous(boolean threadsafeRigorous) { this.threadsafeRigorous = threadsafeRigorous; return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder listOfFilesToInstrument(String listFileName) { String baseDir = getBaseDirectory(); try { File file = new File(listFileName); FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String line; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.replace(baseDir, ""); filesToInstrument.add(new CoberturaFile(baseDir, line)); } fileReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addMinimumCoverageRates(String regex, double branchPercentage, double linePercentage) { minimumCoverageThresholds.add(new CoverageThreshold(regex, branchPercentage, linePercentage)); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setClassBranchCoverageThreshold( double coverageThreshold) { classBranchThreshold = inRange(coverageThreshold); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setClassLineCoverageThreshold( double coverageThreshold) { classLineThreshold = inRange(coverageThreshold); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setPackageBranchCoverageThreshold( double coverageThreshold) { packageBranchThreshold = inRange(coverageThreshold); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setPackageLineCoverageThreshold( double coverageThreshold) { packageLineThreshold = inRange(coverageThreshold); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setTotalBranchCoverageThreshold( double coverageThreshold) { totalBranchThreshold = inRange(coverageThreshold); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder setTotalLineCoverageThreshold( double coverageThreshold) { totalLineThreshold = inRange(coverageThreshold); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addFileToInstrument(String file) { String baseDir = getBaseDirectory(); if ( baseDir != null ) { file = file.replace(baseDir, ""); } filesToInstrument.add(new CoberturaFile(baseDir, file)); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addFileToMerge(String file) { filesToMerge.add(new File(file)); return this; } public ArgumentsBuilder addSources(String sourcePath, boolean isDirectory) { if (this.sources == null) { this.sources = new ArrayList<CodeSource>(); } this.sources.add(new CodeSource(isDirectory, sourcePath)); return this; } public Arguments build() { FileFinder sources = new FileFinder(); if (this.sources != null) { for (CodeSource codeSource : this.sources) { if (codeSource.isDirectory()) { sources.addSourceDirectory(codeSource.getPath()); } else { sources.addSourceFile(getBaseDirectory(), codeSource.getPath()); } } } return new Arguments(baseDirectory, dataFile, destinationDirectory, commandsFile, ignoreRegexes, ignoreBranchesRegexes, classPatternIncludeClassesRegexes, classPatternExcludeClassesRegexes, calculateMethodComplexity, failOnError, ignoreTrivial, threadsafeRigorous, encoding, minimumCoverageThresholds, classLineThreshold, classBranchThreshold, packageLineThreshold, packageBranchThreshold, totalLineThreshold, totalBranchThreshold, filesToInstrument, filesToMerge, ignoreMethodAnnotations, ignoreClassAnnotations, sources); } private double inRange(double coverageRate) { if ((coverageRate >= 0.) && (coverageRate <= 1.)) { return coverageRate; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "The value %s is invalid. Rates must be between 0.0 and 1.0", coverageRate)); } private void initVariables() { dataFile = CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile(); // baseDirectory = new File("."); ignoreRegexes = new Vector(); ignoreBranchesRegexes = new Vector<Pattern>(); ignoreMethodAnnotations = new HashSet<String>(); ignoreClassAnnotations = new HashSet<String>(); classPatternExcludeClassesRegexes = new HashSet<Pattern>(); classPatternIncludeClassesRegexes = new HashSet<Pattern>(); filesToInstrument = new HashSet<CoberturaFile>(); filesToMerge = new HashSet<File>(); minimumCoverageThresholds = new HashSet<CoverageThreshold>(); // previous rule was: default threshold is 0.5 for all // if a threshold is specified, the others are defaulted to 0 classBranchThreshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; classLineThreshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; packageBranchThreshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; packageLineThreshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; totalBranchThreshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; totalLineThreshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; calculateMethodComplexity = DEFAULT_CALCULATE_METHOD_COMPLEXITY; failOnError = DEFAULT_FAIL_ON_ERROR; ignoreTrivial = DEFAULT_IGNORE_TRIVIAL; threadsafeRigorous = DEFAULT_THREADSAFE_RIGOROUS; encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING; } private String getBaseDirectory() { return baseDirectory; } private static class CodeSource { private boolean directory; private String path; private CodeSource(boolean directory, String path) { = directory; this.path = path; } public boolean isDirectory() { return directory; } public String getPath() { return path; } } }