package net.minidev.json.reader;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import net.minidev.json.JSONAware;
import net.minidev.json.JSONAwareEx;
import net.minidev.json.JSONStreamAware;
import net.minidev.json.JSONStreamAwareEx;
import net.minidev.json.JSONStyle;
import net.minidev.json.JSONValue;

public class JsonWriter {
	private ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, JsonWriterI<?>> data;
	private LinkedList<WriterByInterface> writerInterfaces;

	public JsonWriter() {
		data = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, JsonWriterI<?>>();
		writerInterfaces = new LinkedList<WriterByInterface>();

remap field name in custom classes
  • fromJava – field name in java
  • toJson – field name in json
/** * remap field name in custom classes * * @param fromJava * field name in java * @param toJson * field name in json * @since 2.1.1 */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public <T> void remapField(Class<T> type, String fromJava, String toJson) { JsonWriterI map = this.getWrite(type); if (!(map instanceof BeansWriterASMRemap)) { map = new BeansWriterASMRemap(); registerWriter(map, type); } ((BeansWriterASMRemap) map).renameField(fromJava, toJson); } static class WriterByInterface { public Class<?> _interface; public JsonWriterI<?> _writer; public WriterByInterface(Class<?> _interface, JsonWriterI<?> _writer) { this._interface = _interface; this._writer = _writer; } }
try to find a Writer by Cheking implemented interface
  • clazz – class to serialize
Returns:a Writer or null
/** * try to find a Writer by Cheking implemented interface * @param clazz class to serialize * @return a Writer or null */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public JsonWriterI getWriterByInterface(Class<?> clazz) { for (WriterByInterface w : writerInterfaces) { if (w._interface.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) return w._writer; } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public JsonWriterI getWrite(Class cls) { return data.get(cls); } final static public JsonWriterI<JSONStreamAwareEx> JSONStreamAwareWriter = new JsonWriterI<JSONStreamAwareEx>() { public <E extends JSONStreamAwareEx> void writeJSONString(E value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { value.writeJSONString(out); } }; final static public JsonWriterI<JSONStreamAwareEx> JSONStreamAwareExWriter = new JsonWriterI<JSONStreamAwareEx>() { public <E extends JSONStreamAwareEx> void writeJSONString(E value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { value.writeJSONString(out, compression); } }; final static public JsonWriterI<JSONAwareEx> JSONJSONAwareExWriter = new JsonWriterI<JSONAwareEx>() { public <E extends JSONAwareEx> void writeJSONString(E value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { out.append(value.toJSONString(compression)); } }; final static public JsonWriterI<JSONAware> JSONJSONAwareWriter = new JsonWriterI<JSONAware>() { public <E extends JSONAware> void writeJSONString(E value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { out.append(value.toJSONString()); } }; final static public JsonWriterI<Iterable<? extends Object>> JSONIterableWriter = new JsonWriterI<Iterable<? extends Object>>() { public <E extends Iterable<? extends Object>> void writeJSONString(E list, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { boolean first = true; compression.arrayStart(out); for (Object value : list) { if (first) { first = false; compression.arrayfirstObject(out); } else { compression.arrayNextElm(out); } if (value == null) out.append("null"); else JSONValue.writeJSONString(value, out, compression); compression.arrayObjectEnd(out); } compression.arrayStop(out); } }; final static public JsonWriterI<Enum<?>> EnumWriter = new JsonWriterI<Enum<?>>() { public <E extends Enum<?>> void writeJSONString(E value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") String s = ((Enum) value).name(); compression.writeString(out, s); } }; final static public JsonWriterI<Map<String, ? extends Object>> JSONMapWriter = new JsonWriterI<Map<String, ? extends Object>>() { public <E extends Map<String, ? extends Object>> void writeJSONString(E map, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { boolean first = true; compression.objectStart(out); /** * do not use <String, Object> to handle non String key maps */ for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { Object v = entry.getValue(); if (v == null && compression.ignoreNull()) continue; if (first) { compression.objectFirstStart(out); first = false; } else { compression.objectNext(out); } JsonWriter.writeJSONKV(entry.getKey().toString(), v, out, compression); // compression.objectElmStop(out); } compression.objectStop(out); } };
Json-Smart V2 Beans serialiser Based on ASM
/** * Json-Smart V2 Beans serialiser * * Based on ASM */
final static public JsonWriterI<Object> beansWriterASM = new BeansWriterASM();
Json-Smart V1 Beans serialiser
/** * Json-Smart V1 Beans serialiser */
final static public JsonWriterI<Object> beansWriter = new BeansWriter();
Json-Smart ArrayWriterClass
/** * Json-Smart ArrayWriterClass */
final static public JsonWriterI<Object> arrayWriter = new ArrayWriter();
ToString Writer
/** * ToString Writer */
final static public JsonWriterI<Object> toStringWriter = new JsonWriterI<Object>() { public void writeJSONString(Object value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { out.append(value.toString()); } }; public void init() { registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<String>() { public void writeJSONString(String value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { compression.writeString(out, (String) value); } }, String.class); registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<Double>() { public void writeJSONString(Double value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { if (value.isInfinite()) out.append("null"); else out.append(value.toString()); } }, Double.class); registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<Date>() { public void writeJSONString(Date value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { out.append('"'); JSONValue.escape(value.toString(), out, compression); out.append('"'); } }, Date.class); registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<Float>() { public void writeJSONString(Float value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { if (value.isInfinite()) out.append("null"); else out.append(value.toString()); } }, Float.class); registerWriter(toStringWriter, Integer.class, Long.class, Byte.class, Short.class, BigInteger.class, BigDecimal.class); registerWriter(toStringWriter, Boolean.class); /** * Array */ registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<int[]>() { public void writeJSONString(int[] value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { boolean needSep = false; compression.arrayStart(out); for (int b : value) { if (needSep) compression.objectNext(out); else needSep = true; out.append(Integer.toString(b)); } compression.arrayStop(out); } }, int[].class); registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<short[]>() { public void writeJSONString(short[] value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { boolean needSep = false; compression.arrayStart(out); for (short b : value) { if (needSep) compression.objectNext(out); else needSep = true; out.append(Short.toString(b)); } compression.arrayStop(out); } }, short[].class); registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<long[]>() { public void writeJSONString(long[] value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { boolean needSep = false; compression.arrayStart(out); for (long b : value) { if (needSep) compression.objectNext(out); else needSep = true; out.append(Long.toString(b)); } compression.arrayStop(out); } }, long[].class); registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<float[]>() { public void writeJSONString(float[] value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { boolean needSep = false; compression.arrayStart(out); for (float b : value) { if (needSep) compression.objectNext(out); else needSep = true; out.append(Float.toString(b)); } compression.arrayStop(out); } }, float[].class); registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<double[]>() { public void writeJSONString(double[] value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { boolean needSep = false; compression.arrayStart(out); for (double b : value) { if (needSep) compression.objectNext(out); else needSep = true; out.append(Double.toString(b)); } compression.arrayStop(out); } }, double[].class); registerWriter(new JsonWriterI<boolean[]>() { public void writeJSONString(boolean[] value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { boolean needSep = false; compression.arrayStart(out); for (boolean b : value) { if (needSep) compression.objectNext(out); else needSep = true; out.append(Boolean.toString(b)); } compression.arrayStop(out); } }, boolean[].class); registerWriterInterface(JSONStreamAwareEx.class, JsonWriter.JSONStreamAwareExWriter); registerWriterInterface(JSONStreamAware.class, JsonWriter.JSONStreamAwareWriter); registerWriterInterface(JSONAwareEx.class, JsonWriter.JSONJSONAwareExWriter); registerWriterInterface(JSONAware.class, JsonWriter.JSONJSONAwareWriter); registerWriterInterface(Map.class, JsonWriter.JSONMapWriter); registerWriterInterface(Iterable.class, JsonWriter.JSONIterableWriter); registerWriterInterface(Enum.class, JsonWriter.EnumWriter); registerWriterInterface(Number.class, JsonWriter.toStringWriter); }
associate an Writer to a interface With Hi priority
  • interFace – interface to map
  • writer – writer Object
Deprecated:use registerWriterInterfaceFirst
/** * associate an Writer to a interface With Hi priority * @param interFace interface to map * @param writer writer Object * @deprecated use registerWriterInterfaceFirst */
public void addInterfaceWriterFirst(Class<?> interFace, JsonWriterI<?> writer) { registerWriterInterfaceFirst(interFace, writer); }
associate an Writer to a interface With Low priority
  • interFace – interface to map
  • writer – writer Object
Deprecated:use registerWriterInterfaceLast
/** * associate an Writer to a interface With Low priority * @param interFace interface to map * @param writer writer Object * @deprecated use registerWriterInterfaceLast */
public void addInterfaceWriterLast(Class<?> interFace, JsonWriterI<?> writer) { registerWriterInterfaceLast(interFace, writer); }
associate an Writer to a interface With Low priority
  • interFace – interface to map
  • writer – writer Object
/** * associate an Writer to a interface With Low priority * @param interFace interface to map * @param writer writer Object */
public void registerWriterInterfaceLast(Class<?> interFace, JsonWriterI<?> writer) { writerInterfaces.addLast(new WriterByInterface(interFace, writer)); }
associate an Writer to a interface With Hi priority
  • interFace – interface to map
  • writer – writer Object
/** * associate an Writer to a interface With Hi priority * @param interFace interface to map * @param writer writer Object */
public void registerWriterInterfaceFirst(Class<?> interFace, JsonWriterI<?> writer) { writerInterfaces.addFirst(new WriterByInterface(interFace, writer)); }
an alias for registerWriterInterfaceLast
  • interFace – interface to map
  • writer – writer Object
/** * an alias for registerWriterInterfaceLast * @param interFace interface to map * @param writer writer Object */
public void registerWriterInterface(Class<?> interFace, JsonWriterI<?> writer) { registerWriterInterfaceLast(interFace, writer); }
associate an Writer to a Class
  • writer –
  • cls –
/** * associate an Writer to a Class * @param writer * @param cls */
public <T> void registerWriter(JsonWriterI<T> writer, Class<?>... cls) { for (Class<?> c : cls) data.put(c, writer); }
Write a Key : value entry to a stream
/** * Write a Key : value entry to a stream */
public static void writeJSONKV(String key, Object value, Appendable out, JSONStyle compression) throws IOException { if (key == null) out.append("null"); else if (!compression.mustProtectKey(key)) out.append(key); else { out.append('"'); JSONValue.escape(key, out, compression); out.append('"'); } compression.objectEndOfKey(out); if (value instanceof String) { compression.writeString(out, (String) value); } else JSONValue.writeJSONString(value, out, compression); compression.objectElmStop(out); } }