package net.minidev.json.parser;

 *    Copyright 2011 JSON-SMART authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
import static net.minidev.json.parser.ParseException.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR;
import static net.minidev.json.parser.ParseException.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EOF;
import static net.minidev.json.parser.ParseException.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_LEADING_0;
import static net.minidev.json.parser.ParseException.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN;
import static net.minidev.json.parser.ParseException.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_UNICODE;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;

import net.minidev.json.writer.JsonReader;
import net.minidev.json.writer.JsonReaderI;

JSONParserBase is the common code between JSONParserString and JSONParserReader
Author:Uriel Chemouni <>
See Also:
/** * JSONParserBase is the common code between {@link JSONParserString} and * {@link JSONParserReader} * * @see JSONParserMemory * @see JSONParserStream * * @author Uriel Chemouni &lt;; */
abstract class JSONParserBase { protected char c; JsonReader base; public final static byte EOI = 0x1A; protected static final char MAX_STOP = 126; // '}' -> 125 private String lastKey; protected static boolean[] stopAll = new boolean[MAX_STOP]; protected static boolean[] stopArray = new boolean[MAX_STOP]; protected static boolean[] stopKey = new boolean[MAX_STOP]; protected static boolean[] stopValue = new boolean[MAX_STOP]; protected static boolean[] stopX = new boolean[MAX_STOP]; static { stopKey[':'] = stopKey[EOI] = true; stopValue[','] = stopValue['}'] = stopValue[EOI] = true; stopArray[','] = stopArray[']'] = stopArray[EOI] = true; stopX[EOI] = true; stopAll[','] = stopAll[':'] = true; stopAll[']'] = stopAll['}'] = stopAll[EOI] = true; } /* * End of static declaration */ // // protected final MSB sb = new MSB(15); protected Object xo; protected String xs; protected int pos; /* * Parsing flags */ protected final boolean acceptLeadinZero; protected final boolean acceptNaN; protected final boolean acceptNonQuote; protected final boolean acceptSimpleQuote; protected final boolean acceptUselessComma; protected final boolean checkTaillingData; protected final boolean checkTaillingSpace; protected final boolean ignoreControlChar; protected final boolean useHiPrecisionFloat; protected final boolean useIntegerStorage; protected final boolean reject127; public JSONParserBase(int permissiveMode) { this.acceptNaN = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.ACCEPT_NAN) > 0; this.acceptNonQuote = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.ACCEPT_NON_QUOTE) > 0; this.acceptSimpleQuote = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.ACCEPT_SIMPLE_QUOTE) > 0; this.ignoreControlChar = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.IGNORE_CONTROL_CHAR) > 0; this.useIntegerStorage = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.USE_INTEGER_STORAGE) > 0; this.acceptLeadinZero = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.ACCEPT_LEADING_ZERO) > 0; this.acceptUselessComma = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.ACCEPT_USELESS_COMMA) > 0; this.useHiPrecisionFloat = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.USE_HI_PRECISION_FLOAT) > 0; this.checkTaillingData = (permissiveMode & (JSONParser.ACCEPT_TAILLING_DATA | JSONParser.ACCEPT_TAILLING_SPACE)) != (JSONParser.ACCEPT_TAILLING_DATA | JSONParser.ACCEPT_TAILLING_SPACE); this.checkTaillingSpace = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.ACCEPT_TAILLING_SPACE) == 0; this.reject127 = (permissiveMode & JSONParser.REJECT_127_CHAR) > 0; } public void checkControleChar() throws ParseException { if (ignoreControlChar) return; int l = xs.length(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char c = xs.charAt(i); if (c < 0) continue; if (c <= 31) throw new ParseException(pos + i, ParseException.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, c); if (c == 127) { if (reject127) throw new ParseException(pos + i, ParseException.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, c); } } } public void checkLeadinZero() throws ParseException { int len = xs.length(); if (len == 1) return; if (len == 2) { if (xs.equals("00")) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_LEADING_0, xs); return; } char c1 = xs.charAt(0); char c2 = xs.charAt(1); if (c1 == '-') { char c3 = xs.charAt(2); if (c2 == '0' && c3 >= '0' && c3 <= '9') throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_LEADING_0, xs); return; } if (c1 == '0' && c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9') throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_LEADING_0, xs); } protected Number extractFloat() throws ParseException { if (!acceptLeadinZero) checkLeadinZero(); if (!useHiPrecisionFloat) return Float.parseFloat(xs); if (xs.length() > 18) // follow JSonIJ parsing method return new BigDecimal(xs); return Double.parseDouble(xs); }
use to return Primitive Type, or String, Or JsonObject or JsonArray generated by a ContainerFactory
/** * use to return Primitive Type, or String, Or JsonObject or JsonArray * generated by a ContainerFactory */
protected <T> T parse(JsonReaderI<T> mapper) throws ParseException { this.pos = -1; T result; try { read(); result = readFirst(mapper); if (checkTaillingData) { if (!checkTaillingSpace) skipSpace(); if (c != EOI) throw new ParseException(pos - 1, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, c); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException(pos, e); } xs = null; xo = null; return result; } protected Number parseNumber(String s) throws ParseException { // pos int p = 0; // len int l = s.length(); // max pos long base 10 len int max = 19; boolean neg; if (s.charAt(0) == '-') { p++; max++; neg = true; if (!acceptLeadinZero && l >= 3 && s.charAt(1) == '0') throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_LEADING_0, s); } else { neg = false; if (!acceptLeadinZero && l >= 2 && s.charAt(0) == '0') throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_LEADING_0, s); } boolean mustCheck; if (l < max) { max = l; mustCheck = false; } else if (l > max) { return new BigInteger(s, 10); } else { max = l - 1; mustCheck = true; } long r = 0; while (p < max) { r = (r * 10L) + ('0' - s.charAt(p++)); } if (mustCheck) { boolean isBig; if (r > -922337203685477580L) { isBig = false; } else if (r < -922337203685477580L) { isBig = true; } else { if (neg) isBig = (s.charAt(p) > '8'); else isBig = (s.charAt(p) > '7'); } if (isBig) return new BigInteger(s, 10); r = r * 10L + ('0' - s.charAt(p)); } if (neg) { if (this.useIntegerStorage && r >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) return (int) r; return r; } r = -r; if (this.useIntegerStorage && r <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) return (int) r; return r; } abstract protected void read() throws IOException; protected <T> T readArray(JsonReaderI<T> mapper) throws ParseException, IOException { Object current = mapper.createArray(); if (c != '[') throw new RuntimeException("Internal Error"); read(); boolean needData = false; // special case needData is false and can close is true if (c == ',' && !acceptUselessComma) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, (char) c); for (;;) { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': read(); continue; case ']': if (needData && !acceptUselessComma) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, (char) c); read(); /* unstack */ // return mapper.convert(current); case ':': case '}': throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, (char) c); case ',': if (needData && !acceptUselessComma) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, (char) c); read(); needData = true; continue; case EOI: throw new ParseException(pos - 1, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EOF, "EOF"); default: mapper.addValue(current, readMain(mapper, stopArray)); needData = false; continue; } } }
use to return Primitive Type, or String, Or JsonObject or JsonArray generated by a ContainerFactory
/** * use to return Primitive Type, or String, Or JsonObject or JsonArray * generated by a ContainerFactory */
protected <T> T readFirst(JsonReaderI<T> mapper) throws ParseException, IOException { for (;;) { switch (c) { // skip spaces case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': read(); continue; // invalid stats case ':': case '}': case ']': throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, c); // start object case '{': return readObject(mapper); // start Array case '[': return readArray(mapper); // start string case '"': case '\'': readString(); // return mapper.convert(xs); // string or null case 'n': readNQString(stopX); if ("null".equals(xs)) { // return null; } if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return mapper.convert(xs); // string or false case 'f': readNQString(stopX); if ("false".equals(xs)) { // return mapper.convert(Boolean.FALSE); } if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return mapper.convert(xs); // string or true case 't': readNQString(stopX); if ("true".equals(xs)) { // return mapper.convert(Boolean.TRUE); } if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return mapper.convert(xs); // string or NaN case 'N': readNQString(stopX); if (!acceptNaN) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); if ("NaN".equals(xs)) { // return mapper.convert(Float.valueOf(Float.NaN)); } if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return mapper.convert(xs); // digits case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '-': xo = readNumber(stopX); // return mapper.convert(xo); default: readNQString(stopX); if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return mapper.convert(xs); } } }
use to return Primitive Type, or String, Or JsonObject or JsonArray generated by a ContainerFactory
/** * use to return Primitive Type, or String, Or JsonObject or JsonArray * generated by a ContainerFactory */
protected Object readMain(JsonReaderI<?> mapper, boolean stop[]) throws ParseException, IOException { for (;;) { switch (c) { // skip spaces case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': read(); continue; // invalid stats case ':': case '}': case ']': throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, c); // start object case '{': return readObject(mapper.startObject(lastKey)); // start Array case '[': return readArray(mapper.startArray(lastKey)); // start string case '"': case '\'': readString(); // return xs; // string or null case 'n': readNQString(stop); if ("null".equals(xs)) { // return null; } if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return xs; // string or false case 'f': readNQString(stop); if ("false".equals(xs)) { // return Boolean.FALSE; } if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return xs; // string or true case 't': readNQString(stop); if ("true".equals(xs)) { // return Boolean.TRUE; } if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return xs; // string or NaN case 'N': readNQString(stop); if (!acceptNaN) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); if ("NaN".equals(xs)) { // return Float.valueOf(Float.NaN); } if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return xs; // digits case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '-': // // return readNumber(stop); default: readNQString(stop); if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); // return xs; } } } abstract protected void readNoEnd() throws ParseException, IOException; abstract protected void readNQString(boolean[] stop) throws IOException; abstract protected Object readNumber(boolean[] stop) throws ParseException, IOException; protected <T> T readObject(JsonReaderI<T> mapper) throws ParseException, IOException { // if (c != '{') throw new RuntimeException("Internal Error"); Object current = mapper.createObject(); boolean needData = false; boolean acceptData = true; for (;;) { read(); switch (c) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\t': case '\n': continue; case ':': case ']': case '[': case '{': throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, c); case '}': if (needData && !acceptUselessComma) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, (char) c); read(); /* unstack */ // return mapper.convert(current); case ',': if (needData && !acceptUselessComma) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, (char) c); acceptData = needData = true; continue; case '"': case '\'': default: // int keyStart = pos; if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { readString(); } else { readNQString(stopKey); if (!acceptNonQuote) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, xs); } String key = xs; if (!acceptData) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, key); // Skip spaces skipSpace(); if (c != ':') { if (c == EOI) throw new ParseException(pos - 1, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EOF, null); throw new ParseException(pos - 1, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, c); } readNoEnd(); /* skip : */ lastKey = key; Object value = readMain(mapper, stopValue); mapper.setValue(current, key, value); lastKey = null; // Object duplicate = obj.put(key, readMain(stopValue)); // if (duplicate != null) // throw new ParseException(keyStart, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_DUPLICATE_KEY, key); // handler.endObjectEntry(); // should loop skipping read step skipSpace(); if (c == '}') { read(); /* unstack */ // return mapper.convert(current); } if (c == EOI) // Fixed on 18/10/2011 reported by vladimir throw new ParseException(pos - 1, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EOF, null); // if c==, continue if (c == ',') acceptData = needData = true; else throw new ParseException(pos - 1, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, c); // acceptData = needData = false; } } }
store and read
/** * store and read */
abstract void readS() throws IOException; abstract protected void readString() throws ParseException, IOException; protected void readString2() throws ParseException, IOException { /* assert (c == '\"' || c == '\'') */ char sep = c; for (;;) { read(); switch (c) { case EOI: throw new ParseException(pos - 1, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EOF, null); case '"': case '\'': if (sep == c) { read(); xs = sb.toString(); return; } sb.append(c); break; case '\\': read(); switch (c) { case 't': sb.append('\t'); break; case 'n': sb.append('\n'); break; case 'r': sb.append('\r'); break; case 'f': sb.append('\f'); break; case 'b': sb.append('\b'); break; case '\\': sb.append('\\'); break; case '/': sb.append('/'); break; case '\'': sb.append('\''); break; case '"': sb.append('"'); break; case 'u': sb.append(readUnicode(4)); break; case 'x': sb.append(readUnicode(2)); break; default: break; } break; case '\0': // end of string case (char) 1: // Start of heading case (char) 2: // Start of text case (char) 3: // End of text case (char) 4: // End of transmission case (char) 5: // Enquiry case (char) 6: // Acknowledge case (char) 7: // Bell case '\b': // 8: backSpase case '\t': // 9: horizontal tab case '\n': // 10: new line case (char) 11: // Vertical tab case '\f': // 12: form feed case '\r': // 13: return carriage case (char) 14: // Shift Out, alternate character set case (char) 15: // Shift In, resume defaultn character set case (char) 16: // Data link escape case (char) 17: // XON, with XOFF to pause listings; case (char) 18: // Device control 2, block-mode flow control case (char) 19: // XOFF, with XON is TERM=18 flow control case (char) 20: // Device control 4 case (char) 21: // Negative acknowledge case (char) 22: // Synchronous idle case (char) 23: // End transmission block, not the same as EOT case (char) 24: // Cancel line, MPE echoes !!! case (char) 25: // End of medium, Control-Y interrupt // case (char) 26: // Substitute == EOI case (char) 27: // escape case (char) 28: // File Separator case (char) 29: // Group Separator case (char) 30: // Record Separator case (char) 31: // Unit Separator if (ignoreControlChar) continue; throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, c); case (char) 127: // del if (ignoreControlChar) continue; if (reject127) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, c); default: sb.append(c); } } } protected char readUnicode(int totalChars) throws ParseException, IOException { int value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < totalChars; i++) { value = value * 16; read(); if (c <= '9' && c >= '0') value += c - '0'; else if (c <= 'F' && c >= 'A') value += (c - 'A') + 10; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') value += (c - 'a') + 10; else if (c == EOI) throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EOF, "EOF"); else throw new ParseException(pos, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_UNICODE, c); } return (char) value; } protected void skipDigits() throws IOException { for (;;) { if (c < '0' || c > '9') return; readS(); } } protected void skipNQString(boolean[] stop) throws IOException { for (;;) { if ((c == EOI) || (c >= 0 && c < MAX_STOP && stop[c])) return; readS(); } } protected void skipSpace() throws IOException { for (;;) { if (c > ' ' || c == EOI) return; readS(); } } public static class MSB { char b[]; int p; public MSB(int size) { b = new char[size]; p = -1; } public void append(char c) { p++; if (b.length <= p) { char[] t = new char[b.length * 2 + 1]; System.arraycopy(b, 0, t, 0, b.length); b = t; } b[p] = c; } public void append(int c) { p++; if (b.length <= p) { char[] t = new char[b.length * 2 + 1]; System.arraycopy(b, 0, t, 0, b.length); b = t; } b[p] = (char) c; } public String toString() { return new String(b, 0, p + 1); } public void clear() { p = -1; } } }