 * Bean Validation API
 * License: Apache License, Version 2.0
 * See the license.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
package javax.validation.constraints;

import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

import javax.validation.Constraint;
import javax.validation.Payload;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank.List;

The annotated element must not be null and must contain at least one non-whitespace character. Accepts CharSequence.
Author:Hardy Ferentschik
See Also:
/** * The annotated element must not be {@code null} and must contain at least one * non-whitespace character. Accepts {@code CharSequence}. * * @author Hardy Ferentschik * @since 2.0 * * @see Character#isWhitespace(char) */
@Documented @Constraint(validatedBy = { }) @Target({ METHOD, FIELD, ANNOTATION_TYPE, CONSTRUCTOR, PARAMETER, TYPE_USE }) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Repeatable(List.class) public @interface NotBlank { String message() default "{javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank.message}"; Class<?>[] groups() default { }; Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default { };
Defines several @NotBlank constraints on the same element.
See Also:
/** * Defines several {@code @NotBlank} constraints on the same element. * * @see NotBlank */
@Target({ METHOD, FIELD, ANNOTATION_TYPE, CONSTRUCTOR, PARAMETER, TYPE_USE }) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface List { NotBlank[] value(); } }