Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */
package io.reactivex.plugins; import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler; import java.util.concurrent.*; import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber; import io.reactivex.*; import io.reactivex.annotations.*; import io.reactivex.exceptions.*; import io.reactivex.flowables.ConnectableFlowable; import io.reactivex.functions.*; import io.reactivex.internal.functions.ObjectHelper; import io.reactivex.internal.schedulers.*; import io.reactivex.internal.util.ExceptionHelper; import io.reactivex.observables.ConnectableObservable; import io.reactivex.parallel.ParallelFlowable; import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers;
Utility class to inject handlers to certain standard RxJava operations.
/** * Utility class to inject handlers to certain standard RxJava operations. */
public final class RxJavaPlugins { @Nullable static volatile Consumer<? super Throwable> errorHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Runnable, ? extends Runnable> onScheduleHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> onInitComputationHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> onInitSingleHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> onInitIoHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> onInitNewThreadHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> onComputationHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> onSingleHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> onIoHandler; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> onNewThreadHandler; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Flowable, ? extends Flowable> onFlowableAssembly; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile Function<? super ConnectableFlowable, ? extends ConnectableFlowable> onConnectableFlowableAssembly; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Observable, ? extends Observable> onObservableAssembly; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile Function<? super ConnectableObservable, ? extends ConnectableObservable> onConnectableObservableAssembly; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Maybe, ? extends Maybe> onMaybeAssembly; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Single, ? extends Single> onSingleAssembly; @Nullable static volatile Function<? super Completable, ? extends Completable> onCompletableAssembly; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile Function<? super ParallelFlowable, ? extends ParallelFlowable> onParallelAssembly; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile BiFunction<? super Flowable, ? super Subscriber, ? extends Subscriber> onFlowableSubscribe; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile BiFunction<? super Maybe, ? super MaybeObserver, ? extends MaybeObserver> onMaybeSubscribe; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile BiFunction<? super Observable, ? super Observer, ? extends Observer> onObservableSubscribe; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable static volatile BiFunction<? super Single, ? super SingleObserver, ? extends SingleObserver> onSingleSubscribe; @Nullable static volatile BiFunction<? super Completable, ? super CompletableObserver, ? extends CompletableObserver> onCompletableSubscribe; @Nullable static volatile BooleanSupplier onBeforeBlocking;
Prevents changing the plugins.
/** Prevents changing the plugins. */
static volatile boolean lockdown;
If true, attempting to run a blockingX operation on a (by default) computation or single scheduler will throw an IllegalStateException.
/** * If true, attempting to run a blockingX operation on a (by default) * computation or single scheduler will throw an IllegalStateException. */
static volatile boolean failNonBlockingScheduler;
Prevents changing the plugins from then on.

This allows container-like environments to prevent clients messing with plugins.

/** * Prevents changing the plugins from then on. * <p>This allows container-like environments to prevent clients * messing with plugins. */
public static void lockdown() { lockdown = true; }
Returns true if the plugins were locked down.
Returns:true if the plugins were locked down
/** * Returns true if the plugins were locked down. * @return true if the plugins were locked down */
public static boolean isLockdown() { return lockdown; }
Enables or disables the blockingX operators to fail with an IllegalStateException on a non-blocking scheduler such as computation or single.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

  • enable – enable or disable the feature
/** * Enables or disables the blockingX operators to fail * with an IllegalStateException on a non-blocking * scheduler such as computation or single. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @param enable enable or disable the feature * @since 2.1 */
public static void setFailOnNonBlockingScheduler(boolean enable) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } failNonBlockingScheduler = enable; }
Returns true if the blockingX operators fail with an IllegalStateException on a non-blocking scheduler such as computation or single.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

Returns:true if the blockingX operators fail on a non-blocking scheduler
/** * Returns true if the blockingX operators fail * with an IllegalStateException on a non-blocking scheduler * such as computation or single. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @return true if the blockingX operators fail on a non-blocking scheduler * @since 2.1 */
public static boolean isFailOnNonBlockingScheduler() { return failNonBlockingScheduler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> getComputationSchedulerHandler() { return onComputationHandler; }
Returns the a hook consumer.
Returns:the hook consumer, may be null
/** * Returns the a hook consumer. * @return the hook consumer, may be null */
@Nullable public static Consumer<? super Throwable> getErrorHandler() { return errorHandler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> getInitComputationSchedulerHandler() { return onInitComputationHandler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> getInitIoSchedulerHandler() { return onInitIoHandler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> getInitNewThreadSchedulerHandler() { return onInitNewThreadHandler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> getInitSingleSchedulerHandler() { return onInitSingleHandler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> getIoSchedulerHandler() { return onIoHandler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> getNewThreadSchedulerHandler() { return onNewThreadHandler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Runnable, ? extends Runnable> getScheduleHandler() { return onScheduleHandler; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> getSingleSchedulerHandler() { return onSingleHandler; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • defaultScheduler – a Callable which returns the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook, not null
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param defaultScheduler a {@link Callable} which returns the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook, not null * @throws NullPointerException if the callable parameter or its result are null */
@NonNull public static Scheduler initComputationScheduler(@NonNull Callable<Scheduler> defaultScheduler) { ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(defaultScheduler, "Scheduler Callable can't be null"); Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> f = onInitComputationHandler; if (f == null) { return callRequireNonNull(defaultScheduler); } return applyRequireNonNull(f, defaultScheduler); // JIT will skip this }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • defaultScheduler – a Callable which returns the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook, not null
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param defaultScheduler a {@link Callable} which returns the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook, not null * @throws NullPointerException if the callable parameter or its result are null */
@NonNull public static Scheduler initIoScheduler(@NonNull Callable<Scheduler> defaultScheduler) { ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(defaultScheduler, "Scheduler Callable can't be null"); Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> f = onInitIoHandler; if (f == null) { return callRequireNonNull(defaultScheduler); } return applyRequireNonNull(f, defaultScheduler); }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • defaultScheduler – a Callable which returns the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook, not null
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param defaultScheduler a {@link Callable} which returns the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook, not null * @throws NullPointerException if the callable parameter or its result are null */
@NonNull public static Scheduler initNewThreadScheduler(@NonNull Callable<Scheduler> defaultScheduler) { ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(defaultScheduler, "Scheduler Callable can't be null"); Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> f = onInitNewThreadHandler; if (f == null) { return callRequireNonNull(defaultScheduler); } return applyRequireNonNull(f, defaultScheduler); }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • defaultScheduler – a Callable which returns the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook, not null
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param defaultScheduler a {@link Callable} which returns the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook, not null * @throws NullPointerException if the callable parameter or its result are null */
@NonNull public static Scheduler initSingleScheduler(@NonNull Callable<Scheduler> defaultScheduler) { ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(defaultScheduler, "Scheduler Callable can't be null"); Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> f = onInitSingleHandler; if (f == null) { return callRequireNonNull(defaultScheduler); } return applyRequireNonNull(f, defaultScheduler); }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • defaultScheduler – the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param defaultScheduler the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@NonNull public static Scheduler onComputationScheduler(@NonNull Scheduler defaultScheduler) { Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> f = onComputationHandler; if (f == null) { return defaultScheduler; } return apply(f, defaultScheduler); }
Called when an undeliverable error occurs.

Undeliverable errors are those Observer.onError() invocations that are not allowed to happen on the given consumer type (Observer, Subscriber, etc.) due to protocol restrictions because the consumer has either disposed/cancelled its Disposable/Subscription or has already terminated with an onError() or onComplete() signal.

By default, this global error handler prints the stacktrace via Throwable.printStackTrace() and calls UncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) on the current thread.

Note that on some platforms, the platform runtime terminates the current application with an error if such uncaught exceptions happen. In this case, it is recommended the application installs a global error handler via the setErrorHandler(Consumer<? super Throwable>) plugin method.

  • error – the error to report
See Also:
/** * Called when an undeliverable error occurs. * <p> * Undeliverable errors are those {@code Observer.onError()} invocations that are not allowed to happen on * the given consumer type ({@code Observer}, {@code Subscriber}, etc.) due to protocol restrictions * because the consumer has either disposed/cancelled its {@code Disposable}/{@code Subscription} or * has already terminated with an {@code onError()} or {@code onComplete()} signal. * <p> * By default, this global error handler prints the stacktrace via {@link Throwable#printStackTrace()} * and calls {@link java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler#uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable)} * on the current thread. * <p> * Note that on some platforms, the platform runtime terminates the current application with an error if such * uncaught exceptions happen. In this case, it is recommended the application installs a global error * handler via the {@link #setErrorHandler(Consumer)} plugin method. * * @param error the error to report * @see #getErrorHandler() * @see #setErrorHandler(Consumer) * @see <a href="'s-different-in-2.0#error-handling">Error handling Wiki</a> */
public static void onError(@NonNull Throwable error) { Consumer<? super Throwable> f = errorHandler; if (error == null) { error = new NullPointerException("onError called with null. Null values are generally not allowed in 2.x operators and sources."); } else { if (!isBug(error)) { error = new UndeliverableException(error); } } if (f != null) { try { f.accept(error); return; } catch (Throwable e) { // Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e); TODO decide e.printStackTrace(); // NOPMD uncaught(e); } } error.printStackTrace(); // NOPMD uncaught(error); }
Checks if the given error is one of the already named bug cases that should pass through onError(Throwable) as is.
  • error – the error to check
Returns:true if the error should pass through, false if it may be wrapped into an UndeliverableException
/** * Checks if the given error is one of the already named * bug cases that should pass through {@link #onError(Throwable)} * as is. * @param error the error to check * @return true if the error should pass through, false if * it may be wrapped into an UndeliverableException */
static boolean isBug(Throwable error) { // user forgot to add the onError handler in subscribe if (error instanceof OnErrorNotImplementedException) { return true; } // the sender didn't honor the request amount // it's either due to an operator bug or concurrent onNext if (error instanceof MissingBackpressureException) { return true; } // general protocol violations // it's either due to an operator bug or concurrent onNext if (error instanceof IllegalStateException) { return true; } // nulls are generally not allowed // likely an operator bug or missing null-check if (error instanceof NullPointerException) { return true; } // bad arguments, likely invalid user input if (error instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { return true; } // Crash while handling an exception if (error instanceof CompositeException) { return true; } // everything else is probably due to lifecycle limits return false; } static void uncaught(@NonNull Throwable error) { Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = currentThread.getUncaughtExceptionHandler(); handler.uncaughtException(currentThread, error); }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • defaultScheduler – the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param defaultScheduler the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@NonNull public static Scheduler onIoScheduler(@NonNull Scheduler defaultScheduler) { Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> f = onIoHandler; if (f == null) { return defaultScheduler; } return apply(f, defaultScheduler); }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • defaultScheduler – the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param defaultScheduler the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@NonNull public static Scheduler onNewThreadScheduler(@NonNull Scheduler defaultScheduler) { Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> f = onNewThreadHandler; if (f == null) { return defaultScheduler; } return apply(f, defaultScheduler); }
Called when a task is scheduled.
  • run – the runnable instance
Returns:the replacement runnable
/** * Called when a task is scheduled. * @param run the runnable instance * @return the replacement runnable */
@NonNull public static Runnable onSchedule(@NonNull Runnable run) { ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(run, "run is null"); Function<? super Runnable, ? extends Runnable> f = onScheduleHandler; if (f == null) { return run; } return apply(f, run); }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • defaultScheduler – the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param defaultScheduler the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@NonNull public static Scheduler onSingleScheduler(@NonNull Scheduler defaultScheduler) { Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> f = onSingleHandler; if (f == null) { return defaultScheduler; } return apply(f, defaultScheduler); }
Removes all handlers and resets to default behavior.
/** * Removes all handlers and resets to default behavior. */
public static void reset() { setErrorHandler(null); setScheduleHandler(null); setComputationSchedulerHandler(null); setInitComputationSchedulerHandler(null); setIoSchedulerHandler(null); setInitIoSchedulerHandler(null); setSingleSchedulerHandler(null); setInitSingleSchedulerHandler(null); setNewThreadSchedulerHandler(null); setInitNewThreadSchedulerHandler(null); setOnFlowableAssembly(null); setOnFlowableSubscribe(null); setOnObservableAssembly(null); setOnObservableSubscribe(null); setOnSingleAssembly(null); setOnSingleSubscribe(null); setOnCompletableAssembly(null); setOnCompletableSubscribe(null); setOnConnectableFlowableAssembly(null); setOnConnectableObservableAssembly(null); setOnMaybeAssembly(null); setOnMaybeSubscribe(null); setOnParallelAssembly(null); setFailOnNonBlockingScheduler(false); setOnBeforeBlocking(null); }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed */
public static void setComputationSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onComputationHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed */
public static void setErrorHandler(@Nullable Consumer<? super Throwable> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } errorHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed, but the function may not return null
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed, but the function may not return null */
public static void setInitComputationSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onInitComputationHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed, but the function may not return null
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed, but the function may not return null */
public static void setInitIoSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onInitIoHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed, but the function may not return null
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed, but the function may not return null */
public static void setInitNewThreadSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onInitNewThreadHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed, but the function may not return null
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed, but the function may not return null */
public static void setInitSingleSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onInitSingleHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed */
public static void setIoSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onIoHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed */
public static void setNewThreadSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onNewThreadHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed */
public static void setScheduleHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Runnable, ? extends Runnable> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onScheduleHandler = handler; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed */
public static void setSingleSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Function<? super Scheduler, ? extends Scheduler> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onSingleHandler = handler; }
Revokes the lockdown, only for testing purposes.
/** * Revokes the lockdown, only for testing purposes. */
/* test. */static void unlock() { lockdown = false; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static Function<? super Completable, ? extends Completable> getOnCompletableAssembly() { return onCompletableAssembly; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable public static BiFunction<? super Completable, ? super CompletableObserver, ? extends CompletableObserver> getOnCompletableSubscribe() { return onCompletableSubscribe; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable public static Function<? super Flowable, ? extends Flowable> getOnFlowableAssembly() { return onFlowableAssembly; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable public static Function<? super ConnectableFlowable, ? extends ConnectableFlowable> getOnConnectableFlowableAssembly() { return onConnectableFlowableAssembly; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static BiFunction<? super Flowable, ? super Subscriber, ? extends Subscriber> getOnFlowableSubscribe() { return onFlowableSubscribe; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static BiFunction<? super Maybe, ? super MaybeObserver, ? extends MaybeObserver> getOnMaybeSubscribe() { return onMaybeSubscribe; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static Function<? super Maybe, ? extends Maybe> getOnMaybeAssembly() { return onMaybeAssembly; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static Function<? super Single, ? extends Single> getOnSingleAssembly() { return onSingleAssembly; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static BiFunction<? super Single, ? super SingleObserver, ? extends SingleObserver> getOnSingleSubscribe() { return onSingleSubscribe; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static Function<? super Observable, ? extends Observable> getOnObservableAssembly() { return onObservableAssembly; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static Function<? super ConnectableObservable, ? extends ConnectableObservable> getOnConnectableObservableAssembly() { return onConnectableObservableAssembly; }
Returns the current hook function.
Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * @return the hook function, may be null */
@Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static BiFunction<? super Observable, ? super Observer, ? extends Observer> getOnObservableSubscribe() { return onObservableSubscribe; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onCompletableAssembly – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onCompletableAssembly the hook function to set, null allowed */
public static void setOnCompletableAssembly(@Nullable Function<? super Completable, ? extends Completable> onCompletableAssembly) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onCompletableAssembly = onCompletableAssembly; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onCompletableSubscribe – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onCompletableSubscribe the hook function to set, null allowed */
public static void setOnCompletableSubscribe( @Nullable BiFunction<? super Completable, ? super CompletableObserver, ? extends CompletableObserver> onCompletableSubscribe) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onCompletableSubscribe = onCompletableSubscribe; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onFlowableAssembly – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onFlowableAssembly the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnFlowableAssembly(@Nullable Function<? super Flowable, ? extends Flowable> onFlowableAssembly) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onFlowableAssembly = onFlowableAssembly; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onMaybeAssembly – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onMaybeAssembly the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnMaybeAssembly(@Nullable Function<? super Maybe, ? extends Maybe> onMaybeAssembly) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onMaybeAssembly = onMaybeAssembly; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onConnectableFlowableAssembly – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onConnectableFlowableAssembly the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnConnectableFlowableAssembly(@Nullable Function<? super ConnectableFlowable, ? extends ConnectableFlowable> onConnectableFlowableAssembly) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onConnectableFlowableAssembly = onConnectableFlowableAssembly; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onFlowableSubscribe – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onFlowableSubscribe the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnFlowableSubscribe(@Nullable BiFunction<? super Flowable, ? super Subscriber, ? extends Subscriber> onFlowableSubscribe) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onFlowableSubscribe = onFlowableSubscribe; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onMaybeSubscribe – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onMaybeSubscribe the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnMaybeSubscribe(@Nullable BiFunction<? super Maybe, MaybeObserver, ? extends MaybeObserver> onMaybeSubscribe) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onMaybeSubscribe = onMaybeSubscribe; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onObservableAssembly – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onObservableAssembly the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnObservableAssembly(@Nullable Function<? super Observable, ? extends Observable> onObservableAssembly) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onObservableAssembly = onObservableAssembly; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onConnectableObservableAssembly – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onConnectableObservableAssembly the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnConnectableObservableAssembly(@Nullable Function<? super ConnectableObservable, ? extends ConnectableObservable> onConnectableObservableAssembly) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onConnectableObservableAssembly = onConnectableObservableAssembly; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onObservableSubscribe – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onObservableSubscribe the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnObservableSubscribe( @Nullable BiFunction<? super Observable, ? super Observer, ? extends Observer> onObservableSubscribe) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onObservableSubscribe = onObservableSubscribe; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onSingleAssembly – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onSingleAssembly the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnSingleAssembly(@Nullable Function<? super Single, ? extends Single> onSingleAssembly) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onSingleAssembly = onSingleAssembly; }
Sets the specific hook function.
  • onSingleSubscribe – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * @param onSingleSubscribe the hook function to set, null allowed */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnSingleSubscribe(@Nullable BiFunction<? super Single, ? super SingleObserver, ? extends SingleObserver> onSingleSubscribe) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } RxJavaPlugins.onSingleSubscribe = onSingleSubscribe; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
  • subscriber – the subscriber
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @param subscriber the subscriber * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> Subscriber<? super T> onSubscribe(@NonNull Flowable<T> source, @NonNull Subscriber<? super T> subscriber) { BiFunction<? super Flowable, ? super Subscriber, ? extends Subscriber> f = onFlowableSubscribe; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source, subscriber); } return subscriber; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
  • observer – the observer
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @param observer the observer * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> Observer<? super T> onSubscribe(@NonNull Observable<T> source, @NonNull Observer<? super T> observer) { BiFunction<? super Observable, ? super Observer, ? extends Observer> f = onObservableSubscribe; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source, observer); } return observer; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
  • observer – the observer
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @param observer the observer * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> SingleObserver<? super T> onSubscribe(@NonNull Single<T> source, @NonNull SingleObserver<? super T> observer) { BiFunction<? super Single, ? super SingleObserver, ? extends SingleObserver> f = onSingleSubscribe; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source, observer); } return observer; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
  • observer – the observer
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param source the hook's input value * @param observer the observer * @return the value returned by the hook */
@NonNull public static CompletableObserver onSubscribe(@NonNull Completable source, @NonNull CompletableObserver observer) { BiFunction<? super Completable, ? super CompletableObserver, ? extends CompletableObserver> f = onCompletableSubscribe; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source, observer); } return observer; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
  • observer – the subscriber
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @param observer the subscriber * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> MaybeObserver<? super T> onSubscribe(@NonNull Maybe<T> source, @NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer) { BiFunction<? super Maybe, ? super MaybeObserver, ? extends MaybeObserver> f = onMaybeSubscribe; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source, observer); } return observer; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> Maybe<T> onAssembly(@NonNull Maybe<T> source) { Function<? super Maybe, ? extends Maybe> f = onMaybeAssembly; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source); } return source; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> Flowable<T> onAssembly(@NonNull Flowable<T> source) { Function<? super Flowable, ? extends Flowable> f = onFlowableAssembly; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source); } return source; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> ConnectableFlowable<T> onAssembly(@NonNull ConnectableFlowable<T> source) { Function<? super ConnectableFlowable, ? extends ConnectableFlowable> f = onConnectableFlowableAssembly; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source); } return source; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> Observable<T> onAssembly(@NonNull Observable<T> source) { Function<? super Observable, ? extends Observable> f = onObservableAssembly; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source); } return source; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> ConnectableObservable<T> onAssembly(@NonNull ConnectableObservable<T> source) { Function<? super ConnectableObservable, ? extends ConnectableObservable> f = onConnectableObservableAssembly; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source); } return source; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param <T> the value type * @param source the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> Single<T> onAssembly(@NonNull Single<T> source) { Function<? super Single, ? extends Single> f = onSingleAssembly; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source); } return source; }
Calls the associated hook function.
  • source – the hook's input value
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * @param source the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook */
@NonNull public static Completable onAssembly(@NonNull Completable source) { Function<? super Completable, ? extends Completable> f = onCompletableAssembly; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source); } return source; }
Sets the specific hook function.

History: 2.0.6 - experimental; 2.1 - beta

  • handler – the hook function to set, null allowed
/** * Sets the specific hook function. * <p>History: 2.0.6 - experimental; 2.1 - beta * @param handler the hook function to set, null allowed * @since 2.2 */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void setOnParallelAssembly(@Nullable Function<? super ParallelFlowable, ? extends ParallelFlowable> handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onParallelAssembly = handler; }
Returns the current hook function.

History: 2.0.6 - experimental; 2.1 - beta

Returns:the hook function, may be null
/** * Returns the current hook function. * <p>History: 2.0.6 - experimental; 2.1 - beta * @return the hook function, may be null * @since 2.2 */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nullable public static Function<? super ParallelFlowable, ? extends ParallelFlowable> getOnParallelAssembly() { return onParallelAssembly; }
Calls the associated hook function.

History: 2.0.6 - experimental; 2.1 - beta

  • source – the hook's input value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type of the source
Returns:the value returned by the hook
/** * Calls the associated hook function. * <p>History: 2.0.6 - experimental; 2.1 - beta * @param <T> the value type of the source * @param source the hook's input value * @return the value returned by the hook * @since 2.2 */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @NonNull public static <T> ParallelFlowable<T> onAssembly(@NonNull ParallelFlowable<T> source) { Function<? super ParallelFlowable, ? extends ParallelFlowable> f = onParallelAssembly; if (f != null) { return apply(f, source); } return source; }
Called before an operator attempts a blocking operation such as awaiting a condition or signal and should return true to indicate the operator should not block but throw an IllegalArgumentException.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

See Also:
Returns:true if the blocking should be prevented
/** * Called before an operator attempts a blocking operation * such as awaiting a condition or signal * and should return true to indicate the operator * should not block but throw an IllegalArgumentException. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @return true if the blocking should be prevented * @see #setFailOnNonBlockingScheduler(boolean) * @since 2.1 */
public static boolean onBeforeBlocking() { BooleanSupplier f = onBeforeBlocking; if (f != null) { try { return f.getAsBoolean(); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw ExceptionHelper.wrapOrThrow(ex); } } return false; }
Set the handler that is called when an operator attempts a blocking await; the handler should return true to prevent the blocking and to signal an IllegalStateException instead.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

  • handler – the handler to set, null resets to the default handler that always returns false
See Also:
/** * Set the handler that is called when an operator attempts a blocking * await; the handler should return true to prevent the blocking * and to signal an IllegalStateException instead. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @param handler the handler to set, null resets to the default handler * that always returns false * @see #onBeforeBlocking() * @since 2.1 */
public static void setOnBeforeBlocking(@Nullable BooleanSupplier handler) { if (lockdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Plugins can't be changed anymore"); } onBeforeBlocking = handler; }
Returns the current blocking handler or null if no custom handler is set.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

Returns:the current blocking handler or null if not specified
/** * Returns the current blocking handler or null if no custom handler * is set. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @return the current blocking handler or null if not specified * @since 2.1 */
@Nullable public static BooleanSupplier getOnBeforeBlocking() { return onBeforeBlocking; }
Create an instance of the default Scheduler used for Schedulers.computation() except using threadFactory for thread creation.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

  • threadFactory – thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null.
Returns:the created Scheduler instance
/** * Create an instance of the default {@link Scheduler} used for {@link Schedulers#computation()} * except using {@code threadFactory} for thread creation. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @param threadFactory thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any * system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null. * @return the created Scheduler instance * @since 2.1 */
@NonNull public static Scheduler createComputationScheduler(@NonNull ThreadFactory threadFactory) { return new ComputationScheduler(ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(threadFactory, "threadFactory is null")); }
Create an instance of the default Scheduler used for except using threadFactory for thread creation.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

  • threadFactory – thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null.
Returns:the created Scheduler instance
/** * Create an instance of the default {@link Scheduler} used for {@link Schedulers#io()} * except using {@code threadFactory} for thread creation. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @param threadFactory thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any * system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null. * @return the created Scheduler instance * @since 2.1 */
@NonNull public static Scheduler createIoScheduler(@NonNull ThreadFactory threadFactory) { return new IoScheduler(ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(threadFactory, "threadFactory is null")); }
Create an instance of the default Scheduler used for Schedulers.newThread() except using threadFactory for thread creation.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

  • threadFactory – thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null.
Returns:the created Scheduler instance
/** * Create an instance of the default {@link Scheduler} used for {@link Schedulers#newThread()} * except using {@code threadFactory} for thread creation. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @param threadFactory thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any * system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null. * @return the created Scheduler instance * @since 2.1 */
@NonNull public static Scheduler createNewThreadScheduler(@NonNull ThreadFactory threadFactory) { return new NewThreadScheduler(ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(threadFactory, "threadFactory is null")); }
Create an instance of the default Scheduler used for Schedulers.single() except using threadFactory for thread creation.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

  • threadFactory – thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null.
Returns:the created Scheduler instance
/** * Create an instance of the default {@link Scheduler} used for {@link Schedulers#single()} * except using {@code threadFactory} for thread creation. * <p>History: 2.0.5 - experimental * @param threadFactory thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any * system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null. * @return the created Scheduler instance * @since 2.1 */
@NonNull public static Scheduler createSingleScheduler(@NonNull ThreadFactory threadFactory) { return new SingleScheduler(ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(threadFactory, "threadFactory is null")); }
Wraps the call to the function in try-catch and propagates thrown checked exceptions as RuntimeException.
  • f – the function to call, not null (not verified)
  • t – the parameter value to the function
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the input type
  • <R> – the output type
Returns:the result of the function call
/** * Wraps the call to the function in try-catch and propagates thrown * checked exceptions as RuntimeException. * @param <T> the input type * @param <R> the output type * @param f the function to call, not null (not verified) * @param t the parameter value to the function * @return the result of the function call */
@NonNull static <T, R> R apply(@NonNull Function<T, R> f, @NonNull T t) { try { return f.apply(t); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw ExceptionHelper.wrapOrThrow(ex); } }
Wraps the call to the function in try-catch and propagates thrown checked exceptions as RuntimeException.
  • f – the function to call, not null (not verified)
  • t – the first parameter value to the function
  • u – the second parameter value to the function
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the first input type
  • <U> – the second input type
  • <R> – the output type
Returns:the result of the function call
/** * Wraps the call to the function in try-catch and propagates thrown * checked exceptions as RuntimeException. * @param <T> the first input type * @param <U> the second input type * @param <R> the output type * @param f the function to call, not null (not verified) * @param t the first parameter value to the function * @param u the second parameter value to the function * @return the result of the function call */
@NonNull static <T, U, R> R apply(@NonNull BiFunction<T, U, R> f, @NonNull T t, @NonNull U u) { try { return f.apply(t, u); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw ExceptionHelper.wrapOrThrow(ex); } }
Wraps the call to the Scheduler creation callable in try-catch and propagates thrown checked exceptions as RuntimeException and enforces that result is not null.
  • s – the Callable which returns a Scheduler, not null (not verified). Cannot return null
Returns:the result of the callable call, not null
/** * Wraps the call to the Scheduler creation callable in try-catch and propagates thrown * checked exceptions as RuntimeException and enforces that result is not null. * @param s the {@link Callable} which returns a {@link Scheduler}, not null (not verified). Cannot return null * @return the result of the callable call, not null * @throws NullPointerException if the callable parameter returns null */
@NonNull static Scheduler callRequireNonNull(@NonNull Callable<Scheduler> s) { try { return ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(, "Scheduler Callable result can't be null"); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw ExceptionHelper.wrapOrThrow(ex); } }
Wraps the call to the Scheduler creation function in try-catch and propagates thrown checked exceptions as RuntimeException and enforces that result is not null.
  • f – the function to call, not null (not verified). Cannot return null
  • s – the parameter value to the function
Returns:the result of the function call, not null
/** * Wraps the call to the Scheduler creation function in try-catch and propagates thrown * checked exceptions as RuntimeException and enforces that result is not null. * @param f the function to call, not null (not verified). Cannot return null * @param s the parameter value to the function * @return the result of the function call, not null * @throws NullPointerException if the function parameter returns null */
@NonNull static Scheduler applyRequireNonNull(@NonNull Function<? super Callable<Scheduler>, ? extends Scheduler> f, Callable<Scheduler> s) { return ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(apply(f, s), "Scheduler Callable result can't be null"); }
Helper class, no instances.
/** Helper class, no instances. */
private RxJavaPlugins() { throw new IllegalStateException("No instances!"); } }