Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */
package io.reactivex.internal.util; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.reactivestreams.*; import io.reactivex.Observer; import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable; import io.reactivex.exceptions.*; import io.reactivex.functions.BooleanSupplier; import io.reactivex.internal.fuseable.*; import io.reactivex.internal.queue.*;
Utility class to help with the queue-drain serialization idiom.
/** * Utility class to help with the queue-drain serialization idiom. */
public final class QueueDrainHelper {
Utility class.
/** Utility class. */
private QueueDrainHelper() { throw new IllegalStateException("No instances!"); }
Drain the queue but give up with an error if there aren't enough requests.
  • q – the queue
  • a – the subscriber
  • delayError – true if errors should be delayed after all normal items
  • dispose – the disposable to call when termination happens and cleanup is necessary
  • qd – the QueueDrain instance that gives status information to the drain logic
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the queue value type
  • <U> – the emission value type
/** * Drain the queue but give up with an error if there aren't enough requests. * @param <T> the queue value type * @param <U> the emission value type * @param q the queue * @param a the subscriber * @param delayError true if errors should be delayed after all normal items * @param dispose the disposable to call when termination happens and cleanup is necessary * @param qd the QueueDrain instance that gives status information to the drain logic */
public static <T, U> void drainMaxLoop(SimplePlainQueue<T> q, Subscriber<? super U> a, boolean delayError, Disposable dispose, QueueDrain<T, U> qd) { int missed = 1; for (;;) { for (;;) { boolean d = qd.done(); T v = q.poll(); boolean empty = v == null; if (checkTerminated(d, empty, a, delayError, q, qd)) { if (dispose != null) { dispose.dispose(); } return; } if (empty) { break; } long r = qd.requested(); if (r != 0L) { if (qd.accept(a, v)) { if (r != Long.MAX_VALUE) { qd.produced(1); } } } else { q.clear(); if (dispose != null) { dispose.dispose(); } a.onError(new MissingBackpressureException("Could not emit value due to lack of requests.")); return; } } missed = qd.leave(-missed); if (missed == 0) { break; } } } public static <T, U> boolean checkTerminated(boolean d, boolean empty, Subscriber<?> s, boolean delayError, SimpleQueue<?> q, QueueDrain<T, U> qd) { if (qd.cancelled()) { q.clear(); return true; } if (d) { if (delayError) { if (empty) { Throwable err = qd.error(); if (err != null) { s.onError(err); } else { s.onComplete(); } return true; } } else { Throwable err = qd.error(); if (err != null) { q.clear(); s.onError(err); return true; } else if (empty) { s.onComplete(); return true; } } } return false; } public static <T, U> void drainLoop(SimplePlainQueue<T> q, Observer<? super U> a, boolean delayError, Disposable dispose, ObservableQueueDrain<T, U> qd) { int missed = 1; for (;;) { if (checkTerminated(qd.done(), q.isEmpty(), a, delayError, q, dispose, qd)) { return; } for (;;) { boolean d = qd.done(); T v = q.poll(); boolean empty = v == null; if (checkTerminated(d, empty, a, delayError, q, dispose, qd)) { return; } if (empty) { break; } qd.accept(a, v); } missed = qd.leave(-missed); if (missed == 0) { break; } } } public static <T, U> boolean checkTerminated(boolean d, boolean empty, Observer<?> observer, boolean delayError, SimpleQueue<?> q, Disposable disposable, ObservableQueueDrain<T, U> qd) { if (qd.cancelled()) { q.clear(); disposable.dispose(); return true; } if (d) { if (delayError) { if (empty) { if (disposable != null) { disposable.dispose(); } Throwable err = qd.error(); if (err != null) { observer.onError(err); } else { observer.onComplete(); } return true; } } else { Throwable err = qd.error(); if (err != null) { q.clear(); if (disposable != null) { disposable.dispose(); } observer.onError(err); return true; } else if (empty) { if (disposable != null) { disposable.dispose(); } observer.onComplete(); return true; } } } return false; }
Creates a queue: spsc-array if capacityHint is positive and spsc-linked-array if capacityHint is negative; in both cases, the capacity is the absolute value of prefetch.
  • capacityHint – the capacity hint, negative value will create an array-based SPSC queue
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type of the queue
Returns:the queue instance
/** * Creates a queue: spsc-array if capacityHint is positive and * spsc-linked-array if capacityHint is negative; in both cases, the * capacity is the absolute value of prefetch. * @param <T> the value type of the queue * @param capacityHint the capacity hint, negative value will create an array-based SPSC queue * @return the queue instance */
public static <T> SimpleQueue<T> createQueue(int capacityHint) { if (capacityHint < 0) { return new SpscLinkedArrayQueue<T>(-capacityHint); } return new SpscArrayQueue<T>(capacityHint); }
Requests Long.MAX_VALUE if prefetch is negative or the exact amount if prefetch is positive.
  • s – the Subscription to request from
  • prefetch – the prefetch value
/** * Requests Long.MAX_VALUE if prefetch is negative or the exact * amount if prefetch is positive. * @param s the Subscription to request from * @param prefetch the prefetch value */
public static void request(Subscription s, int prefetch) { s.request(prefetch < 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : prefetch); } static final long COMPLETED_MASK = 0x8000000000000000L; static final long REQUESTED_MASK = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
Accumulates requests (not validated) and handles the completed mode draining of the queue based on the requests.

Post-completion backpressure handles the case when a source produces values based on requests when it is active but more values are available even after its completion. In this case, the onComplete() can't just emit the contents of the queue but has to coordinate with the requested amounts. This requires two distinct modes: active and completed. In active mode, requests flow through and the queue is not accessed but in completed mode, requests no-longer reach the upstream but help in draining the queue.

  • n – the request amount, positive (not validated)
  • actual – the target Subscriber to send events to
  • queue – the queue to drain if in the post-complete state
  • state – holds the request amount and the post-completed flag
  • isCancelled – a supplier that returns true if the drain has been cancelled
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type emitted
Returns:true if the state indicates a completion state.
/** * Accumulates requests (not validated) and handles the completed mode draining of the queue based on the requests. * * <p> * Post-completion backpressure handles the case when a source produces values based on * requests when it is active but more values are available even after its completion. * In this case, the onComplete() can't just emit the contents of the queue but has to * coordinate with the requested amounts. This requires two distinct modes: active and * completed. In active mode, requests flow through and the queue is not accessed but * in completed mode, requests no-longer reach the upstream but help in draining the queue. * * @param <T> the value type emitted * @param n the request amount, positive (not validated) * @param actual the target Subscriber to send events to * @param queue the queue to drain if in the post-complete state * @param state holds the request amount and the post-completed flag * @param isCancelled a supplier that returns true if the drain has been cancelled * @return true if the state indicates a completion state. */
public static <T> boolean postCompleteRequest(long n, Subscriber<? super T> actual, Queue<T> queue, AtomicLong state, BooleanSupplier isCancelled) { for (; ; ) { long r = state.get(); // extract the current request amount long r0 = r & REQUESTED_MASK; // preserve COMPLETED_MASK and calculate new requested amount long u = (r & COMPLETED_MASK) | BackpressureHelper.addCap(r0, n); if (state.compareAndSet(r, u)) { // (complete, 0) -> (complete, n) transition then replay if (r == COMPLETED_MASK) { postCompleteDrain(n | COMPLETED_MASK, actual, queue, state, isCancelled); return true; } // (active, r) -> (active, r + n) transition then continue with requesting from upstream return false; } } } static boolean isCancelled(BooleanSupplier cancelled) { try { return cancelled.getAsBoolean(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Exceptions.throwIfFatal(ex); return true; } }
Drains the queue based on the outstanding requests in post-completed mode (only!).
  • n – the current request amount
  • actual – the target Subscriber to send events to
  • queue – the queue to drain if in the post-complete state
  • state – holds the request amount and the post-completed flag
  • isCancelled – a supplier that returns true if the drain has been cancelled
Returns:true if the queue was completely drained or the drain process was cancelled
/** * Drains the queue based on the outstanding requests in post-completed mode (only!). * * @param n the current request amount * @param actual the target Subscriber to send events to * @param queue the queue to drain if in the post-complete state * @param state holds the request amount and the post-completed flag * @param isCancelled a supplier that returns true if the drain has been cancelled * @return true if the queue was completely drained or the drain process was cancelled */
static <T> boolean postCompleteDrain(long n, Subscriber<? super T> actual, Queue<T> queue, AtomicLong state, BooleanSupplier isCancelled) { // TODO enable fast-path // if (n == -1 || n == Long.MAX_VALUE) { // for (;;) { // if (isCancelled.getAsBoolean()) { // break; // } // // T v = queue.poll(); // // if (v == null) { // actual.onComplete(); // break; // } // // actual.onNext(v); // } // // return true; // } long e = n & COMPLETED_MASK; for (; ; ) { while (e != n) { if (isCancelled(isCancelled)) { return true; } T t = queue.poll(); if (t == null) { actual.onComplete(); return true; } actual.onNext(t); e++; } if (isCancelled(isCancelled)) { return true; } if (queue.isEmpty()) { actual.onComplete(); return true; } n = state.get(); if (n == e) { n = state.addAndGet(-(e & REQUESTED_MASK)); if ((n & REQUESTED_MASK) == 0L) { return false; } e = n & COMPLETED_MASK; } } }
Signals the completion of the main sequence and switches to post-completion replay mode.

Don't modify the queue after calling this method!

Post-completion backpressure handles the case when a source produces values based on requests when it is active but more values are available even after its completion. In this case, the onComplete() can't just emit the contents of the queue but has to coordinate with the requested amounts. This requires two distinct modes: active and completed. In active mode, requests flow through and the queue is not accessed but in completed mode, requests no-longer reach the upstream but help in draining the queue.

The algorithm utilizes the most significant bit (bit 63) of a long value (AtomicLong) since request amount only goes up to Long.MAX_VALUE (bits 0-62) and negative values aren't allowed.

  • actual – the target Subscriber to send events to
  • queue – the queue to drain if in the post-complete state
  • state – holds the request amount and the post-completed flag
  • isCancelled – a supplier that returns true if the drain has been cancelled
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type emitted
/** * Signals the completion of the main sequence and switches to post-completion replay mode. * * <p> * Don't modify the queue after calling this method! * * <p> * Post-completion backpressure handles the case when a source produces values based on * requests when it is active but more values are available even after its completion. * In this case, the onComplete() can't just emit the contents of the queue but has to * coordinate with the requested amounts. This requires two distinct modes: active and * completed. In active mode, requests flow through and the queue is not accessed but * in completed mode, requests no-longer reach the upstream but help in draining the queue. * <p> * The algorithm utilizes the most significant bit (bit 63) of a long value (AtomicLong) since * request amount only goes up to Long.MAX_VALUE (bits 0-62) and negative values aren't * allowed. * * @param <T> the value type emitted * @param actual the target Subscriber to send events to * @param queue the queue to drain if in the post-complete state * @param state holds the request amount and the post-completed flag * @param isCancelled a supplier that returns true if the drain has been cancelled */
public static <T> void postComplete(Subscriber<? super T> actual, Queue<T> queue, AtomicLong state, BooleanSupplier isCancelled) { if (queue.isEmpty()) { actual.onComplete(); return; } if (postCompleteDrain(state.get(), actual, queue, state, isCancelled)) { return; } for (; ; ) { long r = state.get(); if ((r & COMPLETED_MASK) != 0L) { return; } long u = r | COMPLETED_MASK; // (active, r) -> (complete, r) transition if (state.compareAndSet(r, u)) { // if the requested amount was non-zero, drain the queue if (r != 0L) { postCompleteDrain(u, actual, queue, state, isCancelled); } return; } } } }