Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
package io.reactivex.internal.schedulers; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import io.reactivex.Completable; import io.reactivex.CompletableObserver; import io.reactivex.Flowable; import io.reactivex.Observable; import io.reactivex.Scheduler; import io.reactivex.annotations.NonNull; import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable; import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposables; import io.reactivex.functions.Function; import io.reactivex.internal.util.ExceptionHelper; import io.reactivex.processors.FlowableProcessor; import io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor;
Allows the use of operators for controlling the timing around when actions scheduled on workers are actually done. This makes it possible to layer additional behavior on this Scheduler. The only parameter is a function that flattens an Observable of Observable of Completables into just one Completable. There must be a chain of operators connecting the returned value to the source Observable otherwise any work scheduled on the returned Scheduler will not be executed.

When Scheduler.createWorker() is invoked a Observable of Completables is onNext'd to the combinator to be flattened. If the inner Observable is not immediately subscribed to an calls to Worker.schedule are buffered. Once the Observable is subscribed to actions are then onNext'd as Completables.

Finally the actions scheduled on the parent Scheduler when the inner most Completables are subscribed to.

When the Worker is unsubscribed the Completable emits an onComplete and triggers any behavior in the flattening operator. The Observable and all Completables give to the flattening function never onError.

Limit the amount concurrency two at a time without creating a new fix size thread pool:

Scheduler limitScheduler = Schedulers.computation().when(workers -> {
 // use merge max concurrent to limit the number of concurrent
 // callbacks two at a time
 return Completable.merge(Observable.merge(workers), 2);

This is a slightly different way to limit the concurrency but it has some interesting benefits and drawbacks to the method above. It works by limited the number of concurrent Workers rather than individual actions. Generally each Observable uses its own Worker. This means that this will essentially limit the number of concurrent subscribes. The danger comes from using operators like<? extends Object>, Publisher<? extends Object>, BiFunction<? super Object,? super Object,? extends Object>) where subscribing to the first Observable could deadlock the subscription to the second.

Scheduler limitScheduler = Schedulers.computation().when(workers -> {
 // use merge max concurrent to limit the number of concurrent
 // Observables two at a time
 return Completable.merge(Observable.merge(workers, 2));
Slowing down the rate to no more than than 1 a second. This suffers from the same problem as the one above I could find an Observable operator that limits the rate without dropping the values (aka leaky bucket algorithm).
Scheduler slowScheduler = Schedulers.computation().when(workers -> {
 // use concatenate to make each worker happen one at a time.
 return Completable.concat( -> {
     // delay the starting of the next worker by 1 second.
     return Completable.merge(actions.delaySubscription(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

History 2.0.1 - experimental

/** * Allows the use of operators for controlling the timing around when actions * scheduled on workers are actually done. This makes it possible to layer * additional behavior on this {@link Scheduler}. The only parameter is a * function that flattens an {@link Observable} of {@link Observable} of * {@link Completable}s into just one {@link Completable}. There must be a chain * of operators connecting the returned value to the source {@link Observable} * otherwise any work scheduled on the returned {@link Scheduler} will not be * executed. * <p> * When {@link Scheduler#createWorker()} is invoked a {@link Observable} of * {@link Completable}s is onNext'd to the combinator to be flattened. If the * inner {@link Observable} is not immediately subscribed to an calls to * {@link Worker#schedule} are buffered. Once the {@link Observable} is * subscribed to actions are then onNext'd as {@link Completable}s. * <p> * Finally the actions scheduled on the parent {@link Scheduler} when the inner * most {@link Completable}s are subscribed to. * <p> * When the {@link io.reactivex.Scheduler.Worker Worker} is unsubscribed the {@link Completable} emits an * onComplete and triggers any behavior in the flattening operator. The * {@link Observable} and all {@link Completable}s give to the flattening * function never onError. * <p> * Limit the amount concurrency two at a time without creating a new fix size * thread pool: * * <pre> * Scheduler limitScheduler = Schedulers.computation().when(workers -> { * // use merge max concurrent to limit the number of concurrent * // callbacks two at a time * return Completable.merge(Observable.merge(workers), 2); * }); * </pre> * <p> * This is a slightly different way to limit the concurrency but it has some * interesting benefits and drawbacks to the method above. It works by limited * the number of concurrent {@link io.reactivex.Scheduler.Worker Worker}s rather than individual actions. * Generally each {@link Observable} uses its own {@link io.reactivex.Scheduler.Worker Worker}. This means * that this will essentially limit the number of concurrent subscribes. The * danger comes from using operators like * {@link Flowable#zip(org.reactivestreams.Publisher, org.reactivestreams.Publisher, io.reactivex.functions.BiFunction)} where * subscribing to the first {@link Observable} could deadlock the subscription * to the second. * * <pre> * Scheduler limitScheduler = Schedulers.computation().when(workers -> { * // use merge max concurrent to limit the number of concurrent * // Observables two at a time * return Completable.merge(Observable.merge(workers, 2)); * }); * </pre> * * Slowing down the rate to no more than than 1 a second. This suffers from the * same problem as the one above I could find an {@link Observable} operator * that limits the rate without dropping the values (aka leaky bucket * algorithm). * * <pre> * Scheduler slowScheduler = Schedulers.computation().when(workers -> { * // use concatenate to make each worker happen one at a time. * return Completable.concat( -> { * // delay the starting of the next worker by 1 second. * return Completable.merge(actions.delaySubscription(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); * })); * }); * </pre> * <p>History 2.0.1 - experimental * @since 2.1 */
public class SchedulerWhen extends Scheduler implements Disposable { private final Scheduler actualScheduler; private final FlowableProcessor<Flowable<Completable>> workerProcessor; private Disposable disposable; public SchedulerWhen(Function<Flowable<Flowable<Completable>>, Completable> combine, Scheduler actualScheduler) { this.actualScheduler = actualScheduler; // workers are converted into completables and put in this queue. this.workerProcessor = UnicastProcessor.<Flowable<Completable>>create().toSerialized(); // send it to a custom combinator to pick the order and rate at which // workers are processed. try { disposable = combine.apply(workerProcessor).subscribe(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw ExceptionHelper.wrapOrThrow(e); } } @Override public void dispose() { disposable.dispose(); } @Override public boolean isDisposed() { return disposable.isDisposed(); } @NonNull @Override public Worker createWorker() { final Worker actualWorker = actualScheduler.createWorker(); // a queue for the actions submitted while worker is waiting to get to // the subscribe to off the workerQueue. final FlowableProcessor<ScheduledAction> actionProcessor = UnicastProcessor.<ScheduledAction>create().toSerialized(); // convert the work of scheduling all the actions into a completable Flowable<Completable> actions = CreateWorkerFunction(actualWorker)); // a worker that queues the action to the actionQueue subject. Worker worker = new QueueWorker(actionProcessor, actualWorker); // enqueue the completable that process actions put in reply subject workerProcessor.onNext(actions); // return the worker that adds actions to the reply subject return worker; } static final Disposable SUBSCRIBED = new SubscribedDisposable(); static final Disposable DISPOSED = Disposables.disposed(); @SuppressWarnings("serial") abstract static class ScheduledAction extends AtomicReference<Disposable> implements Disposable { ScheduledAction() { super(SUBSCRIBED); } void call(Worker actualWorker, CompletableObserver actionCompletable) { Disposable oldState = get(); // either SUBSCRIBED or UNSUBSCRIBED if (oldState == DISPOSED) { // no need to schedule return return; } if (oldState != SUBSCRIBED) { // has already been scheduled return // should not be able to get here but handle it anyway by not // rescheduling. return; } Disposable newState = callActual(actualWorker, actionCompletable); if (!compareAndSet(SUBSCRIBED, newState)) { // set would only fail if the new current state is some other // subscription from a concurrent call to this method. // Unsubscribe from the action just scheduled because it lost // the race. newState.dispose(); } } protected abstract Disposable callActual(Worker actualWorker, CompletableObserver actionCompletable); @Override public boolean isDisposed() { return get().isDisposed(); } @Override public void dispose() { Disposable oldState; // no matter what the current state is the new state is going to be Disposable newState = DISPOSED; do { oldState = get(); if (oldState == DISPOSED) { // the action has already been unsubscribed return; } } while (!compareAndSet(oldState, newState)); if (oldState != SUBSCRIBED) { // the action was scheduled. stop it. oldState.dispose(); } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static class ImmediateAction extends ScheduledAction { private final Runnable action; ImmediateAction(Runnable action) { this.action = action; } @Override protected Disposable callActual(Worker actualWorker, CompletableObserver actionCompletable) { return actualWorker.schedule(new OnCompletedAction(action, actionCompletable)); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static class DelayedAction extends ScheduledAction { private final Runnable action; private final long delayTime; private final TimeUnit unit; DelayedAction(Runnable action, long delayTime, TimeUnit unit) { this.action = action; this.delayTime = delayTime; this.unit = unit; } @Override protected Disposable callActual(Worker actualWorker, CompletableObserver actionCompletable) { return actualWorker.schedule(new OnCompletedAction(action, actionCompletable), delayTime, unit); } } static class OnCompletedAction implements Runnable { final CompletableObserver actionCompletable; final Runnable action; OnCompletedAction(Runnable action, CompletableObserver actionCompletable) { this.action = action; this.actionCompletable = actionCompletable; } @Override public void run() { try {; } finally { actionCompletable.onComplete(); } } } static final class CreateWorkerFunction implements Function<ScheduledAction, Completable> { final Worker actualWorker; CreateWorkerFunction(Worker actualWorker) { this.actualWorker = actualWorker; } @Override public Completable apply(final ScheduledAction action) { return new WorkerCompletable(action); } final class WorkerCompletable extends Completable { final ScheduledAction action; WorkerCompletable(ScheduledAction action) { this.action = action; } @Override protected void subscribeActual(CompletableObserver actionCompletable) { actionCompletable.onSubscribe(action);, actionCompletable); } } } static final class QueueWorker extends Worker { private final AtomicBoolean unsubscribed; private final FlowableProcessor<ScheduledAction> actionProcessor; private final Worker actualWorker; QueueWorker(FlowableProcessor<ScheduledAction> actionProcessor, Worker actualWorker) { this.actionProcessor = actionProcessor; this.actualWorker = actualWorker; unsubscribed = new AtomicBoolean(); } @Override public void dispose() { // complete the actionQueue when worker is unsubscribed to make // room for the next worker in the workerQueue. if (unsubscribed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { actionProcessor.onComplete(); actualWorker.dispose(); } } @Override public boolean isDisposed() { return unsubscribed.get(); } @NonNull @Override public Disposable schedule(@NonNull final Runnable action, final long delayTime, @NonNull final TimeUnit unit) { // send a scheduled action to the actionQueue DelayedAction delayedAction = new DelayedAction(action, delayTime, unit); actionProcessor.onNext(delayedAction); return delayedAction; } @NonNull @Override public Disposable schedule(@NonNull final Runnable action) { // send a scheduled action to the actionQueue ImmediateAction immediateAction = new ImmediateAction(action); actionProcessor.onNext(immediateAction); return immediateAction; } } static final class SubscribedDisposable implements Disposable { @Override public void dispose() { } @Override public boolean isDisposed() { return false; } } }