package com.codahale.metrics.jvm;


import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

A convenience class for getting a thread dump.
/** * A convenience class for getting a thread dump. */
public class ThreadDump { private final ThreadMXBean threadMXBean; public ThreadDump(ThreadMXBean threadMXBean) { this.threadMXBean = threadMXBean; }
Dumps all of the threads' current information, including synchronization, to an output stream.
  • out – an output stream
/** * Dumps all of the threads' current information, including synchronization, to an output stream. * * @param out an output stream */
public void dump(OutputStream out) { dump(true, true, out); }
Dumps all of the threads' current information, optionally including synchronization, to an output stream. Having control over including synchronization info allows using this method (and its wrappers, i.e. ThreadDumpServlet) in environments where getting object monitor and/or ownable synchronizer usage is not supported. It can also speed things up. See ThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreads(boolean, boolean)
  • lockedMonitors – dump all locked monitors if true
  • lockedSynchronizers – dump all locked ownable synchronizers if true
  • out – an output stream
/** * Dumps all of the threads' current information, optionally including synchronization, to an output stream. * * Having control over including synchronization info allows using this method (and its wrappers, i.e. * ThreadDumpServlet) in environments where getting object monitor and/or ownable synchronizer usage is not * supported. It can also speed things up. * * See {@link ThreadMXBean#dumpAllThreads(boolean, boolean)} * * @param lockedMonitors dump all locked monitors if true * @param lockedSynchronizers dump all locked ownable synchronizers if true * @param out an output stream */
public void dump(boolean lockedMonitors, boolean lockedSynchronizers, OutputStream out) { final ThreadInfo[] threads = this.threadMXBean.dumpAllThreads(lockedMonitors, lockedSynchronizers); final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, UTF_8)); for (int ti = threads.length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--) { final ThreadInfo t = threads[ti]; writer.printf("\"%s\" id=%d state=%s", t.getThreadName(), t.getThreadId(), t.getThreadState()); final LockInfo lock = t.getLockInfo(); if (lock != null && t.getThreadState() != Thread.State.BLOCKED) { writer.printf("%n - waiting on <0x%08x> (a %s)", lock.getIdentityHashCode(), lock.getClassName()); writer.printf("%n - locked <0x%08x> (a %s)", lock.getIdentityHashCode(), lock.getClassName()); } else if (lock != null && t.getThreadState() == Thread.State.BLOCKED) { writer.printf("%n - waiting to lock <0x%08x> (a %s)", lock.getIdentityHashCode(), lock.getClassName()); } if (t.isSuspended()) { writer.print(" (suspended)"); } if (t.isInNative()) { writer.print(" (running in native)"); } writer.println(); if (t.getLockOwnerName() != null) { writer.printf(" owned by %s id=%d%n", t.getLockOwnerName(), t.getLockOwnerId()); } final StackTraceElement[] elements = t.getStackTrace(); final MonitorInfo[] monitors = t.getLockedMonitors(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { final StackTraceElement element = elements[i]; writer.printf(" at %s%n", element); for (int j = 1; j < monitors.length; j++) { final MonitorInfo monitor = monitors[j]; if (monitor.getLockedStackDepth() == i) { writer.printf(" - locked %s%n", monitor); } } } writer.println(); final LockInfo[] locks = t.getLockedSynchronizers(); if (locks.length > 0) { writer.printf(" Locked synchronizers: count = %d%n", locks.length); for (LockInfo l : locks) { writer.printf(" - %s%n", l); } writer.println(); } } writer.println(); writer.flush(); } }