package com.codahale.metrics.jdbi3.strategies;

import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.extension.ExtensionMethod;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.StatementContext;

Default strategies which build a basis of more complex strategies
/** * Default strategies which build a basis of more complex strategies */
public enum DefaultNameStrategy implements StatementNameStrategy {
If no SQL in the context, returns `sql.empty`, otherwise falls through
/** * If no SQL in the context, returns `sql.empty`, otherwise falls through */
CHECK_EMPTY { @Override public String getStatementName(StatementContext statementContext) { final String rawSql = statementContext.getRawSql(); return rawSql == null || rawSql.isEmpty() ? "sql.empty" : null; } },
If there is an SQL object attached to the context, returns the name package, the class and the method on which SQL is declared. If not SQL object is attached, falls through
/** * If there is an SQL object attached to the context, returns the name package, * the class and the method on which SQL is declared. If not SQL object is attached, * falls through */
SQL_OBJECT { @Override public String getStatementName(StatementContext statementContext) { ExtensionMethod extensionMethod = statementContext.getExtensionMethod(); if (extensionMethod != null) { return, extensionMethod.getMethod().getName()); } return null; } },
Returns a raw SQL in the context (even if it's not exist)
/** * Returns a raw SQL in the context (even if it's not exist) */
NAIVE_NAME { @Override public String getStatementName(StatementContext statementContext) { return statementContext.getRawSql(); } },
Returns the `sql.raw` constant
/** * Returns the `sql.raw` constant */
CONSTANT_SQL_RAW { @Override public String getStatementName(StatementContext statementContext) { return "sql.raw"; } } }