Copyright 2015 Netflix, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright 2015 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
package; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;
Factory for retrieving the correct instance of a RequestCollapser.
Type parameters:
/** * Factory for retrieving the correct instance of a RequestCollapser. * * @param <BatchReturnType> * @param <ResponseType> * @param <RequestArgumentType> */
public class RequestCollapserFactory<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestCollapserFactory.class); private final CollapserTimer timer; private final HystrixCollapserKey collapserKey; private final HystrixCollapserProperties properties; private final HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy; private final Scope scope; public static interface Scope { String name(); } // internally expected scopes, dealing with the not-so-fun inheritance issues of enum when shared between classes private static enum Scopes implements Scope { REQUEST, GLOBAL } public RequestCollapserFactory(HystrixCollapserKey collapserKey, Scope scope, CollapserTimer timer, HystrixCollapserProperties.Setter propertiesBuilder) { this(collapserKey, scope, timer, HystrixPropertiesFactory.getCollapserProperties(collapserKey, propertiesBuilder)); } public RequestCollapserFactory(HystrixCollapserKey collapserKey, Scope scope, CollapserTimer timer, HystrixCollapserProperties properties) { /* strategy: ConcurrencyStrategy */ this.concurrencyStrategy = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getConcurrencyStrategy(); this.timer = timer; this.scope = scope; this.collapserKey = collapserKey; = properties; } public HystrixCollapserKey getCollapserKey() { return collapserKey; } public Scope getScope() { return scope; } public HystrixCollapserProperties getProperties() { return properties; } public RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> getRequestCollapser(HystrixCollapserBridge<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> commandCollapser) { if (Scopes.REQUEST == Scopes.valueOf(getScope().name())) { return getCollapserForUserRequest(commandCollapser); } else if (Scopes.GLOBAL == Scopes.valueOf(getScope().name())) { return getCollapserForGlobalScope(commandCollapser); } else { logger.warn("Invalid Scope: {} Defaulting to REQUEST scope.", getScope()); return getCollapserForUserRequest(commandCollapser); } }
Static global cache of RequestCollapsers for Scope.GLOBAL
/** * Static global cache of RequestCollapsers for Scope.GLOBAL */
// String is (we can't use CollapserKey directly as we can't guarantee it implements hashcode/equals correctly) private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?>> globalScopedCollapsers = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?>>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> getCollapserForGlobalScope(HystrixCollapserBridge<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> commandCollapser) { RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?> collapser = globalScopedCollapsers.get(; if (collapser != null) { return (RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType>) collapser; } // create new collapser using 'this' first instance as the one that will get cached for future executions ('this' is stateless so we can do that) RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> newCollapser = new RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType>(commandCollapser, properties, timer, concurrencyStrategy); RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?> existing = globalScopedCollapsers.putIfAbsent(, newCollapser); if (existing == null) { // we won return newCollapser; } else { // we lost ... another thread beat us // shutdown the one we created but didn't get stored newCollapser.shutdown(); // return the existing one return (RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType>) existing; } }
Static global cache of RequestVariables with RequestCollapsers for Scope.REQUEST
/** * Static global cache of RequestVariables with RequestCollapsers for Scope.REQUEST */
// String is (we can't use HystrixCollapserKey directly as we can't guarantee it implements hashcode/equals correctly) private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixRequestVariableHolder<RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?>>> requestScopedCollapsers = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixRequestVariableHolder<RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?>>>(); /* we are casting because the Map needs to be <?, ?> but we know it is <ReturnType, RequestArgumentType> for this thread */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> getCollapserForUserRequest(HystrixCollapserBridge<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> commandCollapser) { return (RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType>) getRequestVariableForCommand(commandCollapser).get(concurrencyStrategy); }
Lookup (or create and store) the RequestVariable for a given HystrixCollapserKey.
/** * Lookup (or create and store) the RequestVariable for a given HystrixCollapserKey. * * @param commandCollapser collapser to retrieve {@link HystrixRequestVariableHolder} for * @return HystrixRequestVariableHolder */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private HystrixRequestVariableHolder<RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?>> getRequestVariableForCommand(final HystrixCollapserBridge<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> commandCollapser) { HystrixRequestVariableHolder<RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?>> requestVariable = requestScopedCollapsers.get(commandCollapser.getCollapserKey().name()); if (requestVariable == null) { // create new collapser using 'this' first instance as the one that will get cached for future executions ('this' is stateless so we can do that) @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) HystrixRequestVariableHolder newCollapser = new RequestCollapserRequestVariable(commandCollapser, properties, timer, concurrencyStrategy); HystrixRequestVariableHolder<RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?>> existing = requestScopedCollapsers.putIfAbsent(commandCollapser.getCollapserKey().name(), newCollapser); if (existing == null) { // this thread won, so return the one we just created requestVariable = newCollapser; } else { // another thread beat us (this should only happen when we have concurrency on the FIRST request for the life of the app for this HystrixCollapser class) requestVariable = existing; /* * This *should* be okay to discard the created object without cleanup as the RequestVariable implementation * should properly do lazy-initialization and only call initialValue() the first time get() is called. * * If it does not correctly follow this contract then there is a chance of a memory leak here. */ } } return requestVariable; }
Clears all state. If new requests come in instances will be recreated and metrics started from scratch.
/** * Clears all state. If new requests come in instances will be recreated and metrics started from scratch. */
public static void reset() { globalScopedCollapsers.clear(); requestScopedCollapsers.clear(); HystrixTimer.reset(); }
Used for testing
/** * Used for testing */
public static void resetRequest() { requestScopedCollapsers.clear(); }
Used for testing
/** * Used for testing */
public static HystrixRequestVariableHolder<RequestCollapser<?, ?, ?>> getRequestVariable(String key) { return requestScopedCollapsers.get(key); }
Request scoped RequestCollapser that lives inside a RequestVariable.

This depends on the RequestVariable getting reset before each user request in NFFilter to ensure the RequestCollapser is new for each user request.

/** * Request scoped RequestCollapser that lives inside a RequestVariable. * <p> * This depends on the RequestVariable getting reset before each user request in NFFilter to ensure the RequestCollapser is new for each user request. */
private final class RequestCollapserRequestVariable extends HystrixRequestVariableHolder<RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType>> {
NOTE: There is only 1 instance of this for the life of the app per HystrixCollapser instance. The state changes on each request via the initialValue()/get() methods.

Thus, do NOT put any instance variables in this class that are not static for all threads.

/** * NOTE: There is only 1 instance of this for the life of the app per HystrixCollapser instance. The state changes on each request via the initialValue()/get() methods. * <p> * Thus, do NOT put any instance variables in this class that are not static for all threads. */
private RequestCollapserRequestVariable(final HystrixCollapserBridge<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> commandCollapser, final HystrixCollapserProperties properties, final CollapserTimer timer, final HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy) { super(new HystrixRequestVariableLifecycle<RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType>>() { @Override public RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> initialValue() { // this gets calls once per request per HystrixCollapser instance return new RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType>(commandCollapser, properties, timer, concurrencyStrategy); } @Override public void shutdown(RequestCollapser<BatchReturnType, ResponseType, RequestArgumentType> currentCollapser) { // shut down the RequestCollapser (the internal timer tasks) if (currentCollapser != null) { currentCollapser.shutdown(); } } }); } } }