 * Distributed as part of c3p0 v.
 * Copyright (C) 2018 Machinery For Change, Inc.
 * Author: Steve Waldman <swaldman@mchange.com>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of EITHER:
 *     1) The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1, as 
 *        published by the Free Software Foundation
 * OR
 *     2) The Eclipse Public License (EPL), version 1.0
 * You may choose which license to accept if you wish to redistribute
 * or modify this work. You may offer derivatives of this work
 * under the license you have chosen, or you may provide the same
 * choice of license which you have been offered here.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * You should have received copies of both LGPL v2.1 and EPL v1.0
 * along with this software; see the files LICENSE-EPL and LICENSE-LGPL.
 * If not, the text of these licenses are currently available at
 * LGPL v2.1: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
 *  EPL v1.0: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php 

package com.mchange.v2.c3p0;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.mchange.v1.io.InputStreamUtils;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.cfg.C3P0ConfigUtils;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0Defaults;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLevel;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLog;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLogger;

Encapsulates all the configuration information required by a c3p0 pooled DataSource.

Newly constructed PoolConfig objects are preset with default values, which you can define yourself (see below), or you can rely on c3p0's built-in defaults. Just create a PoolConfig object, and change only the properties you care about. Then pass it to the DataSources.pooledDataSource(DataSource, PoolConfig) method, and you're off!

For those interested in the details, configuration properties can be specified in several ways:

  1. Any property can be set explicitly by calling the corresponding method on a PoolConfig object.
  2. Any property will default to a value defined by a System Property, using the property name shown the table below.
  3. Any property not set in either of the above ways will default to a value found in a user-supplied Java properties file, which may be placed in the resource path of the ClassLoader that loaded the c3p0 libraries under the name /c3p0.properties.
  4. Any property not set in any of the above ways will be defined according c3p0's built-in defaults.

Please see c3p0's main documentation for a description of all available parameters.

@deprecated as of c3p0-0.9.1. To manipulate config programmaticall, please use ComboPooledDataSource
/** * <p>Encapsulates all the configuration information required by a c3p0 pooled DataSource.</p> * * <p>Newly constructed PoolConfig objects are preset with default values, * which you can define yourself (see below), * or you can rely on c3p0's built-in defaults. Just create a PoolConfig object, and change only the * properties you care about. Then pass it to the {@link com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DataSources#pooledDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource, com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolConfig)} * method, and you're off!</p> * * <p>For those interested in the details, configuration properties can be specified in several ways:</p> * <ol> * <li>Any property can be set explicitly by calling the corresponding method on a PoolConfig object.</li> * <li>Any property will default to a value defined by a System Property, using the property name shown the table below.</li> * <li>Any property not set in either of the above ways will default to a value found in a user-supplied Java properties file, * which may be placed in the resource path of * the ClassLoader that loaded the c3p0 libraries under the name <tt>/c3p0.properties</tt>.</li> * <li>Any property not set in any of the above ways will be defined according c3p0's built-in defaults.</li> * </ol> * * <p><i>Please see c3p0's main documentation for a description of all available parameters.</i></p> * * @deprecated as of c3p0-0.9.1. To manipulate config programmaticall, please use ComboPooledDataSource * */
public final class PoolConfig { final static MLogger logger; public final static String INITIAL_POOL_SIZE = "c3p0.initialPoolSize"; public final static String MIN_POOL_SIZE = "c3p0.minPoolSize"; public final static String MAX_POOL_SIZE = "c3p0.maxPoolSize"; public final static String IDLE_CONNECTION_TEST_PERIOD = "c3p0.idleConnectionTestPeriod"; public final static String MAX_IDLE_TIME = "c3p0.maxIdleTime"; public final static String PROPERTY_CYCLE = "c3p0.propertyCycle"; public final static String MAX_STATEMENTS = "c3p0.maxStatements"; public final static String MAX_STATEMENTS_PER_CONNECTION = "c3p0.maxStatementsPerConnection"; public final static String CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT = "c3p0.checkoutTimeout"; public final static String ACQUIRE_INCREMENT = "c3p0.acquireIncrement"; public final static String ACQUIRE_RETRY_ATTEMPTS = "c3p0.acquireRetryAttempts"; public final static String ACQUIRE_RETRY_DELAY = "c3p0.acquireRetryDelay"; public final static String BREAK_AFTER_ACQUIRE_FAILURE = "c3p0.breakAfterAcquireFailure"; public final static String USES_TRADITIONAL_REFLECTIVE_PROXIES = "c3p0.usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies"; public final static String TEST_CONNECTION_ON_CHECKOUT = "c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckout"; public final static String TEST_CONNECTION_ON_CHECKIN = "c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckin"; public final static String CONNECTION_TESTER_CLASS_NAME = "c3p0.connectionTesterClassName"; public final static String AUTOMATIC_TEST_TABLE = "c3p0.automaticTestTable"; public final static String AUTO_COMMIT_ON_CLOSE = "c3p0.autoCommitOnClose"; public final static String FORCE_IGNORE_UNRESOLVED_TRANSACTIONS = "c3p0.forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions"; public final static String NUM_HELPER_THREADS = "c3p0.numHelperThreads"; public final static String PREFERRED_TEST_QUERY = "c3p0.preferredTestQuery"; public final static String FACTORY_CLASS_LOCATION = "c3p0.factoryClassLocation"; final static PoolConfig DEFAULTS; static { logger = MLog.getLogger( PoolConfig.class ); Properties rsrcProps = C3P0ConfigUtils.findResourceProperties(); PoolConfig rsrcDefaults = extractConfig( rsrcProps, null ); Properties sysProps; try { sysProps = System.getProperties(); } catch ( SecurityException e ) { if (logger.isLoggable(MLevel.WARNING)) logger.log(MLevel.WARNING, "Read of system Properties blocked -- ignoring any c3p0 configuration via System properties! " + "(But any configuration via a c3p0.properties file is still okay!)", e); sysProps = new Properties(); //TODO -- an alternative approach to getting c3p0-specific sysprops if allowed } DEFAULTS = extractConfig( sysProps, rsrcDefaults ); } public static int defaultNumHelperThreads() { return DEFAULTS.getNumHelperThreads(); } public static String defaultPreferredTestQuery() { return DEFAULTS.getPreferredTestQuery(); } public static String defaultFactoryClassLocation() { return DEFAULTS.getFactoryClassLocation(); } public static int defaultMaxStatements() { return DEFAULTS.getMaxStatements(); } public static int defaultMaxStatementsPerConnection() { return DEFAULTS.getMaxStatementsPerConnection(); } public static int defaultInitialPoolSize() { return DEFAULTS.getInitialPoolSize(); } public static int defaultMinPoolSize() { return DEFAULTS.getMinPoolSize(); } public static int defaultMaxPoolSize() { return DEFAULTS.getMaxPoolSize(); } public static int defaultIdleConnectionTestPeriod() { return DEFAULTS.getIdleConnectionTestPeriod(); } public static int defaultMaxIdleTime() { return DEFAULTS.getMaxIdleTime(); } public static int defaultPropertyCycle() { return DEFAULTS.getPropertyCycle(); } public static int defaultCheckoutTimeout() { return DEFAULTS.getCheckoutTimeout(); } public static int defaultAcquireIncrement() { return DEFAULTS.getAcquireIncrement(); } public static int defaultAcquireRetryAttempts() { return DEFAULTS.getAcquireRetryAttempts(); } public static int defaultAcquireRetryDelay() { return DEFAULTS.getAcquireRetryDelay(); } public static boolean defaultBreakAfterAcquireFailure() { return DEFAULTS.isBreakAfterAcquireFailure(); } public static String defaultConnectionTesterClassName() { return DEFAULTS.getConnectionTesterClassName(); } public static String defaultAutomaticTestTable() { return DEFAULTS.getAutomaticTestTable(); } public static boolean defaultTestConnectionOnCheckout() { return DEFAULTS.isTestConnectionOnCheckout(); } public static boolean defaultTestConnectionOnCheckin() { return DEFAULTS.isTestConnectionOnCheckin(); } public static boolean defaultAutoCommitOnClose() { return DEFAULTS.isAutoCommitOnClose(); } public static boolean defaultForceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions() { return DEFAULTS.isAutoCommitOnClose(); } public static boolean defaultUsesTraditionalReflectiveProxies() { return DEFAULTS.isUsesTraditionalReflectiveProxies(); } int maxStatements; int maxStatementsPerConnection; int initialPoolSize; int minPoolSize; int maxPoolSize; int idleConnectionTestPeriod; int maxIdleTime; int propertyCycle; int checkoutTimeout; int acquireIncrement; int acquireRetryAttempts; int acquireRetryDelay; boolean breakAfterAcquireFailure; boolean testConnectionOnCheckout; boolean testConnectionOnCheckin; boolean autoCommitOnClose; boolean forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions; boolean usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies; String connectionTesterClassName; String automaticTestTable; int numHelperThreads; String preferredTestQuery; String factoryClassLocation; private PoolConfig( Properties props, boolean init ) throws NumberFormatException { if (init) extractConfig( this, props, DEFAULTS ); } public PoolConfig( Properties props ) throws NumberFormatException { this( props, true ); } public PoolConfig() throws NumberFormatException { this( null, true ); } public int getNumHelperThreads() { return numHelperThreads; } public String getPreferredTestQuery() { return preferredTestQuery; } public String getFactoryClassLocation() { return factoryClassLocation; } public int getMaxStatements() { return maxStatements; } public int getMaxStatementsPerConnection() { return maxStatementsPerConnection; } public int getInitialPoolSize() { return initialPoolSize; } public int getMinPoolSize() { return minPoolSize; } public int getMaxPoolSize() { return maxPoolSize; } public int getIdleConnectionTestPeriod() { return idleConnectionTestPeriod; } public int getMaxIdleTime() { return maxIdleTime; } public int getPropertyCycle() { return propertyCycle; } public int getAcquireIncrement() { return acquireIncrement; } public int getCheckoutTimeout() { return checkoutTimeout; } public int getAcquireRetryAttempts() { return acquireRetryAttempts; } public int getAcquireRetryDelay() { return acquireRetryDelay; } public boolean isBreakAfterAcquireFailure() { return this.breakAfterAcquireFailure; } public boolean isUsesTraditionalReflectiveProxies() { return this.usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies; } public String getConnectionTesterClassName() { return connectionTesterClassName; } public String getAutomaticTestTable() { return automaticTestTable; }
Deprecated:use isTestConnectionOnCheckout
/** * @deprecated use isTestConnectionOnCheckout */
public boolean getTestConnectionOnCheckout() { return testConnectionOnCheckout; } public boolean isTestConnectionOnCheckout() { return this.getTestConnectionOnCheckout(); } public boolean isTestConnectionOnCheckin() { return testConnectionOnCheckin; } public boolean isAutoCommitOnClose() { return this.autoCommitOnClose; } public boolean isForceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions() { return this.forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions; } public void setNumHelperThreads( int numHelperThreads ) { this.numHelperThreads = numHelperThreads; } public void setPreferredTestQuery( String preferredTestQuery ) { this.preferredTestQuery = preferredTestQuery; } public void setFactoryClassLocation( String factoryClassLocation ) { this.factoryClassLocation = factoryClassLocation; } public void setMaxStatements( int maxStatements ) { this.maxStatements = maxStatements; } public void setMaxStatementsPerConnection( int maxStatementsPerConnection ) { this.maxStatementsPerConnection = maxStatementsPerConnection; } public void setInitialPoolSize( int initialPoolSize ) { this.initialPoolSize = initialPoolSize; } public void setMinPoolSize( int minPoolSize ) { this.minPoolSize = minPoolSize; } public void setMaxPoolSize( int maxPoolSize ) { this.maxPoolSize = maxPoolSize; } public void setIdleConnectionTestPeriod( int idleConnectionTestPeriod ) { this.idleConnectionTestPeriod = idleConnectionTestPeriod; } public void setMaxIdleTime( int maxIdleTime ) { this.maxIdleTime = maxIdleTime; } public void setPropertyCycle( int propertyCycle ) { this.propertyCycle = propertyCycle; } public void setCheckoutTimeout( int checkoutTimeout ) { this.checkoutTimeout = checkoutTimeout; } public void setAcquireIncrement( int acquireIncrement ) { this.acquireIncrement = acquireIncrement; } public void setAcquireRetryAttempts( int acquireRetryAttempts ) { this.acquireRetryAttempts = acquireRetryAttempts; } public void setAcquireRetryDelay( int acquireRetryDelay ) { this.acquireRetryDelay = acquireRetryDelay; } public void setConnectionTesterClassName( String connectionTesterClassName ) { this.connectionTesterClassName = connectionTesterClassName; } public void setAutomaticTestTable( String automaticTestTable ) { this.automaticTestTable = automaticTestTable; } public void setBreakAfterAcquireFailure( boolean breakAfterAcquireFailure ) { this.breakAfterAcquireFailure = breakAfterAcquireFailure; } public void setUsesTraditionalReflectiveProxies( boolean usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies ) { this.usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies = usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies; } public void setTestConnectionOnCheckout( boolean testConnectionOnCheckout ) { this.testConnectionOnCheckout = testConnectionOnCheckout; } public void setTestConnectionOnCheckin( boolean testConnectionOnCheckin ) { this.testConnectionOnCheckin = testConnectionOnCheckin; } public void setAutoCommitOnClose( boolean autoCommitOnClose ) { this.autoCommitOnClose = autoCommitOnClose; } public void setForceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions( boolean forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions ) { this.forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions = forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions; } private static PoolConfig extractConfig(Properties props, PoolConfig defaults) throws NumberFormatException { PoolConfig pcfg = new PoolConfig(null, false); extractConfig( pcfg, props, defaults ); return pcfg; } private static void extractConfig(PoolConfig pcfg, Properties props, PoolConfig defaults) throws NumberFormatException { String maxStatementsStr = null; String maxStatementsPerConnectionStr = null; String initialPoolSizeStr = null; String minPoolSizeStr = null; String maxPoolSizeStr = null; String idleConnectionTestPeriodStr = null; String maxIdleTimeStr = null; String propertyCycleStr = null; String checkoutTimeoutStr = null; String acquireIncrementStr = null; String acquireRetryAttemptsStr = null; String acquireRetryDelayStr = null; String breakAfterAcquireFailureStr = null; String usesTraditionalReflectiveProxiesStr = null; String testConnectionOnCheckoutStr = null; String testConnectionOnCheckinStr = null; String autoCommitOnCloseStr = null; String forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactionsStr = null; String connectionTesterClassName = null; String automaticTestTable = null; String numHelperThreadsStr = null; String preferredTestQuery = null; String factoryClassLocation = null; if ( props != null ) { maxStatementsStr = props.getProperty(MAX_STATEMENTS); maxStatementsPerConnectionStr = props.getProperty(MAX_STATEMENTS_PER_CONNECTION); initialPoolSizeStr = props.getProperty(INITIAL_POOL_SIZE); minPoolSizeStr = props.getProperty(MIN_POOL_SIZE); maxPoolSizeStr = props.getProperty(MAX_POOL_SIZE); idleConnectionTestPeriodStr = props.getProperty(IDLE_CONNECTION_TEST_PERIOD); maxIdleTimeStr = props.getProperty(MAX_IDLE_TIME); propertyCycleStr = props.getProperty(PROPERTY_CYCLE); checkoutTimeoutStr = props.getProperty(CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT); acquireIncrementStr = props.getProperty(ACQUIRE_INCREMENT); acquireRetryAttemptsStr = props.getProperty(ACQUIRE_RETRY_ATTEMPTS); acquireRetryDelayStr = props.getProperty(ACQUIRE_RETRY_DELAY); breakAfterAcquireFailureStr = props.getProperty(BREAK_AFTER_ACQUIRE_FAILURE); usesTraditionalReflectiveProxiesStr = props.getProperty(USES_TRADITIONAL_REFLECTIVE_PROXIES); testConnectionOnCheckoutStr = props.getProperty(TEST_CONNECTION_ON_CHECKOUT); testConnectionOnCheckinStr = props.getProperty(TEST_CONNECTION_ON_CHECKIN); autoCommitOnCloseStr = props.getProperty(AUTO_COMMIT_ON_CLOSE); forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactionsStr = props.getProperty(FORCE_IGNORE_UNRESOLVED_TRANSACTIONS); connectionTesterClassName = props.getProperty(CONNECTION_TESTER_CLASS_NAME); automaticTestTable = props.getProperty(AUTOMATIC_TEST_TABLE); numHelperThreadsStr = props.getProperty(NUM_HELPER_THREADS); preferredTestQuery = props.getProperty(PREFERRED_TEST_QUERY); factoryClassLocation = props.getProperty(FACTORY_CLASS_LOCATION); } // maxStatements if ( maxStatementsStr != null ) pcfg.setMaxStatements( Integer.parseInt( maxStatementsStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setMaxStatements( defaults.getMaxStatements() ); else pcfg.setMaxStatements( C3P0Defaults.maxStatements() ); // maxStatementsPerConnection if ( maxStatementsPerConnectionStr != null ) pcfg.setMaxStatementsPerConnection( Integer.parseInt( maxStatementsPerConnectionStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setMaxStatementsPerConnection( defaults.getMaxStatementsPerConnection() ); else pcfg.setMaxStatementsPerConnection( C3P0Defaults.maxStatementsPerConnection() ); // initialPoolSize if ( initialPoolSizeStr != null ) pcfg.setInitialPoolSize( Integer.parseInt( initialPoolSizeStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setInitialPoolSize( defaults.getInitialPoolSize() ); else pcfg.setInitialPoolSize( C3P0Defaults.initialPoolSize() ); // minPoolSize if ( minPoolSizeStr != null ) pcfg.setMinPoolSize( Integer.parseInt( minPoolSizeStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setMinPoolSize( defaults.getMinPoolSize() ); else pcfg.setMinPoolSize( C3P0Defaults.minPoolSize() ); // maxPoolSize if ( maxPoolSizeStr != null ) pcfg.setMaxPoolSize( Integer.parseInt( maxPoolSizeStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setMaxPoolSize( defaults.getMaxPoolSize() ); else pcfg.setMaxPoolSize( C3P0Defaults.maxPoolSize() ); // maxIdleTime if ( idleConnectionTestPeriodStr != null ) pcfg.setIdleConnectionTestPeriod( Integer.parseInt( idleConnectionTestPeriodStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setIdleConnectionTestPeriod( defaults.getIdleConnectionTestPeriod() ); else pcfg.setIdleConnectionTestPeriod( C3P0Defaults.idleConnectionTestPeriod() ); // maxIdleTime if ( maxIdleTimeStr != null ) pcfg.setMaxIdleTime( Integer.parseInt( maxIdleTimeStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setMaxIdleTime( defaults.getMaxIdleTime() ); else pcfg.setMaxIdleTime( C3P0Defaults.maxIdleTime() ); // propertyCycle if ( propertyCycleStr != null ) pcfg.setPropertyCycle( Integer.parseInt( propertyCycleStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setPropertyCycle( defaults.getPropertyCycle() ); else pcfg.setPropertyCycle( C3P0Defaults.propertyCycle() ); // checkoutTimeout if ( checkoutTimeoutStr != null ) pcfg.setCheckoutTimeout( Integer.parseInt( checkoutTimeoutStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setCheckoutTimeout( defaults.getCheckoutTimeout() ); else pcfg.setCheckoutTimeout( C3P0Defaults.checkoutTimeout() ); // acquireIncrement if ( acquireIncrementStr != null ) pcfg.setAcquireIncrement( Integer.parseInt( acquireIncrementStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setAcquireIncrement( defaults.getAcquireIncrement() ); else pcfg.setAcquireIncrement( C3P0Defaults.acquireIncrement() ); // acquireRetryAttempts if ( acquireRetryAttemptsStr != null ) pcfg.setAcquireRetryAttempts( Integer.parseInt( acquireRetryAttemptsStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setAcquireRetryAttempts( defaults.getAcquireRetryAttempts() ); else pcfg.setAcquireRetryAttempts( C3P0Defaults.acquireRetryAttempts() ); // acquireRetryDelay if ( acquireRetryDelayStr != null ) pcfg.setAcquireRetryDelay( Integer.parseInt( acquireRetryDelayStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setAcquireRetryDelay( defaults.getAcquireRetryDelay() ); else pcfg.setAcquireRetryDelay( C3P0Defaults.acquireRetryDelay() ); // breakAfterAcquireFailure if ( breakAfterAcquireFailureStr != null ) pcfg.setBreakAfterAcquireFailure( Boolean.valueOf(breakAfterAcquireFailureStr.trim()).booleanValue() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setBreakAfterAcquireFailure( defaults.isBreakAfterAcquireFailure() ); else pcfg.setBreakAfterAcquireFailure( C3P0Defaults.breakAfterAcquireFailure() ); // usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies if ( usesTraditionalReflectiveProxiesStr != null ) pcfg.setUsesTraditionalReflectiveProxies( Boolean.valueOf(usesTraditionalReflectiveProxiesStr.trim()).booleanValue() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setUsesTraditionalReflectiveProxies( defaults.isUsesTraditionalReflectiveProxies() ); else pcfg.setUsesTraditionalReflectiveProxies( C3P0Defaults.usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies() ); // testConnectionOnCheckout if ( testConnectionOnCheckoutStr != null ) pcfg.setTestConnectionOnCheckout( Boolean.valueOf(testConnectionOnCheckoutStr.trim()).booleanValue() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setTestConnectionOnCheckout( defaults.isTestConnectionOnCheckout() ); else pcfg.setTestConnectionOnCheckout( C3P0Defaults.testConnectionOnCheckout() ); // testConnectionOnCheckin if ( testConnectionOnCheckinStr != null ) pcfg.setTestConnectionOnCheckin( Boolean.valueOf(testConnectionOnCheckinStr.trim()).booleanValue() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setTestConnectionOnCheckin( defaults.isTestConnectionOnCheckin() ); else pcfg.setTestConnectionOnCheckin( C3P0Defaults.testConnectionOnCheckin() ); // autoCommitOnClose if ( autoCommitOnCloseStr != null ) pcfg.setAutoCommitOnClose( Boolean.valueOf(autoCommitOnCloseStr.trim()).booleanValue() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setAutoCommitOnClose( defaults.isAutoCommitOnClose() ); else pcfg.setAutoCommitOnClose( C3P0Defaults.autoCommitOnClose() ); // forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions if ( forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactionsStr != null ) pcfg.setForceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions( Boolean.valueOf( forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactionsStr.trim() ).booleanValue() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setForceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions( defaults.isForceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions() ); else pcfg.setForceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions( C3P0Defaults.forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions() ); // connectionTesterClassName if ( connectionTesterClassName != null ) pcfg.setConnectionTesterClassName( connectionTesterClassName.trim() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setConnectionTesterClassName( defaults.getConnectionTesterClassName() ); else pcfg.setConnectionTesterClassName( C3P0Defaults.connectionTesterClassName() ); // automaticTestTable if ( automaticTestTable != null ) pcfg.setAutomaticTestTable( automaticTestTable.trim() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setAutomaticTestTable( defaults.getAutomaticTestTable() ); else pcfg.setAutomaticTestTable( C3P0Defaults.automaticTestTable() ); // numHelperThreads if ( numHelperThreadsStr != null ) pcfg.setNumHelperThreads( Integer.parseInt( numHelperThreadsStr.trim() ) ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setNumHelperThreads( defaults.getNumHelperThreads() ); else pcfg.setNumHelperThreads( C3P0Defaults.numHelperThreads() ); // preferredTestQuery if ( preferredTestQuery != null ) pcfg.setPreferredTestQuery( preferredTestQuery.trim() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setPreferredTestQuery( defaults.getPreferredTestQuery() ); else pcfg.setPreferredTestQuery( C3P0Defaults.preferredTestQuery() ); // factoryClassLocation if ( factoryClassLocation != null ) pcfg.setFactoryClassLocation( factoryClassLocation.trim() ); else if (defaults != null) pcfg.setFactoryClassLocation( defaults.getFactoryClassLocation() ); else pcfg.setFactoryClassLocation( C3P0Defaults.factoryClassLocation() ); } }