 * This file is part of lanterna (http://code.google.com/p/lanterna/).
 * lanterna is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Martin Berglund
package com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2;

import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalPosition;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.KeyStroke;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalSize;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.KeyType;

import java.util.*;

Abstract Window has most of the code requiring for a window to function, all concrete window implementations extends from this in one way or another. You can define your own window by extending from this, as an alternative to building up the GUI externally by constructing a BasicWindow and adding components to it.
/** * Abstract Window has most of the code requiring for a window to function, all concrete window implementations extends * from this in one way or another. You can define your own window by extending from this, as an alternative to building * up the GUI externally by constructing a {@code BasicWindow} and adding components to it. * @author Martin */
public abstract class AbstractWindow extends AbstractBasePane<Window> implements Window { private String title; private WindowBasedTextGUI textGUI; private boolean visible; private TerminalSize lastKnownSize; private TerminalSize lastKnownDecoratedSize; private TerminalPosition lastKnownPosition; private TerminalPosition contentOffset; private Set<Hint> hints; private WindowPostRenderer windowPostRenderer; private boolean closeWindowWithEscape;
Default constructor, this creates a window with no title
/** * Default constructor, this creates a window with no title */
public AbstractWindow() { this(""); }
Creates a window with a specific title that will (probably) be drawn in the window decorations
  • title – Title of this window
/** * Creates a window with a specific title that will (probably) be drawn in the window decorations * @param title Title of this window */
public AbstractWindow(String title) { super(); this.title = title; this.textGUI = null; this.visible = true; this.contentOffset = TerminalPosition.TOP_LEFT_CORNER; this.lastKnownPosition = null; this.lastKnownSize = null; this.lastKnownDecoratedSize = null; this.closeWindowWithEscape = false; this.hints = new HashSet<Hint>(); }
Setting this property to true will cause pressing the ESC key to close the window. This used to be the default behaviour of lanterna 3 during the development cycle but is not longer the case. You are encouraged to put proper buttons or other kind of components to clearly mark to the user how to close the window instead of magically taking ESC, but sometimes it can be useful (when doing testing, for example) to enable this mode.
  • closeWindowWithEscape – If true, this window will self-close if you press ESC key
/** * Setting this property to {@code true} will cause pressing the ESC key to close the window. This used to be the * default behaviour of lanterna 3 during the development cycle but is not longer the case. You are encouraged to * put proper buttons or other kind of components to clearly mark to the user how to close the window instead of * magically taking ESC, but sometimes it can be useful (when doing testing, for example) to enable this mode. * @param closeWindowWithEscape If {@code true}, this window will self-close if you press ESC key */
public void setCloseWindowWithEscape(boolean closeWindowWithEscape) { this.closeWindowWithEscape = closeWindowWithEscape; } @Override public void setTextGUI(WindowBasedTextGUI textGUI) { //This is kind of stupid check, but might cause it to blow up on people using the library incorrectly instead of //just causing weird behaviour if(this.textGUI != null && textGUI != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Are you calling setTextGUI yourself? Please read the documentation" + " in that case (this could also be a bug in Lanterna, please report it if you are sure you are " + "not calling Window.setTextGUI(..) from your code)"); } this.textGUI = textGUI; } @Override public WindowBasedTextGUI getTextGUI() { return textGUI; }
Alters the title of the window to the supplied string
  • title – New title of the window
/** * Alters the title of the window to the supplied string * @param title New title of the window */
public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; invalidate(); } @Override public String getTitle() { return title; } @Override public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { this.visible = visible; } @Override public void draw(TextGUIGraphics graphics) { if(!graphics.getSize().equals(lastKnownSize)) { getComponent().invalidate(); } setSize(graphics.getSize(), false); super.draw(graphics); } @Override public boolean handleInput(KeyStroke key) { boolean handled = super.handleInput(key); if(!handled && closeWindowWithEscape && key.getKeyType() == KeyType.Escape) { close(); return true; } return handled; } @Override public TerminalPosition toGlobal(TerminalPosition localPosition) { if(localPosition == null) { return null; } return lastKnownPosition.withRelative(contentOffset.withRelative(localPosition)); } @Override public TerminalPosition fromGlobal(TerminalPosition globalPosition) { if(globalPosition == null || lastKnownPosition == null) { return null; } return globalPosition.withRelative( -lastKnownPosition.getColumn() - contentOffset.getColumn(), -lastKnownPosition.getRow() - contentOffset.getRow()); } @Override public TerminalSize getPreferredSize() { return contentHolder.getPreferredSize(); } @Override public void setHints(Collection<Hint> hints) { this.hints = new HashSet<Hint>(hints); invalidate(); } @Override public Set<Hint> getHints() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(hints); } @Override public WindowPostRenderer getPostRenderer() { return windowPostRenderer; } @Override public void addWindowListener(WindowListener windowListener) { addBasePaneListener(windowListener); } @Override public void removeWindowListener(WindowListener windowListener) { removeBasePaneListener(windowListener); }
Sets the post-renderer to use for this window. This will override the default from the GUI system (if there is one set, otherwise from the theme).
  • windowPostRenderer – Window post-renderer to assign to this window
/** * Sets the post-renderer to use for this window. This will override the default from the GUI system (if there is * one set, otherwise from the theme). * @param windowPostRenderer Window post-renderer to assign to this window */
public void setWindowPostRenderer(WindowPostRenderer windowPostRenderer) { this.windowPostRenderer = windowPostRenderer; } @Override public final TerminalPosition getPosition() { return lastKnownPosition; } @Override public final void setPosition(TerminalPosition topLeft) { TerminalPosition oldPosition = this.lastKnownPosition; this.lastKnownPosition = topLeft; // Fire listeners for(BasePaneListener<?> listener: getBasePaneListeners()) { if(listener instanceof WindowListener) { ((WindowListener)listener).onMoved(this, oldPosition, topLeft); } } } @Override public final TerminalSize getSize() { return lastKnownSize; } @Override @Deprecated public void setSize(TerminalSize size) { setSize(size, true); } @Override public void setFixedSize(TerminalSize size) { hints.add(Hint.FIXED_SIZE); setSize(size); } private void setSize(TerminalSize size, boolean invalidate) { TerminalSize oldSize = this.lastKnownSize; this.lastKnownSize = size; if(invalidate) { invalidate(); } // Fire listeners for(BasePaneListener<?> listener: getBasePaneListeners()) { if(listener instanceof WindowListener) { ((WindowListener)listener).onResized(this, oldSize, size); } } } @Override public final TerminalSize getDecoratedSize() { return lastKnownDecoratedSize; } @Override public final void setDecoratedSize(TerminalSize decoratedSize) { this.lastKnownDecoratedSize = decoratedSize; } @Override public void setContentOffset(TerminalPosition offset) { this.contentOffset = offset; } @Override public void close() { if(textGUI != null) { textGUI.removeWindow(this); } setComponent(null); } @Override public void waitUntilClosed() { WindowBasedTextGUI textGUI = getTextGUI(); if(textGUI != null) { textGUI.waitForWindowToClose(this); } } Window self() { return this; } }