 * This file is part of lanterna (http://code.google.com/p/lanterna/).
 * lanterna is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Martin Berglund
package com.googlecode.lanterna.graphics;

import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalPosition;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalSize;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.TextCharacter;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;

Default implementation of ShapeRenderer. This class (and the interface) is mostly here to make the code cleaner in AbstractTextGraphics.
/** * Default implementation of ShapeRenderer. This class (and the interface) is mostly here to make the code cleaner in * {@code AbstractTextGraphics}. * @author Martin */
class DefaultShapeRenderer implements ShapeRenderer { interface Callback { void onPoint(int column, int row, TextCharacter character); } private final Callback callback; DefaultShapeRenderer(Callback callback) { this.callback = callback; } @Override public void drawLine(TerminalPosition p1, TerminalPosition p2, TextCharacter character) { //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm //Implementation from Graphics Programming Black Book by Michael Abrash //Available at http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/graphics-programming-and-theory/graphics-programming-black-book-r1698 if(p1.getRow() > p2.getRow()) { TerminalPosition temp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = temp; } int deltaX = p2.getColumn() - p1.getColumn(); int deltaY = p2.getRow() - p1.getRow(); if(deltaX > 0) { if(deltaX > deltaY) { drawLine0(p1, deltaX, deltaY, true, character); } else { drawLine1(p1, deltaX, deltaY, true, character); } } else { deltaX = Math.abs(deltaX); if(deltaX > deltaY) { drawLine0(p1, deltaX, deltaY, false, character); } else { drawLine1(p1, deltaX, deltaY, false, character); } } } private void drawLine0(TerminalPosition start, int deltaX, int deltaY, boolean leftToRight, TextCharacter character) { int x = start.getColumn(); int y = start.getRow(); int deltaYx2 = deltaY * 2; int deltaYx2MinusDeltaXx2 = deltaYx2 - (deltaX * 2); int errorTerm = deltaYx2 - deltaX; callback.onPoint(x, y, character); while(deltaX-- > 0) { if(errorTerm >= 0) { y++; errorTerm += deltaYx2MinusDeltaXx2; } else { errorTerm += deltaYx2; } x += leftToRight ? 1 : -1; callback.onPoint(x, y, character); } } private void drawLine1(TerminalPosition start, int deltaX, int deltaY, boolean leftToRight, TextCharacter character) { int x = start.getColumn(); int y = start.getRow(); int deltaXx2 = deltaX * 2; int deltaXx2MinusDeltaYx2 = deltaXx2 - (deltaY * 2); int errorTerm = deltaXx2 - deltaY; callback.onPoint(x, y, character); while(deltaY-- > 0) { if(errorTerm >= 0) { x += leftToRight ? 1 : -1; errorTerm += deltaXx2MinusDeltaYx2; } else { errorTerm += deltaXx2; } y++; callback.onPoint(x, y, character); } } @Override public void drawTriangle(TerminalPosition p1, TerminalPosition p2, TerminalPosition p3, TextCharacter character) { drawLine(p1, p2, character); drawLine(p2, p3, character); drawLine(p3, p1, character); } @Override public void drawRectangle(TerminalPosition topLeft, TerminalSize size, TextCharacter character) { TerminalPosition topRight = topLeft.withRelativeColumn(size.getColumns() - 1); TerminalPosition bottomRight = topRight.withRelativeRow(size.getRows() - 1); TerminalPosition bottomLeft = topLeft.withRelativeRow(size.getRows() - 1); drawLine(topLeft, topRight, character); drawLine(topRight, bottomRight, character); drawLine(bottomRight, bottomLeft, character); drawLine(bottomLeft, topLeft, character); } @Override public void fillTriangle(TerminalPosition p1, TerminalPosition p2, TerminalPosition p3, TextCharacter character) { //I've used the algorithm described here: //http://www-users.mat.uni.torun.pl/~wrona/3d_tutor/tri_fillers.html TerminalPosition[] points = new TerminalPosition[]{p1, p2, p3}; Arrays.sort(points, new Comparator<TerminalPosition>() { @Override public int compare(TerminalPosition o1, TerminalPosition o2) { return (o1.getRow() < o2.getRow()) ? -1 : ((o1.getRow() == o2.getRow()) ? 0 : 1); } }); float dx1, dx2, dx3; if (points[1].getRow() - points[0].getRow() > 0) { dx1 = (float)(points[1].getColumn() - points[0].getColumn()) / (float)(points[1].getRow() - points[0].getRow()); } else { dx1 = 0; } if (points[2].getRow() - points[0].getRow() > 0) { dx2 = (float)(points[2].getColumn() - points[0].getColumn()) / (float)(points[2].getRow() - points[0].getRow()); } else { dx2 = 0; } if (points[2].getRow() - points[1].getRow() > 0) { dx3 = (float)(points[2].getColumn() - points[1].getColumn()) / (float)(points[2].getRow() - points[1].getRow()); } else { dx3 = 0; } float startX, startY, endX; startX = endX = points[0].getColumn(); startY = points[0].getRow(); if (dx1 > dx2) { for (; startY <= points[1].getRow(); startY++, startX += dx2, endX += dx1) { drawLine(new TerminalPosition((int)startX, (int)startY), new TerminalPosition((int)endX, (int)startY), character); } endX = points[1].getColumn(); for (; startY <= points[2].getRow(); startY++, startX += dx2, endX += dx3) { drawLine(new TerminalPosition((int)startX, (int)startY), new TerminalPosition((int)endX, (int)startY), character); } } else { for (; startY <= points[1].getRow(); startY++, startX += dx1, endX += dx2) { drawLine(new TerminalPosition((int)startX, (int)startY), new TerminalPosition((int)endX, (int)startY), character); } startX = points[1].getColumn(); startY = points[1].getRow(); for (; startY <= points[2].getRow(); startY++, startX += dx3, endX += dx2) { drawLine(new TerminalPosition((int)startX, (int)startY), new TerminalPosition((int)endX, (int)startY), character); } } } @Override public void fillRectangle(TerminalPosition topLeft, TerminalSize size, TextCharacter character) { final boolean characterDoubleWidth = character.isDoubleWidth(); for(int y = 0; y < size.getRows(); y++) { for(int x = 0; x < size.getColumns(); x++) { // Don't put a double-width character at the right edge of the area if (characterDoubleWidth && x + 1 == size.getColumns()) { callback.onPoint(topLeft.getColumn() + x, topLeft.getRow() + y, character.withCharacter(' ')); } else { // Default case callback.onPoint(topLeft.getColumn() + x, topLeft.getRow() + y, character); } if (characterDoubleWidth) { x++; } } } } }