// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
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package com.google.protobuf;

import static com.google.protobuf.Internal.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FIXED32_SIZE;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FIXED64_SIZE;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.MAX_VARINT32_SIZE;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.MAX_VARINT64_SIZE;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.MESSAGE_SET_ITEM;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.MESSAGE_SET_MESSAGE;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.MESSAGE_SET_TYPE_ID;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.WIRETYPE_END_GROUP;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.WIRETYPE_FIXED32;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.WIRETYPE_FIXED64;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.WIRETYPE_START_GROUP;
import static com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.WIRETYPE_VARINT;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;

A protobuf writer that serializes messages in their binary form. Messages are serialized in reverse in order to avoid calculating the serialized size of each nested message. Since the message size is not known in advance, the writer employs a strategy of chunking and buffer chaining. Buffers are allocated as-needed by a provided BufferAllocator. Once writing is finished, the application can access the buffers in forward-writing order by calling complete().

Once complete() has been called, the writer can not be reused for additional writes. The getTotalBytesWritten() will continue to reflect the total of the write and will not be reset.

/** * A protobuf writer that serializes messages in their binary form. Messages are serialized in * reverse in order to avoid calculating the serialized size of each nested message. Since the * message size is not known in advance, the writer employs a strategy of chunking and buffer * chaining. Buffers are allocated as-needed by a provided {@link BufferAllocator}. Once writing is * finished, the application can access the buffers in forward-writing order by calling {@link * #complete()}. * * <p>Once {@link #complete()} has been called, the writer can not be reused for additional writes. * The {@link #getTotalBytesWritten()} will continue to reflect the total of the write and will not * be reset. */
@ExperimentalApi abstract class BinaryWriter extends ByteOutput implements Writer { public static final int DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 4096; private final BufferAllocator alloc; private final int chunkSize; final ArrayDeque<AllocatedBuffer> buffers = new ArrayDeque<AllocatedBuffer>(4); int totalDoneBytes;
Creates a new BinaryWriter that will allocate heap buffers of DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE as necessary.
/** * Creates a new {@link BinaryWriter} that will allocate heap buffers of {@link * #DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE} as necessary. */
public static BinaryWriter newHeapInstance(BufferAllocator alloc) { return newHeapInstance(alloc, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); }
Creates a new BinaryWriter that will allocate heap buffers of chunkSize as necessary.
/** * Creates a new {@link BinaryWriter} that will allocate heap buffers of {@code chunkSize} as * necessary. */
public static BinaryWriter newHeapInstance(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { return isUnsafeHeapSupported() ? newUnsafeHeapInstance(alloc, chunkSize) : newSafeHeapInstance(alloc, chunkSize); }
Creates a new BinaryWriter that will allocate direct (i.e. non-heap) buffers of DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE as necessary.
/** * Creates a new {@link BinaryWriter} that will allocate direct (i.e. non-heap) buffers of {@link * #DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE} as necessary. */
public static BinaryWriter newDirectInstance(BufferAllocator alloc) { return newDirectInstance(alloc, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); }
Creates a new BinaryWriter that will allocate direct (i.e. non-heap) buffers of chunkSize as necessary.
/** * Creates a new {@link BinaryWriter} that will allocate direct (i.e. non-heap) buffers of {@code * chunkSize} as necessary. */
public static BinaryWriter newDirectInstance(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { return isUnsafeDirectSupported() ? newUnsafeDirectInstance(alloc, chunkSize) : newSafeDirectInstance(alloc, chunkSize); } static boolean isUnsafeHeapSupported() { return UnsafeHeapWriter.isSupported(); } static boolean isUnsafeDirectSupported() { return UnsafeDirectWriter.isSupported(); } static BinaryWriter newSafeHeapInstance(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { return new SafeHeapWriter(alloc, chunkSize); } static BinaryWriter newUnsafeHeapInstance(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { if (!isUnsafeHeapSupported()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsafe operations not supported"); } return new UnsafeHeapWriter(alloc, chunkSize); } static BinaryWriter newSafeDirectInstance(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { return new SafeDirectWriter(alloc, chunkSize); } static BinaryWriter newUnsafeDirectInstance(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { if (!isUnsafeDirectSupported()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsafe operations not supported"); } return new UnsafeDirectWriter(alloc, chunkSize); }
Only allow subclassing for inner classes.
/** Only allow subclassing for inner classes. */
private BinaryWriter(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { if (chunkSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("chunkSize must be > 0"); } this.alloc = checkNotNull(alloc, "alloc"); this.chunkSize = chunkSize; } @Override public final FieldOrder fieldOrder() { return FieldOrder.DESCENDING; }
Completes the write operation and returns a queue of AllocatedBuffer objects in forward-writing order. This method should only be called once.

After calling this method, the writer can not be reused. Create a new writer for future writes.

/** * Completes the write operation and returns a queue of {@link AllocatedBuffer} objects in * forward-writing order. This method should only be called once. * * <p>After calling this method, the writer can not be reused. Create a new writer for future * writes. */
public final Queue<AllocatedBuffer> complete() { finishCurrentBuffer(); return buffers; } @Override public final void writeSFixed32(int fieldNumber, int value) throws IOException { writeFixed32(fieldNumber, value); } @Override public final void writeInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) throws IOException { writeUInt64(fieldNumber, value); } @Override public final void writeSFixed64(int fieldNumber, long value) throws IOException { writeFixed64(fieldNumber, value); } @Override public final void writeFloat(int fieldNumber, float value) throws IOException { writeFixed32(fieldNumber, Float.floatToRawIntBits(value)); } @Override public final void writeDouble(int fieldNumber, double value) throws IOException { writeFixed64(fieldNumber, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value)); } @Override public final void writeEnum(int fieldNumber, int value) throws IOException { writeInt32(fieldNumber, value); } @Override public final void writeInt32List(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof IntArrayList) { writeInt32List_Internal(fieldNumber, (IntArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeInt32List_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeInt32List_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeInt32(list.get(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeInt32(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeInt32List_Internal(int fieldNumber, IntArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeInt32(list.getInt(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeInt32(fieldNumber, list.getInt(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeFixed32List(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof IntArrayList) { writeFixed32List_Internal(fieldNumber, (IntArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeFixed32List_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeFixed32List_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * FIXED32_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed32(list.get(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed32(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeFixed32List_Internal(int fieldNumber, IntArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * FIXED32_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed32(list.getInt(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed32(fieldNumber, list.getInt(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeInt64List(int fieldNumber, List<Long> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { writeUInt64List(fieldNumber, list, packed); } @Override public final void writeUInt64List(int fieldNumber, List<Long> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof LongArrayList) { writeUInt64List_Internal(fieldNumber, (LongArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeUInt64List_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeUInt64List_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Long> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeVarint64(list.get(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeUInt64(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeUInt64List_Internal(int fieldNumber, LongArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeVarint64(list.getLong(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeUInt64(fieldNumber, list.getLong(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeFixed64List(int fieldNumber, List<Long> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof LongArrayList) { writeFixed64List_Internal(fieldNumber, (LongArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeFixed64List_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeFixed64List_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Long> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * FIXED64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed64(list.get(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed64(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeFixed64List_Internal(int fieldNumber, LongArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * FIXED64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed64(list.getLong(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed64(fieldNumber, list.getLong(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeFloatList(int fieldNumber, List<Float> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof FloatArrayList) { writeFloatList_Internal(fieldNumber, (FloatArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeFloatList_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeFloatList_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Float> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * FIXED32_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed32(Float.floatToRawIntBits(list.get(i))); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFloat(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeFloatList_Internal(int fieldNumber, FloatArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * FIXED32_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed32(Float.floatToRawIntBits(list.getFloat(i))); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFloat(fieldNumber, list.getFloat(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeDoubleList(int fieldNumber, List<Double> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof DoubleArrayList) { writeDoubleList_Internal(fieldNumber, (DoubleArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeDoubleList_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeDoubleList_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Double> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * FIXED64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed64(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(list.get(i))); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeDouble(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeDoubleList_Internal(int fieldNumber, DoubleArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * FIXED64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeFixed64(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(list.getDouble(i))); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeDouble(fieldNumber, list.getDouble(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeEnumList(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { writeInt32List(fieldNumber, list, packed); } @Override public final void writeBoolList(int fieldNumber, List<Boolean> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof BooleanArrayList) { writeBoolList_Internal(fieldNumber, (BooleanArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeBoolList_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeBoolList_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Boolean> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + list.size()); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeBool(list.get(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeBool(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeBoolList_Internal(int fieldNumber, BooleanArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + list.size()); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeBool(list.getBoolean(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeBool(fieldNumber, list.getBoolean(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeStringList(int fieldNumber, List<String> list) throws IOException { if (list instanceof LazyStringList) { final LazyStringList lazyList = (LazyStringList) list; for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { writeLazyString(fieldNumber, lazyList.getRaw(i)); } } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { writeString(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private void writeLazyString(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { if (value instanceof String) { writeString(fieldNumber, (String) value); } else { writeBytes(fieldNumber, (ByteString) value); } } @Override public final void writeBytesList(int fieldNumber, List<ByteString> list) throws IOException { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { writeBytes(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } @Override public final void writeUInt32List(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof IntArrayList) { writeUInt32List_Internal(fieldNumber, (IntArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeUInt32List_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeUInt32List_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT32_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeVarint32(list.get(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeUInt32(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeUInt32List_Internal(int fieldNumber, IntArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT32_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeVarint32(list.getInt(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeUInt32(fieldNumber, list.getInt(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeSFixed32List(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { writeFixed32List(fieldNumber, list, packed); } @Override public final void writeSFixed64List(int fieldNumber, List<Long> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { writeFixed64List(fieldNumber, list, packed); } @Override public final void writeSInt32List(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof IntArrayList) { writeSInt32List_Internal(fieldNumber, (IntArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeSInt32List_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private final void writeSInt32List_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Integer> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT32_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeSInt32(list.get(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeSInt32(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeSInt32List_Internal(int fieldNumber, IntArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT32_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeSInt32(list.getInt(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeSInt32(fieldNumber, list.getInt(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeSInt64List(int fieldNumber, List<Long> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (list instanceof LongArrayList) { writeSInt64List_Internal(fieldNumber, (LongArrayList) list, packed); } else { writeSInt64List_Internal(fieldNumber, list, packed); } } private static final int MAP_KEY_NUMBER = 1; private static final int MAP_VALUE_NUMBER = 2; @Override public <K, V> void writeMap(int fieldNumber, MapEntryLite.Metadata<K, V> metadata, Map<K, V> map) throws IOException { // TODO(liujisi): Reverse write those entries. for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); writeMapEntryField(this, MAP_VALUE_NUMBER, metadata.valueType, entry.getValue()); writeMapEntryField(this, MAP_KEY_NUMBER, metadata.keyType, entry.getKey()); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } } static final void writeMapEntryField( Writer writer, int fieldNumber, WireFormat.FieldType fieldType, Object object) throws IOException { switch (fieldType) { case BOOL: writer.writeBool(fieldNumber, (Boolean) object); break; case FIXED32: writer.writeFixed32(fieldNumber, (Integer) object); break; case FIXED64: writer.writeFixed64(fieldNumber, (Long) object); break; case INT32: writer.writeInt32(fieldNumber, (Integer) object); break; case INT64: writer.writeInt64(fieldNumber, (Long) object); break; case SFIXED32: writer.writeSFixed32(fieldNumber, (Integer) object); break; case SFIXED64: writer.writeSFixed64(fieldNumber, (Long) object); break; case SINT32: writer.writeSInt32(fieldNumber, (Integer) object); break; case SINT64: writer.writeSInt64(fieldNumber, (Long) object); break; case STRING: writer.writeString(fieldNumber, (String) object); break; case UINT32: writer.writeUInt32(fieldNumber, (Integer) object); break; case UINT64: writer.writeUInt64(fieldNumber, (Long) object); break; case FLOAT: writer.writeFloat(fieldNumber, (Float) object); break; case DOUBLE: writer.writeDouble(fieldNumber, (Double) object); break; case MESSAGE: writer.writeMessage(fieldNumber, object); break; case BYTES: writer.writeBytes(fieldNumber, (ByteString) object); break; case ENUM: if (object instanceof Internal.EnumLite) { writer.writeEnum(fieldNumber, ((Internal.EnumLite) object).getNumber()); } else if (object instanceof Integer) { writer.writeEnum(fieldNumber, (Integer) object); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type for enum in map."); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported map value type for: " + fieldType); } } private final void writeSInt64List_Internal(int fieldNumber, List<Long> list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeSInt64(list.get(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeSInt64(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } } private final void writeSInt64List_Internal(int fieldNumber, LongArrayList list, boolean packed) throws IOException { if (packed) { requireSpace((MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2) + (list.size() * MAX_VARINT64_SIZE)); int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeSInt64(list.getLong(i)); } int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } else { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { writeSInt64(fieldNumber, list.getLong(i)); } } } @Override public final void writeMessageList(int fieldNumber, List<?> list) throws IOException { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { writeMessage(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } @Override public final void writeMessageList(int fieldNumber, List<?> list, Schema schema) throws IOException { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { writeMessage(fieldNumber, list.get(i), schema); } } @Override public final void writeGroupList(int fieldNumber, List<?> list) throws IOException { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { writeGroup(fieldNumber, list.get(i)); } } @Override public final void writeGroupList(int fieldNumber, List<?> list, Schema schema) throws IOException { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { writeGroup(fieldNumber, list.get(i), schema); } } @Override public final void writeMessageSetItem(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { writeTag(MESSAGE_SET_ITEM, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); if (value instanceof ByteString) { writeBytes(MESSAGE_SET_MESSAGE, (ByteString) value); } else { writeMessage(MESSAGE_SET_MESSAGE, value); } writeUInt32(MESSAGE_SET_TYPE_ID, fieldNumber); writeTag(MESSAGE_SET_ITEM, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } final AllocatedBuffer newHeapBuffer() { return alloc.allocateHeapBuffer(chunkSize); } final AllocatedBuffer newHeapBuffer(int capacity) { return alloc.allocateHeapBuffer(Math.max(capacity, chunkSize)); } final AllocatedBuffer newDirectBuffer() { return alloc.allocateDirectBuffer(chunkSize); } final AllocatedBuffer newDirectBuffer(int capacity) { return alloc.allocateDirectBuffer(Math.max(capacity, chunkSize)); }
Gets the total number of bytes that have been written. This will not be reset by a call to complete().
/** * Gets the total number of bytes that have been written. This will not be reset by a call to * {@link #complete()}. */
public abstract int getTotalBytesWritten(); abstract void requireSpace(int size); abstract void finishCurrentBuffer(); abstract void writeTag(int fieldNumber, int wireType); abstract void writeVarint32(int value); abstract void writeInt32(int value); abstract void writeSInt32(int value); abstract void writeFixed32(int value); abstract void writeVarint64(long value); abstract void writeSInt64(long value); abstract void writeFixed64(long value); abstract void writeBool(boolean value); abstract void writeString(String in);
Not using the version in CodedOutputStream due to the fact that benchmarks have shown a performance improvement when returning a byte (rather than an int).
/** * Not using the version in CodedOutputStream due to the fact that benchmarks have shown a * performance improvement when returning a byte (rather than an int). */
private static byte computeUInt64SizeNoTag(long value) { // handle two popular special cases up front ... if ((value & (~0L << 7)) == 0L) { // Byte 1 return 1; } if (value < 0L) { // Byte 10 return 10; } // ... leaving us with 8 remaining, which we can divide and conquer byte n = 2; if ((value & (~0L << 35)) != 0L) { // Byte 6-9 n += 4; // + (value >>> 63); value >>>= 28; } if ((value & (~0L << 21)) != 0L) { // Byte 4-5 or 8-9 n += 2; value >>>= 14; } if ((value & (~0L << 14)) != 0L) { // Byte 3 or 7 n += 1; } return n; }
Writer that uses safe operations on target array.
/** Writer that uses safe operations on target array. */
private static final class SafeHeapWriter extends BinaryWriter { private AllocatedBuffer allocatedBuffer; private byte[] buffer; private int offset; private int limit; private int offsetMinusOne; private int limitMinusOne; private int pos; SafeHeapWriter(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { super(alloc, chunkSize); nextBuffer(); } @Override void finishCurrentBuffer() { if (allocatedBuffer != null) { totalDoneBytes += bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer(); allocatedBuffer.position((pos - allocatedBuffer.arrayOffset()) + 1); allocatedBuffer = null; pos = 0; limitMinusOne = 0; } } private void nextBuffer() { nextBuffer(newHeapBuffer()); } private void nextBuffer(int capacity) { nextBuffer(newHeapBuffer(capacity)); } private void nextBuffer(AllocatedBuffer allocatedBuffer) { if (!allocatedBuffer.hasArray()) { throw new RuntimeException("Allocator returned non-heap buffer"); } finishCurrentBuffer(); buffers.addFirst(allocatedBuffer); this.allocatedBuffer = allocatedBuffer; this.buffer = allocatedBuffer.array(); int arrayOffset = allocatedBuffer.arrayOffset(); this.limit = arrayOffset + allocatedBuffer.limit(); this.offset = arrayOffset + allocatedBuffer.position(); this.offsetMinusOne = offset - 1; this.limitMinusOne = limit - 1; this.pos = limitMinusOne; } @Override public int getTotalBytesWritten() { return totalDoneBytes + bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer(); } int bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer() { return limitMinusOne - pos; } int spaceLeft() { return pos - offsetMinusOne; } @Override public void writeUInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) throws IOException { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) throws IOException { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeInt32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeSInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) throws IOException { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeSInt32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeFixed32(int fieldNumber, int value) throws IOException { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + FIXED32_SIZE); writeFixed32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_FIXED32); } @Override public void writeUInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) throws IOException { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeVarint64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeSInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) throws IOException { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeSInt64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeFixed64(int fieldNumber, long value) throws IOException { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + FIXED64_SIZE); writeFixed64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_FIXED64); } @Override public void writeBool(int fieldNumber, boolean value) throws IOException { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + 1); write((byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeString(int fieldNumber, String value) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); writeString(value); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(2 * MAX_VARINT32_SIZE); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeBytes(int fieldNumber, ByteString value) throws IOException { try { value.writeToReverse(this); } catch (IOException e) { // Should never happen since the writer does not throw. throw new RuntimeException(e); } requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(value.size()); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeMessage(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); Protobuf.getInstance().writeTo(value, this); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeMessage(int fieldNumber, Object value, Schema schema) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); schema.writeTo(value, this); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeGroup(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); Protobuf.getInstance().writeTo(value, this); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeGroup(int fieldNumber, Object value, Schema schema) throws IOException { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); schema.writeTo(value, this); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeStartGroup(int fieldNumber) { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeEndGroup(int fieldNumber) { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); } @Override void writeInt32(int value) { if (value >= 0) { writeVarint32(value); } else { writeVarint64(value); } } @Override void writeSInt32(int value) { writeVarint32(CodedOutputStream.encodeZigZag32(value)); } @Override void writeSInt64(long value) { writeVarint64(CodedOutputStream.encodeZigZag64(value)); } @Override void writeBool(boolean value) { write((byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); } @Override void writeTag(int fieldNumber, int wireType) { writeVarint32(WireFormat.makeTag(fieldNumber, wireType)); } @Override void writeVarint32(int value) { if ((value & (~0 << 7)) == 0) { writeVarint32OneByte(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 14)) == 0) { writeVarint32TwoBytes(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 21)) == 0) { writeVarint32ThreeBytes(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 28)) == 0) { writeVarint32FourBytes(value); } else { writeVarint32FiveBytes(value); } } private void writeVarint32OneByte(int value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) value; } private void writeVarint32TwoBytes(int value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 7); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint32ThreeBytes(int value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 14); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint32FourBytes(int value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 21); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint32FiveBytes(int value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 28); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } @Override void writeVarint64(long value) { switch (computeUInt64SizeNoTag(value)) { case 1: writeVarint64OneByte(value); break; case 2: writeVarint64TwoBytes(value); break; case 3: writeVarint64ThreeBytes(value); break; case 4: writeVarint64FourBytes(value); break; case 5: writeVarint64FiveBytes(value); break; case 6: writeVarint64SixBytes(value); break; case 7: writeVarint64SevenBytes(value); break; case 8: writeVarint64EightBytes(value); break; case 9: writeVarint64NineBytes(value); break; case 10: writeVarint64TenBytes(value); break; } } private void writeVarint64OneByte(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) value; } private void writeVarint64TwoBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 7); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((int) value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint64ThreeBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((int) value) >>> 14); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint64FourBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 21); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint64FiveBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 28); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint64SixBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 35); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint64SevenBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 42); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint64EightBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 49); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint64NineBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 56); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 49) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } private void writeVarint64TenBytes(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value >>> 63); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 56) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 49) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); } @Override void writeFixed32(int value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (value & 0xFF); } @Override void writeFixed64(long value) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((int) (value >> 56) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((int) (value >> 48) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((int) (value >> 40) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((int) (value >> 32) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((int) (value >> 24) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((int) (value >> 16) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((int) (value >> 8) & 0xFF); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((int) (value) & 0xFF); } @Override void writeString(String in) { // Request enough space to write the ASCII string. requireSpace(in.length()); // We know the buffer is big enough... int i = in.length() - 1; // Set pos to the start of the ASCII string. pos -= i; // Designed to take advantage of // https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpotInternals/RangeCheckElimination for (char c; i >= 0 && (c = in.charAt(i)) < 0x80; i--) { buffer[pos + i] = (byte) c; } if (i == -1) { // Move pos past the String. pos -= 1; return; } pos += i; for (char c; i >= 0; i--) { c = in.charAt(i); if (c < 0x80 && pos > offsetMinusOne) { buffer[pos--] = (byte) c; } else if (c < 0x800 && pos > offset) { // 11 bits, two UTF-8 bytes buffer[pos--] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & c)); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((0xF << 6) | (c >>> 6)); } else if ((c < Character.MIN_SURROGATE || Character.MAX_SURROGATE < c) && pos > (offset + 1)) { // Maximum single-char code point is 0xFFFF, 16 bits, three UTF-8 bytes buffer[pos--] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & c)); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (c >>> 6))); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((0xF << 5) | (c >>> 12)); } else if (pos > (offset + 2)) { // Minimum code point represented by a surrogate pair is 0x10000, 17 bits, // four UTF-8 bytes char high = 0; if (i == 0 || !Character.isSurrogatePair(high = in.charAt(i - 1), c)) { throw new Utf8.UnpairedSurrogateException(i - 1, i); } i--; int codePoint = Character.toCodePoint(high, c); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & codePoint)); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (codePoint >>> 6))); buffer[pos--] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (codePoint >>> 12))); buffer[pos--] = (byte) ((0xF << 4) | (codePoint >>> 18)); } else { // Buffer is full - allocate a new one and revisit the current character. requireSpace(i); i++; } } } @Override public void write(byte value) { buffer[pos--] = value; } @Override public void write(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { if (spaceLeft() < length) { nextBuffer(length); } pos -= length; System.arraycopy(value, offset, buffer, pos + 1, length); } @Override public void writeLazy(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { if (spaceLeft() < length) { // We consider the value to be immutable (likely the internals of a ByteString). Just // wrap it in a Netty buffer and add it to the output buffer. totalDoneBytes += length; buffers.addFirst(AllocatedBuffer.wrap(value, offset, length)); // Advance the writer to the next buffer. // TODO(nathanmittler): Consider slicing if space available above some threshold. nextBuffer(); return; } pos -= length; System.arraycopy(value, offset, buffer, pos + 1, length); } @Override public void write(ByteBuffer value) { int length = value.remaining(); if (spaceLeft() < length) { nextBuffer(length); } pos -= length; value.get(buffer, pos + 1, length); } @Override public void writeLazy(ByteBuffer value) { int length = value.remaining(); if (spaceLeft() < length) { // We consider the value to be immutable (likely the internals of a ByteString). Just // wrap it in a Netty buffer and add it to the output buffer. totalDoneBytes += length; buffers.addFirst(AllocatedBuffer.wrap(value)); // Advance the writer to the next buffer. // TODO(nathanmittler): Consider slicing if space available above some threshold. nextBuffer(); } pos -= length; value.get(buffer, pos + 1, length); } @Override void requireSpace(int size) { if (spaceLeft() < size) { nextBuffer(size); } } }
Writer that uses unsafe operations on a target array.
/** Writer that uses unsafe operations on a target array. */
private static final class UnsafeHeapWriter extends BinaryWriter { private AllocatedBuffer allocatedBuffer; private byte[] buffer; private long offset; private long limit; private long offsetMinusOne; private long limitMinusOne; private long pos; UnsafeHeapWriter(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { super(alloc, chunkSize); nextBuffer(); }
Indicates whether the required unsafe operations are supported on this platform.
/** Indicates whether the required unsafe operations are supported on this platform. */
static boolean isSupported() { return UnsafeUtil.hasUnsafeArrayOperations(); } @Override void finishCurrentBuffer() { if (allocatedBuffer != null) { totalDoneBytes += bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer(); allocatedBuffer.position((arrayPos() - allocatedBuffer.arrayOffset()) + 1); allocatedBuffer = null; pos = 0; limitMinusOne = 0; } } private int arrayPos() { return (int) pos; } private void nextBuffer() { nextBuffer(newHeapBuffer()); } private void nextBuffer(int capacity) { nextBuffer(newHeapBuffer(capacity)); } private void nextBuffer(AllocatedBuffer allocatedBuffer) { if (!allocatedBuffer.hasArray()) { throw new RuntimeException("Allocator returned non-heap buffer"); } finishCurrentBuffer(); buffers.addFirst(allocatedBuffer); this.allocatedBuffer = allocatedBuffer; this.buffer = allocatedBuffer.array(); int arrayOffset = allocatedBuffer.arrayOffset(); this.limit = arrayOffset + allocatedBuffer.limit(); this.offset = arrayOffset + allocatedBuffer.position(); this.offsetMinusOne = offset - 1; this.limitMinusOne = limit - 1; this.pos = limitMinusOne; } @Override public int getTotalBytesWritten() { return totalDoneBytes + bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer(); } int bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer() { return (int) (limitMinusOne - pos); } int spaceLeft() { return (int) (pos - offsetMinusOne); } @Override public void writeUInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeInt32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeSInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeSInt32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeFixed32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + FIXED32_SIZE); writeFixed32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_FIXED32); } @Override public void writeUInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeVarint64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeSInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeSInt64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeFixed64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + FIXED64_SIZE); writeFixed64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_FIXED64); } @Override public void writeBool(int fieldNumber, boolean value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + 1); write((byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeString(int fieldNumber, String value) { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); writeString(value); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(2 * MAX_VARINT32_SIZE); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeBytes(int fieldNumber, ByteString value) { try { value.writeToReverse(this); } catch (IOException e) { // Should never happen since the writer does not throw. throw new RuntimeException(e); } requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(value.size()); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeMessage(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); Protobuf.getInstance().writeTo(value, this); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeMessage(int fieldNumber, Object value, Schema schema) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); schema.writeTo(value, this); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeGroup(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); Protobuf.getInstance().writeTo(value, this); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeGroup(int fieldNumber, Object value, Schema schema) throws IOException { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); schema.writeTo(value, this); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeStartGroup(int fieldNumber) { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeEndGroup(int fieldNumber) { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); } @Override void writeInt32(int value) { if (value >= 0) { writeVarint32(value); } else { writeVarint64(value); } } @Override void writeSInt32(int value) { writeVarint32(CodedOutputStream.encodeZigZag32(value)); } @Override void writeSInt64(long value) { writeVarint64(CodedOutputStream.encodeZigZag64(value)); } @Override void writeBool(boolean value) { write((byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); } @Override void writeTag(int fieldNumber, int wireType) { writeVarint32(WireFormat.makeTag(fieldNumber, wireType)); } @Override void writeVarint32(int value) { if ((value & (~0 << 7)) == 0) { writeVarint32OneByte(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 14)) == 0) { writeVarint32TwoBytes(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 21)) == 0) { writeVarint32ThreeBytes(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 28)) == 0) { writeVarint32FourBytes(value); } else { writeVarint32FiveBytes(value); } } private void writeVarint32OneByte(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) value); } private void writeVarint32TwoBytes(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 7)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint32ThreeBytes(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 14)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint32FourBytes(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 21)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint32FiveBytes(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 28)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } @Override void writeVarint64(long value) { switch (computeUInt64SizeNoTag(value)) { case 1: writeVarint64OneByte(value); break; case 2: writeVarint64TwoBytes(value); break; case 3: writeVarint64ThreeBytes(value); break; case 4: writeVarint64FourBytes(value); break; case 5: writeVarint64FiveBytes(value); break; case 6: writeVarint64SixBytes(value); break; case 7: writeVarint64SevenBytes(value); break; case 8: writeVarint64EightBytes(value); break; case 9: writeVarint64NineBytes(value); break; case 10: writeVarint64TenBytes(value); break; } } private void writeVarint64OneByte(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) value); } private void writeVarint64TwoBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 7)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((int) value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64ThreeBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((int) value) >>> 14)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64FourBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 21)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64FiveBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 28)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64SixBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 35)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64SevenBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 42)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64EightBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 49)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64NineBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 56)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 49) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64TenBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value >>> 63)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 56) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 49) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } @Override void writeFixed32(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (value & 0xFF)); } @Override void writeFixed64(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 56) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 48) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 40) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 32) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 24) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 16) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 8) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((int) (value) & 0xFF)); } @Override void writeString(String in) { // Request enough space to write the ASCII string. requireSpace(in.length()); // We know the buffer is big enough... int i = in.length() - 1; // Set pos to the start of the ASCII string. // pos -= i; // Designed to take advantage of // https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpotInternals/RangeCheckElimination for (char c; i >= 0 && (c = in.charAt(i)) < 0x80; i--) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) c); } if (i == -1) { // Move pos past the String. return; } for (char c; i >= 0; i--) { c = in.charAt(i); if (c < 0x80 && pos > offsetMinusOne) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) c); } else if (c < 0x800 && pos > offset) { // 11 bits, two UTF-8 bytes UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & c))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 6) | (c >>> 6))); } else if ((c < Character.MIN_SURROGATE || Character.MAX_SURROGATE < c) && pos > offset + 1) { // Maximum single-char code point is 0xFFFF, 16 bits, three UTF-8 bytes UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & c))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (c >>> 6)))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 5) | (c >>> 12))); } else if (pos > offset + 2) { // Minimum code point represented by a surrogate pair is 0x10000, 17 bits, // four UTF-8 bytes final char high; if (i == 0 || !Character.isSurrogatePair(high = in.charAt(i - 1), c)) { throw new Utf8.UnpairedSurrogateException(i - 1, i); } i--; int codePoint = Character.toCodePoint(high, c); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & codePoint))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (codePoint >>> 6)))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (codePoint >>> 12)))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 4) | (codePoint >>> 18))); } else { // Buffer is full - allocate a new one and revisit the current character. requireSpace(i); i++; } } } @Override public void write(byte value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(buffer, pos--, value); } @Override public void write(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { if (offset < 0 || offset + length > value.length) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( String.format("value.length=%d, offset=%d, length=%d", value.length, offset, length)); } requireSpace(length); pos -= length; System.arraycopy(value, offset, buffer, arrayPos() + 1, length); } @Override public void writeLazy(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { if (offset < 0 || offset + length > value.length) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( String.format("value.length=%d, offset=%d, length=%d", value.length, offset, length)); } if (spaceLeft() < length) { // We consider the value to be immutable (likely the internals of a ByteString). Just // wrap it in a Netty buffer and add it to the output buffer. totalDoneBytes += length; buffers.addFirst(AllocatedBuffer.wrap(value, offset, length)); // Advance the writer to the next buffer. // TODO(nathanmittler): Consider slicing if space available above some threshold. nextBuffer(); return; } pos -= length; System.arraycopy(value, offset, buffer, arrayPos() + 1, length); } @Override public void write(ByteBuffer value) { int length = value.remaining(); requireSpace(length); pos -= length; value.get(buffer, arrayPos() + 1, length); } @Override public void writeLazy(ByteBuffer value) { int length = value.remaining(); if (spaceLeft() < length) { // We consider the value to be immutable (likely the internals of a ByteString). Just // wrap it in a Netty buffer and add it to the output buffer. totalDoneBytes += length; buffers.addFirst(AllocatedBuffer.wrap(value)); // Advance the writer to the next buffer. // TODO(nathanmittler): Consider slicing if space available above some threshold. nextBuffer(); } pos -= length; value.get(buffer, arrayPos() + 1, length); } @Override void requireSpace(int size) { if (spaceLeft() < size) { nextBuffer(size); } } }
Writer that uses safe operations on a target ByteBuffer.
/** Writer that uses safe operations on a target {@link ByteBuffer}. */
private static final class SafeDirectWriter extends BinaryWriter { private ByteBuffer buffer; private int limitMinusOne; private int pos; SafeDirectWriter(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { super(alloc, chunkSize); nextBuffer(); } private void nextBuffer() { nextBuffer(newDirectBuffer()); } private void nextBuffer(int capacity) { nextBuffer(newDirectBuffer(capacity)); } private void nextBuffer(AllocatedBuffer allocatedBuffer) { if (!allocatedBuffer.hasNioBuffer()) { throw new RuntimeException("Allocated buffer does not have NIO buffer"); } ByteBuffer nioBuffer = allocatedBuffer.nioBuffer(); if (!nioBuffer.isDirect()) { throw new RuntimeException("Allocator returned non-direct buffer"); } finishCurrentBuffer(); buffers.addFirst(allocatedBuffer); buffer = nioBuffer; buffer.limit(buffer.capacity()); buffer.position(0); // Set byte order to little endian for fast writing of fixed 32/64. buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); limitMinusOne = buffer.limit() - 1; pos = limitMinusOne; } @Override public int getTotalBytesWritten() { return totalDoneBytes + bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer(); } private int bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer() { return limitMinusOne - pos; } private int spaceLeft() { return pos + 1; } @Override void finishCurrentBuffer() { if (buffer != null) { totalDoneBytes += bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer(); // Update the indices on the netty buffer. buffer.position(pos + 1); buffer = null; pos = 0; limitMinusOne = 0; } } @Override public void writeUInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeInt32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeSInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeSInt32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeFixed32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + FIXED32_SIZE); writeFixed32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_FIXED32); } @Override public void writeUInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeVarint64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeSInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeSInt64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeFixed64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + FIXED64_SIZE); writeFixed64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_FIXED64); } @Override public void writeBool(int fieldNumber, boolean value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + 1); write((byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeString(int fieldNumber, String value) { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); writeString(value); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(2 * MAX_VARINT32_SIZE); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeBytes(int fieldNumber, ByteString value) { try { value.writeToReverse(this); } catch (IOException e) { // Should never happen since the writer does not throw. throw new RuntimeException(e); } requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(value.size()); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeMessage(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); Protobuf.getInstance().writeTo(value, this); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeMessage(int fieldNumber, Object value, Schema schema) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); schema.writeTo(value, this); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeGroup(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); Protobuf.getInstance().writeTo(value, this); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeGroup(int fieldNumber, Object value, Schema schema) throws IOException { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); schema.writeTo(value, this); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeStartGroup(int fieldNumber) { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeEndGroup(int fieldNumber) { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); } @Override void writeInt32(int value) { if (value >= 0) { writeVarint32(value); } else { writeVarint64(value); } } @Override void writeSInt32(int value) { writeVarint32(CodedOutputStream.encodeZigZag32(value)); } @Override void writeSInt64(long value) { writeVarint64(CodedOutputStream.encodeZigZag64(value)); } @Override void writeBool(boolean value) { write((byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); } @Override void writeTag(int fieldNumber, int wireType) { writeVarint32(WireFormat.makeTag(fieldNumber, wireType)); } @Override void writeVarint32(int value) { if ((value & (~0 << 7)) == 0) { writeVarint32OneByte(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 14)) == 0) { writeVarint32TwoBytes(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 21)) == 0) { writeVarint32ThreeBytes(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 28)) == 0) { writeVarint32FourBytes(value); } else { writeVarint32FiveBytes(value); } } private void writeVarint32OneByte(int value) { buffer.put(pos--, (byte) value); } private void writeVarint32TwoBytes(int value) { // Byte order is little-endian. pos -= 2; buffer.putShort(pos + 1, (short) (((value & (0x7F << 7)) << 1) | ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80))); } private void writeVarint32ThreeBytes(int value) { // Byte order is little-endian. pos -= 3; buffer.putInt( pos, ((value & (0x7F << 14)) << 10) | (((value & (0x7F << 7)) | (0x80 << 7)) << 9) | ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80) << 8); } private void writeVarint32FourBytes(int value) { // Byte order is little-endian. pos -= 4; buffer.putInt( pos + 1, ((value & (0x7F << 21)) << 3) | (((value & (0x7F << 14)) | (0x80 << 14)) << 2) | (((value & (0x7F << 7)) | (0x80 << 7)) << 1) | ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint32FiveBytes(int value) { // Byte order is little-endian. buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 28)); pos -= 4; buffer.putInt( pos + 1, ((((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80) << 24) | ((((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80) << 16) | ((((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80) << 8) | ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } @Override void writeVarint64(long value) { switch (computeUInt64SizeNoTag(value)) { case 1: writeVarint64OneByte(value); break; case 2: writeVarint64TwoBytes(value); break; case 3: writeVarint64ThreeBytes(value); break; case 4: writeVarint64FourBytes(value); break; case 5: writeVarint64FiveBytes(value); break; case 6: writeVarint64SixBytes(value); break; case 7: writeVarint64SevenBytes(value); break; case 8: writeVarint64EightBytes(value); break; case 9: writeVarint64NineBytes(value); break; case 10: writeVarint64TenBytes(value); break; } } private void writeVarint64OneByte(long value) { writeVarint32OneByte((int) value); } private void writeVarint64TwoBytes(long value) { writeVarint32TwoBytes((int) value); } private void writeVarint64ThreeBytes(long value) { writeVarint32ThreeBytes((int) value); } private void writeVarint64FourBytes(long value) { writeVarint32FourBytes((int) value); } private void writeVarint64FiveBytes(long value) { // Byte order is little-endian. pos -= 5; buffer.putLong( pos - 2, ((value & (0x7FL << 28)) << 28) | (((value & (0x7F << 21)) | (0x80 << 21)) << 27) | (((value & (0x7F << 14)) | (0x80 << 14)) << 26) | (((value & (0x7F << 7)) | (0x80 << 7)) << 25) | (((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)) << 24); } private void writeVarint64SixBytes(long value) { // Byte order is little-endian. pos -= 6; buffer.putLong( pos - 1, ((value & (0x7FL << 35)) << 21) | (((value & (0x7FL << 28)) | (0x80L << 28)) << 20) | (((value & (0x7F << 21)) | (0x80 << 21)) << 19) | (((value & (0x7F << 14)) | (0x80 << 14)) << 18) | (((value & (0x7F << 7)) | (0x80 << 7)) << 17) | (((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)) << 16); } private void writeVarint64SevenBytes(long value) { // Byte order is little-endian. pos -= 7; buffer.putLong( pos, ((value & (0x7FL << 42)) << 14) | (((value & (0x7FL << 35)) | (0x80L << 35)) << 13) | (((value & (0x7FL << 28)) | (0x80L << 28)) << 12) | (((value & (0x7F << 21)) | (0x80 << 21)) << 11) | (((value & (0x7F << 14)) | (0x80 << 14)) << 10) | (((value & (0x7F << 7)) | (0x80 << 7)) << 9) | (((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)) << 8); } private void writeVarint64EightBytes(long value) { // Byte order is little-endian. pos -= 8; buffer.putLong( pos + 1, ((value & (0x7FL << 49)) << 7) | (((value & (0x7FL << 42)) | (0x80L << 42)) << 6) | (((value & (0x7FL << 35)) | (0x80L << 35)) << 5) | (((value & (0x7FL << 28)) | (0x80L << 28)) << 4) | (((value & (0x7F << 21)) | (0x80 << 21)) << 3) | (((value & (0x7F << 14)) | (0x80 << 14)) << 2) | (((value & (0x7F << 7)) | (0x80 << 7)) << 1) | ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64EightBytesWithSign(long value) { // Byte order is little-endian. pos -= 8; buffer.putLong( pos + 1, (((value & (0x7FL << 49)) | (0x80L << 49)) << 7) | (((value & (0x7FL << 42)) | (0x80L << 42)) << 6) | (((value & (0x7FL << 35)) | (0x80L << 35)) << 5) | (((value & (0x7FL << 28)) | (0x80L << 28)) << 4) | (((value & (0x7F << 21)) | (0x80 << 21)) << 3) | (((value & (0x7F << 14)) | (0x80 << 14)) << 2) | (((value & (0x7F << 7)) | (0x80 << 7)) << 1) | ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64NineBytes(long value) { buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 56)); writeVarint64EightBytesWithSign(value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL); } private void writeVarint64TenBytes(long value) { buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 63)); buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 56) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); writeVarint64EightBytesWithSign(value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL); } @Override void writeFixed32(int value) { pos -= 4; buffer.putInt(pos + 1, value); } @Override void writeFixed64(long value) { pos -= 8; buffer.putLong(pos + 1, value); } @Override void writeString(String in) { // Request enough space to write the ASCII string. requireSpace(in.length()); // We know the buffer is big enough... int i = in.length() - 1; pos -= i; // Designed to take advantage of // https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpotInternals/RangeCheckElimination for (char c; i >= 0 && (c = in.charAt(i)) < 0x80; i--) { buffer.put(pos + i, (byte) c); } if (i == -1) { // Move the position past the ASCII string. pos -= 1; return; } pos += i; for (char c; i >= 0; i--) { c = in.charAt(i); if (c < 0x80 && pos >= 0) { buffer.put(pos--, (byte) c); } else if (c < 0x800 && pos > 0) { // 11 bits, two UTF-8 bytes buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & c))); buffer.put(pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 6) | (c >>> 6))); } else if ((c < Character.MIN_SURROGATE || Character.MAX_SURROGATE < c) && pos > 1) { // Maximum single-char code point is 0xFFFF, 16 bits, three UTF-8 bytes buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & c))); buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (c >>> 6)))); buffer.put(pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 5) | (c >>> 12))); } else if (pos > 2) { // Minimum code point represented by a surrogate pair is 0x10000, 17 bits, // four UTF-8 bytes char high = 0; if (i == 0 || !Character.isSurrogatePair(high = in.charAt(i - 1), c)) { throw new Utf8.UnpairedSurrogateException(i - 1, i); } i--; int codePoint = Character.toCodePoint(high, c); buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & codePoint))); buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (codePoint >>> 6)))); buffer.put(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (codePoint >>> 12)))); buffer.put(pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 4) | (codePoint >>> 18))); } else { // Buffer is full - allocate a new one and revisit the current character. requireSpace(i); i++; } } } @Override public void write(byte value) { buffer.put(pos--, value); } @Override public void write(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { if (spaceLeft() < length) { nextBuffer(length); } pos -= length; buffer.position(pos + 1); buffer.put(value, offset, length); } @Override public void writeLazy(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { if (spaceLeft() < length) { // We consider the value to be immutable (likely the internals of a ByteString). Just // wrap it in a Netty buffer and add it to the output buffer. totalDoneBytes += length; buffers.addFirst(AllocatedBuffer.wrap(value, offset, length)); // Advance the writer to the next buffer. // TODO(nathanmittler): Consider slicing if space available above some threshold. nextBuffer(); return; } pos -= length; buffer.position(pos + 1); buffer.put(value, offset, length); } @Override public void write(ByteBuffer value) { int length = value.remaining(); if (spaceLeft() < length) { nextBuffer(length); } pos -= length; buffer.position(pos + 1); buffer.put(value); } @Override public void writeLazy(ByteBuffer value) { int length = value.remaining(); if (spaceLeft() < length) { // We consider the value to be immutable (likely the internals of a ByteString). Just // wrap it in a Netty buffer and add it to the output buffer. totalDoneBytes += length; buffers.addFirst(AllocatedBuffer.wrap(value)); // Advance the writer to the next buffer. // TODO(nathanmittler): Consider slicing if space available above some threshold. nextBuffer(); return; } pos -= length; buffer.position(pos + 1); buffer.put(value); } @Override void requireSpace(int size) { if (spaceLeft() < size) { nextBuffer(size); } } }
Writer that uses unsafe operations on a target ByteBuffer.
/** Writer that uses unsafe operations on a target {@link ByteBuffer}. */
private static final class UnsafeDirectWriter extends BinaryWriter { private ByteBuffer buffer; private long bufferOffset; private long limitMinusOne; private long pos; UnsafeDirectWriter(BufferAllocator alloc, int chunkSize) { super(alloc, chunkSize); nextBuffer(); }
Indicates whether the required unsafe operations are supported on this platform.
/** Indicates whether the required unsafe operations are supported on this platform. */
private static boolean isSupported() { return UnsafeUtil.hasUnsafeByteBufferOperations(); } private void nextBuffer() { nextBuffer(newDirectBuffer()); } private void nextBuffer(int capacity) { nextBuffer(newDirectBuffer(capacity)); } private void nextBuffer(AllocatedBuffer allocatedBuffer) { if (!allocatedBuffer.hasNioBuffer()) { throw new RuntimeException("Allocated buffer does not have NIO buffer"); } ByteBuffer nioBuffer = allocatedBuffer.nioBuffer(); if (!nioBuffer.isDirect()) { throw new RuntimeException("Allocator returned non-direct buffer"); } finishCurrentBuffer(); buffers.addFirst(allocatedBuffer); buffer = nioBuffer; buffer.limit(buffer.capacity()); buffer.position(0); bufferOffset = UnsafeUtil.addressOffset(buffer); limitMinusOne = bufferOffset + (buffer.limit() - 1); pos = limitMinusOne; } @Override public int getTotalBytesWritten() { return totalDoneBytes + bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer(); } private int bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer() { return (int) (limitMinusOne - pos); } private int spaceLeft() { return bufferPos() + 1; } @Override void finishCurrentBuffer() { if (buffer != null) { totalDoneBytes += bytesWrittenToCurrentBuffer(); // Update the indices on the netty buffer. buffer.position(bufferPos() + 1); buffer = null; pos = 0; limitMinusOne = 0; } } private int bufferPos() { return (int) (pos - bufferOffset); } @Override public void writeUInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeInt32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeSInt32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeSInt32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeFixed32(int fieldNumber, int value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + FIXED32_SIZE); writeFixed32(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_FIXED32); } @Override public void writeUInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeVarint64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeSInt64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + MAX_VARINT64_SIZE); writeSInt64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeFixed64(int fieldNumber, long value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + FIXED64_SIZE); writeFixed64(value); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_FIXED64); } @Override public void writeBool(int fieldNumber, boolean value) { requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE + 1); write((byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT); } @Override public void writeString(int fieldNumber, String value) { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); writeString(value); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(2 * MAX_VARINT32_SIZE); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeBytes(int fieldNumber, ByteString value) { try { value.writeToReverse(this); } catch (IOException e) { // Should never happen since the writer does not throw. throw new RuntimeException(e); } requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(value.size()); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeMessage(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); Protobuf.getInstance().writeTo(value, this); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeMessage(int fieldNumber, Object value, Schema schema) throws IOException { int prevBytes = getTotalBytesWritten(); schema.writeTo(value, this); int length = getTotalBytesWritten() - prevBytes; requireSpace(MAX_VARINT32_SIZE * 2); writeVarint32(length); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); } @Override public void writeGroup(int fieldNumber, Object value) throws IOException { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); Protobuf.getInstance().writeTo(value, this); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeGroup(int fieldNumber, Object value, Schema schema) throws IOException { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); schema.writeTo(value, this); writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeStartGroup(int fieldNumber) { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_START_GROUP); } @Override public void writeEndGroup(int fieldNumber) { writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP); } @Override void writeInt32(int value) { if (value >= 0) { writeVarint32(value); } else { writeVarint64(value); } } @Override void writeSInt32(int value) { writeVarint32(CodedOutputStream.encodeZigZag32(value)); } @Override void writeSInt64(long value) { writeVarint64(CodedOutputStream.encodeZigZag64(value)); } @Override void writeBool(boolean value) { write((byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); } @Override void writeTag(int fieldNumber, int wireType) { writeVarint32(WireFormat.makeTag(fieldNumber, wireType)); } @Override void writeVarint32(int value) { if ((value & (~0 << 7)) == 0) { writeVarint32OneByte(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 14)) == 0) { writeVarint32TwoBytes(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 21)) == 0) { writeVarint32ThreeBytes(value); } else if ((value & (~0 << 28)) == 0) { writeVarint32FourBytes(value); } else { writeVarint32FiveBytes(value); } } private void writeVarint32OneByte(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) value); } private void writeVarint32TwoBytes(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 7)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint32ThreeBytes(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 14)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint32FourBytes(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 21)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint32FiveBytes(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 28)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } @Override void writeVarint64(long value) { switch (computeUInt64SizeNoTag(value)) { case 1: writeVarint64OneByte(value); break; case 2: writeVarint64TwoBytes(value); break; case 3: writeVarint64ThreeBytes(value); break; case 4: writeVarint64FourBytes(value); break; case 5: writeVarint64FiveBytes(value); break; case 6: writeVarint64SixBytes(value); break; case 7: writeVarint64SevenBytes(value); break; case 8: writeVarint64EightBytes(value); break; case 9: writeVarint64NineBytes(value); break; case 10: writeVarint64TenBytes(value); break; } } private void writeVarint64OneByte(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) value); } private void writeVarint64TwoBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 7)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((int) value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64ThreeBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((int) value) >>> 14)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64FourBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 21)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64FiveBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 28)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64SixBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 35)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64SevenBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 42)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64EightBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 49)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64NineBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 56)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 49) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } private void writeVarint64TenBytes(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value >>> 63)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 56) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 49) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 42) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 35) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 28) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 21) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 14) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (((value >>> 7) & 0x7F) | 0x80)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80)); } @Override void writeFixed32(int value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (value & 0xFF)); } @Override void writeFixed64(long value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 56) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 48) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 40) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 32) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 24) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 16) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((int) (value >> 8) & 0xFF)); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((int) (value) & 0xFF)); } @Override void writeString(String in) { // Request enough space to write the ASCII string. requireSpace(in.length()); // We know the buffer is big enough... int i = in.length() - 1; // Designed to take advantage of // https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpotInternals/RangeCheckElimination for (char c; i >= 0 && (c = in.charAt(i)) < 0x80; i--) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) c); } if (i == -1) { // ASCII. return; } for (char c; i >= 0; i--) { c = in.charAt(i); if (c < 0x80 && pos >= bufferOffset) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) c); } else if (c < 0x800 && pos > bufferOffset) { // 11 bits, two UTF-8 bytes UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & c))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 6) | (c >>> 6))); } else if ((c < Character.MIN_SURROGATE || Character.MAX_SURROGATE < c) && pos > bufferOffset + 1) { // Maximum single-char code point is 0xFFFF, 16 bits, three UTF-8 bytes UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & c))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (c >>> 6)))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 5) | (c >>> 12))); } else if (pos > bufferOffset + 2) { // Minimum code point represented by a surrogate pair is 0x10000, 17 bits, // four UTF-8 bytes final char high; if (i == 0 || !Character.isSurrogatePair(high = in.charAt(i - 1), c)) { throw new Utf8.UnpairedSurrogateException(i - 1, i); } i--; int codePoint = Character.toCodePoint(high, c); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & codePoint))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (codePoint >>> 6)))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) (0x80 | (0x3F & (codePoint >>> 12)))); UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, (byte) ((0xF << 4) | (codePoint >>> 18))); } else { // Buffer is full - allocate a new one and revisit the current character. requireSpace(i); i++; } } } @Override public void write(byte value) { UnsafeUtil.putByte(pos--, value); } @Override public void write(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { if (spaceLeft() < length) { nextBuffer(length); } pos -= length; buffer.position(bufferPos() + 1); buffer.put(value, offset, length); } @Override public void writeLazy(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { if (spaceLeft() < length) { // We consider the value to be immutable (likely the internals of a ByteString). Just // wrap it in a Netty buffer and add it to the output buffer. totalDoneBytes += length; buffers.addFirst(AllocatedBuffer.wrap(value, offset, length)); // Advance the writer to the next buffer. // TODO(nathanmittler): Consider slicing if space available above some threshold. nextBuffer(); return; } pos -= length; buffer.position(bufferPos() + 1); buffer.put(value, offset, length); } @Override public void write(ByteBuffer value) { int length = value.remaining(); if (spaceLeft() < length) { nextBuffer(length); } pos -= length; buffer.position(bufferPos() + 1); buffer.put(value); } @Override public void writeLazy(ByteBuffer value) { int length = value.remaining(); if (spaceLeft() < length) { // We consider the value to be immutable (likely the internals of a ByteString). Just // wrap it in a Netty buffer and add it to the output buffer. totalDoneBytes += length; buffers.addFirst(AllocatedBuffer.wrap(value)); // Advance the writer to the next buffer. // TODO(nathanmittler): Consider slicing if space available above some threshold. nextBuffer(); return; } pos -= length; buffer.position(bufferPos() + 1); buffer.put(value); } @Override void requireSpace(int size) { if (spaceLeft() < size) { nextBuffer(size); } } } }