// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.google.crypto.tink.subtle;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.NonWritableChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.util.Arrays;

An instance of SeekableByteChannel that allows random access to the plaintext of some ciphertext.
/** * An instance of {@link SeekableByteChannel} that allows random access to the plaintext of some * ciphertext. */
class StreamingAeadSeekableDecryptingChannel implements SeekableByteChannel { // Each plaintext segment has 16 bytes more of memory than the actual plaintext that it contains. // This is a workaround for an incompatibility between Conscrypt and OpenJDK in their // AES-GCM implementations, see b/67416642, b/31574439, and cr/170969008 for more information. // Conscrypt refused to fix this issue, but even if they fixed it, there are always Android phones // running old versions of Conscrypt, so we decided to take matters into our own hands. // Why 16? Actually any number larger than 16 should work. 16 is the lower bound because it's the // size of the tags of each AES-GCM ciphertext segment. private static final int PLAINTEXT_SEGMENT_EXTRA_SIZE = 16; private final SeekableByteChannel ciphertextChannel; private final ByteBuffer ciphertextSegment; private final ByteBuffer plaintextSegment; private final ByteBuffer header; private final long ciphertextChannelSize; // unverified size of the ciphertext private final int numberOfSegments; // unverified number of segments private final int lastCiphertextSegmentSize; // unverified size of the last segment. private final byte[] aad; private final StreamSegmentDecrypter decrypter; private long plaintextPosition; private long plaintextSize; private boolean headerRead; private boolean isCurrentSegmentDecrypted; private int currentSegmentNr; private boolean isopen; private final int plaintextSegmentSize; private final int ciphertextSegmentSize; private final int ciphertextOffset; private final int firstSegmentOffset; public StreamingAeadSeekableDecryptingChannel( NonceBasedStreamingAead streamAead, SeekableByteChannel ciphertext, byte[] associatedData) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { decrypter = streamAead.newStreamSegmentDecrypter(); ciphertextChannel = ciphertext; header = ByteBuffer.allocate(streamAead.getHeaderLength()); ciphertextSegmentSize = streamAead.getCiphertextSegmentSize(); ciphertextSegment = ByteBuffer.allocate(ciphertextSegmentSize); plaintextSegmentSize = streamAead.getPlaintextSegmentSize(); plaintextSegment = ByteBuffer.allocate(plaintextSegmentSize + PLAINTEXT_SEGMENT_EXTRA_SIZE); plaintextPosition = 0; headerRead = false; currentSegmentNr = -1; isCurrentSegmentDecrypted = false; ciphertextChannelSize = ciphertextChannel.size(); aad = Arrays.copyOf(associatedData, associatedData.length); isopen = ciphertextChannel.isOpen(); int fullSegments = (int) (ciphertextChannelSize / ciphertextSegmentSize); int remainder = (int) (ciphertextChannelSize % ciphertextSegmentSize); int ciphertextOverhead = streamAead.getCiphertextOverhead(); if (remainder > 0) { numberOfSegments = fullSegments + 1; if (remainder < ciphertextOverhead) { throw new IOException("Invalid ciphertext size"); } lastCiphertextSegmentSize = remainder; } else { numberOfSegments = fullSegments; lastCiphertextSegmentSize = ciphertextSegmentSize; } ciphertextOffset = streamAead.getCiphertextOffset(); firstSegmentOffset = ciphertextOffset - streamAead.getHeaderLength(); if (firstSegmentOffset < 0) { throw new IOException("Invalid ciphertext offset or header length"); } long overhead = (long) numberOfSegments * ciphertextOverhead + ciphertextOffset; if (overhead > ciphertextChannelSize) { throw new IOException("Ciphertext is too short"); } plaintextSize = ciphertextChannelSize - overhead; }
A description of the state of this StreamingAeadSeekableDecryptingChannel. While this description does not contain plaintext or key material it contains length information that might be confidential.
/** * A description of the state of this StreamingAeadSeekableDecryptingChannel. * While this description does not contain plaintext or key material * it contains length information that might be confidential. */
@Override public synchronized String toString() { StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); String ctChannel; try { ctChannel = "position:" + ciphertextChannel.position(); } catch (IOException ex) { ctChannel = "position: n/a"; } res.append("StreamingAeadSeekableDecryptingChannel") .append("\nciphertextChannel").append(ctChannel) .append("\nciphertextChannelSize:").append(ciphertextChannelSize) .append("\nplaintextSize:").append(plaintextSize) .append("\nciphertextSegmentSize:").append(ciphertextSegmentSize) .append("\nnumberOfSegments:").append(numberOfSegments) .append("\nheaderRead:").append(headerRead) .append("\nplaintextPosition:").append(plaintextPosition) .append("\nHeader") .append(" position:").append(header.position()) .append(" limit:").append(header.position()) .append("\ncurrentSegmentNr:").append(currentSegmentNr) .append("\nciphertextSgement") .append(" position:").append(ciphertextSegment.position()) .append(" limit:").append(ciphertextSegment.limit()) .append("\nisCurrentSegmentDecrypted:").append(isCurrentSegmentDecrypted) .append("\nplaintextSegment") .append(" position:").append(plaintextSegment.position()) .append(" limit:").append(plaintextSegment.limit()); return res.toString(); }
Returns the position of this channel. The position is relative to the plaintext.
/** * Returns the position of this channel. * The position is relative to the plaintext. */
@Override public synchronized long position() { return plaintextPosition; }
Sets the position in the plaintext. Setting the position to a value greater than the plaintext size is legal. A later attempt to read byte will throw an IOException.
/** * Sets the position in the plaintext. * Setting the position to a value greater than the plaintext size is legal. * A later attempt to read byte will throw an IOException. */
@Override public synchronized SeekableByteChannel position(long newPosition) { plaintextPosition = newPosition; return this; }
Tries to read the header of the ciphertext and derive the key used for the ciphertext from the information in the header.
  • IOException – if the header was incorrectly formatted or if there was an exception during the key derivation.
Returns:true if the header was fully read and has a correct format. Returns false if the header could not be read.
/** * Tries to read the header of the ciphertext and derive the key used for the * ciphertext from the information in the header. * * @return true if the header was fully read and has a correct format. * Returns false if the header could not be read. * @throws IOException if the header was incorrectly formatted or if there * was an exception during the key derivation. */
private boolean tryReadHeader() throws IOException { ciphertextChannel.position(header.position() + firstSegmentOffset); ciphertextChannel.read(header); if (header.remaining() > 0) { return false; } else { header.flip(); try { decrypter.init(header, aad); headerRead = true; } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { // TODO(bleichen): Define the state of this. throw new IOException(ex); } return true; } } private int getSegmentNr(long plaintextPosition) { return (int) ((plaintextPosition + ciphertextOffset) / plaintextSegmentSize); }
Tries to read and decrypt a ciphertext segment.
  • segmentNr – the number of the segment
  • IOException – if there was an exception reading the ciphertext, if the segment number was incorrect, or if there was an exception trying to decrypt the ciphertext segment.
Returns:true if the segment was read and correctly decrypted. Returns false if the segment could not be fully read.
/** * Tries to read and decrypt a ciphertext segment. * @param segmentNr the number of the segment * @return true if the segment was read and correctly decrypted. * Returns false if the segment could not be fully read. * @throws IOException if there was an exception reading the ciphertext, * if the segment number was incorrect, or * if there was an exception trying to decrypt the ciphertext segment. */
private boolean tryLoadSegment(int segmentNr) throws IOException { if (segmentNr < 0 || segmentNr >= numberOfSegments) { throw new IOException("Invalid position"); } boolean isLast = segmentNr == numberOfSegments - 1; if (segmentNr == currentSegmentNr) { if (isCurrentSegmentDecrypted) { return true; } } else { // segmentNr != currentSegmentNr long ciphertextPosition = (long) segmentNr * ciphertextSegmentSize; int segmentSize = ciphertextSegmentSize; if (isLast) { segmentSize = lastCiphertextSegmentSize; } if (segmentNr == 0) { segmentSize -= ciphertextOffset; ciphertextPosition = ciphertextOffset; } ciphertextChannel.position(ciphertextPosition); ciphertextSegment.clear(); ciphertextSegment.limit(segmentSize); currentSegmentNr = segmentNr; isCurrentSegmentDecrypted = false; } if (ciphertextSegment.remaining() > 0) { ciphertextChannel.read(ciphertextSegment); } if (ciphertextSegment.remaining() > 0) { return false; } ciphertextSegment.flip(); plaintextSegment.clear(); try { decrypter.decryptSegment(ciphertextSegment, segmentNr, isLast, plaintextSegment); } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { // The current segment did not validate. Ensure that this instance remains // in a valid state. currentSegmentNr = -1; throw new IOException("Failed to decrypt", ex); } plaintextSegment.flip(); isCurrentSegmentDecrypted = true; return true; }
Returns true if plaintextPositon is at the end of the file and this has been verified, by decrypting the last segment.
/** * Returns true if plaintextPositon is at the end of the file * and this has been verified, by decrypting the last segment. */
private boolean reachedEnd() { return (isCurrentSegmentDecrypted && currentSegmentNr == numberOfSegments - 1 && plaintextSegment.remaining() == 0); }
Atomic read from a given position. This method works in the same way as read(ByteBuffer), except that it starts at the given position and does not modify the channel's position.
/** * Atomic read from a given position. * * This method works in the same way as read(ByteBuffer), except that it starts at the given * position and does not modify the channel's position. */
public synchronized int read(ByteBuffer dst, long start) throws IOException { long oldPosition = position(); try { position(start); return read(dst); } finally { position(oldPosition); } } @Override public synchronized int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException { if (!isopen) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (!headerRead) { if (!tryReadHeader()) { return 0; } } int startPos = dst.position(); while (dst.remaining() > 0 && plaintextPosition < plaintextSize) { // Determine segmentNr for the plaintext to read and the offset in // the plaintext, where reading should start. int segmentNr = getSegmentNr(plaintextPosition); int segmentOffset; if (segmentNr == 0) { segmentOffset = (int) plaintextPosition; } else { segmentOffset = (int) ((plaintextPosition + ciphertextOffset) % plaintextSegmentSize); } if (tryLoadSegment(segmentNr)) { plaintextSegment.position(segmentOffset); if (plaintextSegment.remaining() <= dst.remaining()) { plaintextPosition += plaintextSegment.remaining(); dst.put(plaintextSegment); } else { int sliceSize = dst.remaining(); ByteBuffer slice = plaintextSegment.duplicate(); slice.limit(slice.position() + sliceSize); dst.put(slice); plaintextPosition += sliceSize; plaintextSegment.position(plaintextSegment.position() + sliceSize); } } else { break; } } int read = dst.position() - startPos; if (read == 0 && reachedEnd()) { return -1; } return read; }
Returns the expected size of the plaintext. Note that this implementation does not perform an integrity check on the size. I.e. if the file has been truncated then size() will return the wrong result. Reading the last block of the ciphertext will verify whether size() is correct.
/** * Returns the expected size of the plaintext. * Note that this implementation does not perform an integrity check on the size. * I.e. if the file has been truncated then size() will return the wrong * result. Reading the last block of the ciphertext will verify whether size() * is correct. */
@Override public long size() { return plaintextSize; } public synchronized long verifiedSize() throws IOException { if (tryLoadSegment(numberOfSegments - 1)) { return plaintextSize; } else { throw new IOException("could not verify the size"); } } @Override public SeekableByteChannel truncate(long size) throws NonWritableChannelException { throw new NonWritableChannelException(); } @Override public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws NonWritableChannelException { throw new NonWritableChannelException(); } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { ciphertextChannel.close(); isopen = false; } @Override public synchronized boolean isOpen() { return isopen; } }