// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
// source: proto/aes_eax.proto

package com.google.crypto.tink.proto;

public interface AesEaxKeyOrBuilder extends
    // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:google.crypto.tink.AesEaxKey)
    com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {

uint32 version = 1;
Returns:The version.
/** * <code>uint32 version = 1;</code> * @return The version. */
int getVersion();
.google.crypto.tink.AesEaxParams params = 2;
Returns:Whether the params field is set.
/** * <code>.google.crypto.tink.AesEaxParams params = 2;</code> * @return Whether the params field is set. */
boolean hasParams();
.google.crypto.tink.AesEaxParams params = 2;
Returns:The params.
/** * <code>.google.crypto.tink.AesEaxParams params = 2;</code> * @return The params. */
com.google.crypto.tink.proto.AesEaxParams getParams();
.google.crypto.tink.AesEaxParams params = 2;
/** * <code>.google.crypto.tink.AesEaxParams params = 2;</code> */
com.google.crypto.tink.proto.AesEaxParamsOrBuilder getParamsOrBuilder();
bytes key_value = 3;
Returns:The keyValue.
/** * <code>bytes key_value = 3;</code> * @return The keyValue. */
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getKeyValue(); }