package com.fasterxml.classmate;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.classmate.util.ClassKey;

Interface for object that can provide mix-ins to override annotations.
/** * Interface for object that can provide mix-ins to override annotations. */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class AnnotationOverrides implements Serializable { /* /********************************************************************** /* Public API /********************************************************************** */
Method called to find out which class(es) are to be used as source for annotations to mix in for given type.
Returns:List of mix-in sources (starting with highest priority); can be null or empty list if no mix-ins are to be used.
/** * Method called to find out which class(es) are to be used as source * for annotations to mix in for given type. * * @return List of mix-in sources (starting with highest priority); * can be null or empty list if no mix-ins are to be used. */
public List<Class<?>> mixInsFor(Class<?> beanClass) { return mixInsFor(new ClassKey(beanClass)); } public abstract List<Class<?>> mixInsFor(ClassKey beanClass);
Method for constructing builder for creating simple overrides provider that just uses direct assignments (target-to-override classes)
/** * Method for constructing builder for creating simple overrides provider * that just uses direct assignments (target-to-override classes) */
public static StdBuilder builder() { return new StdBuilder(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper types /********************************************************************** */
To make it easy to use simple override implementation (where overrides are direct and explicit), here is a build that allow constructing such override instance.
/** * To make it easy to use simple override implementation (where overrides * are direct and explicit), here is a build that allow constructing * such override instance. */
public static class StdBuilder { protected final HashMap<ClassKey,List<Class<?>>> _targetsToOverrides = new HashMap<ClassKey,List<Class<?>>>(); public StdBuilder() { } public StdBuilder add(Class<?> target, Class<?> mixin) { return add(new ClassKey(target), mixin); } public StdBuilder add(ClassKey target, Class<?> mixin) { List<Class<?>> mixins = _targetsToOverrides.get(target); if (mixins == null) { mixins = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); _targetsToOverrides.put(target, mixins); } mixins.add(mixin); return this; }
Method that will construct a AnnotationOverrides instance using mappings that have been added using this builder
/** * Method that will construct a {@link AnnotationOverrides} instance using * mappings that have been added using this builder */
public AnnotationOverrides build() { return new StdImpl(_targetsToOverrides); } }
Simple implementation configured with explicit associations with target class as key, and overrides as ordered list of classes (with first entry having precedence over later ones).
/** * Simple implementation configured with explicit associations with * target class as key, and overrides as ordered list of classes * (with first entry having precedence over later ones). */
public static class StdImpl extends AnnotationOverrides { protected final HashMap<ClassKey,List<Class<?>>> _targetsToOverrides; public StdImpl(HashMap<ClassKey,List<Class<?>>> overrides) { _targetsToOverrides = new HashMap<ClassKey,List<Class<?>>>(overrides); } @Override public List<Class<?>> mixInsFor(ClassKey target) { return _targetsToOverrides.get(target); } } }