/* Woodstox Lite ("wool") XML processor
 * Copyright (c) 2006- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi
 * Licensed under the License specified in the file LICENSE which is
 * included with the source code.
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.fasterxml.aalto.util;

This is a simple container class, mostly used to encapsulate details of character typing out of parser/scanner/writer classes, while still making int arrays auto-generated only if needed (esp. for encodings never needed, which may be the case for ascii etc).
/** * This is a simple container class, mostly used to encapsulate details * of character typing out of parser/scanner/writer classes, while still * making int arrays auto-generated only if needed (esp. for encodings * never needed, which may be the case for ascii etc). */
public class XmlCharTypes { // First, common constants to all (non-name) types: public final static int CT_OK = 0; public final static int CT_INVALID = 1; // either invalid xml in general, or in this context public final static int CT_WS_CR = 2; public final static int CT_WS_LF = 3; public final static int CT_MULTIBYTE_N = 4; // (too) long encoding public final static int CT_MULTIBYTE_2 = 5; // 2-byte encoding public final static int CT_MULTIBYTE_3 = 6; // 3-byte encoding public final static int CT_MULTIBYTE_4 = 7; // 4-byte encoding // Constants for regular char types public final static int CT_WS_TAB = 8; public final static int CT_LT = 9; // for start/end tags public final static int CT_AMP = 10; // for entities public final static int CT_RBRACKET = 11; // for ]]> detection public final static int CT_QMARK = 12; // for PI public final static int CT_HYPHEN = 13; // for Comments public final static int CT_ATTR_QUOTE = 14; // ' and ", for attr values public final static int CT_LBRACKET = 16; // for dtd subset sections public final static int CT_GT = 17; // for dtd subset sections // // // Constants for DTDs: // (first ones from common types) public final static int CT_DTD_QUOTE = 8; // ' and ", for attr values public final static int CT_DTD_LT = 9; // directive start/end public final static int CT_DTD_GT = 10; public final static int CT_DTD_RBRACKET = 11; // for ending dtd subset public final static int CT_DTD_PERCENT = 12; // for ending dtd subset // // // Constants for names: /* These are common constants for name char types, shared between * both input and output sides: */ public final static int CT_NAME_NONE = 0; // not a valid name char public final static int CT_NAME_COLON = 1; // not a valid name char public final static int CT_NAME_NONFIRST = 2; // good name char except as first (including colon) public final static int CT_NAME_ANY = 3; // good name char, first or any // // // Constants for public ids: public final static int PUBID_INVALID = 0; public final static int PUBID_OK = 1; // Instance data
Character type table used for regular textual content (for CHARACTERS event)
/** * Character type table used for regular textual content (for * CHARACTERS event) */
public final int[] TEXT_CHARS;
Character type table used for attribute values
/** * Character type table used for attribute values */
public final int[] ATTR_CHARS;
Character type table used for name characters (note: type ints used different from other tables)
/** * Character type table used for name characters (note: type ints * used different from other tables) */
public final int[] NAME_CHARS;
Character type table used for DTD subsets; contains a few additional types beyond most tables
/** * Character type table used for DTD subsets; contains a few * additional types beyond most tables */
public final int[] DTD_CHARS;
Character type table used for events other than CHARACTERS or elements; ie. for comments, PIs, CData, DTD internal subset
/** * Character type table used for events other than CHARACTERS or * elements; ie. for comments, PIs, CData, DTD internal subset */
public final int[] OTHER_CHARS;
And finally, we also have shared table for valid public id characters...
/** * And finally, we also have shared table for valid public id * characters... */
public final static int[] PUBID_CHARS = new int[256]; static { for (int i = 0, last = ('z' - 'a'); i <= last; ++i) { PUBID_CHARS['A' + i] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['a' + i] = PUBID_OK; } for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; ++i) { PUBID_CHARS[i] = PUBID_OK; } // 3 main white space types are valid PUBID_CHARS[0x0A] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS[0x0D] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS[0x20] = PUBID_OK; // And many of punctuation/separator ascii chars too: PUBID_CHARS['-'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['\''] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['('] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS[')'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['+'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS[','] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['.'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['/'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS[':'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['='] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['?'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS[';'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['!'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['*'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['#'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['@'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['$'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['_'] = PUBID_OK; PUBID_CHARS['%'] = PUBID_OK; } public XmlCharTypes() { this(256); } public XmlCharTypes(int size) { TEXT_CHARS = new int[size]; ATTR_CHARS = new int[size]; NAME_CHARS = new int[size]; DTD_CHARS = new int[size]; OTHER_CHARS = new int[size]; } public static void fillInLatin1Chars(int[] textChars, int[] attrChars, int[] nameChars, int[] dtdChars, int[] otherChars) { // text: fillIn8BitTextRange(textChars); // high-order entries are 'ok' by default, no need to fill // attr: fillIn8BitAttrRange(attrChars); // high-order entries are 'ok' by default, no need to fill // name chars: fillIn8BitNameRange(nameChars); // High-order name tokens... for (int i = 0xC0; i <= 0xFF; ++i) { if (i != 0xD7 && i != 0xF7) { nameChars[i] = CT_NAME_ANY; } } nameChars[0xB7] = CT_NAME_NONFIRST; // // DTD chars: fillIn8BitDtdRange(dtdChars); // ... lotsa matching to do here // others: // let's start with basic text chars: fillIn8BitTextRange(otherChars); /* And then just remove amp and lt (not special in any of these * events), and add ']', '?' and '-', which mark start of end * markers in the events. */ otherChars['&'] = CT_OK; otherChars['<'] = CT_OK; otherChars[']'] = CT_RBRACKET; // for CDATA otherChars['?'] = CT_QMARK; // for PI otherChars['-'] = CT_HYPHEN; // for Comment } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal methods /********************************************************************** */ private static void fillInCommonTextRange(int[] arr) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { arr[i] = CT_INVALID; } // And linefeeds are always converted arr['\r'] = CT_WS_CR; arr['\n'] = CT_WS_LF; arr['\t'] = CT_OK; // it's just fine, usually not converted } public static void fillIn8BitNameRange(int[] arr) { for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; ++i) { arr[i] = CT_NAME_ANY; } for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i) { arr[i] = CT_NAME_ANY; } // Non-letter first chars: arr['_'] = CT_NAME_ANY; // And then non-first ones: arr[':'] = CT_NAME_COLON; arr['-'] = CT_NAME_NONFIRST; arr['.'] = CT_NAME_NONFIRST; for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; ++i) { arr[i] = CT_NAME_NONFIRST; } }
Called to set state of 7-bit chars in text content
/** * Called to set state of 7-bit chars in text content */
protected static void fillIn8BitTextRange(int[] arr) { fillInCommonTextRange(arr); arr['<'] = CT_LT; arr['&'] = CT_AMP; arr[']'] = CT_RBRACKET; }
Called to set state of 7-bit chars in attribute values
/** * Called to set state of 7-bit chars in attribute values */
protected static void fillIn8BitAttrRange(int[] arr) { fillInCommonTextRange(arr); arr['\t'] = CT_WS_TAB; arr['<'] = CT_LT; arr['&'] = CT_AMP; arr['\''] = CT_ATTR_QUOTE; arr['"'] = CT_ATTR_QUOTE; } protected static void fillIn8BitDtdRange(int[] arr) { fillInCommonTextRange(arr); arr['\''] = CT_DTD_QUOTE; arr['"'] = CT_DTD_QUOTE; arr['<'] = CT_DTD_LT; arr['>'] = CT_DTD_GT; // No need to check for lbracket (for now?) arr[']'] = CT_DTD_RBRACKET; arr['%'] = CT_DTD_PERCENT; } }