/* Aalto XML processor
 * Copyright (c) 2006- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi
 * Licensed under the License specified in the file LICENSE which is
 * included with the source code.
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.fasterxml.aalto.out;

import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;

import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.NameTable;

This is a symbol table implementation used for storing byte-based WNames.
/** * This is a symbol table implementation used for storing byte-based * <code>WName</code>s. */
public final class WNameTable extends NameTable { final static int MIN_HASH_SIZE = 16; final static int INITIAL_COLLISION_LEN = 32;
Bucket index is 8 bits, and value 0 is reserved to represent 'empty' status.
/** * Bucket index is 8 bits, and value 0 is reserved to represent * 'empty' status. */
final static int LAST_VALID_BUCKET = 0xFE; /* /********************************************************************** /* Related objects /********************************************************************** */ final WNameFactory mNameFactory;
Parent reference is needed to be able to merge new symbols if and as necessary
/** * Parent reference is needed to be able to merge new symbols * if and as necessary */
final WNameTable mParent; /* /********************************************************************** /* Main table state /********************************************************************** */ // // // First, global information
Total number of WNames in the symbol table
/** * Total number of WNames in the symbol table */
private int mCount; // // // Then information regarding primary hash array and its // // // matching WName array
Mask used to truncate 32-bit hash value to current hash array size; essentially, hash array size - 1 (since hash array sizes are 2^N).
/** * Mask used to truncate 32-bit hash value to current hash array * size; essentially, hash array size - 1 (since hash array sizes * are 2^N). */
private int mMainHashMask;
Array of 2^N size, which contains combination of 24-bits of hash (0 to indicate 'empty' slot), and 8-bit collision bucket index (0 to indicate empty collision bucket chain; otherwise subtract one from index)
/** * Array of 2^N size, which contains combination * of 24-bits of hash (0 to indicate 'empty' slot), * and 8-bit collision bucket index (0 to indicate empty * collision bucket chain; otherwise subtract one from index) */
private int[] mMainHash;
Array that contains WName instances matching entries in mMainHash. Contains nulls for unused entries.
/** * Array that contains <code>WName</code> instances matching * entries in <code>mMainHash</code>. Contains nulls for unused * entries. */
private WName[] mMainNames; // // // Then the collision/spill-over area info
Array of heads of collision bucket chains; size dynamically
/** * Array of heads of collision bucket chains; size dynamically */
private Bucket[] mCollList;
Total number of WNames in collision buckets (included in mCount along with primary entries)
/** * Total number of WNames in collision buckets (included in * <code>mCount</code> along with primary entries) */
private int mCollCount;
Index of the first unused collision bucket entry (== size of the used portion of collision list): less than or equal to 0xFF (255), since max number of entries is 255 (8-bit, minus 0 used as 'empty' marker)
/** * Index of the first unused collision bucket entry (== size of * the used portion of collision list): less than * or equal to 0xFF (255), since max number of entries is 255 * (8-bit, minus 0 used as 'empty' marker) */
private int mCollEnd; // // // Info regarding pending rehashing...
This flag is set if, after adding a new entry, it is deemed that a rehash is warranted if any more entries are to be added.
/** * This flag is set if, after adding a new entry, it is deemed * that a rehash is warranted if any more entries are to be added. */
private transient boolean mNeedRehash; /* /********************************************************************** /* Sharing, versioning /********************************************************************** */ // // // Which of the buffers may be shared (and are copy-on-write)?
Flag that indicates whether underlying data structures for the main hash area are shared or not. If they are, then they need to be handled in copy-on-write way, i.e. if they need to be modified, a copy needs to be made first; at this point it will not be shared any more, and can be modified.

This flag needs to be checked both when adding new main entries, and when adding new collision list queues (i.e. creating a new collision list head entry)

/** * Flag that indicates whether underlying data structures for * the main hash area are shared or not. If they are, then they * need to be handled in copy-on-write way, i.e. if they need * to be modified, a copy needs to be made first; at this point * it will not be shared any more, and can be modified. *<p> * This flag needs to be checked both when adding new main entries, * and when adding new collision list queues (i.e. creating a new * collision list head entry) */
private boolean mMainHashShared; private boolean mMainNamesShared;
Flag that indicates whether underlying data structures for the collision list are shared or not. If they are, then they need to be handled in copy-on-write way, i.e. if they need to be modified, a copy needs to be made first; at this point it will not be shared any more, and can be modified.

This flag needs to be checked when adding new collision entries.

/** * Flag that indicates whether underlying data structures for * the collision list are shared or not. If they are, then they * need to be handled in copy-on-write way, i.e. if they need * to be modified, a copy needs to be made first; at this point * it will not be shared any more, and can be modified. *<p> * This flag needs to be checked when adding new collision entries. */
private boolean mCollListShared; /* /********************************************************************** /* Construction, merging /********************************************************************** */ protected WNameTable(int hashSize) { mNameFactory = null; mParent = null; /* Sanity check: let's now allow hash sizes below certain * min. value */ if (hashSize < MIN_HASH_SIZE) { hashSize = MIN_HASH_SIZE; } else { /* Also; size must be 2^N; otherwise hash algorithm won't * work... so let's just pad it up, if so */ if ((hashSize & (hashSize - 1)) != 0) { // only true if it's 2^N int curr = MIN_HASH_SIZE; while (curr < hashSize) { curr += curr; } //System.out.println("WARNING: hashSize "+hashSize+" illegal; padding up to "+curr); hashSize = curr; } } mCount = 0; mMainHashShared = false; mMainNamesShared = false; mMainHashMask = hashSize - 1; mMainHash = new int[hashSize]; mMainNames = new WName[hashSize]; mCollListShared = true; // just since it'll need to be allocated mCollList = null; mCollEnd = 0; mNeedRehash = false; }
Constructor used when creating a child instance
/** * Constructor used when creating a child instance */
private WNameTable(WNameTable parent, WNameFactory f) { mParent = parent; mNameFactory = f; // First, let's copy the state as is: mCount = parent.mCount; mMainHashMask = parent.mMainHashMask; mMainHash = parent.mMainHash; mMainNames = parent.mMainNames; mCollList = parent.mCollList; mCollCount = parent.mCollCount; mCollEnd = parent.mCollEnd; mNeedRehash = false; // And consider all shared, so far: mMainHashShared = true; mMainNamesShared = true; mCollListShared = true; } protected synchronized WNameTable createChild(WNameFactory f) { return new WNameTable(this, f); } public boolean mergeToParent() { boolean changed = mParent.mergeFromChild(this); /* Plus, as an added safety measure, let's mark child buffers * as shared, just in case it might still be used: */ markAsShared(); return changed; } private synchronized boolean mergeFromChild(WNameTable child) { // Only makes sense if child has more entries if (child.mCount <= mCount) { return false; } //System.out.print("["+mCount+"->"+child.mCount+"/"+mMainHash.length+"]"); mCount = child.mCount; mMainHashMask = child.mMainHashMask; mMainHash = child.mMainHash; mMainNames = child.mMainNames; mCollList = child.mCollList; mCollCount = child.mCollCount; mCollEnd = child.mCollEnd; return true; } public void markAsShared() { mMainHashShared = true; mMainNamesShared = true; mCollListShared = true; }
Method used by test code, to reset state of the name table.
/** * Method used by test code, to reset state of the name table. */
public void nuke() { mMainHash = null; mMainNames = null; mCollList = null; } /* /********************************************************************** /* API, accessors /********************************************************************** */ @Override public int size() { return mCount; }
Method called to check to quickly see if a child symbol table may have gotten additional entries. Used for checking to see if a child table should be merged into shared table.
/** * Method called to check to quickly see if a child symbol table * may have gotten additional entries. Used for checking to see * if a child table should be merged into shared table. */
@Override public boolean maybeDirty() { return !mMainHashShared; } public WName findSymbol(String localName) throws XMLStreamException { int hash = localName.hashCode(); int ix = (hash & mMainHashMask); int val = mMainHash[ix]; /* High 24 bits of the value are low 24 bits of hash (low 8 bits * are bucket index)... match? */ if ((((val >> 8) ^ hash) << 8) == 0) { // match // Ok, but do we have an actual match? WName wname = mMainNames[ix]; if (wname != null) { if (wname.hasName(localName)) { return wname; } } } if (val != 0) { // 0 == empty slot // Maybe a spill-over? val &= 0xFF; if (val > 0) { // 0 means 'empty' val -= 1; // to convert from 1-based to 0... Bucket bucket = mCollList[val]; if (bucket != null) { WName name = bucket.find(localName); if (name != null) { return name; } } } } // Nope, no match. Have to construct (and add) one WName name = mNameFactory.constructName(localName); addSymbol(name); return name; }
Finds and returns name matching the specified symbol, if such name already exists in the table; or if not, creates name object, adds to the table, and returns it.
/** * Finds and returns name matching the specified symbol, if such * name already exists in the table; or if not, creates name object, * adds to the table, and returns it. */
public WName findSymbol(String prefix, String localName) throws XMLStreamException { int hash = localName.hashCode() ^ prefix.hashCode(); int ix = (hash & mMainHashMask); int val = mMainHash[ix]; /* High 24 bits of the value are low 24 bits of hash (low 8 bits * are bucket index)... match? */ if ((((val >> 8) ^ hash) << 8) == 0) { // match // Ok, but do we have an actual match? WName wname = mMainNames[ix]; if (wname != null) { if (wname.hasName(prefix, localName)) { return wname; } } } if (val != 0) { // 0 == empty slot // Maybe a spill-over? val &= 0xFF; if (val > 0) { // 0 means 'empty' val -= 1; // to convert from 1-based to 0... Bucket bucket = mCollList[val]; if (bucket != null) { WName name = bucket.find(prefix, localName); if (name != null) { return name; } } } } // Nope, no match. Have to construct (and add) one WName name = mNameFactory.constructName(prefix, localName); addSymbol(name); return name; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Standard methods /********************************************************************** */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[WNameTable, size: "); sb.append(mCount); sb.append('/'); sb.append(mMainHash.length); sb.append(", "); sb.append(mCollCount); sb.append(" coll; avg length: "); /* Average length: minimum of 1 for all (1 == primary hit); * and then 1 per each traversal for collisions/buckets */ //int maxDist = 1; int pathCount = mCount; for (int i = 0; i < mCollEnd; ++i) { int spillLen = mCollList[i].length(); for (int j = 1; j <= spillLen; ++j) { pathCount += j; } } double avgLength; if (mCount == 0) { avgLength = 0.0; } else { avgLength = (double) pathCount / (double) mCount; } // let's round up a bit (two 2 decimal places) //avgLength -= (avgLength % 0.01); sb.append(avgLength); sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } // Not really a std method... but commonly useful public String toDebugString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[WNameTable, size: "); sb.append(mCount); sb.append('/'); sb.append(mMainHash.length); sb.append(" -> "); for (int i = 0; i < mMainHash.length; ++i) { sb.append("\n#"); sb.append(i); sb.append(": 0x"); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(mMainHash[i])); sb.append(" == "); WName name = mMainNames[i]; if (name == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append('"'); sb.append(name.toString()); sb.append('"'); } } sb.append("\nSpill("); sb.append(mCollEnd); sb.append("):"); for (int i = 0; i < mCollEnd; ++i) { Bucket bucket = mCollList[i]; sb.append("\nsp#"); sb.append(i); sb.append(": "); sb.append(bucket.toDebugString()); } return sb.toString(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal methods /********************************************************************** */ private void addSymbol(WName symbol) { if (mMainHashShared) { // always have to modify main entry unshareMain(); } // First, do we need to rehash? if (mNeedRehash) { rehash(); } int hash = symbol.hashCode(); ++mCount; /* Ok, enough about set up: now we need to find the slot to add * symbol in: */ int ix = (hash & mMainHashMask); if (mMainNames[ix] == null) { // primary empty? mMainHash[ix] = (hash << 8); if (mMainNamesShared) { unshareNames(); } mMainNames[ix] = symbol; } else { // nope, it's a collision, need to spill over /* How about spill-over area... do we already know the bucket * (is the case if it's not the first collision) */ if (mCollListShared) { unshareCollision(); // also allocates if list was null } ++mCollCount; int entryValue = mMainHash[ix]; int bucket = entryValue & 0xFF; if (bucket == 0) { // first spill over? if (mCollEnd <= LAST_VALID_BUCKET) { // yup, still unshared bucket bucket = mCollEnd; ++mCollEnd; // need to expand? if (bucket >= mCollList.length) { expandCollision(); } } else { // nope, have to share... let's find shortest? bucket = findBestBucket(); } // Need to mark the entry... and the spill index is 1-based mMainHash[ix] = (entryValue & ~0xFF) | (bucket + 1); } else { --bucket; // 1-based index in value } // And then just need to link the new bucket entry in mCollList[bucket] = new Bucket(symbol, mCollList[bucket]); } /* Ok. Now, do we need a rehash next time? Need to have at least * 50% fill rate no matter what: */ { int hashSize = mMainHash.length; if (mCount > (hashSize >> 1)) { int hashQuarter = (hashSize >> 2); /* And either strictly above 75% (the usual) or * just 50%, and collision count >= 25% of total hash size */ if (mCount > (hashSize - hashQuarter)) { mNeedRehash = true; } else if (mCollCount >= hashQuarter) { mNeedRehash = true; } } } } private void rehash() { mNeedRehash = false; // Note: since we'll make copies, no need to unshare, can just mark as such: mMainNamesShared = false; /* And then we can first deal with the main hash area. Since we * are expanding linearly (double up), we know there'll be no * collisions during this phase. */ int symbolsSeen = 0; // let's do a sanity check int[] oldMainHash = mMainHash; int len = oldMainHash.length; mMainHash = new int[len + len]; mMainHashMask = (len + len - 1); WName[] oldNames = mMainNames; mMainNames = new WName[len + len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { WName symbol = oldNames[i]; if (symbol != null) { ++symbolsSeen; int hash = symbol.hashCode(); int ix = (hash & mMainHashMask); mMainNames[ix] = symbol; mMainHash[ix] = hash << 8; // will clear spill index } } /* And then the spill area. This may cause collisions, although * not necessarily as many as there were earlier. Let's allocate * same amount of space, however */ int oldEnd = mCollEnd; if (oldEnd == 0) { // no prior collisions... return; } mCollCount = 0; mCollEnd = 0; mCollListShared = false; Bucket[] oldBuckets = mCollList; mCollList = new Bucket[oldBuckets.length]; for (int i = 0; i < oldEnd; ++i) { for (Bucket curr = oldBuckets[i]; curr != null; curr = curr.mNext) { ++symbolsSeen; WName symbol = curr.mName; int hash = symbol.hashCode(); int ix = (hash & mMainHashMask); int val = mMainHash[ix]; if (mMainNames[ix] == null) { // no primary entry? mMainHash[ix] = (hash << 8); mMainNames[ix] = symbol; } else { // nope, it's a collision, need to spill over ++mCollCount; int bucket = val & 0xFF; if (bucket == 0) { // first spill over? if (mCollEnd <= LAST_VALID_BUCKET) { // yup, still unshared bucket bucket = mCollEnd; ++mCollEnd; // need to expand? if (bucket >= mCollList.length) { expandCollision(); } } else { // nope, have to share... let's find shortest? bucket = findBestBucket(); } // Need to mark the entry... and the spill index is 1-based mMainHash[ix] = (val & ~0xFF) | (bucket + 1); } else { --bucket; // 1-based index in value } // And then just need to link the new bucket entry in mCollList[bucket] = new Bucket(symbol, mCollList[bucket]); } } // for (... buckets in the chain ...) } // for (... list of bucket heads ... ) if (symbolsSeen != mCount) { // sanity check throw new Error("Internal error: count after rehash "+symbolsSeen+"; should be "+mCount); } }
Method called to find the best bucket to spill a WName over to: usually the first bucket that has only one entry, but in general first one of the buckets with least number of entries
/** * Method called to find the best bucket to spill a WName over to: * usually the first bucket that has only one entry, but in general * first one of the buckets with least number of entries */
private int findBestBucket() { Bucket[] buckets = mCollList; int bestCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int bestIx = -1; for (int i = 0, len = mCollEnd; i < len; ++i) { int count = buckets[i].length(); if (count < bestCount) { if (count == 1) { // best possible return i; } bestCount = count; bestIx = i; } } return bestIx; }
Method that needs to be called, if the main hash structure is (may be) shared. This happens every time something is added, even if addition is to the collision list (since collision list index comes from lowest 8 bits of the primary hash entry)
/** * Method that needs to be called, if the main hash structure * is (may be) shared. This happens every time something is added, * even if addition is to the collision list (since collision list * index comes from lowest 8 bits of the primary hash entry) */
private void unshareMain() { int[] old = mMainHash; int len = mMainHash.length; mMainHash = new int[len]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, mMainHash, 0, len); mMainHashShared = false; } private void unshareCollision() { Bucket[] old = mCollList; if (old == null) { mCollList = new Bucket[INITIAL_COLLISION_LEN]; } else { int len = old.length; mCollList = new Bucket[len]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, mCollList, 0, len); } mCollListShared = false; } private void unshareNames() { WName[] old = mMainNames; int len = old.length; mMainNames = new WName[len]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, mMainNames, 0, len); mMainNamesShared = false; } private void expandCollision() { Bucket[] old = mCollList; int len = old.length; mCollList = new Bucket[len+len]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, mCollList, 0, len); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper classes /********************************************************************** */ final static class Bucket { final WName mName; final Bucket mNext; Bucket(WName name, Bucket next) { mName = name; mNext = next; } public int length() { int len = 1; for (Bucket curr = mNext; curr != null; curr = curr.mNext) { ++len; } return len; } public WName find(String localName) { if (mName.hasName(localName)) { return mName; } for (Bucket curr = mNext; curr != null; curr = curr.mNext) { WName currName = curr.mName; if (currName.hasName(localName)) { return currName; } } return null; } public WName find(String prefix, String localName) { if (mName.hasName(prefix, localName)) { return mName; } for (Bucket curr = mNext; curr != null; curr = curr.mNext) { WName currName = curr.mName; if (currName.hasName(prefix, localName)) { return currName; } } return null; } public String toDebugString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[Bucket("); sb.append(length()); sb.append("): "); for (Bucket curr = this; curr != null; curr = curr.mNext) { sb.append('"'); sb.append(curr.mName.toString()); sb.append("\" -> "); } sb.append("NULL]"); return sb.toString(); } } }