/* Aalto XML processor
 * Copyright (c) 2006- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi
 * Licensed under the License specified in the file LICENSE which is
 * included with the source code.
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.fasterxml.aalto.out;

import java.io.*;

import javax.xml.stream.*;

import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.typed.AsciiValueEncoder;

import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.ErrorConsts;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.io.UTF8Writer;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.XmlCharTypes;

import static com.fasterxml.aalto.out.OutputCharTypes.*;

This is the generic implementation of XmlWriter, used if the destination is a character based, like a Writer.
/** * This is the generic implementation of {@link XmlWriter}, used if * the destination is a character based, like a {@link java.io.Writer}. */
public final class CharXmlWriter extends XmlWriter {
This value determines a threshold to choose how much data do we want to buffer at minimum, before output. This is done since actual underlying writer may have significant per-call overhead, and if so, it is much cheaper to coalesce content. But on the other hand, this extra buffering has overhead of its own, so we'll try to find a sweet spot.
/** * This value determines a threshold to choose how much data do * we want to buffer at minimum, before output. This is done since * actual underlying writer may have significant per-call overhead, * and if so, it is much cheaper to coalesce content. But on the other * hand, this extra buffering has overhead of its own, so we'll try * to find a sweet spot. */
final static int DEFAULT_SMALL_SIZE = 200;
And this value determines size of the intermediate copy buffer to use.
/** * And this value determines size of the intermediate copy buffer * to use. */
final static int DEFAULT_FULL_BUFFER_SIZE = 1000; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output state, buffering //////////////////////////////////////////////// */
This is the threshold used to check what is considered a "small" write; small writes will be buffered until resulting size will be above the threshold.
/** * This is the threshold used to check what is considered a "small" * write; small writes will be buffered until resulting size will * be above the threshold. */
protected final int mSmallWriteSize;
Actual Writer to use for outputting buffered data as appropriate. During active usage, remains as the writer initially set; set to null when this writer is closed.
/** * Actual Writer to use for outputting buffered data as appropriate. * During active usage, remains as the writer initially set; set to * null when this writer is closed. */
protected Writer _out; protected char[] _outputBuffer; protected int _outputPtr; protected final int _outputBufferLen; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Encoding/escaping configuration //////////////////////////////////////////////// */
First Unicode character (one with lowest value) after (and including) which character entities have to be used.
/** * First Unicode character (one with lowest value) after (and including) * which character entities have to be used. */
private final int mEncHighChar;
First Unicode character that is NOT to be checked against static validity table. Usually the size of check table, but lower for some encodings (like ascii)
/** * First Unicode character that is NOT to be checked against static * validity table. Usually the size of check table, but lower for * some encodings (like ascii) */
private final int mTableCheckEnd; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Validation //////////////////////////////////////////////// */
Validation tables used for verifying validity (and need for quoting)
/** * Validation tables used for verifying validity (and need for quoting) */
final XmlCharTypes mCharTypes; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life-cycle //////////////////////////////////////////////// */ public CharXmlWriter(WriterConfig cfg, Writer out) { super(cfg); _out = out; _outputBuffer = cfg.allocFullCBuffer(DEFAULT_FULL_BUFFER_SIZE); _outputBufferLen = _outputBuffer.length; mSmallWriteSize = DEFAULT_SMALL_SIZE; _outputPtr = 0; /* Note: let's actually exclude some illegal and potentially illegal * chars from unicode-based encoders (specifically, 0xFFFE/0xFFFF * which are illegal; and surrogates, which either need to be validated * or combined). We can do some validity checks 'for free' (or at * least more cheaply) this way. */ // But can we really handle surrogates this way? int bitsize = guessEncodingBitSize(cfg); //mEncHighChar = ((bitsize < 16) ? (1 << bitsize) : SURR1_FIRST); mEncHighChar = ((bitsize < 16) ? (1 << bitsize) : 0xFFFE); mTableCheckEnd = Math.min(256, mEncHighChar); /* Hmmh... Latin1 is the closest match, for table checks... unless * well, we have ascii (etc) */ mCharTypes = (bitsize < 8) ? OutputCharTypes.getAsciiCharTypes() : OutputCharTypes.getLatin1CharTypes(); } @Override protected int getOutputPtr() { return _outputPtr; } @Override public int getHighestEncodable() { return mEncHighChar; } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WNameFactory implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public WName constructName(String localName) { return new CharWName(localName); } @Override public WName constructName(String prefix, String localName) { return new CharWName(prefix, localName); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Low-level (pass-through) methods //////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public void _releaseBuffers() { super._releaseBuffers(); if (_outputBuffer != null) { _config.freeFullCBuffer(_outputBuffer); _outputBuffer = null; } } @Override public void _closeTarget(boolean doClose) throws IOException { if (_out != null) { // just in case it's called multiple times /* 27-Dec-2008, tatu: There is a good reason for adding * the second check... but I'll be damned if I rememeber * what exactly it was right now. */ if (doClose || (_out instanceof UTF8Writer)) { _out.close(); _out = null; } } } @Override public final void flush() throws IOException { if (_out != null) { flushBuffer(); _out.flush(); } } @Override public void writeRaw(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException { if (_out == null) { return; } // First; is the new request small or not? If yes, needs to be buffered if (len < mSmallWriteSize) { // yup // Does it fit in with current buffer? If not, need to flush first if ((_outputPtr + len) > _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } System.arraycopy(cbuf, offset, _outputBuffer, _outputPtr, len); _outputPtr += len; return; } // Ok, not a small request. But buffer may have existing content? int ptr = _outputPtr; if (ptr > 0) { // If it's a small chunk, need to fill enough before flushing if (ptr < mSmallWriteSize) { /* Also, if we are to copy any stuff, let's make sure * that we either copy it all in one chunk, or copy * enough for non-small chunk, flush, and output remaining * non-small chink (former possible if chunk we were requested * to output is only slightly over 'small' size) */ int needed = (mSmallWriteSize - ptr); // Just need minimal copy: System.arraycopy(cbuf, offset, _outputBuffer, ptr, needed); _outputPtr = ptr + needed; len -= needed; offset += needed; } flushBuffer(); } // And then we'll just write whatever we have left: _out.write(cbuf, offset, len); } @Override public void writeRaw(String str, int offset, int len) throws IOException { if (_out == null) { return; } // First; is the new request small or not? If yes, needs to be buffered if (len < mSmallWriteSize) { // yup // Does it fit in with current buffer? If not, need to flush first if ((_outputPtr + len) >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } str.getChars(offset, offset+len, _outputBuffer, _outputPtr); _outputPtr += len; return; } // Ok, not a small request. But buffer may have existing content? int ptr = _outputPtr; if (ptr > 0) { // If it's a small chunk, need to fill enough before flushing if (ptr < mSmallWriteSize) { /* Also, if we are to copy any stuff, let's make sure * that we either copy it all in one chunk, or copy * enough for non-small chunk, flush, and output remaining * non-small chunk (former possible if chunk we were requested * to output is only slightly over 'small' size) */ int needed = (mSmallWriteSize - ptr); // Just need minimal copy: str.getChars(offset, offset+needed, _outputBuffer, ptr); _outputPtr = ptr + needed; len -= needed; offset += needed; } flushBuffer(); } // And then we'll just write whatever we have left: _out.write(str, offset, len); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////// // "Trusted" low-level output methods //////////////////////////////////////////////// */ public final void writeCDataStart() throws IOException { fastWriteRaw("<![CDATA["); } public final void writeCDataEnd() throws IOException { fastWriteRaw("]]>"); } public final void writeCommentStart() throws IOException { fastWriteRaw("<!--"); } public final void writeCommentEnd() throws IOException { fastWriteRaw("-->"); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Higher-level output methods, text output //////////////////////////////////////////////// */
Returns:-1 to indicate succesful write, or index of the problematic character in input (first ']' from "]]>" sequence, in non-fixing mode)
/** * @return -1 to indicate succesful write, or index of the problematic * character in input (first ']' from "]]&gt;" sequence, in non-fixing * mode) */
@Override public int writeCData(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { writeCDataStart(); /* Ok, let's just copy into a temporary buffer. While copying * to the output buffer would be faster, it gets pretty * complicated; so let's not bother (yet?) */ int len = data.length(); int offset = 0; while (len > 0) { char[] buf = _copyBuffer; final int blen = buf.length; int len2 = (len < blen) ? len : blen; data.getChars(offset, offset+len2, buf, 0); int cix = writeCDataContents(buf, 0, len2); if (cix >= 0) { return (offset + cix); } offset += len2; len -= len2; } writeCDataEnd(); return -1; } @Override public int writeCData(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { writeCDataStart(); int ix = writeCDataContents(cbuf, offset, len); if (ix < 0) { // means it went ok, so can close writeCDataEnd(); } return -1; } private int writeCDataContents(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { len += offset; final int start = offset; main_loop: while (offset < len) { final int[] charTypes = mCharTypes.OTHER_CHARS; final int limit = mTableCheckEnd; inner_loop: while (true) { char ch = cbuf[offset]; if (ch >= limit) { break inner_loop; } if (charTypes[ch] != XmlCharTypes.CT_OK) { break; } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; if (++offset >= len) { break main_loop; } } // Ok, so what did we hit? int ch = (int) cbuf[offset++]; if (ch < limit) { switch (charTypes[ch]) { case CT_INVALID: reportInvalidChar(ch); case CT_WS_CR: case CT_WS_LF: // !!! TBI: line count break; case CT_OUTPUT_MUST_QUOTE: reportFailedEscaping("CDATA block", ch); case CT_GT: // part of "]]>"? if ((offset - start) >= 3 && cbuf[offset-2] == ']' && cbuf[offset-3] == ']') { --offset; // let's push it back // And restart CDATA block... writeCDataEnd(); writeCDataStart(); } break; } } else { // Problem if it's out of range (like 8-bit char for ascii) if (ch >= mEncHighChar) { // problem! reportFailedEscaping("CDATA block", ch); } } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = (char) ch; } return -1; } @Override public void writeCharacters(String text) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return; } int len = text.length(); int offset = 0; while (len > 0) { char[] buf = _copyBuffer; final int blen = buf.length; int len2 = (len < blen) ? len : blen; text.getChars(offset, offset+len2, buf, 0); writeCharacters(buf, 0, len2); offset += len2; len -= len2; } } @Override public void writeCharacters(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return; } len += offset; // will now mark the end, not length main_loop: while (offset < len) { final int[] charTypes = mCharTypes.TEXT_CHARS; final int limit = mTableCheckEnd; inner_loop: while (true) { char ch = cbuf[offset]; if (ch >= limit) { break inner_loop; } if (charTypes[ch] != XmlCharTypes.CT_OK) { break; } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; if (++offset >= len) { break main_loop; } } // Ok, so what did we hit? int ch = (int) cbuf[offset++]; if (ch < limit) { switch (charTypes[ch]) { case CT_INVALID: reportInvalidChar(ch); case CT_RBRACKET: // may need to quote as well... // Let's not quote if known not to be followed by '>' if (offset < len && cbuf[offset] != '>') { break; } // let's fall down, to quote case CT_OUTPUT_MUST_QUOTE: case CT_LT: case CT_AMP: writeAsEntity(ch); continue main_loop; case CT_WS_CR: // !!! TBI: line count // Also, CR to be quoted? if (_config.willEscapeCR()) { writeAsEntity(ch); continue main_loop; } break; case CT_WS_LF: // !!! TBI: line count default: break; } } else if (ch >= mEncHighChar) { writeAsEntity(ch); continue main_loop; } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = (char) ch; } } @Override public void writeSpace(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return; } int len = data.length(); int offset = 0; // !!! TODO: could just copy straight to output buffer while (len > 0) { char[] buf = _copyBuffer; final int blen = buf.length; int len2 = (len < blen) ? len : blen; data.getChars(offset, offset+len2, buf, 0); writeSpace(buf, 0, len2); offset += len2; len -= len2; } } @Override public void writeSpace(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return; } len += offset; // will now mark the end, not length while (offset < len) { char ch = cbuf[offset++]; if (ch > 0x0020) { if (!_config.isXml11() || (ch != 0x0085 && ch != 0x2028)) { reportNwfContent(ErrorConsts.WERR_SPACE_CONTENT, (int)ch, offset-1); } } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; } }
Method that will try to output the content as specified. If the content passed in has embedded "--" in it, it will either add an intervening space between consequtive hyphens (if content fixing is enabled), or return the offset of the first hyphen in multi-hyphen sequence.
/** * Method that will try to output the content as specified. If * the content passed in has embedded "--" in it, it will either * add an intervening space between consequtive hyphens (if content * fixing is enabled), or return the offset of the first hyphen in * multi-hyphen sequence. */
@Override public int writeComment(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return -1; } writeCommentStart(); /* Ok, let's just copy into a temporary buffer. While copying * to the output buffer would be faster, it gets pretty * complicated; so let's not bother (yet?) */ int len = data.length(); int offset = 0; int cix = -1; while (len > 0) { char[] buf = _copyBuffer; int blen = buf.length; // Can write all the rest? if (blen > len) { blen = len; } // Nope, can only do part data.getChars(offset, offset+blen, buf, 0); cix = writeCommentContents(buf, 0, blen, false); if (cix >= 0) { break; } offset += blen; len -= blen; } if (cix >= 0) { return (offset + cix); } writeCommentEnd(); return -1; }
Note: the only way to fix comment contents is to inject a space to split up consequtive '--' (or '-' that ends a comment).
/** * Note: the only way to fix comment contents is to inject a space * to split up consequtive '--' (or '-' that ends a comment). */
private int writeCommentContents(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len, boolean last) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { len += offset; main_loop: while (offset < len) { final int[] charTypes = mCharTypes.OTHER_CHARS; final int limit = mTableCheckEnd; inner_loop: while (true) { char ch = cbuf[offset]; if (ch >= limit) { break inner_loop; } if (charTypes[ch] != XmlCharTypes.CT_OK) { break; } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; if (++offset >= len) { break main_loop; } } // Ok, so what did we hit? int ch = (int) cbuf[offset++]; if (ch < limit) { switch (charTypes[ch]) { case CT_INVALID: reportInvalidChar(ch); case CT_WS_CR: case CT_WS_LF: // !!! TBI: line count break; case CT_OUTPUT_MUST_QUOTE: reportFailedEscaping("comment", ch); case CT_HYPHEN: // part of "--", or last char "-"? /* If so, must be able to fix by appending an * extra space... */ if (offset == len || cbuf[offset] == '-') { if (!_config.willFixContent()) { return offset-1; // points to the 'offending' char } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ' '; } break; } } else { // Problem if it's out of range (like 8-bit char for ascii) if (ch >= mEncHighChar) { // problem! reportFailedEscaping("comment", ch); } } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = (char) ch; } return -1; } @Override public void writeDTD(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { // !!! TBI: Check for char validity, similar to other methods? writeRaw(data, 0, data.length()); } @Override public void writeDTD(WName rootName, String systemId, String publicId, String internalSubset) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { fastWriteRaw("<!DOCTYPE "); /* Since the root name isn't reall namespace aware in * any mode (could require it to have at most one colon, * but besides that), let's claim there's no need to check */ writeName(rootName); if (systemId != null) { if (publicId != null) { fastWriteRaw(" PUBLIC \""); // !!! TBI: verify public id fastWriteRaw(publicId); fastWriteRaw("\" \""); } else { fastWriteRaw(" SYSTEM \""); } // !!! TBI: verify system id fastWriteRaw(systemId); fastWriteRaw('"'); } // Hmmh. Should we output empty internal subset? if (internalSubset != null && internalSubset.length() > 0) { fastWriteRaw(' ', '['); // !!! TBI: verify validity fastWriteRaw(internalSubset); fastWriteRaw(']'); } fastWriteRaw('>'); } @Override public void writeEntityReference(WName name) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { fastWriteRaw('&'); writeName(name); fastWriteRaw(';'); } @Override public void writeXmlDeclaration(String version, String encoding, String standalone) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { fastWriteRaw("<?xml version='"); // !!! TBI: check validity fastWriteRaw(version); fastWriteRaw('\''); if (encoding != null && encoding.length() > 0) { fastWriteRaw(" encoding='"); // !!! TBI: check validity fastWriteRaw(encoding); fastWriteRaw('\''); } if (standalone != null) { fastWriteRaw(" standalone='"); // !!! TBI: check validity fastWriteRaw(standalone); fastWriteRaw('\''); } fastWriteRaw('?', '>'); } @Override public int writePI(WName target, String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { fastWriteRaw('<', '?'); writeName(target); if (data != null && data.length() > 0) { int len = data.length(); int offset = 0; int cix = -1; fastWriteRaw(' '); // !!! TODO: copy straight to output buffer while (len > 0) { char[] buf = _copyBuffer; int blen = buf.length; // Can write all the rest? if (blen > len) { blen = len; } data.getChars(offset, offset+blen, buf, 0); cix = writePIContents(buf, 0, blen); if (cix >= 0) { break; } offset += blen; len -= blen; } if (cix >= 0) { return offset + cix; } } fastWriteRaw('?', '>'); return -1; } private int writePIContents(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { len += offset; main_loop: while (offset < len) { final int[] charTypes = mCharTypes.OTHER_CHARS; final int limit = mTableCheckEnd; inner_loop: while (true) { char ch = cbuf[offset]; if (ch >= limit) { break inner_loop; } if (charTypes[ch] != XmlCharTypes.CT_OK) { break; } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; if (++offset >= len) { break main_loop; } } // Ok, so what did we hit? int ch = (int) cbuf[offset++]; if (ch < limit) { switch (charTypes[ch]) { case CT_INVALID: reportInvalidChar(ch); case CT_WS_CR: case CT_WS_LF: // !!! TBI: line count break; case CT_OUTPUT_MUST_QUOTE: reportFailedEscaping("processing instruction", ch); case CT_QMARK: // part of "?>"? if (offset < len && cbuf[offset] == '>') { // no way to fix, alas return offset; } break; } } else { // Problem if it's out of range (like 8-bit char for ascii) if (ch >= mEncHighChar) { // problem! reportFailedEscaping("processing instruction", ch); } } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = (char) ch; } return -1; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write methods, elements //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public void writeStartTagStart(WName name) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int ptr = _outputPtr; int len = name.serializedLength(); if ((ptr + len + 1) > _outputBufferLen) { if (_out == null) { return; } flushBuffer(); // Very unlikely, but possible: if (len >= _outputBufferLen) { _out.write('<'); name.writeChars(_out); return; } ptr = _outputPtr; } char[] buf = _outputBuffer; buf[ptr++] = '<'; name.appendChars(buf, ptr); _outputPtr = ptr + len; } @Override public void writeStartTagEnd() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { fastWriteRaw('>'); } @Override public void writeStartTagEmptyEnd() throws IOException { int ptr = _outputPtr; if ((ptr + 2) > _outputBufferLen) { if (_out == null) { return; } flushBuffer(); ptr = _outputPtr; } char[] buf = _outputBuffer; buf[ptr++] = '/'; buf[ptr++] = '>'; _outputPtr = ptr; } @Override public void writeEndTag(WName name) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int ptr = _outputPtr; int len = name.serializedLength(); if ((ptr + len + 3) > _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); // name longer than the buffer? can write it straight out if ((len + 3) > _outputBufferLen) { _out.write('<'); _out.write('/'); name.writeChars(_out); _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = '>'; return; } ptr = _outputPtr; } char[] buf = _outputBuffer; buf[ptr++] = '<'; buf[ptr++] = '/'; name.appendChars(buf, ptr); ptr += len; buf[ptr++] = '>'; _outputPtr = ptr; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write methods, attributes/ns //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public void writeAttribute(WName name, String value) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return; } fastWriteRaw(' '); writeName(name); fastWriteRaw('=', '"'); int len = (value == null) ? 0 : value.length(); if (len > 0) { writeAttrValue(value, len); } fastWriteRaw('"'); } @Override public void writeAttribute(WName name, char[] value, int offset, int vlen) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return; } fastWriteRaw(' '); writeName(name); fastWriteRaw('=', '"'); if (vlen > 0) { writeAttrValue(value, offset, vlen); } fastWriteRaw('"'); } private final void writeAttrValue(String value, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int offset = 0; while (len > 0) { char[] buf = _copyBuffer; final int blen = buf.length; int len2 = (len < blen) ? len : blen; value.getChars(offset, offset+len2, buf, 0); writeAttrValue(buf, 0, len2); offset += len2; len -= len2; } } private final void writeAttrValue(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return; } // Fast or slow? if ((_outputPtr + len) > _outputBufferLen) { // slow writeSplitAttrValue(cbuf, offset, len); return; } // Nope, fast loop: len += offset; // will now mark the end, not length main_loop: while (offset < len) { final int[] charTypes = mCharTypes.ATTR_CHARS; final int limit = mTableCheckEnd; inner_loop: while (true) { char ch = cbuf[offset]; if (ch >= limit) { break inner_loop; } if (charTypes[ch] != XmlCharTypes.CT_OK) { break; } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; if (++offset >= len) { break main_loop; } } // Ok, so what did we hit? char ch = cbuf[offset++]; if (ch < limit) { switch (charTypes[ch]) { case CT_INVALID: reportInvalidChar(ch); case CT_OUTPUT_MUST_QUOTE: case CT_ATTR_QUOTE: case CT_LT: case CT_AMP: break; case CT_WS_CR: case CT_WS_LF: // !!! TBI: line count /* Note: Both CR and LF always needs quoting within * attribute value; no point in disabling that. */ break; default: _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; continue main_loop; } } else if (ch < mEncHighChar) { _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; continue main_loop; } writeAsEntity(ch); /* Invariant regarding output buffer length might not hold * any more? (due to escaping) */ if ((len - offset) >= (_outputBufferLen - _outputPtr)) { flushBuffer(); } } } private final void writeSplitAttrValue(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { len += offset; // will now mark the end, not length main_loop: while (offset < len) { final int[] charTypes = mCharTypes.ATTR_CHARS; final int limit = mTableCheckEnd; inner_loop: while (true) { char ch = cbuf[offset]; if (ch >= limit) { break inner_loop; } if (charTypes[ch] != XmlCharTypes.CT_OK) { break; } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = ch; if (++offset >= len) { break main_loop; } } // Ok, so what did we hit? int ch = (int) cbuf[offset++]; if (ch < limit) { switch (charTypes[ch]) { case CT_INVALID: reportInvalidChar(ch); case CT_OUTPUT_MUST_QUOTE: case CT_ATTR_QUOTE: case CT_LT: case CT_AMP: writeAsEntity(ch); continue main_loop; case CT_WS_CR: case CT_WS_LF: // !!! TBI: line count /* Note: Both CR and LF always needs quoting within * attribute value; no point in disabling that. */ writeAsEntity(ch); continue main_loop; default: break; } } else if (ch >= mEncHighChar) { writeAsEntity(ch); continue main_loop; } if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = (char) ch; } } /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write methods, typed content ////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public void writeTypedValue(AsciiValueEncoder enc) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int free = _outputBufferLen - _outputPtr; if (enc.bufferNeedsFlush(free)) { flush(); } while (true) { _outputPtr = enc.encodeMore(_outputBuffer, _outputPtr, _outputBufferLen); if (enc.isCompleted()) { break; } flushBuffer(); } } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write methods, attributes, Typed //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public final void writeAttribute(WName name, AsciiValueEncoder enc) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_out == null) { return; } fastWriteRaw(' '); writeName(name); fastWriteRaw('=', '"'); writeTypedValue(enc); fastWriteRaw('"'); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, buffering //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private final void flushBuffer() throws IOException { if (_outputPtr > 0 && _out != null) { int ptr = _outputPtr; // Need to update location info, to keep it in sync _locPastChars += ptr; _locRowStartOffset -= ptr; _outputPtr = 0; _out.write(_outputBuffer, 0, ptr); } } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, low-level write //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected final void writeName(WName name) throws IOException { int ptr = _outputPtr; int len = name.serializedLength(); if ((ptr + len) > _outputBufferLen) { flushBuffer(); // name longer than the buffer? can write it straight out if (len >= _outputBufferLen) { name.writeChars(_out); return; } ptr = _outputPtr; } name.appendChars(_outputBuffer, ptr); _outputPtr += len; } private final void fastWriteRaw(char c) throws IOException { if (_outputPtr >= _outputBufferLen) { if (_out == null) { return; } flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = c; } private final void fastWriteRaw(char c1, char c2) throws IOException { if ((_outputPtr + 1) >= _outputBufferLen) { if (_out == null) { return; } flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = c1; _outputBuffer[_outputPtr++] = c2; } private final void fastWriteRaw(String str) throws IOException { int len = str.length(); int ptr = _outputPtr; if ((ptr + len) >= _outputBufferLen) { if (_out == null) { return; } /* It's even possible that String is longer than the buffer (not * likely, possible). If so, let's just call the full * method: */ if (len > _outputBufferLen) { writeRaw(str, 0, str.length()); return; } flushBuffer(); ptr = _outputPtr; } str.getChars(0, len, _outputBuffer, ptr); _outputPtr = ptr+len; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods, content verification/fixing //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
Returns:Index at which a problem was found, if any; -1 if there's no problem.
/** * @return Index at which a problem was found, if any; -1 if there's * no problem. */
protected int verifyCDataContent(String content) { if (content != null && content.length() >= 3) { int ix = content.indexOf(']'); if (ix >= 0) { return content.indexOf("]]>", ix); } } return -1; } protected int verifyCDataContent(char[] c, int start, int end) { if (c != null) { start += 2; /* Let's do simple optimization for search... * (bayer-moore search algorithm) */ while (start < end) { char ch = c[start]; if (ch == ']') { ++start; // let's just move by one in this case continue; } if (ch == '>') { // match? if (c[start-1] == ']' && c[start-2] == ']') { return start-2; } } start += 2; } } return -1; } protected int verifyCommentContent(String content) { int ix = content.indexOf('-'); if (ix >= 0) { /* actually, it's illegal to just end with '-' too, since * that would cause invalid end marker '--->' */ if (ix < (content.length() - 1)) { ix = content.indexOf("--", ix); } } return ix; } protected void writeSegmentedCData(String content, int index) throws IOException { /* It's actually fairly easy, just split "]]>" into 2 pieces; * for each ']]>'; first one containing "]]", second one ">" * (as long as necessary) */ int start = 0; while (index >= 0) { fastWriteRaw("<![CDATA["); writeRaw(content, start, (index+2) - start); fastWriteRaw("]]>"); start = index+2; index = content.indexOf("]]>", start); } // Ok, then the last segment fastWriteRaw("<![CDATA["); writeRaw(content, start, content.length()-start); fastWriteRaw("]]>"); } protected void writeSegmentedCData(char[] c, int start, int len, int index) throws IOException { int end = start + len; while (index >= 0) { fastWriteRaw("<![CDATA["); writeRaw(c, start, (index+2) - start); fastWriteRaw("]]>"); start = index+2; index = verifyCDataContent(c, start, end); } // Ok, then the last segment fastWriteRaw("<![CDATA["); writeRaw(c, start, end-start); fastWriteRaw("]]>"); } protected void writeSegmentedComment(String content, int index) throws IOException { int len = content.length(); // First the special case (last char is hyphen): if (index == (len-1)) { fastWriteRaw("<!--"); writeRaw(content, 0, content.length()); // we just need to inject one space in there fastWriteRaw(" -->"); return; } /* Fixing comments is more difficult than that of CDATA segments'; * this because CDATA can still contain embedded ']]'s, but * comment neither allows '--' nor ending with '-->'; which means * that it's impossible to just split segments. Instead we'll do * something more intrusive, and embed single spaces between all * '--' character pairs... it's intrusive, but comments are not * supposed to contain any data, so that should be fine (plus * at least result is valid, unlike contents as is) */ fastWriteRaw("<!--"); int start = 0; while (index >= 0) { // first, content prior to '--' and the first hyphen writeRaw(content, start, (index+1) - start); // and an obligatory trailing space to split double-hyphen fastWriteRaw(' '); // still need to handle rest of consequtive double'-'s if any start = index+1; index = content.indexOf("--", start); } // Ok, then the last segment writeRaw(content, start, len-start); // ends with a hyphen? that needs to be fixed, too if (content.charAt(len-1) == '-') { fastWriteRaw(' '); } fastWriteRaw("-->"); } protected final void writeAsEntity(int c) throws IOException { // Quickie check to avoid char[] buf = _outputBuffer; int ptr = _outputPtr; if ((ptr + 10) >= buf.length) { // &#x [up to 6 hex digits] ; flushBuffer(); ptr = _outputPtr; } buf[ptr++] = '&'; // Can use more optimal notation for 8-bit ascii stuff: if (c < 256) { /* Also; although not really mandatory, let's also * use pre-defined entities where possible. */ if (c == '&') { buf[ptr++] = 'a'; buf[ptr++] = 'm'; buf[ptr++] = 'p'; } else if (c == '<') { buf[ptr++] = 'l'; buf[ptr++] = 't'; } else if (c == '>') { buf[ptr++] = 'g'; buf[ptr++] = 't'; } else if (c == '\'') { buf[ptr++] = 'a'; buf[ptr++] = 'p'; buf[ptr++] = 'o'; buf[ptr++] = 's'; } else if (c == '"') { buf[ptr++] = 'q'; buf[ptr++] = 'u'; buf[ptr++] = 'o'; buf[ptr++] = 't'; } else { buf[ptr++] = '#';; buf[ptr++] = 'x';; // Can use shortest quoting for tab, cr, lf: if (c >= 16) { int digit = (c >> 4); buf[ptr++] = (char) ((digit < 10) ? ('0' + digit) : (('a' - 10) + digit)); c &= 0xF; } buf[ptr++] = (char) ((c < 10) ? ('0' + c) : (('a' - 10) + c)); } } else { buf[ptr++] = '#'; buf[ptr++] = 'x'; // Ok, let's write the shortest possible sequence then: int shift = 20; int origPtr = ptr; do { int digit = (c >> shift) & 0xF; if (digit > 0 || (ptr != origPtr)) { buf[ptr++] = (char) ((digit < 10) ? ('0' + digit) : (('a' - 10) + digit)); } shift -= 4; } while (shift > 0); c &= 0xF; buf[ptr++] = (char) ((c < 10) ? ('0' + c) : (('a' - 10) + c)); } buf[ptr++] = ';'; _outputPtr = ptr; } }