
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.*;


import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLInputFactory2;

import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.CommonConfig;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.*;

This is the shared configuration object passed by the factory to reader, and by reader to whoever needs it (scanners at least).
/** * This is the shared configuration object passed by the factory to reader, * and by reader to whoever needs it (scanners at least). */
public final class ReaderConfig extends CommonConfig { public final static int DEFAULT_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN = 60; public final static int DEFAULT_CHAR_BUFFER_LEN = 4000; public final static int STANDALONE_UNKNOWN = 0; public final static int STANDALONE_YES = 1; public final static int STANDALONE_NO = 2; // Standard Stax flags: final static int F_NS_AWARE = 0x0001; final static int F_COALESCING = 0x0002; final static int F_DTD_AWARE = 0x0004; final static int F_DTD_VALIDATING = 0x0008; final static int F_EXPAND_ENTITIES = 0x0010; // Standard Stax2 flags: final static int F_LAZY_PARSING = 0x0100; final static int F_INTERN_NAMES = 0x0200; final static int F_INTERN_NS_URIS = 0x0400; final static int F_REPORT_CDATA = 0x0800; final static int F_PRESERVE_LOCATION = 0x1000; final static int F_AUTO_CLOSE_INPUT = 0x2000; // Custom flags:
These are the default settigs for XMLInputFactory.
/** * These are the default settigs for XMLInputFactory. */
final static int DEFAULT_FLAGS = F_NS_AWARE | F_DTD_AWARE | F_EXPAND_ENTITIES | F_LAZY_PARSING // by default we do intern names, ns uris... | F_INTERN_NAMES | F_INTERN_NS_URIS // and will report CDATA as such (and not as CHARACTERS) | F_REPORT_CDATA | F_PRESERVE_LOCATION ; private final static HashMap<String, Object> sProperties; static { sProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); /* 28-Oct-2006, tatus: Let's recognize it, but not allow to be * disabled. Can/needs to be changed if we'll support it. */ sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.IS_NAMESPACE_AWARE, Boolean.TRUE); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.IS_VALIDATING, //Boolean.FALSE); Integer.valueOf(F_DTD_VALIDATING)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, Integer.valueOf(F_COALESCING)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES, Integer.valueOf(F_EXPAND_ENTITIES)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES, Boolean.FALSE); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, Integer.valueOf(F_DTD_AWARE)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.REPORTER, null); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.RESOLVER, null); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory.ALLOCATOR, null); // // // Stax2: sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_LAZY_PARSING, Integer.valueOf(F_LAZY_PARSING)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_INTERN_NAMES, Integer.valueOf(F_INTERN_NAMES)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_INTERN_NS_URIS, Integer.valueOf(F_INTERN_NS_URIS)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_AUTO_CLOSE_INPUT, Integer.valueOf(F_AUTO_CLOSE_INPUT)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_PRESERVE_LOCATION, Integer.valueOf(F_PRESERVE_LOCATION)); // (ones with fixed defaults) /* Should we ever support this property? For now, we really shouldn't * report white space in prolog/epilog, as it's not really part * of document content. */ sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_REPORT_PROLOG_WHITESPACE, Boolean.FALSE); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_REPORT_CDATA, Integer.valueOf(F_REPORT_CDATA)); sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_PRESERVE_LOCATION, Boolean.TRUE); // !!! Not really implemented, but let's recognize it sProperties.put(XMLInputFactory2.P_DTD_OVERRIDE, null); // Custom ones? }
A single encoding context instance is shared between all ReaderConfig instances created for readers by an input factory. It is used for sharing symbol tables.
/** * A single encoding context instance is shared between all ReaderConfig * instances created for readers by an input factory. It is used * for sharing symbol tables. */
private final EncodingContext mEncCtxt;
For efficient access by qualified name, as well as uniqueness checks, namespace URIs need to be canonicalized.
/** * For efficient access by qualified name, as well as uniqueness * checks, namespace URIs need to be canonicalized. */
private final UriCanonicalizer mCanonicalizer; private final String mPublicId; private final String mSystemId;
Encoding passed in as external information, possibly from source from which xml content was gained from (for example, as an HTTP header, or file metadata).
/** * Encoding passed in as external information, possibly from source * from which xml content was gained from (for example, as an HTTP * header, or file metadata). */
private final String mExtEncoding;
Name of the actual encoding that input was found to be in (if any -- can't be determined if a Reader was passed in).
/** * Name of the actual encoding that input was found to be in (if any * -- can't be determined if a Reader was passed in). */
private String mActualEncoding = null; private String mXmlDeclVersion = null; private String mXmlDeclEncoding = null; private int mXmlDeclStandalone = STANDALONE_UNKNOWN; private XMLReporter mReporter; private XMLResolver mResolver; private IllegalCharHandler illegalCharHandler; /* /********************************************************************** /* Buffer recycling: /********************************************************************** */
This ThreadLocal contains a SoftRerefence to a BufferRecycler used to provide a low-cost buffer recycling between Reader instances.
/** * This <code>ThreadLocal</code> contains a {@link SoftRerefence} * to a {@link BufferRecycler} used to provide a low-cost * buffer recycling between Reader instances. */
final static ThreadLocal<SoftReference<BufferRecycler>> _recyclerRef = new ThreadLocal<SoftReference<BufferRecycler>>();
This is the actually container of the recyclable buffers. It is obtained via ThreadLocal/SoftReference combination, if one exists, when Config instance is created. If one does not exist, it will created first time a buffer is returned.
/** * This is the actually container of the recyclable buffers. It * is obtained via ThreadLocal/SoftReference combination, if one * exists, when Config instance is created. If one does not * exist, it will created first time a buffer is returned. */
protected BufferRecycler _currRecycler = null; /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************************** */ private ReaderConfig(String publicId, String systemId, String extEnc, EncodingContext encCtxt, int flags, int flagMods, XMLReporter rep, XMLResolver res, UriCanonicalizer canonicalizer) { super(flags, flagMods); mPublicId = publicId; mSystemId = systemId; mExtEncoding = extEnc; /* Ok, let's then see if we can find a buffer recycler. Since they * are lazily constructed, and since GC may just flush them out * on its whims, it's possible we might not find one. That's ok; * we can reconstruct one if and when we are to return one or more * buffers. */ SoftReference<BufferRecycler> ref = _recyclerRef.get(); if (ref != null) { _currRecycler = ref.get(); } mEncCtxt = encCtxt; _flags = flags; _flagMods = flagMods; mReporter = rep; mResolver = res; mCanonicalizer = canonicalizer; } public ReaderConfig() { this(null, null, null, new EncodingContext(), DEFAULT_FLAGS, 0, null, null, new UriCanonicalizer()); } public void setActualEncoding(String actualEnc) { mActualEncoding = actualEnc; } public void setXmlDeclInfo(int version, String xmlDeclEnc, String standalone) { if (version == XmlConsts.XML_V_10) { mXmlDeclVersion = XmlConsts.XML_V_10_STR; } else if (version == XmlConsts.XML_V_11) { mXmlDeclVersion = XmlConsts.XML_V_11_STR; } else { mXmlDeclVersion = null; } mXmlDeclEncoding = xmlDeclEnc; if (standalone == XmlConsts.XML_SA_YES) { mXmlDeclStandalone = STANDALONE_YES; } else if (standalone == XmlConsts.XML_SA_NO) { mXmlDeclStandalone = STANDALONE_NO; } else { mXmlDeclStandalone = STANDALONE_UNKNOWN; } } public final void setXmlVersion(String version) { mXmlDeclVersion = version; } public final void setXmlEncoding(String enc) { mXmlDeclEncoding = enc; } public final void setXmlStandalone(Boolean b) { if (b == null) { mXmlDeclStandalone = STANDALONE_UNKNOWN; } else { mXmlDeclStandalone = b.booleanValue() ? STANDALONE_YES : STANDALONE_NO; } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Additional configuration setters /********************************************************************** */ // // Stax: public void setXMLReporter(XMLReporter r) { mReporter = r; } public void setXMLResolver(XMLResolver r) { mResolver = r; } // // Stax2: public void doCoalesceText(boolean state) { setFlag(F_COALESCING, state); } // // Stax1.0 public void doAutoCloseInput(boolean state) { setFlag(F_AUTO_CLOSE_INPUT, state); } public void doPreserveLocation(boolean state) { setFlag(F_PRESERVE_LOCATION, state); } public void doParseLazily(boolean state) { setFlag(F_LAZY_PARSING, state); } public void doReportCData(boolean state) { setFlag(F_REPORT_CDATA, state); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Common accessors from CommonConfig /********************************************************************** */ public ReaderConfig createNonShared(String publicId, String systemId, String extEnc) { return new ReaderConfig(publicId, systemId, extEnc, mEncCtxt, _flags, _flagMods, mReporter, mResolver, mCanonicalizer); } @Override public String getExternalEncoding() { return mExtEncoding; } @Override public String getActualEncoding() { return mActualEncoding; } @Override public boolean isXml11() { return false; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Implementation of abstract methods /********************************************************************** */ protected int findPropertyId(String propName) { Integer I = (Integer) sProperties.get(propName); return (I == null) ? -1 : I.intValue(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Standard accessors, configurable properties /********************************************************************** */ @Override public final Object getProperty(String name, boolean isMandatory) { Object ob = sProperties.get(name); if (ob == null) { // Might still have it though if (sProperties.containsKey(name)) { return null; } return super.getProperty(name, isMandatory); } if (ob instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) ob).booleanValue(); } if (!(ob instanceof Integer)) { throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: unrecognized property value type: "+ob.getClass().getName()); } int f = ((Integer) ob).intValue(); return hasFlag(f); } @Override public boolean setProperty(String name, Object value) { Object ob = sProperties.get(name); if (ob == null) { // Might still have it though if (sProperties.containsKey(name)) { return false; } return super.setProperty(name, value); } if (ob instanceof Boolean) { // immutable return false; } if (!(ob instanceof Integer)) { throw new RuntimeException("Internal error"); } int f = ((Integer) ob).intValue(); boolean state = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue(); setFlag(f, state); return true; } @Override public boolean isPropertySupported(String propName) { return sProperties.containsKey(propName) || super.isPropertySupported(propName); } public XMLReporter getXMLReporter() { return mReporter; } public XMLResolver getXMLResolver() { return mResolver; } // // // Stax standard properties public boolean willExpandEntities() { return hasFlag(F_EXPAND_ENTITIES); } public boolean willCoalesceText() { return hasFlag(F_COALESCING); } public boolean willSupportNamespaces() { return true; } // // // Stax2 standard properties public boolean willParseLazily() { return hasFlag(F_LAZY_PARSING); } public boolean willInternNames() { return hasFlag(F_INTERN_NAMES); } public boolean willInternNsURIs() { return hasFlag(F_INTERN_NS_URIS); } public boolean willReportCData() { return hasFlag(F_REPORT_CDATA); } public boolean willPreserveLocation() { return hasFlag(F_PRESERVE_LOCATION); } public boolean willAutoCloseInput() { return hasFlag(F_AUTO_CLOSE_INPUT); } // // // Support for things that must be explicitly enabled public boolean hasInternNamesBeenEnabled() { return hasExplicitFlag(F_INTERN_NAMES); } public boolean hasInternNsURIsBeenEnabled() { return hasExplicitFlag(F_INTERN_NS_URIS); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Accessors, detected properties /********************************************************************** */ // // // Input source information public String getPublicId() { return mPublicId; } public String getSystemId() { return mSystemId; } // // // XML declaration info public String getXmlDeclVersion() { return mXmlDeclVersion; } public String getXmlDeclEncoding() { return mXmlDeclEncoding; } public int getXmlDeclStandalone() { return mXmlDeclStandalone; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Stax2 additions /********************************************************************** */ // // // Profile mutators:
Method to call to make Reader created conform as closely to XML standard as possible, doing all checks and transformations mandated (linefeed conversions, attr value normalizations). See XMLInputFactory2.configureForXmlConformance for required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties.

Notes: Does NOT change 'performance' settings (buffer sizes, DTD caching, coalescing, interning, accurate location info).

/** * Method to call to make Reader created conform as closely to XML * standard as possible, doing all checks and transformations mandated * (linefeed conversions, attr value normalizations). * See {@link XMLInputFactory2#configureForXmlConformance} for * required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties. *<p> * Notes: Does NOT change 'performance' settings (buffer sizes, * DTD caching, coalescing, interning, accurate location info). */
public void configureForXmlConformance() { // // StAX 1.0 settings //doSupportNamespaces(true); //doSupportDTDs(true); //doSupportExternalEntities(true); //doReplaceEntityRefs(true); // // Stax2 additional settings }
Method to call to make Reader created be as "convenient" to use as possible; ie try to avoid having to deal with some of things like segmented text chunks. This may incur some slight performance penalties, but should not affect XML conformance. See XMLInputFactory2.configureForConvenience for required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties.
/** * Method to call to make Reader created be as "convenient" to use * as possible; ie try to avoid having to deal with some of things * like segmented text chunks. This may incur some slight performance * penalties, but should not affect XML conformance. * See {@link XMLInputFactory2#configureForConvenience} for * required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties. */
public void configureForConvenience() { // StAX (1.0) settings: doCoalesceText(true); //doReplaceEntityRefs(true); // StAX2: //doReportCData(false); //doReportPrologWhitespace(false); /* Also, knowing exact locations is nice esp. for error * reporting purposes */ doPreserveLocation(true); }
Method to call to make the Reader created be as fast as possible reading documents, especially for long-running processes where caching is likely to help.

See XMLInputFactory2.configureForSpeed for required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties.

/** * Method to call to make the Reader created be as fast as possible reading * documents, especially for long-running processes where caching is * likely to help. *<p> * See {@link XMLInputFactory2#configureForSpeed} for * required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties. */
public void configureForSpeed() { // StAX (1.0): doCoalesceText(false); // StAX2: doPreserveLocation(false); //doReportPrologWhitespace(false); //doInternNames(true); // this is a NOP //doInternNsURIs(true); }
Method to call to minimize the memory usage of the stream/event reader; both regarding Objects created, and the temporary memory usage during parsing. This generally incurs some performance penalties, due to using smaller input buffers.

See XMLInputFactory2.configureForLowMemUsage for required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties.

/** * Method to call to minimize the memory usage of the stream/event reader; * both regarding Objects created, and the temporary memory usage during * parsing. * This generally incurs some performance penalties, due to using * smaller input buffers. *<p> * See {@link XMLInputFactory2#configureForLowMemUsage} for * required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties. */
public void configureForLowMemUsage() { // StAX (1.0) doCoalesceText(false); // StAX2: doPreserveLocation(false); // can reduce temporary mem usage }
Method to call to make Reader try to preserve as much of input formatting as possible, so that round-tripping would be as lossless as possible.

See XMLInputFactory2.configureForLowMemUsage for required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties.

/** * Method to call to make Reader try to preserve as much of input * formatting as possible, so that round-tripping would be as lossless * as possible. *<p> * See {@link XMLInputFactory2#configureForLowMemUsage} for * required settings for standard StAX/StAX2 properties. */
public void configureForRoundTripping() { // StAX (1.0) doCoalesceText(false); //doReplaceEntityRefs(false); // StAX2: //doReportCData(true); //doReportPrologWhitespace(true); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Canonicalization support /********************************************************************** */ public String canonicalizeURI(char[] buf, int uriLen) { return mCanonicalizer.canonicalizeURI(buf, uriLen); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Buffer recycling: /********************************************************************** */ public char[] allocSmallCBuffer(int minSize) { if (_currRecycler != null) { char[] result = _currRecycler.getSmallCBuffer(minSize); if (result != null) { return result; } } // Nope; no recycler, or it has no suitable buffers, let's create: return new char[minSize]; } public void freeSmallCBuffer(char[] buffer) { // Need to create (and assign) the buffer? if (_currRecycler == null) { _currRecycler = createRecycler(); } _currRecycler.returnSmallCBuffer(buffer); } public char[] allocMediumCBuffer(int minSize) { if (_currRecycler != null) { char[] result = _currRecycler.getMediumCBuffer(minSize); if (result != null) { return result; } } return new char[minSize]; } public void freeMediumCBuffer(char[] buffer) { if (_currRecycler == null) { _currRecycler = createRecycler(); } _currRecycler.returnMediumCBuffer(buffer); } public char[] allocFullCBuffer(int minSize) { if (_currRecycler != null) { char[] result = _currRecycler.getFullCBuffer(minSize); if (result != null) { return result; } } return new char[minSize]; } public void freeFullCBuffer(char[] buffer) { // Need to create (and assign) the buffer? if (_currRecycler == null) { _currRecycler = createRecycler(); } _currRecycler.returnFullCBuffer(buffer); } public byte[] allocFullBBuffer(int minSize) { if (_currRecycler != null) { byte[] result = _currRecycler.getFullBBuffer(minSize); if (result != null) { return result; } } return new byte[minSize]; } public void freeFullBBuffer(byte[] buffer) { // Need to create (and assign) the buffer? if (_currRecycler == null) { _currRecycler = createRecycler(); } _currRecycler.returnFullBBuffer(buffer); } private BufferRecycler createRecycler() { BufferRecycler recycler = new BufferRecycler(); // No way to reuse/reset SoftReference, have to create new always: _recyclerRef.set(new SoftReference<BufferRecycler>(recycler)); return recycler; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Symbol table reusing, character types /********************************************************************** */ public ByteBasedPNameTable getBBSymbols() { if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) { return mEncCtxt.getUtf8Symbols(); } if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) { return mEncCtxt.getLatin1Symbols(); } if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) { return mEncCtxt.getAsciiSymbols(); } throw new Error("Internal error, unknown encoding '"+mActualEncoding+"'"); } public CharBasedPNameTable getCBSymbols() { return mEncCtxt.getSymbols(); } public void updateBBSymbols(ByteBasedPNameTable sym) { if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) { mEncCtxt.updateUtf8Symbols(sym); } else if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) { mEncCtxt.updateLatin1Symbols(sym); } else if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) { mEncCtxt.updateAsciiSymbols(sym); } else { throw new Error("Internal error, unknown encoding '"+mActualEncoding+"'"); } } public void updateCBSymbols(CharBasedPNameTable sym) { mEncCtxt.updateSymbols(sym); } public XmlCharTypes getCharTypes() { if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) { return InputCharTypes.getUtf8CharTypes(); } if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) { return InputCharTypes.getLatin1CharTypes(); } if (mActualEncoding == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) { return InputCharTypes.getAsciiCharTypes(); } throw new Error("Internal error, unknown encoding '"+mActualEncoding+"'"); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper classes /********************************************************************** */
This is a simple container class that is used to encapsulate per-factory encoding-dependant information like symbol tables.
/** * This is a simple container class that is used to encapsulate * per-factory encoding-dependant information like symbol tables. */
final static class EncodingContext { ByteBasedPNameTable mUtf8Table; ByteBasedPNameTable mLatin1Table; ByteBasedPNameTable mAsciiTable;
If there is no encoding to worry about, we only need a single symbol table.
/** * If there is no encoding to worry about, we only need a single * symbol table. */
CharBasedPNameTable mGeneralTable; EncodingContext() { } public synchronized ByteBasedPNameTable getUtf8Symbols() { if (mUtf8Table == null) { mUtf8Table = new ByteBasedPNameTable(64); } return new ByteBasedPNameTable(mUtf8Table); } public synchronized void updateUtf8Symbols(ByteBasedPNameTable sym) { mUtf8Table.mergeFromChild(sym); } public synchronized ByteBasedPNameTable getLatin1Symbols() { if (mLatin1Table == null) { mLatin1Table = new ByteBasedPNameTable(64); } return new ByteBasedPNameTable(mLatin1Table); } public synchronized void updateLatin1Symbols(ByteBasedPNameTable sym) { mLatin1Table.mergeFromChild(sym); } public synchronized ByteBasedPNameTable getAsciiSymbols() { if (mAsciiTable == null) { mAsciiTable = new ByteBasedPNameTable(64); } return new ByteBasedPNameTable(mAsciiTable); } public synchronized void updateAsciiSymbols(ByteBasedPNameTable sym) { mAsciiTable.mergeFromChild(sym); } public synchronized CharBasedPNameTable getSymbols() { if (mGeneralTable == null) { mGeneralTable = new CharBasedPNameTable(64); } return new CharBasedPNameTable(mGeneralTable); } public synchronized void updateSymbols(CharBasedPNameTable sym) { mGeneralTable.mergeFromChild(sym); } } public void setIllegalCharHandler(IllegalCharHandler illegalCharHandler) { this.illegalCharHandler = illegalCharHandler; } public IllegalCharHandler getIllegalCharHandler() { return this.illegalCharHandler; } }