package com.fasterxml.aalto.impl;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;

import static*;

This class contains various String constants used for error reporting.

Note: although messages are constants, they are not marked as finals; this is intentional, to avoid inlining (same String might get embedded in multiple using class files). May not matter in the end, but for now done to optimize class file sizes.

Author:Tatu Saloranta
/** * This class contains various String constants used for error reporting. *<p> * Note: although messages are constants, they are not marked as finals; * this is intentional, to avoid inlining (same String might get embedded * in multiple using class files). May not matter in the end, but for * now done to optimize class file sizes. * * @author Tatu Saloranta */
public final class ErrorConsts { // // // Generic input errors: public static String ERR_INTERNAL = "Internal error"; public static String ERR_NULL_ARG = "Illegal to pass null as argument"; // // // Error, validation: public static String VERR_EMPTY = "Element <{0}> has EMPTY content specification; can not contain {1}"; public static String VERR_NON_MIXED = "Element <{0}> has non-mixed content specification; can not contain non-white space text, or any CDATA sections"; public static String VERR_ANY = "Element <{0}> has ANY content specification; can not contain {1}"; // // // Wrong reader state: public static String ERR_STATE_NOT_STELEM = "Current state not START_ELEMENT"; public static String ERR_STATE_NOT_ELEM = "Current state not START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT"; public static String ERR_STATE_NOT_PI = "Current state not PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION"; public static String ERR_STATE_NOT_STELEM_OR_TEXT = "Current state not START_ELEMENT, CHARACTERS or CDATA"; // // // Error messaging, reader public static String SUFFIX_IN_PROLOG = " in prolog"; public static String SUFFIX_IN_EPILOG = " in epilog"; public static String SUFFIX_IN_TREE = " in xml document"; public static String ERR_WF_PI_XML_TARGET = "Illegal processing instruction target: 'xml' (case insensitive) is reserved by the xml specification"; //public static String ERR_WF_DUP_ATTRS = "Duplicate attribute \"{0}\" (index {1})"; public static String ERR_WF_DUP_ATTRS = "Duplicate attributes \"{0}\" (index {1}), \"{2}\" (index {3})"; // // // Errors, namespace binding public static String ERR_NS_UNDECLARED = "Undeclared namespace prefix \"{0}\""; public static String ERR_NS_UNDECLARED_FOR_ATTR = "Undeclared namespace prefix \"{0}\" (for attribute \"{1}\")"; public static String ERR_NS_REDECL_XML = "Trying to redeclare prefix 'xml' from its default URI '" +XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI +"' to \"{0}\""; public static String ERR_NS_REDECL_XMLNS = "Trying to declare prefix 'xmlns' (illegal as per NS 1.1 #4)"; public static String ERR_NS_REDECL_XML_URI = "Trying to bind URI '" +XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI+" to prefix \"{0}\" (can only bind to 'xml')"; public static String ERR_NS_REDECL_XMLNS_URI = "Trying to bind URI '" +XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI+" to prefix \"{0}\" (can not be explicitly bound)"; public static String ERR_NS_EMPTY = "Non-default namespace can not map to empty URI (as per Namespace 1.0 # 2) in XML 1.0 documents"; // // // Output problems: public static String WERR_PROLOG_CDATA = "Trying to output a CDATA block outside main element tree (in prolog or epilog)"; public static String WERR_PROLOG_ENTITY = "Trying to output an entity reference outside main element tree (in prolog or epilog)"; public static String WERR_PROLOG_SECOND_ROOT = "Trying to output second root, <{0}>"; public static String WERR_PROLOG_NO_ROOT = "Trying to write END_DOCUMENT when document has no root (ie. trying to output empty document)."; public static String WERR_DUP_XML_DECL = "Can not output XML declaration, after other output has already been done."; public static String WERR_CDATA_CONTENT = "Illegal input: CDATA block has embedded ']]>' in it (index {0})"; public static String WERR_COMMENT_CONTENT = "Illegal input: comment content has embedded '--' in it (index {0})"; public static String WERR_PI_CONTENT = "Illegal input: processing instruction content has embedded '?>' in it (index {0})"; public static String WERR_NO_ESCAPING = "Illegal input: {0} contains a character (code {1}) that can only be output as character entity"; public static String WERR_SPACE_CONTENT = "Illegal input: SPACE content has a non-whitespace character (code {0}) in it (index {1})"; public static String WERR_ATTR_NO_ELEM = "Trying to write an attribute when there is no open start element."; public static String WERR_NS_NO_ELEM = "Trying to write a namespace declaration when there is no open start element."; public static String WERR_NAME_EMPTY = "Illegal to pass empty name"; public static String WERR_NAME_ILLEGAL_FIRST_CHAR = "Illegal first name character {0}"; public static String WERR_NAME_ILLEGAL_CHAR = "Illegal name character {0}"; // // // Warning-related: // // Types of warnings we issue via XMLReporter public static String WT_ENT_DECL = "entity declaration"; public static String WT_ELEM_DECL = "element declaration"; public static String WT_ATTR_DECL = "attribute declaration"; public static String WT_XML_DECL = "xml declaration"; public static String WT_DT_DECL = "doctype declaration"; public static String WT_NS_DECL = "namespace declaration";
This is the generic type for warnings based on XMLValidationProblem objects.
/** * This is the generic type for warnings based on XMLValidationProblem * objects. */
public static String WT_VALIDATION = "schema validation"; // // Warning messages: public static String W_MIXED_ENCODINGS = "Inconsistent text encoding; declared as \"{0}\" in xml declaration, application had passed \"{1}\""; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ public static String tokenTypeDesc(int type) { switch (type) { case START_ELEMENT: return "START_ELEMENT"; case END_ELEMENT: return "END_ELEMENT"; case START_DOCUMENT: return "START_DOCUMENT"; case END_DOCUMENT: return "END_DOCUMENT"; case CHARACTERS: return "CHARACTERS"; case CDATA: return "CDATA"; case SPACE: return "SPACE"; case COMMENT: return "COMMENT"; case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: return "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION"; case DTD: return "DTD"; case ENTITY_REFERENCE: return "ENTITY_REFERENCE"; } return "["+type+"]"; } public static void throwInternalError() { throwInternalError(null); } public static void throwInternalError(String type) { String msg = "Internal error"; if (type != null) { msg += ": "+type; } throw new RuntimeException(msg); } }