package com.ctc.wstx.api;

import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.HashMap;


import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLOutputFactory2;
import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamProperties;

import com.ctc.wstx.cfg.OutputConfigFlags;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.ArgUtil;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.DataUtil;
// for property consts

Simple configuration container class; passed by writer factory to writer instance created.
/** * Simple configuration container class; passed by writer factory to writer * instance created. */
public final class WriterConfig extends CommonConfig implements OutputConfigFlags { // // // Constants for standard Stax properties: protected final static String DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC_NS_PREFIX = "wstxns"; // // // First, standard Stax writer properties final static int PROP_AUTOMATIC_NS = 1; // standard property ("repairing") // // // And then additional Stax2 properties: // General output settings final static int PROP_AUTOMATIC_EMPTY_ELEMENTS = 2; final static int PROP_AUTO_CLOSE_OUTPUT = 3; // Namespace settings: final static int PROP_ENABLE_NS = 4; final static int PROP_AUTOMATIC_NS_PREFIX = 5; // Escaping text content/attr values: final static int PROP_TEXT_ESCAPER = 6; final static int PROP_ATTR_VALUE_ESCAPER = 7; // Problem checking/reporting options final static int PROP_PROBLEM_REPORTER = 8; // // // And then custom Wstx properties: // Output settings: final static int PROP_USE_DOUBLE_QUOTES_IN_XML_DECL = 10; final static int PROP_OUTPUT_CDATA_AS_TEXT = 11; final static int PROP_COPY_DEFAULT_ATTRS = 12; final static int PROP_ESCAPE_CR = 13; final static int PROP_ADD_SPACE_AFTER_EMPTY_ELEM = 14; final static int PROP_AUTOMATIC_END_ELEMENTS = 15; // Validation flags: final static int PROP_VALIDATE_STRUCTURE = 16; final static int PROP_VALIDATE_CONTENT = 17; final static int PROP_VALIDATE_ATTR = 18; final static int PROP_VALIDATE_NAMES = 19; final static int PROP_FIX_CONTENT = 20; // Other: final static int PROP_OUTPUT_INVALID_CHAR_HANDLER = 21; final static int PROP_OUTPUT_EMPTY_ELEMENT_HANDLER = 22; // Per-writer instance information final static int PROP_UNDERLYING_STREAM = 30; final static int PROP_UNDERLYING_WRITER = 31; // // // Default settings for additional properties: /* 18-May-2013, feature request WSTX-291 */ final static boolean DEFAULT_USE_DOUBLE_QUOTES_IN_XML_DECL = false; final static boolean DEFAULT_OUTPUT_CDATA_AS_TEXT = false; final static boolean DEFAULT_COPY_DEFAULT_ATTRS = false; /* 26-Dec-2006, TSa: Since CRs have been auto-escaped so far, let's * retain the defaults when adding new properties/features. */ final static boolean DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CR = true;
09-Aug-2007, TSa: Space has always been added after empty element (before closing "/>"), but now it is configurable. 31-Dec-2009, TSa: Intention was to leave it enabled for backwards compatibility: but due to a bug this was NOT the case... ugh.
/** * 09-Aug-2007, TSa: Space has always been added after empty * element (before closing "/>"), but now it is configurable. * 31-Dec-2009, TSa: Intention was to leave it enabled for backwards * compatibility: but due to a bug this was NOT the case... ugh. */
final static boolean DEFAULT_ADD_SPACE_AFTER_EMPTY_ELEM = false; /* How about validation? Let's turn them mostly off by default, since * there are some performance hits when enabling them. */ // Structural checks are easy, cheap and useful... final static boolean DEFAULT_VALIDATE_STRUCTURE = true; /* 17-May-2006, TSa: Since content validation is now much cheaper * (due to integrated transcoders) than it used to be, let's * just enable content validation too. */ final static boolean DEFAULT_VALIDATE_CONTENT = true; final static boolean DEFAULT_VALIDATE_ATTR = false; final static boolean DEFAULT_VALIDATE_NAMES = false; // This only matters if content validation is enabled...
As per [WSTX-120], default was changed to false, from true (default prior to wstx 4.0)
/** * As per [WSTX-120], default was changed to false, * from true (default prior to wstx 4.0) */
//final static boolean DEFAULT_FIX_CONTENT = true; final static boolean DEFAULT_FIX_CONTENT = false;
Default config flags are converted from individual settings, to conform to Stax 1.0 specifications.
/** * Default config flags are converted from individual settings, * to conform to Stax 1.0 specifications. */
For now, full instances start with same settings as J2ME subset
/** * For now, full instances start with same settings as J2ME subset */
final static int DEFAULT_FLAGS_FULL = DEFAULT_FLAGS_J2ME; // // //
Map to use for converting from String property ids to ints described above; useful to allow use of switch later on.
/** * Map to use for converting from String property ids to ints * described above; useful to allow use of switch later on. */
final static HashMap<String,Integer> sProperties = new HashMap<String,Integer>(8); static { // // Stax (1.0) standard ones: sProperties.put(XMLOutputFactory.IS_REPAIRING_NAMESPACES, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_AUTOMATIC_NS)); // // Stax2 standard ones: // Namespace support sProperties.put(XMLStreamProperties.XSP_NAMESPACE_AWARE, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_ENABLE_NS)); // Generic output sProperties.put(XMLOutputFactory2.P_AUTOMATIC_EMPTY_ELEMENTS, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_AUTOMATIC_EMPTY_ELEMENTS)); sProperties.put(XMLOutputFactory2.P_AUTO_CLOSE_OUTPUT, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_AUTO_CLOSE_OUTPUT)); // Namespace support sProperties.put(XMLOutputFactory2.P_AUTOMATIC_NS_PREFIX, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_AUTOMATIC_NS_PREFIX)); // Text/attr value escaping (customized escapers) sProperties.put(XMLOutputFactory2.P_TEXT_ESCAPER, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_TEXT_ESCAPER)); sProperties.put(XMLOutputFactory2.P_ATTR_VALUE_ESCAPER, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_ATTR_VALUE_ESCAPER)); // Problem checking/reporting options sProperties.put(XMLStreamProperties.XSP_PROBLEM_REPORTER, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_PROBLEM_REPORTER)); // // Woodstox-specifics: // Output conversions sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_USE_DOUBLE_QUOTES_IN_XML_DECL, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_USE_DOUBLE_QUOTES_IN_XML_DECL)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_CDATA_AS_TEXT, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_OUTPUT_CDATA_AS_TEXT)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_COPY_DEFAULT_ATTRS, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_COPY_DEFAULT_ATTRS)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_ESCAPE_CR, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_ESCAPE_CR)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_ADD_SPACE_AFTER_EMPTY_ELEM, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_ADD_SPACE_AFTER_EMPTY_ELEM)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_AUTOMATIC_END_ELEMENTS, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_AUTOMATIC_END_ELEMENTS)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_INVALID_CHAR_HANDLER, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_OUTPUT_INVALID_CHAR_HANDLER)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_EMPTY_ELEMENT_HANDLER, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_OUTPUT_EMPTY_ELEMENT_HANDLER)); // Validation settings: sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_VALIDATE_STRUCTURE, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_VALIDATE_STRUCTURE)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_VALIDATE_CONTENT, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_VALIDATE_CONTENT)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_VALIDATE_ATTR, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_VALIDATE_ATTR)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_VALIDATE_NAMES, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_VALIDATE_NAMES)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_FIX_CONTENT, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_FIX_CONTENT)); // Underlying stream/writer access sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_UNDERLYING_STREAM, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_UNDERLYING_STREAM)); sProperties.put(WstxOutputProperties.P_OUTPUT_UNDERLYING_STREAM, DataUtil.Integer(PROP_UNDERLYING_STREAM)); } /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Current config state: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ final boolean mIsJ2MESubset; protected int mConfigFlags; /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // More special(ized) configuration objects ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ //protected String mAutoNsPrefix; //protected EscapingWriterFactory mTextEscaperFactory = null; //protected EscapingWriterFactory mAttrValueEscaperFactory = null; //protected XMLReporter mProblemReporter = null; //protected InvalidCharHandler mInvalidCharHandler = null; Object[] mSpecialProperties = null; private final static int SPEC_PROC_COUNT = 6; private final static int SP_IX_AUTO_NS_PREFIX = 0; private final static int SP_IX_TEXT_ESCAPER_FACTORY = 1; private final static int SP_IX_ATTR_VALUE_ESCAPER_FACTORY = 2; private final static int SP_IX_PROBLEM_REPORTER = 3; private final static int SP_IX_INVALID_CHAR_HANDLER = 4; private final static int SP_IX_EMPTY_ELEMENT_HANDLER = 5; /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Buffer recycling: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
This ThreadLocal contains a SoftRerefence to a BufferRecycler used to provide a low-cost buffer recycling between Reader instances.
/** * This <code>ThreadLocal</code> contains a {@link SoftRerefence} * to a {@link BufferRecycler} used to provide a low-cost * buffer recycling between Reader instances. */
final static ThreadLocal<SoftReference<BufferRecycler>> mRecyclerRef = new ThreadLocal<SoftReference<BufferRecycler>>();
This is the actually container of the recyclable buffers. It is obtained via ThreadLocal/SoftReference combination, if one exists, when Config instance is created. If one does not exists, it will created first time a buffer is returned.
/** * This is the actually container of the recyclable buffers. It * is obtained via ThreadLocal/SoftReference combination, if one * exists, when Config instance is created. If one does not * exists, it will created first time a buffer is returned. */
BufferRecycler mCurrRecycler = null; /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life-cycle: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private WriterConfig(WriterConfig base, boolean j2meSubset, int flags, Object[] specProps) { super(base); mIsJ2MESubset = j2meSubset; mConfigFlags = flags; mSpecialProperties = specProps; /* Ok, let's then see if we can find a buffer recycler. Since they * are lazily constructed, and since GC may just flush them out * on its whims, it's possible we might not find one. That's ok; * we can reconstruct one if and when we are to return one or more * buffers. */ SoftReference<BufferRecycler> ref = mRecyclerRef.get(); if (ref != null) { mCurrRecycler = ref.get(); } } public static WriterConfig createJ2MEDefaults() { return new WriterConfig(null, true, DEFAULT_FLAGS_J2ME, null); } public static WriterConfig createFullDefaults() { return new WriterConfig(null, false, DEFAULT_FLAGS_FULL, null); } public WriterConfig createNonShared() { Object[] specProps; if (mSpecialProperties != null) { int len = mSpecialProperties.length; specProps = new Object[len]; System.arraycopy(mSpecialProperties, 0, specProps, 0, len); } else { specProps = null; } return new WriterConfig(this, mIsJ2MESubset, mConfigFlags, specProps); } /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of abstract methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override protected int findPropertyId(String propName) { Integer I = sProperties.get(propName); return (I == null) ? -1 : I.intValue(); } /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public Object getProperty(int id) { switch (id) { // First, Stax 1.0 properties: case PROP_AUTOMATIC_NS: return automaticNamespacesEnabled() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; // Then Stax2 properties: // First, properties common to input/output factories: case PROP_ENABLE_NS: return willSupportNamespaces() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_PROBLEM_REPORTER: return getProblemReporter(); // Then output-specific properties: case PROP_AUTOMATIC_EMPTY_ELEMENTS: return automaticEmptyElementsEnabled() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_AUTO_CLOSE_OUTPUT: return willAutoCloseOutput() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_AUTOMATIC_NS_PREFIX: return getAutomaticNsPrefix(); case PROP_TEXT_ESCAPER: return getTextEscaperFactory(); case PROP_ATTR_VALUE_ESCAPER: return getAttrValueEscaperFactory(); // // // Then Woodstox-specific properties: case PROP_USE_DOUBLE_QUOTES_IN_XML_DECL: return willUseDoubleQuotesInXmlDecl() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_OUTPUT_CDATA_AS_TEXT: return willOutputCDataAsText() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_COPY_DEFAULT_ATTRS: return willCopyDefaultAttrs() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_ESCAPE_CR: return willEscapeCr() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_ADD_SPACE_AFTER_EMPTY_ELEM: return willAddSpaceAfterEmptyElem() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_AUTOMATIC_END_ELEMENTS: return automaticEndElementsEnabled() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_VALIDATE_STRUCTURE: return willValidateStructure() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_VALIDATE_CONTENT: return willValidateContent() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_VALIDATE_ATTR: return willValidateAttributes() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_VALIDATE_NAMES: return willValidateNames() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_FIX_CONTENT: return willFixContent() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case PROP_OUTPUT_INVALID_CHAR_HANDLER: return getInvalidCharHandler(); case PROP_OUTPUT_EMPTY_ELEMENT_HANDLER: return getEmptyElementHandler(); // And then per-instance properties: not valid via config object case PROP_UNDERLYING_STREAM: case PROP_UNDERLYING_WRITER: throw new IllegalStateException("Can not access per-stream-writer properties via factory"); } throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: no handler for property with internal id "+id+"."); }
Returns:True, if the specified property was succesfully set to specified value; false if its value was not changed
/** * @return True, if the specified property was <b>succesfully</b> * set to specified value; false if its value was not changed */
@Override public boolean setProperty(String name, int id, Object value) { switch (id) { // First, Stax 1.0 properties: case PROP_AUTOMATIC_NS: enableAutomaticNamespaces(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; // // // Then Stax2 ones: case PROP_ENABLE_NS: doSupportNamespaces(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_PROBLEM_REPORTER: setProblemReporter((XMLReporter) value); break; case PROP_AUTOMATIC_EMPTY_ELEMENTS: enableAutomaticEmptyElements(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_AUTO_CLOSE_OUTPUT: doAutoCloseOutput(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_AUTOMATIC_NS_PREFIX: // value should be a String, but let's verify that: setAutomaticNsPrefix(value.toString()); break; case PROP_TEXT_ESCAPER: setTextEscaperFactory((EscapingWriterFactory) value); break; case PROP_ATTR_VALUE_ESCAPER: setAttrValueEscaperFactory((EscapingWriterFactory) value); break; // // // Then Woodstox-specific ones: case PROP_USE_DOUBLE_QUOTES_IN_XML_DECL: doUseDoubleQuotesInXmlDecl(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_OUTPUT_CDATA_AS_TEXT: doOutputCDataAsText(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_COPY_DEFAULT_ATTRS: doCopyDefaultAttrs(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_ESCAPE_CR: doEscapeCr(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_ADD_SPACE_AFTER_EMPTY_ELEM: doAddSpaceAfterEmptyElem(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_AUTOMATIC_END_ELEMENTS: enableAutomaticEndElements(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_VALIDATE_STRUCTURE: doValidateStructure(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_VALIDATE_CONTENT: doValidateContent(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_VALIDATE_ATTR: doValidateAttributes(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_VALIDATE_NAMES: doValidateNames(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_FIX_CONTENT: doFixContent(ArgUtil.convertToBoolean(name, value)); break; case PROP_OUTPUT_INVALID_CHAR_HANDLER: setInvalidCharHandler((InvalidCharHandler) value); break; case PROP_OUTPUT_EMPTY_ELEMENT_HANDLER: setEmptyElementHandler((EmptyElementHandler) value); break; case PROP_UNDERLYING_STREAM: case PROP_UNDERLYING_WRITER: throw new IllegalStateException("Can not modify per-stream-writer properties via factory"); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: no handler for property with internal id "+id+"."); } return true; } /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extended Woodstox API, accessors/modifiers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ // // // "Raw" accessors for on/off properties: public int getConfigFlags() { return mConfigFlags; } // // // Accessors, standard properties: public boolean automaticNamespacesEnabled() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_AUTOMATIC_NS); } // // // Accessors, Woodstox properties: public boolean automaticEmptyElementsEnabled() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_AUTOMATIC_EMPTY_ELEMENTS); } public boolean willAutoCloseOutput() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_AUTO_CLOSE_OUTPUT); } public boolean willSupportNamespaces() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_ENABLE_NS); }
/** * @since 4.2.2 */
public boolean willUseDoubleQuotesInXmlDecl() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_USE_DOUBLE_QUOTES_IN_XML_DECL); } public boolean willOutputCDataAsText() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_OUTPUT_CDATA_AS_TEXT); } public boolean willCopyDefaultAttrs() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_COPY_DEFAULT_ATTRS); } public boolean willEscapeCr() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_ESCAPE_CR); } public boolean willAddSpaceAfterEmptyElem() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_ADD_SPACE_AFTER_EMPTY_ELEM); } public boolean automaticEndElementsEnabled() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_AUTOMATIC_END_ELEMENTS); } public boolean willValidateStructure() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_VALIDATE_STRUCTURE); } public boolean willValidateContent() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_VALIDATE_CONTENT); } public boolean willValidateAttributes() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_VALIDATE_ATTR); } public boolean willValidateNames() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_VALIDATE_NAMES); } public boolean willFixContent() { return hasConfigFlag(CFG_FIX_CONTENT); }
Returns:Prefix to use as the base for automatically generated namespace prefixes ("namespace prefix prefix", so to speak). Defaults to "wstxns".
/** * @return Prefix to use as the base for automatically generated * namespace prefixes ("namespace prefix prefix", so to speak). * Defaults to "wstxns". */
public String getAutomaticNsPrefix() { String prefix = (String) getSpecialProperty(SP_IX_AUTO_NS_PREFIX); if (prefix == null) { prefix = DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC_NS_PREFIX; } return prefix; } public EscapingWriterFactory getTextEscaperFactory() { return (EscapingWriterFactory) getSpecialProperty(SP_IX_TEXT_ESCAPER_FACTORY); } public EscapingWriterFactory getAttrValueEscaperFactory() { return (EscapingWriterFactory) getSpecialProperty(SP_IX_ATTR_VALUE_ESCAPER_FACTORY); } public XMLReporter getProblemReporter() { return (XMLReporter) getSpecialProperty(SP_IX_PROBLEM_REPORTER); } public InvalidCharHandler getInvalidCharHandler() { return (InvalidCharHandler) getSpecialProperty(SP_IX_INVALID_CHAR_HANDLER); } public EmptyElementHandler getEmptyElementHandler() { return (EmptyElementHandler) getSpecialProperty(SP_IX_EMPTY_ELEMENT_HANDLER); } // // // Mutators: // Standard properies: public void enableAutomaticNamespaces(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_AUTOMATIC_NS, state); } // Wstx properies: public void enableAutomaticEmptyElements(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_AUTOMATIC_EMPTY_ELEMENTS, state); } public void doAutoCloseOutput(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_AUTO_CLOSE_OUTPUT, state); } public void doSupportNamespaces(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_ENABLE_NS, state); }
/** * @since 4.2.2 */
public void doUseDoubleQuotesInXmlDecl(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_USE_DOUBLE_QUOTES_IN_XML_DECL, state); } public void doOutputCDataAsText(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_OUTPUT_CDATA_AS_TEXT, state); } public void doCopyDefaultAttrs(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_COPY_DEFAULT_ATTRS, state); } public void doEscapeCr(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_ESCAPE_CR, state); } public void doAddSpaceAfterEmptyElem(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_ADD_SPACE_AFTER_EMPTY_ELEM, state); } public void enableAutomaticEndElements(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_AUTOMATIC_END_ELEMENTS, state); } public void doValidateStructure(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_VALIDATE_STRUCTURE, state); } public void doValidateContent(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_VALIDATE_CONTENT, state); } public void doValidateAttributes(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_VALIDATE_ATTR, state); } public void doValidateNames(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_VALIDATE_NAMES, state); } public void doFixContent(boolean state) { setConfigFlag(CFG_FIX_CONTENT, state); }
  • prefix – Prefix to use as the base for automatically generated namespace prefixes ("namespace prefix prefix", so to speak).
/** * @param prefix Prefix to use as the base for automatically generated * namespace prefixes ("namespace prefix prefix", so to speak). */
public void setAutomaticNsPrefix(String prefix) { setSpecialProperty(SP_IX_AUTO_NS_PREFIX, prefix); } public void setTextEscaperFactory(EscapingWriterFactory f) { setSpecialProperty(SP_IX_TEXT_ESCAPER_FACTORY, f); } public void setAttrValueEscaperFactory(EscapingWriterFactory f) { setSpecialProperty(SP_IX_ATTR_VALUE_ESCAPER_FACTORY, f); } public void setProblemReporter(XMLReporter rep) { setSpecialProperty(SP_IX_PROBLEM_REPORTER, rep); } public void setInvalidCharHandler(InvalidCharHandler h) { setSpecialProperty(SP_IX_INVALID_CHAR_HANDLER, h); } public void setEmptyElementHandler(EmptyElementHandler h) { setSpecialProperty(SP_IX_EMPTY_ELEMENT_HANDLER, h); } /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extended Woodstox API, profiles ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
For Woodstox, this profile enables all basic well-formedness checks, including checking for name validity.
/** * For Woodstox, this profile enables all basic well-formedness checks, * including checking for name validity. */
public void configureForXmlConformance() { doValidateAttributes(true); doValidateContent(true); doValidateStructure(true); doValidateNames(true); }
For Woodstox, this profile enables all basic well-formedness checks, including checking for name validity, and also enables all matching "fix-me" properties (currently only content-fixing property exists).
/** * For Woodstox, this profile enables all basic well-formedness checks, * including checking for name validity, and also enables all matching * "fix-me" properties (currently only content-fixing property exists). */
public void configureForRobustness() { doValidateAttributes(true); doValidateStructure(true); doValidateNames(true); /* This the actual "meat": we do want to not only check if the * content is ok, but also "fix" it if not, and if there's a way * to fix it: */ doValidateContent(true); doFixContent(true); }
For Woodstox, setting this profile disables most checks for validity; specifically anything that can have measurable performance impact.
/** * For Woodstox, setting this profile disables most checks for validity; * specifically anything that can have measurable performance impact. * */
public void configureForSpeed() { doValidateAttributes(false); doValidateContent(false); doValidateNames(false); // Structural validation is cheap: can be left enabled (if already so) //doValidateStructure(false); } /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Buffer recycling: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
Method called to allocate intermediate recyclable copy buffers
/** * Method called to allocate intermediate recyclable copy buffers */
public char[] allocMediumCBuffer(int minSize) { if (mCurrRecycler != null) { char[] result = mCurrRecycler.getMediumCBuffer(minSize); if (result != null) { return result; } } return new char[minSize]; } public void freeMediumCBuffer(char[] buffer) { // Need to create (and assign) the buffer? if (mCurrRecycler == null) { mCurrRecycler = createRecycler(); } mCurrRecycler.returnMediumCBuffer(buffer); } public char[] allocFullCBuffer(int minSize) { if (mCurrRecycler != null) { char[] result = mCurrRecycler.getFullCBuffer(minSize); if (result != null) { return result; } } return new char[minSize]; } public void freeFullCBuffer(char[] buffer) { // Need to create (and assign) the buffer? if (mCurrRecycler == null) { mCurrRecycler = createRecycler(); } mCurrRecycler.returnFullCBuffer(buffer); } public byte[] allocFullBBuffer(int minSize) { if (mCurrRecycler != null) { byte[] result = mCurrRecycler.getFullBBuffer(minSize); if (result != null) { return result; } } return new byte[minSize]; } public void freeFullBBuffer(byte[] buffer) { // Need to create (and assign) the buffer? if (mCurrRecycler == null) { mCurrRecycler = createRecycler(); } mCurrRecycler.returnFullBBuffer(buffer); } private BufferRecycler createRecycler() { BufferRecycler recycler = new BufferRecycler(); // No way to reuse/reset SoftReference, have to create new always: mRecyclerRef.set(new SoftReference<BufferRecycler>(recycler)); return recycler; } /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private void setConfigFlag(int flag, boolean state) { if (state) { mConfigFlags |= flag; } else { mConfigFlags &= ~flag; } } private final boolean hasConfigFlag(int flag) { return ((mConfigFlags & flag) == flag); } private final Object getSpecialProperty(int ix) { if (mSpecialProperties == null) { return null; } return mSpecialProperties[ix]; } private final void setSpecialProperty(int ix, Object value) { if (mSpecialProperties == null) { mSpecialProperties = new Object[SPEC_PROC_COUNT]; } mSpecialProperties[ix] = value; } }