 * Copyright DataStax, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;

A profile in the driver's configuration.

It is a collection of typed options.

Getters (such as getBoolean(DriverOption)) are self-explanatory.

withXxx methods (such as OngoingConfigOptions<DriverExecutionProfile>.withBoolean(DriverOption, boolean)) create a "derived" profile, which is an on-the-fly copy of the profile with the new value (which might be a new option, or overwrite an existing one). If the original configuration is reloaded, all derived profiles get updated as well. For best performance, such derived profiles should be used sparingly; it is better to have built-in profiles for common scenarios.

See Also:
/** * A profile in the driver's configuration. * * <p>It is a collection of typed options. * * <p>Getters (such as {@link #getBoolean(DriverOption)}) are self-explanatory. * * <p>{@code withXxx} methods (such as {@link #withBoolean(DriverOption, boolean)}) create a * "derived" profile, which is an on-the-fly <b>copy</b> of the profile with the new value (which * might be a new option, or overwrite an existing one). If the original configuration is reloaded, * all derived profiles get updated as well. For best performance, such derived profiles should be * used sparingly; it is better to have built-in profiles for common scenarios. * * @see DriverConfig */
public interface DriverExecutionProfile extends OngoingConfigOptions<DriverExecutionProfile> {
The name of the default profile (the string "default").

Named profiles can't use this name. If you try to declare such a profile, a runtime error will be thrown.

/** * The name of the default profile (the string {@value}). * * <p>Named profiles can't use this name. If you try to declare such a profile, a runtime error * will be thrown. */
String DEFAULT_NAME = "default";
The name of the profile in the configuration.

Derived profiles inherit the name of their parent.

/** * The name of the profile in the configuration. * * <p>Derived profiles inherit the name of their parent. */
@NonNull String getName(); boolean isDefined(@NonNull DriverOption option); boolean getBoolean(@NonNull DriverOption option); default boolean getBoolean(@NonNull DriverOption option, boolean defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getBoolean(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull List<Boolean> getBooleanList(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default List<Boolean> getBooleanList( @NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable List<Boolean> defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getBooleanList(option) : defaultValue; } int getInt(@NonNull DriverOption option); default int getInt(@NonNull DriverOption option, int defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getInt(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull List<Integer> getIntList(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default List<Integer> getIntList( @NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable List<Integer> defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getIntList(option) : defaultValue; } long getLong(@NonNull DriverOption option); default long getLong(@NonNull DriverOption option, long defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getLong(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull List<Long> getLongList(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default List<Long> getLongList(@NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable List<Long> defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getLongList(option) : defaultValue; } double getDouble(@NonNull DriverOption option); default double getDouble(@NonNull DriverOption option, double defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getDouble(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull List<Double> getDoubleList(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default List<Double> getDoubleList( @NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable List<Double> defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getDoubleList(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull String getString(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default String getString(@NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable String defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getString(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull List<String> getStringList(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default List<String> getStringList( @NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable List<String> defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getStringList(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull Map<String, String> getStringMap(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default Map<String, String> getStringMap( @NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable Map<String, String> defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getStringMap(option) : defaultValue; }
Returns:a size in bytes. This is separate from getLong(DriverOption), in case implementations want to allow users to provide sizes in a more human-readable way, for example "256 MB".
/** * @return a size in bytes. This is separate from {@link #getLong(DriverOption)}, in case * implementations want to allow users to provide sizes in a more human-readable way, for * example "256 MB". */
long getBytes(@NonNull DriverOption option); default long getBytes(@NonNull DriverOption option, long defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getBytes(option) : defaultValue; }
See Also:
/** @see #getBytes(DriverOption) */
@NonNull List<Long> getBytesList(DriverOption option); @Nullable default List<Long> getBytesList(DriverOption option, @Nullable List<Long> defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getBytesList(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull Duration getDuration(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default Duration getDuration(@NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable Duration defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getDuration(option) : defaultValue; } @NonNull List<Duration> getDurationList(@NonNull DriverOption option); @Nullable default List<Duration> getDurationList( @NonNull DriverOption option, @Nullable List<Duration> defaultValue) { return isDefined(option) ? getDurationList(option) : defaultValue; }
Returns a representation of all the child options under a given option.

This is only used to compare configuration sections across profiles, so the actual implementation does not matter, as long as identical sections (same options with same values, regardless of order) compare as equal and have the same hashCode().

/** * Returns a representation of all the child options under a given option. * * <p>This is only used to compare configuration sections across profiles, so the actual * implementation does not matter, as long as identical sections (same options with same values, * regardless of order) compare as equal and have the same {@code hashCode()}. */
@NonNull Object getComparisonKey(@NonNull DriverOption option);
Enumerates all the entries in this profile, including those that were inherited from another profile.

The keys are raw strings that match DriverOption.getPath().

The values are implementation-dependent. With the driver's default implementation, the possible types are String, Number, Boolean, Map<String,Object>, List<Object>, or null.

/** * Enumerates all the entries in this profile, including those that were inherited from another * profile. * * <p>The keys are raw strings that match {@link DriverOption#getPath()}. * * <p>The values are implementation-dependent. With the driver's default implementation, the * possible types are {@code String}, {@code Number}, {@code Boolean}, {@code Map<String,Object>}, * {@code List<Object>}, or {@code null}. */
@NonNull SortedSet<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet(); }