package com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent;

 * #%L
 * Conversant Disruptor
 * ~~
 * © 2016, Conversant, Inc. Conversant® is a trademark of Conversant, Inc.
 * ~~
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

This is a lock free blocking queue that implements a fixed length queue backed by a ring buffer. Access to the ring buffer is sequenced by iterating a pair of atomic sequence numbers. One is for the head and another for the tail. When a particular thread would like to append to the queue, it obtains the sequence number for the tail. When the thread is ready to commit changes, a machine compare and set is used to prove that the sequence number matches the expected value. In other words, no other thread has modified the sequence. If the sequence number does not match, the operation fails. If the sequence number matches expectation the thread can continue to operate on the queue's ring buffer without contention. This check cleverly avoids any synchronization thus the moniker "lock free." The lack of synchronization results in significant performance advantages. For consumers, access to the back of the ring is controlled by a memory barrier mechanism, namely the "volatile" keyword. Spin locks are employed to ensure the ring tail cursor is up to date prior to updating it. Once the ring cursor is updated, the reader/consumer can be assured that there is data available to read. The consumer thread then employs a mechanism similar to the producer to validate access to the ring. A sequence number for the head of the ring is obtained and when the reader would like to commit the change to the buffer it uses the machine compare and set to prove that no other thread has modified the ring in the interim. This pattern of access is roughly an order of magnitude faster than ArrayBlockingQueue. It is roughly 2x faster than LinkedTransferQueue for similar operations/conditions. Given that LinkedTransferQueue is "state of the art" in terms of Java performance, it is clear that the Disruptor mechanism offers advantages over other strategies. The only memory allocation in this object occurs at object creation and in the clone and drainTo methods. Otherwise, no garbage collection will ever be triggered by calls to the disruptor queue. The drainTo method implements an efficient "batch" mechanism, and may be used to safely claim all of the available queue entries. Drain will not perform as well when it is dealing with contention from other reader threads. Overall the disruptor pattern is weak in dealing with massive thread contention, however efforts have been made to deal with that case here. As always, one should test their intended strategy.
Author:John Cairns <> Date: 4/25/12 Time: 12:00 PM
/** * * This is a lock free blocking queue that implements * a fixed length queue backed by a ring buffer. Access to the ring buffer * is sequenced by iterating a pair of atomic sequence numbers. One is * for the head and another for the tail. * * When a particular thread would like to append to the queue, it obtains the * sequence number for the tail. When the thread is ready to commit changes, * a machine compare and set is used to prove that the sequence number matches * the expected value. In other words, no other thread has modified the sequence. * * If the sequence number does not match, the operation fails. If the * sequence number matches expectation the thread can continue to operate * on the queue's ring buffer without contention. This check cleverly * avoids any synchronization thus the moniker "lock free." The lack * of synchronization results in significant performance advantages. * * For consumers, access to the back of the ring is controlled by a memory * barrier mechanism, namely the "volatile" keyword. Spin locks are employed * to ensure the ring tail cursor is up to date prior to updating it. Once the * ring cursor is updated, the reader/consumer can be assured that there * is data available to read. The consumer thread then employs a * mechanism similar to the producer to validate access to the ring. * * A sequence number for the head of the ring is obtained and when * the reader would like to commit the change to the buffer it * uses the machine compare and set to prove that no other thread * has modified the ring in the interim. * * This pattern of access is roughly an order of magnitude faster than ArrayBlockingQueue. * It is roughly 2x faster than LinkedTransferQueue for similar operations/conditions. * Given that LinkedTransferQueue is "state of the art" in terms of Java performance, * it is clear that the Disruptor mechanism offers advantages over other * strategies. * * The only memory allocation in this object occurs at object creation and in the clone * and drainTo methods. Otherwise, no garbage collection will ever be triggered by * calls to the disruptor queue. * * The drainTo method implements an efficient "batch" mechanism, and may be * used to safely claim all of the available queue entries. Drain will not * perform as well when it is dealing with contention from other reader threads. * * Overall the disruptor pattern is weak in dealing with massive thread contention, * however efforts have been made to deal with that case here. As always, * one should test their intended strategy. * * @author John Cairns {@literal <>} Date: 4/25/12 Time: 12:00 PM */
public final class DisruptorBlockingQueue<E> extends MultithreadConcurrentQueue<E> implements Serializable, Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, BlockingQueue<E>, Queue<E> { // locking objects used for independent locking // of not empty, not full status, for java BlockingQueue support // if MultithreadConcurrentQueue is used directly, these calls are // optimized out and have no impact on timing values // protected final Condition queueNotFullCondition; protected final Condition queueNotEmptyCondition;

Construct a blocking queue of the given fixed capacity.

Note: actual capacity will be the next power of two larger than capacity.
  • capacity – maximum capacity of this queue
/** * <p> * Construct a blocking queue of the given fixed capacity. * </p> * Note: actual capacity will be the next power of two * larger than capacity. * * @param capacity maximum capacity of this queue */
public DisruptorBlockingQueue(final int capacity) { // waiting locking gives substantial performance improvements // but makes disruptor aggressive with cpu utilization this(capacity, SpinPolicy.WAITING); }

Construct a blocking queue with a given fixed capacity

Note: actual capacity will be the next power of two larger than capacity. Waiting locking may be used in servers that are tuned for it, waiting locking provides a high performance locking implementation which is approximately a factor of 2 improvement in throughput (40M/s for 1-1 thread transfers) However waiting locking is more CPU aggressive and causes servers that may be configured with far too many threads to show very high load averages. This is probably not as detrimental as it is annoying.
  • capacity – - the queue capacity, suggest using a power of 2
  • spinPolicy – - determine the level of cpu aggressiveness in waiting
/** * <p> * Construct a blocking queue with a given fixed capacity * </p> * Note: actual capacity will be the next power of two * larger than capacity. * * Waiting locking may be used in servers that are tuned for it, waiting * locking provides a high performance locking implementation which is approximately * a factor of 2 improvement in throughput (40M/s for 1-1 thread transfers) * * However waiting locking is more CPU aggressive and causes servers that may be * configured with far too many threads to show very high load averages. This is probably * not as detrimental as it is annoying. * * @param capacity - the queue capacity, suggest using a power of 2 * @param spinPolicy - determine the level of cpu aggressiveness in waiting */
public DisruptorBlockingQueue(final int capacity, final SpinPolicy spinPolicy) { super(capacity); switch(spinPolicy) { case BLOCKING: queueNotFullCondition = new QueueNotFull(); queueNotEmptyCondition = new QueueNotEmpty(); break; case SPINNING: queueNotFullCondition = new SpinningQueueNotFull(); queueNotEmptyCondition = new SpinningQueueNotEmpty(); break; case WAITING: default: queueNotFullCondition = new WaitingQueueNotFull(); queueNotEmptyCondition = new WaitingQueueNotEmpty(); } }

Construct a blocking queue of the given fixed capacity

Note: actual capacity will be the next power of two larger than capacity.

The values from the collection, c, are appended to the queue in iteration order. If the number of elements in the collection exceeds the actual capacity, then the additional elements overwrite the previous ones until all elements have been written once.
  • capacity – maximum capacity of this queue
  • c – A collection to use to populate inital values
/** * <p> * Construct a blocking queue of the given fixed capacity * </p><p> * Note: actual capacity will be the next power of two * larger than capacity. * </p> * The values from the collection, c, are appended to the * queue in iteration order. If the number of elements * in the collection exceeds the actual capacity, then the * additional elements overwrite the previous ones until * all elements have been written once. * * @param capacity maximum capacity of this queue * @param c A collection to use to populate inital values */
public DisruptorBlockingQueue(final int capacity, Collection<? extends E> c) { this(capacity); for (final E e : c) { offer(e); } } @Override public final boolean offer(E e) { try { return super.offer(e); } finally { queueNotEmptyCondition.signal(); } } @Override public final E poll() { final E e = super.poll(); // not full now queueNotFullCondition.signal(); return e; } @Override public int remove(final E[] e) { final int n = super.remove(e); // queue can not be full queueNotFullCondition.signal(); return n; } @Override public E remove() { return poll(); } @Override public E element() { final E val = peek(); if (val != null) return val; throw new NoSuchElementException("No element found."); } @Override public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException { // add object, wait for space to become available while (offer(e) == false) { if(Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } queueNotFullCondition.await(); } } @Override public boolean offer(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { for (;;) { if (offer(e)) { return true; } else { // wait for available capacity and try again if (!Condition.waitStatus(timeout, unit, queueNotFullCondition)) return false; } } } @Override public E take() throws InterruptedException { for (;;) { E pollObj = poll(); if (pollObj != null) { return pollObj; } if(Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } queueNotEmptyCondition.await(); } } @Override public E poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { for(;;) { E pollObj = poll(); if(pollObj != null) { return pollObj; } else { // wait for the queue to have at least one element or time out if(!Condition.waitStatus(timeout, unit, queueNotEmptyCondition)) return null; } } } @Override public void clear() { super.clear(); queueNotFullCondition.signal(); } @Override public int remainingCapacity() { return size - size(); } @Override public int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c) { return drainTo(c, size()); } @Override // drain the whole queue at once public int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c, int maxElements) { // required by spec if (this == c) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not drain to self."); /* This employs a "batch" mechanism to load all objects from the ring * in a single update. This could have significant cost savings in comparison * with poll, however it does require a memory allocation. */ // save out the values - java should allocate this object on the stack final E[] pollObj = (E[]) new Object[Math.min(size(), maxElements)]; final int nEle = remove(pollObj); int nRead = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nEle; i++) { if (c.add((E) pollObj[i])) nRead++; // else invalid state -- object is lost -- see javadoc for drainTo } // only return the number that was actually added to the collection return nRead; } @Override public Object[] toArray() { final E[] e = (E[]) new Object[size()]; toArray(e); return e; } @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { remove((E[])a); return a; } @Override public boolean add(E e) { if (offer(e)) return true; throw new IllegalStateException("queue is full"); }

Provided for compatibility with the BlockingQueue interface only.

This interface has been fixed to be properly concurrent, but will block the entire queue, it should not be used!
/** * <p> * Provided for compatibility with the BlockingQueue interface only. * </p> * This interface has been fixed to be properly concurrent, but will * block the entire queue, it should not be used! */
@Override public boolean remove(Object o) { for (;;) { final long head = this.head.sum(); // we are optimistically advancing the head by one // if the object does not exist we have to put it back if (headCursor.compareAndSet(head, head + 1)) { for (;;) { final long tail = this.tail.sum(); if (tailCursor.compareAndSet(tail, tail + 1)) { // number removed int n = 0; // just blocked access to the entire queue - go for it for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { final int slot = (int) ((this.head.sum() + i) & mask); if (buffer[slot] != null && buffer[slot].equals(o)) { n++; for (int j = i; j > 0; j--) { final int cSlot = (int) ((this.head.sum() + j - 1) & mask); final int nextSlot = (int) ((this.head.sum() + j) & mask); // overwrite ith element with previous buffer[nextSlot] = buffer[cSlot]; } } } if (n > 0) { // head is advanced once for each headCursor.set(head + n); // undo the change to tail state - this was only // done to block others from changing tailCursor.set(tail); // tail is unchanged this.head.add(n); // queue is not full now queueNotFullCondition.signal(); return true; } else { // no change to the queue - unblock others tailCursor.set(tail); headCursor.set(head); return false; } } } } } } @Override public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) { for (final Object o : c) { if (!contains(o)) return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) { boolean rc = false; for (final E e : c) { if (offer(e)) { rc = true; }; } return rc; } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { boolean isChanged = false; for (final Object o : c) { if (remove(o)) isChanged = true; } return isChanged; } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { boolean isChanged = false; for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { final int headSlot = (int) ((head.sum() + i) & mask); if (buffer[headSlot] != null && !c.contains(buffer[headSlot])) { if (remove(buffer[headSlot])) { // backtrack one step, we just backed values up at this point i--; isChanged = true; } } } return isChanged; } @Override public Iterator<E> iterator() { return new RingIter(); } private boolean isFull() { final long queueStart = tail.sum() - size; return head.sum() == queueStart; } private final class RingIter implements Iterator<E> { int dx = 0; E lastObj = null; private RingIter() { } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return dx < size(); } @Override public E next() { final long pollPos = head.sum(); final int slot = (int) ((pollPos + dx++) & mask); lastObj = buffer[slot]; return lastObj; } @Override public void remove() { DisruptorBlockingQueue.this.remove(lastObj); } } // condition used for signaling queue is full private final class QueueNotFull extends AbstractCondition { @Override // @return boolean - true if the queue is full public final boolean test() { return isFull(); } } // condition used for signaling queue is empty private final class QueueNotEmpty extends AbstractCondition { @Override // @return boolean - true if the queue is empty public final boolean test() { return isEmpty(); } } // condition used for signaling queue is full private final class WaitingQueueNotFull extends AbstractWaitingCondition { @Override // @return boolean - true if the queue is full public final boolean test() { return isFull(); } } // condition used for signaling queue is empty private final class WaitingQueueNotEmpty extends AbstractWaitingCondition { @Override // @return boolean - true if the queue is empty public final boolean test() { return isEmpty(); } } private final class SpinningQueueNotFull extends AbstractSpinningCondition { @Override // @return boolean - true if the queue is full public final boolean test() { return isFull(); } } // condition used for signaling queue is empty private final class SpinningQueueNotEmpty extends AbstractSpinningCondition { @Override // @return boolean - true if the queue is empty public final boolean test() { return isEmpty(); } } }