Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Barchart, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the OSI BSD License.
/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Barchart, Inc. <> * * All rights reserved. Licensed under the OSI BSD License. * * */
package com.barchart.udt; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
note: do not change field names; used by JNI
/** * note: do not change field names; used by JNI */
public class MonitorUDT { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MonitorUDT.class); protected final SocketUDT socketUDT; protected MonitorUDT(final SocketUDT socketUDT) { this.socketUDT = socketUDT; } // UDT API // ### global measurements
time since the UDT entity is started, in milliseconds.
/** time since the UDT entity is started, in milliseconds. */
protected volatile long msTimeStamp; public long millisSinceStart() { return msTimeStamp; }
total number of sent data packets, including retransmissions
/** * total number of sent data packets, including retransmissions */
protected volatile long pktSentTotal; public long globalSentTotal() { return pktSentTotal; }
total number of received packets
/** * total number of received packets */
protected volatile long pktRecvTotal; public long globalReceivedTotal() { return pktRecvTotal; }
total number of lost packets (sender side)
/** * total number of lost packets (sender side) */
protected volatile int pktSndLossTotal; public int globalSenderLost() { return pktSndLossTotal; }
total number of lost packets (receiver side)
/** * total number of lost packets (receiver side) */
protected volatile int pktRcvLossTotal; public int globalReceiverLost() { return pktRcvLossTotal; }
total number of retransmitted packets
/** * total number of retransmitted packets */
protected volatile int pktRetransTotal; public int globalRetransmittedTotal() { return pktRetransTotal; }
total number of sent ACK packets
/** * total number of sent ACK packets */
protected volatile int pktSentACKTotal; public int globalSentAckTotal() { return pktSentACKTotal; }
total number of received ACK packets
/** * total number of received ACK packets */
protected volatile int pktRecvACKTotal; public int globalReceivedAckTotal() { return pktRecvACKTotal; }
total number of sent NAK packets
/** * total number of sent NAK packets */
protected volatile int pktSentNAKTotal; public int globalSentNakTotal() { return pktSentNAKTotal; }
total number of received NAK packets
/** * total number of received NAK packets */
protected volatile int pktRecvNAKTotal; public int globalReceivedNakTotal() { return pktRecvNAKTotal; }
total time duration when UDT is sending data (idle time exclusive)
/** * total time duration when UDT is sending data (idle time exclusive) */
protected volatile long usSndDurationTotal; public long globalMicrosSendDurationTotal() { return usSndDurationTotal; } // ### local measurements
number of sent data packets, including retransmissions
/** * number of sent data packets, including retransmissions */
protected volatile long pktSent; public long localPacketsSent() { return pktSent; }
number of received packets
/** * number of received packets */
protected volatile long pktRecv; public long localPacketsReceived() { return pktRecv; }
number of lost packets (sender side)
/** * number of lost packets (sender side) */
protected volatile int pktSndLoss; public int localSenderLost() { return pktSndLoss; }
number of lost packets (receiverer side)
/** * number of lost packets (receiverer side) */
protected volatile int pktRcvLoss; public int localReceiverLost() { return pktRcvLoss; }
number of retransmitted packets
/** * number of retransmitted packets */
protected volatile int pktRetrans; public int localRetransmitted() { return pktRetrans; }
number of sent ACK packets
/** * number of sent ACK packets */
protected volatile int pktSentACK; public int localSentAck() { return pktSentACK; }
number of received ACK packets
/** * number of received ACK packets */
protected volatile int pktRecvACK; public int localReceivedAck() { return pktRecvACK; }
number of sent NAK packets
/** * number of sent NAK packets */
protected volatile int pktSentNAK; public int localSentNak() { return pktSentNAK; }
number of received NAK packets
/** * number of received NAK packets */
protected volatile int pktRecvNAK; public int localReceivedNak() { return pktRecvNAK; }
sending rate in Mb/s
/** * sending rate in Mb/s */
protected volatile double mbpsSendRate; public double mbpsSendRate() { return mbpsSendRate; }
receiving rate in Mb/s
/** * receiving rate in Mb/s */
protected volatile double mbpsRecvRate; public double mbpsReceiveRate() { return mbpsRecvRate; }
busy sending time (i.e., idle time exclusive)
/** * busy sending time (i.e., idle time exclusive) */
protected volatile long usSndDuration; public long microsSendTime() { return usSndDuration; } // ### instant measurements
packet sending period, in microseconds
/** * packet sending period, in microseconds */
protected volatile double usPktSndPeriod; public double currentSendPeriod() { return usPktSndPeriod; }
flow window size, in number of packets
/** * flow window size, in number of packets */
protected volatile int pktFlowWindow; public int currentFlowWindow() { return pktFlowWindow; }
congestion window size, in number of packets
/** * congestion window size, in number of packets */
protected volatile int pktCongestionWindow; public int currentCongestionWindow() { return pktCongestionWindow; }
number of packets on flight
/** * number of packets on flight */
protected volatile int pktFlightSize; public int currentFlightSize() { return pktFlightSize; }
RTT, in milliseconds
/** * RTT, in milliseconds */
protected volatile double msRTT; public double currentMillisRTT() { return msRTT; }
estimated bandwidth, in Mb/s
/** * estimated bandwidth, in Mb/s */
protected volatile double mbpsBandwidth; public double currentMbpsBandwidth() { return mbpsBandwidth; }
available UDT sender buffer size
/** * available UDT sender buffer size */
protected volatile int byteAvailSndBuf; public int currentAvailableInSender() { return byteAvailSndBuf; }
available UDT receiver buffer size
/** * available UDT receiver buffer size */
protected volatile int byteAvailRcvBuf; public int currentAvailableInReceiver() { return byteAvailRcvBuf; }
current monitor status snapshot for all parameters
/** * current monitor status snapshot for all parameters */
public void appendSnapshot(final StringBuilder text) { text.append("\n\t"); text.append(String.format("[id: 0x%08x]",; final Field fieldArray[] = MonitorUDT.class.getDeclaredFields(); for (final Field field : fieldArray) { if (!isNumeric(field)) { continue; } try { field.setAccessible(true); final String fieldName = field.getName(); final String fieldValue = field.get(this).toString(); text.append("\n\t"); text.append(fieldName); text.append(" = "); text.append(fieldValue); } catch (final Exception e) { log.error("unexpected", e); } } final double localSendLoss = 100.0 * pktSndLoss / pktSent; text.append("\n\t% localSendLoss = "); text.append(localSendLoss); final double localReceiveLoss = 100.0 * pktRcvLoss / pktRecv; text.append("\n\t% localReceiveLoss = "); text.append(localReceiveLoss); } protected boolean isNumeric(final Field field) { final Class<?> fieledType = field.getType(); return fieledType == int.class || fieledType == long.class || fieledType == double.class; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(1024); appendSnapshot(text); return text.toString(); } }