 * Copyright 2003,2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.sf.cglib.core;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;

import net.sf.cglib.core.internal.CustomizerRegistry;
import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;

public class EmitUtils {
    private static final Signature CSTRUCT_NULL =
    private static final Signature CSTRUCT_THROWABLE =

    private static final Signature GET_NAME =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("String getName()");
    private static final Signature HASH_CODE =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("int hashCode()");
    private static final Signature EQUALS =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("boolean equals(Object)");
    private static final Signature STRING_LENGTH =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("int length()");
    private static final Signature STRING_CHAR_AT =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("char charAt(int)");
    private static final Signature FOR_NAME =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("Class forName(String)");
    private static final Signature DOUBLE_TO_LONG_BITS =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("long doubleToLongBits(double)");
    private static final Signature FLOAT_TO_INT_BITS =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("int floatToIntBits(float)");
    private static final Signature TO_STRING =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("String toString()");
    private static final Signature APPEND_STRING =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("StringBuffer append(String)");
    private static final Signature APPEND_INT =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("StringBuffer append(int)");
    private static final Signature APPEND_DOUBLE =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("StringBuffer append(double)");
    private static final Signature APPEND_FLOAT =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("StringBuffer append(float)");
    private static final Signature APPEND_CHAR =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("StringBuffer append(char)");
    private static final Signature APPEND_LONG =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("StringBuffer append(long)");
    private static final Signature APPEND_BOOLEAN =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("StringBuffer append(boolean)");
    private static final Signature LENGTH =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("int length()");
    private static final Signature SET_LENGTH =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("void setLength(int)");
    private static final Signature GET_DECLARED_METHOD =
      TypeUtils.parseSignature("java.lang.reflect.Method getDeclaredMethod(String, Class[])");

    public static final ArrayDelimiters DEFAULT_DELIMITERS = new ArrayDelimiters("{", ", ", "}");

    private EmitUtils() {

    public static void factory_method(ClassEmitter ce, Signature sig) {
        CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, sig, null);

    public static void null_constructor(ClassEmitter ce) {
        CodeEmitter e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, CSTRUCT_NULL, null);
Process an array on the stack. Assumes the top item on the stack is an array of the specified type. For each element in the array, puts the element on the stack and triggers the callback.
  • type – the type of the array (type.isArray() must be true)
  • callback – the callback triggered for each element
/** * Process an array on the stack. Assumes the top item on the stack * is an array of the specified type. For each element in the array, * puts the element on the stack and triggers the callback. * @param type the type of the array (type.isArray() must be true) * @param callback the callback triggered for each element */
public static void process_array(CodeEmitter e, Type type, ProcessArrayCallback callback) { Type componentType = TypeUtils.getComponentType(type); Local array = e.make_local(); Local loopvar = e.make_local(Type.INT_TYPE); Label loopbody = e.make_label(); Label checkloop = e.make_label(); e.store_local(array); e.push(0); e.store_local(loopvar); e.goTo(checkloop); e.mark(loopbody); e.load_local(array); e.load_local(loopvar); e.array_load(componentType); callback.processElement(componentType); e.iinc(loopvar, 1); e.mark(checkloop); e.load_local(loopvar); e.load_local(array); e.arraylength(); e.if_icmp(e.LT, loopbody); }
Process two arrays on the stack in parallel. Assumes the top two items on the stack are arrays of the specified class. The arrays must be the same length. For each pair of elements in the arrays, puts the pair on the stack and triggers the callback.
  • type – the type of the arrays (type.isArray() must be true)
  • callback – the callback triggered for each pair of elements
/** * Process two arrays on the stack in parallel. Assumes the top two items on the stack * are arrays of the specified class. The arrays must be the same length. For each pair * of elements in the arrays, puts the pair on the stack and triggers the callback. * @param type the type of the arrays (type.isArray() must be true) * @param callback the callback triggered for each pair of elements */
public static void process_arrays(CodeEmitter e, Type type, ProcessArrayCallback callback) { Type componentType = TypeUtils.getComponentType(type); Local array1 = e.make_local(); Local array2 = e.make_local(); Local loopvar = e.make_local(Type.INT_TYPE); Label loopbody = e.make_label(); Label checkloop = e.make_label(); e.store_local(array1); e.store_local(array2); e.push(0); e.store_local(loopvar); e.goTo(checkloop); e.mark(loopbody); e.load_local(array1); e.load_local(loopvar); e.array_load(componentType); e.load_local(array2); e.load_local(loopvar); e.array_load(componentType); callback.processElement(componentType); e.iinc(loopvar, 1); e.mark(checkloop); e.load_local(loopvar); e.load_local(array1); e.arraylength(); e.if_icmp(e.LT, loopbody); } public static void string_switch(CodeEmitter e, String[] strings, int switchStyle, ObjectSwitchCallback callback) { try { switch (switchStyle) { case Constants.SWITCH_STYLE_TRIE: string_switch_trie(e, strings, callback); break; case Constants.SWITCH_STYLE_HASH: string_switch_hash(e, strings, callback, false); break; case Constants.SWITCH_STYLE_HASHONLY: string_switch_hash(e, strings, callback, true); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown switch style " + switchStyle); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Error ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CodeGenerationException(ex); } } private static void string_switch_trie(final CodeEmitter e, String[] strings, final ObjectSwitchCallback callback) throws Exception { final Label def = e.make_label(); final Label end = e.make_label(); final Map buckets = CollectionUtils.bucket(Arrays.asList(strings), new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object value) { return new Integer(((String)value).length()); } }); e.dup(); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING, STRING_LENGTH); e.process_switch(getSwitchKeys(buckets), new ProcessSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(int key, Label ignore_end) throws Exception { List bucket = (List)buckets.get(new Integer(key)); stringSwitchHelper(e, bucket, callback, def, end, 0); } public void processDefault() { e.goTo(def); } }); e.mark(def); e.pop(); callback.processDefault(); e.mark(end); } private static void stringSwitchHelper(final CodeEmitter e, List strings, final ObjectSwitchCallback callback, final Label def, final Label end, final int index) throws Exception { final int len = ((String)strings.get(0)).length(); final Map buckets = CollectionUtils.bucket(strings, new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object value) { return new Integer(((String)value).charAt(index)); } }); e.dup(); e.push(index); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING, STRING_CHAR_AT); e.process_switch(getSwitchKeys(buckets), new ProcessSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(int key, Label ignore_end) throws Exception { List bucket = (List)buckets.get(new Integer(key)); if (index + 1 == len) { e.pop(); callback.processCase(bucket.get(0), end); } else { stringSwitchHelper(e, bucket, callback, def, end, index + 1); } } public void processDefault() { e.goTo(def); } }); } static int[] getSwitchKeys(Map buckets) { int[] keys = new int[buckets.size()]; int index = 0; for (Iterator it = buckets.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { keys[index++] = ((Integer)it.next()).intValue(); } Arrays.sort(keys); return keys; } private static void string_switch_hash(final CodeEmitter e, final String[] strings, final ObjectSwitchCallback callback, final boolean skipEquals) throws Exception { final Map buckets = CollectionUtils.bucket(Arrays.asList(strings), new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object value) { return new Integer(value.hashCode()); } }); final Label def = e.make_label(); final Label end = e.make_label(); e.dup(); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, HASH_CODE); e.process_switch(getSwitchKeys(buckets), new ProcessSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(int key, Label ignore_end) throws Exception { List bucket = (List)buckets.get(new Integer(key)); Label next = null; if (skipEquals && bucket.size() == 1) { if (skipEquals) e.pop(); callback.processCase((String)bucket.get(0), end); } else { for (Iterator it = bucket.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String string = (String)it.next(); if (next != null) { e.mark(next); } if (it.hasNext()) { e.dup(); } e.push(string); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, EQUALS); if (it.hasNext()) { e.if_jump(e.EQ, next = e.make_label()); e.pop(); } else { e.if_jump(e.EQ, def); } callback.processCase(string, end); } } } public void processDefault() { e.pop(); } }); e.mark(def); callback.processDefault(); e.mark(end); } public static void load_class_this(CodeEmitter e) { load_class_helper(e, e.getClassEmitter().getClassType()); } public static void load_class(CodeEmitter e, Type type) { if (TypeUtils.isPrimitive(type)) { if (type == Type.VOID_TYPE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot load void type"); } e.getstatic(TypeUtils.getBoxedType(type), "TYPE", Constants.TYPE_CLASS); } else { load_class_helper(e, type); } } private static void load_class_helper(CodeEmitter e, final Type type) { if (e.isStaticHook()) { // have to fall back on non-optimized load e.push(TypeUtils.emulateClassGetName(type)); e.invoke_static(Constants.TYPE_CLASS, FOR_NAME); } else { ClassEmitter ce = e.getClassEmitter(); String typeName = TypeUtils.emulateClassGetName(type); // TODO: can end up with duplicated field names when using chained transformers; incorporate static hook # somehow String fieldName = "CGLIB$load_class$" + TypeUtils.escapeType(typeName); if (!ce.isFieldDeclared(fieldName)) { ce.declare_field(Constants.PRIVATE_FINAL_STATIC, fieldName, Constants.TYPE_CLASS, null); CodeEmitter hook = ce.getStaticHook(); hook.push(typeName); hook.invoke_static(Constants.TYPE_CLASS, FOR_NAME); hook.putstatic(ce.getClassType(), fieldName, Constants.TYPE_CLASS); } e.getfield(fieldName); } } public static void push_array(CodeEmitter e, Object[] array) { e.push(array.length); e.newarray(Type.getType(remapComponentType(array.getClass().getComponentType()))); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { e.dup(); e.push(i); push_object(e, array[i]); e.aastore(); } } private static Class remapComponentType(Class componentType) { if (componentType.equals(Type.class)) return Class.class; return componentType; } public static void push_object(CodeEmitter e, Object obj) { if (obj == null) { e.aconst_null(); } else { Class type = obj.getClass(); if (type.isArray()) { push_array(e, (Object[])obj); } else if (obj instanceof String) { e.push((String)obj); } else if (obj instanceof Type) { load_class(e, (Type)obj); } else if (obj instanceof Class) { load_class(e, Type.getType((Class)obj)); } else if (obj instanceof BigInteger) { e.new_instance(Constants.TYPE_BIG_INTEGER); e.dup(); e.push(obj.toString()); e.invoke_constructor(Constants.TYPE_BIG_INTEGER); } else if (obj instanceof BigDecimal) { e.new_instance(Constants.TYPE_BIG_DECIMAL); e.dup(); e.push(obj.toString()); e.invoke_constructor(Constants.TYPE_BIG_DECIMAL); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown type: " + obj.getClass()); } } }
Deprecated:use hash_code(CodeEmitter, Type, int, CustomizerRegistry) instead
/** * @deprecated use {@link #hash_code(CodeEmitter, Type, int, CustomizerRegistry)} instead */
@Deprecated public static void hash_code(CodeEmitter e, Type type, int multiplier, final Customizer customizer) { hash_code(e, type, multiplier, CustomizerRegistry.singleton(customizer)); } public static void hash_code(CodeEmitter e, Type type, int multiplier, final CustomizerRegistry registry) { if (TypeUtils.isArray(type)) { hash_array(e, type, multiplier, registry); } else { e.swap(Type.INT_TYPE, type); e.push(multiplier); e.math(e.MUL, Type.INT_TYPE); e.swap(type, Type.INT_TYPE); if (TypeUtils.isPrimitive(type)) { hash_primitive(e, type); } else { hash_object(e, type, registry); } e.math(e.ADD, Type.INT_TYPE); } } private static void hash_array(final CodeEmitter e, Type type, final int multiplier, final CustomizerRegistry registry) { Label skip = e.make_label(); Label end = e.make_label(); e.dup(); e.ifnull(skip); EmitUtils.process_array(e, type, new ProcessArrayCallback() { public void processElement(Type type) { hash_code(e, type, multiplier, registry); } }); e.goTo(end); e.mark(skip); e.pop(); e.mark(end); } private static void hash_object(CodeEmitter e, Type type, CustomizerRegistry registry) { // (f == null) ? 0 : f.hashCode(); Label skip = e.make_label(); Label end = e.make_label(); e.dup(); e.ifnull(skip); boolean customHashCode = false; for (HashCodeCustomizer customizer : registry.get(HashCodeCustomizer.class)) { if (customizer.customize(e, type)) { customHashCode = true; break; } } if (!customHashCode) { for (Customizer customizer : registry.get(Customizer.class)) { customizer.customize(e, type); } e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, HASH_CODE); } e.goTo(end); e.mark(skip); e.pop(); e.push(0); e.mark(end); } private static void hash_primitive(CodeEmitter e, Type type) { switch (type.getSort()) { case Type.BOOLEAN: // f ? 0 : 1 e.push(1); e.math(e.XOR, Type.INT_TYPE); break; case Type.FLOAT: // Float.floatToIntBits(f) e.invoke_static(Constants.TYPE_FLOAT, FLOAT_TO_INT_BITS); break; case Type.DOUBLE: // Double.doubleToLongBits(f), hash_code(Long.TYPE) e.invoke_static(Constants.TYPE_DOUBLE, DOUBLE_TO_LONG_BITS); // fall through case Type.LONG: hash_long(e); } } private static void hash_long(CodeEmitter e) { // (int)(f ^ (f >>> 32)) e.dup2(); e.push(32); e.math(e.USHR, Type.LONG_TYPE); e.math(e.XOR, Type.LONG_TYPE); e.cast_numeric(Type.LONG_TYPE, Type.INT_TYPE); } // public static void not_equals(CodeEmitter e, Type type, Label notEquals) { // not_equals(e, type, notEquals, null); // }
Deprecated:use not_equals(CodeEmitter, Type, Label, CustomizerRegistry) instead
/** * @deprecated use {@link #not_equals(CodeEmitter, Type, Label, CustomizerRegistry)} instead */
@Deprecated public static void not_equals(CodeEmitter e, Type type, final Label notEquals, final Customizer customizer) { not_equals(e, type, notEquals, CustomizerRegistry.singleton(customizer)); }
Branches to the specified label if the top two items on the stack are not equal. The items must both be of the specified class. Equality is determined by comparing primitive values directly and by invoking the equals method for Objects. Arrays are recursively processed in the same manner.
/** * Branches to the specified label if the top two items on the stack * are not equal. The items must both be of the specified * class. Equality is determined by comparing primitive values * directly and by invoking the <code>equals</code> method for * Objects. Arrays are recursively processed in the same manner. */
public static void not_equals(final CodeEmitter e, Type type, final Label notEquals, final CustomizerRegistry registry) { (new ProcessArrayCallback() { public void processElement(Type type) { not_equals_helper(e, type, notEquals, registry, this); } }).processElement(type); } private static void not_equals_helper(CodeEmitter e, Type type, Label notEquals, CustomizerRegistry registry, ProcessArrayCallback callback) { if (TypeUtils.isPrimitive(type)) { e.if_cmp(type, e.NE, notEquals); } else { Label end = e.make_label(); nullcmp(e, notEquals, end); if (TypeUtils.isArray(type)) { Label checkContents = e.make_label(); e.dup2(); e.arraylength(); e.swap(); e.arraylength(); e.if_icmp(e.EQ, checkContents); e.pop2(); e.goTo(notEquals); e.mark(checkContents); EmitUtils.process_arrays(e, type, callback); } else { List<Customizer> customizers = registry.get(Customizer.class); if (!customizers.isEmpty()) { for (Customizer customizer : customizers) { customizer.customize(e, type); } e.swap(); for (Customizer customizer : customizers) { customizer.customize(e, type); } } e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, EQUALS); e.if_jump(e.EQ, notEquals); } e.mark(end); } }
If both objects on the top of the stack are non-null, does nothing. If one is null, or both are null, both are popped off and execution branches to the respective label.
  • oneNull – label to branch to if only one of the objects is null
  • bothNull – label to branch to if both of the objects are null
/** * If both objects on the top of the stack are non-null, does nothing. * If one is null, or both are null, both are popped off and execution * branches to the respective label. * @param oneNull label to branch to if only one of the objects is null * @param bothNull label to branch to if both of the objects are null */
private static void nullcmp(CodeEmitter e, Label oneNull, Label bothNull) { e.dup2(); Label nonNull = e.make_label(); Label oneNullHelper = e.make_label(); Label end = e.make_label(); e.ifnonnull(nonNull); e.ifnonnull(oneNullHelper); e.pop2(); e.goTo(bothNull); e.mark(nonNull); e.ifnull(oneNullHelper); e.goTo(end); e.mark(oneNullHelper); e.pop2(); e.goTo(oneNull); e.mark(end); } /* public static void to_string(CodeEmitter e, Type type, ArrayDelimiters delims, CustomizerRegistry registry) { e.new_instance(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER); e.dup(); e.invoke_constructor(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER); e.swap(); append_string(e, type, delims, registry); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, TO_STRING); } */
Deprecated:use append_string(CodeEmitter, Type, ArrayDelimiters, CustomizerRegistry) instead
/** * @deprecated use {@link #append_string(CodeEmitter, Type, ArrayDelimiters, CustomizerRegistry)} instead */
@Deprecated public static void append_string(final CodeEmitter e, Type type, final ArrayDelimiters delims, final Customizer customizer) { append_string(e, type, delims, CustomizerRegistry.singleton(customizer)); } public static void append_string(final CodeEmitter e, Type type, final ArrayDelimiters delims, final CustomizerRegistry registry) { final ArrayDelimiters d = (delims != null) ? delims : DEFAULT_DELIMITERS; ProcessArrayCallback callback = new ProcessArrayCallback() { public void processElement(Type type) { append_string_helper(e, type, d, registry, this); e.push(d.inside); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_STRING); } }; append_string_helper(e, type, d, registry, callback); } private static void append_string_helper(CodeEmitter e, Type type, ArrayDelimiters delims, CustomizerRegistry registry, ProcessArrayCallback callback) { Label skip = e.make_label(); Label end = e.make_label(); if (TypeUtils.isPrimitive(type)) { switch (type.getSort()) { case Type.INT: case Type.SHORT: case Type.BYTE: e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_INT); break; case Type.DOUBLE: e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_DOUBLE); break; case Type.FLOAT: e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_FLOAT); break; case Type.LONG: e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_LONG); break; case Type.BOOLEAN: e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_BOOLEAN); break; case Type.CHAR: e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_CHAR); break; } } else if (TypeUtils.isArray(type)) { e.dup(); e.ifnull(skip); e.swap(); if (delims != null && delims.before != null && !"".equals(delims.before)) { e.push(delims.before); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_STRING); e.swap(); } EmitUtils.process_array(e, type, callback); shrinkStringBuffer(e, 2); if (delims != null && delims.after != null && !"".equals(delims.after)) { e.push(delims.after); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_STRING); } } else { e.dup(); e.ifnull(skip); for (Customizer customizer : registry.get(Customizer.class)) { customizer.customize(e, type); } e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, TO_STRING); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_STRING); } e.goTo(end); e.mark(skip); e.pop(); e.push("null"); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, APPEND_STRING); e.mark(end); } private static void shrinkStringBuffer(CodeEmitter e, int amt) { e.dup(); e.dup(); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, LENGTH); e.push(amt); e.math(e.SUB, Type.INT_TYPE); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_STRING_BUFFER, SET_LENGTH); } public static class ArrayDelimiters { private String before; private String inside; private String after; public ArrayDelimiters(String before, String inside, String after) { this.before = before; this.inside = inside; this.after = after; } } public static void load_method(CodeEmitter e, MethodInfo method) { load_class(e, method.getClassInfo().getType()); e.push(method.getSignature().getName()); push_object(e, method.getSignature().getArgumentTypes()); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_CLASS, GET_DECLARED_METHOD); } private interface ParameterTyper { Type[] getParameterTypes(MethodInfo member); } public static void method_switch(CodeEmitter e, List methods, ObjectSwitchCallback callback) { member_switch_helper(e, methods, callback, true); } public static void constructor_switch(CodeEmitter e, List constructors, ObjectSwitchCallback callback) { member_switch_helper(e, constructors, callback, false); } private static void member_switch_helper(final CodeEmitter e, List members, final ObjectSwitchCallback callback, boolean useName) { try { final Map cache = new HashMap(); final ParameterTyper cached = new ParameterTyper() { public Type[] getParameterTypes(MethodInfo member) { Type[] types = (Type[])cache.get(member); if (types == null) { cache.put(member, types = member.getSignature().getArgumentTypes()); } return types; } }; final Label def = e.make_label(); final Label end = e.make_label(); if (useName) { e.swap(); final Map buckets = CollectionUtils.bucket(members, new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object value) { return ((MethodInfo)value).getSignature().getName(); } }); String[] names = (String[])buckets.keySet().toArray(new String[buckets.size()]); EmitUtils.string_switch(e, names, Constants.SWITCH_STYLE_HASH, new ObjectSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(Object key, Label dontUseEnd) throws Exception { member_helper_size(e, (List)buckets.get(key), callback, cached, def, end); } public void processDefault() throws Exception { e.goTo(def); } }); } else { member_helper_size(e, members, callback, cached, def, end); } e.mark(def); e.pop(); callback.processDefault(); e.mark(end); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Error ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CodeGenerationException(ex); } } private static void member_helper_size(final CodeEmitter e, List members, final ObjectSwitchCallback callback, final ParameterTyper typer, final Label def, final Label end) throws Exception { final Map buckets = CollectionUtils.bucket(members, new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object value) { return new Integer(typer.getParameterTypes((MethodInfo)value).length); } }); e.dup(); e.arraylength(); e.process_switch(EmitUtils.getSwitchKeys(buckets), new ProcessSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(int key, Label dontUseEnd) throws Exception { List bucket = (List)buckets.get(new Integer(key)); member_helper_type(e, bucket, callback, typer, def, end, new BitSet()); } public void processDefault() throws Exception { e.goTo(def); } }); } private static void member_helper_type(final CodeEmitter e, List members, final ObjectSwitchCallback callback, final ParameterTyper typer, final Label def, final Label end, final BitSet checked) throws Exception { if (members.size() == 1) { MethodInfo member = (MethodInfo)members.get(0); Type[] types = typer.getParameterTypes(member); // need to check classes that have not already been checked via switches for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (checked == null || !checked.get(i)) { e.dup(); e.aaload(i); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_CLASS, GET_NAME); e.push(TypeUtils.emulateClassGetName(types[i])); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_OBJECT, EQUALS); e.if_jump(e.EQ, def); } } e.pop(); callback.processCase(member, end); } else { // choose the index that has the best chance of uniquely identifying member Type[] example = typer.getParameterTypes((MethodInfo)members.get(0)); Map buckets = null; int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < example.length; i++) { final int j = i; Map test = CollectionUtils.bucket(members, new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object value) { return TypeUtils.emulateClassGetName(typer.getParameterTypes((MethodInfo)value)[j]); } }); if (buckets == null || test.size() > buckets.size()) { buckets = test; index = i; } } if (buckets == null || buckets.size() == 1) { // TODO: switch by returnType // must have two methods with same name, types, and different return types e.goTo(def); } else { checked.set(index); e.dup(); e.aaload(index); e.invoke_virtual(Constants.TYPE_CLASS, GET_NAME); final Map fbuckets = buckets; String[] names = (String[])buckets.keySet().toArray(new String[buckets.size()]); EmitUtils.string_switch(e, names, Constants.SWITCH_STYLE_HASH, new ObjectSwitchCallback() { public void processCase(Object key, Label dontUseEnd) throws Exception { member_helper_type(e, (List)fbuckets.get(key), callback, typer, def, end, checked); } public void processDefault() throws Exception { e.goTo(def); } }); } } } public static void wrap_throwable(Block block, Type wrapper) { CodeEmitter e = block.getCodeEmitter(); e.catch_exception(block, Constants.TYPE_THROWABLE); e.new_instance(wrapper); e.dup_x1(); e.swap(); e.invoke_constructor(wrapper, CSTRUCT_THROWABLE); e.athrow(); } public static void add_properties(ClassEmitter ce, String[] names, Type[] types) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { String fieldName = "$cglib_prop_" + names[i]; ce.declare_field(Constants.ACC_PRIVATE, fieldName, types[i], null); EmitUtils.add_property(ce, names[i], types[i], fieldName); } } public static void add_property(ClassEmitter ce, String name, Type type, String fieldName) { String property = TypeUtils.upperFirst(name); CodeEmitter e; e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, new Signature("get" + property, type, Constants.TYPES_EMPTY), null); e.load_this(); e.getfield(fieldName); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); e = ce.begin_method(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC, new Signature("set" + property, Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[]{ type }), null); e.load_this(); e.load_arg(0); e.putfield(fieldName); e.return_value(); e.end_method(); } /* generates: } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Error e) { throw e; } catch (<DeclaredException> e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new <Wrapper>(e); } */ public static void wrap_undeclared_throwable(CodeEmitter e, Block handler, Type[] exceptions, Type wrapper) { Set set = (exceptions == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : new HashSet(Arrays.asList(exceptions)); if (set.contains(Constants.TYPE_THROWABLE)) return; boolean needThrow = exceptions != null; if (!set.contains(Constants.TYPE_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION)) { e.catch_exception(handler, Constants.TYPE_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION); needThrow = true; } if (!set.contains(Constants.TYPE_ERROR)) { e.catch_exception(handler, Constants.TYPE_ERROR); needThrow = true; } if (exceptions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) { e.catch_exception(handler, exceptions[i]); } } if (needThrow) { e.athrow(); } // e -> eo -> oeo -> ooe -> o e.catch_exception(handler, Constants.TYPE_THROWABLE); e.new_instance(wrapper); e.dup_x1(); e.swap(); e.invoke_constructor(wrapper, CSTRUCT_THROWABLE); e.athrow(); } public static CodeEmitter begin_method(ClassEmitter e, MethodInfo method) { return begin_method(e, method, method.getModifiers()); } public static CodeEmitter begin_method(ClassEmitter e, MethodInfo method, int access) { return e.begin_method(access, method.getSignature(), method.getExceptionTypes()); } }